Serving the communities of

Ditcheat, and



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Letter from the editors

This Month Hmmm… we clearly need to be careful what we wish for.

100 Club 19 I’m currently sitting in 28˚C, surrounded by a once lush Advertiser Index 58 garden now full of plants beginning to keel over. Alhampton News 5 Tomorrow’s forecast is 32˚C (nearly 90˚F in old money); Alhampton Railwy 6 it won’t only be the plants finding it hard to keep upright. Camelot U3A 31 Church Services 41 It’s so hot you can bake biscuits on your car dashboard Diary Dates 4 and anything sitting in the back seat would suffer the Ditcheat Art Group 20 same fate; it takesDates just twenty for your minutes Diary for temperatures Ditcheat Ch. Rota 54 inside a car to double. Ditcheat P.C. 47

Ditcheat School 14 So, if you need to chill out in the coming months, there’s D. Village Lunch 18 E.P. Church Rota 53 a willow workshop at Pylle on Aug 17th (p36); Happy Is there an event that should be listed here? Please let Dog Show 26 Landings has its Fun Day on Sept 11th (p26); the Baker Fun Run 12 [email protected] know otherwise it’s unlikely to Family is organising a Fun Run in Ditcheat on Sept 18th Garden Section 23 appear here. to raise funds for Child Bereavement UK (p12) and it’s Letter from Lily 13 Local History 25 the start of a round of Harvest Festival celebrations. Mothers' Union 15 Natural World 27 Puzzle Answers 55 And we hope you liked last month’s front cover (a local Puzzle Pages 43 photograph rather than Clip Art, for those not Pylle News 35 aesthetically sensitive.) It’s a style we plan to continue Rendezvous 15 and we would like to invite readers to send in photos that Thank You 32 Theatre Trips 50 have a link to the Benefice – portrait orientation, suitable for an A5 page and not so ‘busy’ that the cover text won’t be clear. You’ll get a credit on the inside page. We look forward to some interesting displays of local talent.

The magazine will reappear with the October issue. Until then, the Team wishes you a wonderful two months. Margy Cockburn Tim Sanders

The Fosse Trinity News is a community magazine. It is financed by advertising and donations. It is delivered FREE to every household in Ditcheat, Alhampton, East Pennard and Pylle. We welcome any contribution from anyone in the community of any age! The editors reserve the right to edit.

th Send copy by 15 of each month to [email protected]

For enquiries about advertising in the magazine, please contact John 01749 860457 or email [email protected] Closing date 10th of each month Cover Picture: © Rose Hubbard


Dates for your Diary

Note: Please check with the event organisers listed below Every Week whether these activities are affected by the Jubilee Hall being closed throughout August. Pilates (9.00) Diana 860224 Tai Chi for Health (10.30) Richard 880308 Mon Clubbercise Fitness (6.30) Kylie 07707 778948 Ditcheat Badminton Club (8.30) James 860355 Ditcheat and Pylle Singers (7.00) Di 07831 289945 Tue Art Group – Fortnightly (10.00) Liz & Stewart 860755 Ditcheat Badminton Club (2.00) James 860355 Wed Ditcheat Short Mat Bowls (7.00) Martin 860780 Ditcheat and Pylle Singers (7.00) Di 07831 289945 Thu Keep Fit (9.15) Diana 860224 Fri Pilates (9.15) Mo 07815 748518

August 2016 Fri 12th 8:00 Bat Walk Bridget 860240 Wed 17th 8:00* *=reserve date Wed 17th Pylle Willow Workshop Page 36 Wed 31st Pylle Ladies Page 35

September 2016 Tue 13th Rendezvous Diana 860224 Sun 18th Child Bereavement UK Fun Run Page 12 Fri 23rd Pylle Harvest Supper Page 35 Tue 27th Ditcheat Village Lunch Page 18 Fri 30th Camelot U3A Page 31

November 2016 Wed 16th 12:30 Ditcheat School Community Meal Richard 860329

Is there an event that should be listed here? Please let [email protected] know otherwise it’s unlikely to appear here.


Alhampton News.

Weren’t we fortunate with the weather for the village party. For days beforehand forecasts of various types had been consulted with hopes swinging one way and another. In the end it was a dry, sunny day and when it got to the stage that it was almost too hot, the sky obliged by clouding over. I am glad I live in this kind of village. A casual conversation in the pub leads to an event like this with the chance to chat to all sorts of people that one often only sees in passing. Thanks are due to so many but, particularly, to Stephen and Jinny Wessel, for welcoming us to their lovely garden, and to Mark Curtis, who looked after the transport of tables. And also to all the people who helped set up and brought along such a feast to share. Everybody helped so no-one was left with too much to do.

After a conversation the other day, Linda Stalley dug out her booklet of memories of Alhampton, produced in 2009, which records a conversation between three residents who had lived in Alhampton nearly all their lives. She used her legendary powers of persuasion with her former employers, Harris and Harris, Solicitors, and they kindly printed 75 more copies; they will be on sale for £1 in aid of Alhampton Chapel. We were also looking at her ‘millennium album’, when she photographed nearly all the residents of the village at their front doors, and commenting on the number of changes in the last 16 years. She had both of these at the party for people to buy/look at but I am sure, if you missed it and are interested, she would be glad to show you. Contact her on 860426. Further to the bird life reports in last month’s issue, we saw a spotted flycatcher at the pub the other day. It obviously had a nest in the creeper at the front of the pub. I don’t remember seeing one so clearly for years.

Alhamptonians meet, as always, on the first Thursday of each month. Someone is always at the pub from about 8.15 but feel free to come as early or late as you like and stay for as long or short a time. I understand we have new management at the pub – welcome to the village and best wishes from all of us. We are lucky to have a pub so support it if you can.

The History of the Alhampton Miniature Railway

Back in the mid-1960s, when studying in London, my daily walk took me past a small shop, just off Sloane Square, that fascinated me. This was no ordinary shop; the window display and everything glimpsed beyond comprised a collection of miniature steam locomotives of every type and scale, together with related bits and pieces such as valves, tools and trucks to ride on. No cake shop in the world could have seemed so beguiling to an impoverished young lad of mechanical bent uninspired by his very dull degree course. One day I plucked


up the courage to go in. The genial owner, no doubt recognising the type, steered me past the enormous Royal Scott (all 10 feet of it) to an engine he said I could build in a small workshop. Once running, he told me, this little machine would pull me and several others along a track and give years of pleasure.

I bought the drawings and a set of heavy pieces of cast iron for the wheels and cylinder blocks, copper sheet for the boiler and numerous screws. Some years later it was finished, proving to my parents that the childhood struggles with Meccano had not been in vain. Locomotives in those days didn’t come as kits, you had to build everything from scratch.

At this time I had little interest in railways so the engine sat in a box being put out on display just occasionally. Eventually it was spotted by a friend and his passion for railways opened my eyes to possibilities now that I had a small garden in Herefordshire. Sadly his enthusiasm didn’t extend to hard work with a shovel but, somehow, a little railway was built, together with a couple of small waggons and the engine, and the shop owner’s prediction came true.

The move to Alhampton in 1994 meant the railway would have to be rebuilt and I had already started construction of a much larger steam locomotive of my own design having little idea of where it could be run, if at all. There are many considerations involved in moving house and choosing a suitable site for a garden railway was definitely not top of the list! After about 3 years I made a tentative start but we

6 had inherited a rather lovely garden which had not asked to be despoiled by a long scar around it. I needed a justification for this vandalism. Mine was a bit thin.

The project was saved by two things: the gradual accumulation of grandchildren and the rampant efforts of Mother Nature to speedily hide my “glorious works”. By the time much of the track had been laid, I very luckily acquired new friends and many offers of help to finish it. My wife, Jinny, realised the railway offered new gardening opportunities so we put in new hedges and began developing parts of the garden that would be seen from the trains. Although there was great excitement at every stage, I never quite got rid of the feeling of self-indulgence; money had to be found and hours of back-breaking toil undertaken, all for the sake of… a toy? This is philosophical territory creative people often struggle with. Older now, I just laugh.

The track is built to a standard gauge of 5” and extends just over 1/3 mile. Smaller gauges are unstable at ground level for haulage of real passengers while the larger gauges of 7.25” and 10.25” entail a very large increase in size and weight of locos and rolling stock. The rail is aluminium - it can be easily curved, is kind to wheels and doesn’t rust. This is laid on wooden sleepers, mostly creosoted softwood. The track panels are screwed down to a thin concrete “ribbon” that keeps the whole structure stable.

We have three steel bridges all constructed from galvanised angle salvaged from our disused tennis court. The 20-yard tunnel is a brick-lined one set on a gentle curve so it is dark inside. The steep 1-in-50 climb forces engines to work hard, ensuring plenty of steamy atmosphere.


The locomotive, now 20 years old, was named “Marquess of Alhampton”. I also have a home-built electric loco used mainly for teaching the children how to drive a real train. They generally start aged 3. By 5 or 6 they just about understand the difficult concepts of keeping a steady speed and braking. They can earn a Certificate of Competence by 8 (signed by the Fat Controller) after a, usually hilarious, test involving emergency stops etc. But there’s no mucking about; they have to take it seriously and they do. Steam is a very different matter but I introduce it as soon as they can reach the controls.

We first opened to the village for our millennium celebrations in 2000. This went down so well that the railway has since become an integral part of the Fete. Various friends either bring their own engines or help with station duties such as controlling train movements, ensuring top-ups of coal and water, punching tickets and easing the fear of nervous passengers. I couldn’t manage it on my own.

Another annual event, chiefly for the steam aficionados, is the “scale day”. The last meeting saw 7 engines and about 30 scale waggons of many types, from all over the country. Goods trains are assembled by complicated shunting, then set off slowly down the line. Unlike the indoor model railway, the sounds and smells of the larger scale lend an air of nostalgic authenticity. These enthusiasts can run my railway better than I do so I let them get on with it and ensure supplies of tea.

Many visitors remark on how they lose orientation when taking a ride. This is, of course, deliberate, making the journey seem longer and more exciting. They see the garden from a new perspective viewing parts that cannot be reached easily by foot, while the tunnel carries them magically from one type of landscape to a completely different one. The railway, like all others, is a thin thread of civilisation cutting through the wilderness.

If you haven’t yet visited us come to next year’s Fete. Stephen Wessel




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Ditcheat Weather - Jun 2016

June, flaming June - not flaming likely! This was supposed to be the first month of summer… well somebody is not reading the script. Rainfall hit the headlines this month, in fact June was the wettest month this year with 133.4mm, almost 4 times the value for June last year!

Thunderstorms were frequent throughout the UK and on the 17th we had a storm that (according to long-term residents in the area) was the worst in memory. Power drops were frequent and, for some people, extended. Other people sadly were flooded out of their homes. Our central heating programmer was damaged and I heard of people with computer issues and one resident with a flooded car engine.

Just over 25mm (1”) of rain fell in a 90-minute period. Nearly 100mm (4”) of rain falling in the 7 days from 13-20th. When thunderstorms are in the area I use a web-based tracking page to show the strikes. What was interesting was to see how slowly the storm moved and how the strikes were concentrated along the line of the A37. festival site was a quagmire, with vehicles having to be towed ONTO site, which created huge traffic problems on the Weds and Thurs prior.

Temperatures were down too, the max being 4 degrees down on last year. Although, nationally, averages were slightly up on recent years.

Oddly - wind was slightly less when compared with the 2 previous years, which may explain why the rain hung around for so long.

Sunshine was also scarce, our panels managed just 75% of predicted output, nationally sunshine was 81% of that expected. We have 2 months left before Autumn arrives – let’s hope summer starts soon. Geoff Webber

June Max Min >20c < 10c rain wet wind deg c deg c days nights total days run miles

2016 24.2 8.2 8 21 133.4 19 1185.9

2015 28.1 4.8 13 16 35.8 8 1760.4

2014 25.7 7.8 20 24 48.0 8 1255.3

Live weather …


Do you Dare to Run in Ditcheat? It's not just the horses to be put through their paces this summer....

On Sunday 18th September, The Baker family is delighted to present a Charity Fun Run, Cake Sale, Raffle and BBQ in Ditcheat, Somerset. This promises to be a wonderful day out for all the family, so please do come along to run, or show your support by enjoying a BBQ and some cake!

Schedule of the day: 10.30: Number collection in Village Hall 11.00: Warm-up to music in Village Hall 11.15: 'Caroline's Cross Country Race' - This is a 5km fun run. Expect a mixed terrain of gallops, road, farm tracks and grass! 11.20: 'Dominic's Ditcheat Dash' - This 1 mile fun run involves a bit of gallops, road and tracks - perfect for children or the more relaxed runners! 12.00: BBQ lunch in the Manor Inn, face painting, cake sales and lots more family fun

Entry Cost (This includes entry to the run and a BBQ lunch at The Manor Inn) £5 per child (14 or under) £8 per adult

Parking will be available in Maryland Cheese Factory car park.

To the runners out there, please could you enter in advance, if possible, as places on the day will be limited. Entry and sponsorship forms can be downloaded from the FTN website:

All money raised will go to Child Bereavement UK - a charity which supports families and children who have faced, or are facing, bereavement. This cause is one very close to the Baker Family's hearts and we look forward to seeing you all turn out to support a worthy cause.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Danielle at [email protected] or call Sarah on 07851 434286


A further woof from Lily Hello everyone,

I hear lots of you liked my last piece so, for all my fans, here’s another contribution – it should keep the editor quiet!

I’m very excited because I’ve just come back from an actual service in Ditcheat Church. You don’t believe me – well look at the evidence with your own eyes! A very nice lady called Eleanor took the picture and I must say it is rather good – of me anyway … It was a Tuesday communion service: not many there – where were you all? I didn’t much like the hymn-singing: went right through my head! In fact I liked giving the Peace best; so I went round several times after everyone else had finished – but they didn’t seem to mind. I was very interested that my master gave everyone a sort of thin biscuit; not sure what they were like because he gave me my usual mini-bonio. That’s certainly nice! [Especially as I was not allowed to go to Rendezvous – pity; I like cake.]

I hope you all enjoy your holidays. Personally I am not very keen; much prefer to stay at home. And I do not like going in kennels, so occasionally when master and mistress go abroad, a very nice girl comes to stay with me and takes me out for walks. And talking about walks, after the service we went off to Haddon Wood for a stroll. When are those trees going to grow, I ask myself?

See you again,

Lily xx

Waste Not, Want Not If you have anything you are thinking of throwing out, that someone else may get use out of , then advertise it on this page. No money changes hands. If, after a while, no one has been in contact, then you throw it out.

Kenwood Food Processor FP 700 - with mixer and dough blade, whisk, various graters, citrus extractor and spice mill. Contact Margy 860611.


Ditcheat School

Year 6 children worked with the Ditcheat Art club to produce work based on the artist William Morris.

Two year 6 children were nominated for the Anne Frank writing competition.

And a bit of forward planning - the school will be holding its termly community meal at 12.30 pm on Wednesday 16th November.


The next meeting of our new Shepton mobile Mothers' Union Deanery Group is on Thursday 11 August at 3pm. We will be meeting in the Chapel at the Bishop's Palace, Wells, and our worship will be led by Ann Roberts, the Palace Pastor. This will be followed by a cream tea at the Bishop's Table cafe. You will not need to pay the entrance fee for the Palace to join us in the Chapel, but so that the Bishop's Table have an idea of the number of teas needed, could you please let us know if you are coming by contacting either myself, (01749 671456) or the Mothers' Union office (01749 685131) or [email protected]

All are very welcome to come along and join us. Lynn Rendell

On Thursday 21st July, 2.30 pm. , members invited the St. Dunstan's MU to join them for a history talk concerning St. Nicholas’ Church, followed by afternoon tea. The next meeting is arranged for Thursday 8th September, 2.30pm, at Church Room, when Mrs. Hills will be the guest speaker. Her talk is entitled: 'There's more to Kenya than Coffee.' All existing members, new members and friends, most welcome. Jill Done



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The Village Lunch is held on the last Tuesday of the month in the Jubilee Hall at 12.30pm.

`xÇâ yÉÜ EJà{ fxÑàxÅuxÜ

Herbed Pork Fillet Beef Lasagne Spanakhopitas Pie (greek spinach) ~~~~~ Selection of Puddings ~~~~~ Tea or Coffee. ∂GACC ÑxÜ ÑxÜáÉÇA

If you would like to come let either Jessica Leach (860205) or Vee Lees (860542) know by the previous Wednesday, (21st). There will be a raffle as usual - any prizes will be welcome.


Ditcheat Village Lunch - The Queen’s birthday

The Special Celebration Buffet for the Queen's 90th Birthday was a right royal occasion for those who went. After a glass of bubbly, a beeline was made to the Buffet - and what a sight it was. A row of tables, laden with meats, fish, nut roast and a great variety of salads; it was impossible to fit it all on to one’s own plate. The feasting ended with the unveiling of a selection of beautifully decorated cakes, each sporting a Union Jack.

Enormous thanks are due to those who made this occasion so memorable. So, thank you so very much. Michael Rodd

More than 30 people enjoyed the fantastic buffet created by the superb Village Lunch ladies. Joan Ward treated us with a number of her delicious sponge cakes all bedecked with the union flag.

The village lunch is held on the last Tuesday of the month, and is a great opportunity to sit with fellow residents and enjoy some lovely grub! All are welcome to attend.

There is a break for the summer, we reconvene in September.

100 Club

There will be no 100 Club draw in August as the Jubilee Hall will be closed throughout August. Therefore, there will be two draws on September 13th at Rendezvous.


Ditcheat Art Group

Ditcheat Art Group meets twice a month, on a Tuesday, from 10-3. We are a mix of people with varying levels of ‘artiness’ who are interested in exploring art themes and use a variety of media.

We take it in turns to lead the group or provide ideas. We occasionally have visiting artists who teach and share their particular skills.

In June we invited the Year 6 pupils of Ditcheat Primary School to work with us for a morning. The theme was William Morris and it was a lovely opportunity to share the learning process with young people. A jolly good morning was had by all. In July we had the chance to go outside and paint ‘En Plein Air’. We were very kindly invited to use the splendid views at Pylle Rectory - we discovered the vista when some of us took part in The Pylle Pageant. We had a wonderful day painting and drawing the house, gardens and stunning distant views.

You don't have to be able to come to every session - so if you want to release the “Art Beast” within and are interested in joining or finding out more about the group - please contact Liz or Stewart Gould - 860755.


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Gardening It saddens me to have to write the words ‘late summer’ to describe August and September in the garden. It is yet another drizzly day as I write this in early July. Summer thus far has been rather disappointing. Let’s hope it improves. Despite the rain the ground is very dry and the borders are suffering badly. The vegetables seem to have survived and are doing particularly well this year. As for my disaster area, namely the lawn, it is a very sorry sight. Having spread a ‘weed and feed’ product it has taken on desert qualities and I have lost count of the number of barrow loads of thatch I have taken to the dump. The next job will be to re-seed it and see what happens. It can’t get worse!!

The flower border often tends to look a bit sad during August and September with the first flush of blooms over. Continue to deadhead regularly as this can encourage new growth. Take cuttings from less hardy perennials, such as pelargonium, osteospermum, dianthus and helianthemum. Divide iris and collect seed from other perennials for sowing as they become available.

September is a good month for assessing the borders and splitting any perennials that may have become rather congested and outgrown their space. One day it would be really good to set up a ‘Plant Swap’ stall in the village. No money need change hands, just unwanted plants.

Whilst making spaces in the garden, it is also a good time to plant new shrubs. The soil is nice and warm from the summer and anything planted now will have time to establish before the colder weather arrives. Make a note now that the best time to plant bare root trees is during the months of November to March. I am really looking forward to a guided tour of a research Trust in Devon in September. I have used it for years to supply fruit trees to clients – It runs out of supplies at an alarming rate, but the variety on offer is brilliant.

Bulbs for next year can be ordered. I say it every year, but if anyone is interested in some interesting varieties, my order usually goes in during September. For those of you who admired my black and white tulips last year, the varieties are Tulipa ‘Queen of Night’ and Tulipa ‘White Triumphator’ and the narcissi were ‘Petrel’. The latter has multiple flowers on a smallish stem and smells divine. Take a look at some of the out of the ordinary alliums such as ‘Ambassador’ and perhaps ‘Camassia’ which is delightful and can cope with shade. If you need any advice just send an email or give me a call.

Narcissi and other bulbs should be planted out by October, but tulips can wait until as late as November.


As mentioned above, the vegetable patch has been a delight. It seems the sonic boom installed earlier this year has had an effect. I still have caterpillars and there is something that likes munching my yellow courgettes (not the green) but apart from that all seems well. The first attempt at cauliflower has been very successful and I can thoroughly recommend it roasted. Toss florets in some olive oil, cumin, turmeric and a dash of chilli. When thoroughly coated put in a baking tray in the oven for about 30 mins or so until it is slightly crispy on the edges and cooked through. Delicious. By the way, Bengrove Market Garden – organic vegetable growers – sell fresh turmeric (plus all sorts of other goodies) at Castle Cary Market every Tuesday.

The vegetable patch is mainly about harvesting at this time of year, but you can also plant out Autumn onions, garlic, Spring cabbage and broad beans to name just a few. To encourage Brussel sprouts to develop, cut off the top of the stem. This will encourage the individual sprouts to swell. It also tastes really good as a cabbage substitute. Support larger brassicas, such as kale, with stakes to avoid them toppling over in the winds. Peaches and nectarines can also be planted now to take advantage of the warmer soil.

Continue weeding to get on top of things before the winter. The garden here is infested with bindweed. I have resorted to painting. When I see the smallest evidence of the little blighter I put a small stick (no bigger than a knitting needle) right next to it and allow it to start climbing up the stick rather than my plants. When there are a few leaves I paint it with a concentrated systemic weed killer. It is very laborious, but hopefully more effective than pulling out just some of the weed. Whatever remains in the ground produces a brand new plant. Underground spaghetti!

The greenhouse is still fairly full with herbs at various stages of development for the market: tomatoes, chilli, peppers and aubergine. The herb stock now includes French tarragon, variegated sage, Winter savoury, coriander, marjorum and rosemary. At the time of writing this (in July) there is still some lavender, Greek basil, Summer savoury, parsley and crimson basil available. Just give me a call if you are interested. When I get a chance to get rid of some of the stock the greenhouse will need a jolly good clean. There are spectacular cob webs at the highest points and the outer glass is looking really green and unwashed!!

Happy Gardening T: 01749 860850 E: [email protected]


Come and see a bit of local history

In the course of moving recently, Michael Walsh discovered several boxes of sermons, given in Ditcheat and the surrounding area, by members of the Leir family, during the 18th and 19th century. Hand written they are a fascinating insight into the life of the church at that time. The hope is that they can be stored at the Record Office in Taunton for safekeeping, but the PCC would like to give local people the opportunity to see them beforehand. They will therefore be available for viewing in St. Mary Magdalene, Ditcheat on the Harvest Festival weekend of October 1st and 2nd from 12.00 – 4.00 on the Saturday and 10.30 until 1.00 on the Sunday, following the service. We will be serving refreshments on both days.

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The Natural World

Most people’s only encounter with dormice is through having read the book, or watched the film, of Alice in Wonderland, where the dormouse falls asleep constantly, and has to be woken at regular intervals. There’s a lot more to dormice than that, though. In the UK, these charming little golden creatures are pretty much confined to the South of and the Welsh marshes, with just a few pockets in the Midlands. They favour hazel trees for their nuts, hence their full name of hazel dormouse, and they are the only remaining creatures in the genus muscardinus, so they have no living relatives. The edible dormouse, which was introduced to Britain by the Romans, is a completely different species altogether and the two share the name only because they look similar and spend similar amounts of time in hibernation.

We are quite lucky in Somerset, as there are several areas where hazel dormice can be found, but they are well guarded, and monitored. The southern slopes of the Mendip Hills provide ideal habitat, with hazel nuts aplenty and lots of blackberries, and dormice just love blackberries. Their diet is quite varied, though, and they will also eat hornbeam and blackthorn fruit where hazel is scarce. Occasionally they will vary their diet with young leaves, and flowers which provide nectar and pollen, and they will also eat insects found on food-source trees, particularly aphids and caterpillars.

The chances of actually seeing a dormouse are somewhat remote, as they spend most of their waking hours in the treetops searching for food, and their waking hours are predominantly during the hours of darkness. Even well-known naturalist Bill Oddie says that he has only ever seen one dormouse in the wild. I have never seen one at all.


Most wild rodent species have very sharp teeth, and dormice are no exception. Unlike most rodents, they are quite placid when handled, and unlikely to bite the handler.

They do leave a few tell-tale signs to let you know that they are about, and the most obvious is a hazelnut with a hole in it. Most nut eaters will crush a nut to get at the contents, or leave an untidy hole, but the dormouse cuts a very clean round hole with parallel teeth marks.

Before dormice hibernate, in late October or early November, they will almost double their weight to sustain them during their sleep, and then they will take refuge low down in hazel stools, log piles, under piles of leaves, or, these days, in nest boxes provided by conservationists. On waking they will construct a new nest from shredded honeysuckle bark, fresh leaves and grasses. There seems to be an air of romance in everything about the dormouse.

The hazel dormouse can live up to five years, longer than most rodents which don’t hibernate completely. With a few exceptions, rodents simply go into what is known as torpor, and can wake from time to time for a quick snack, but dormice are professionals when it comes to hibernation. They can go into a complete hibernation from October to April, or even May. If the weather turns cold or damp in summer, they will lapse back into sleep, to conserve energy, but not as deeply as in winter. However, they can sleep more than three quarters of their lives away. To paraphrase the dormouse from Alice in Wonderland “I breathe when I sleep” is the same thing as ”I sleep when I breathe”!’

If you want to see a dormouse, you had better hurry up, because they will all be going to bed again quite soon.

Stewart Gould Email: [email protected]


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The Wildlife Group Update

Visit to Yeo Valley Garden The interesting and, in places, quite quirky design, with some great plant combinations, made it a very enjoyable visit. It did help illustrate the connection between our efforts at home gardening and including wildlife into our living spaces. It is a certified organic garden and therefore naturally wildlife friendly.

To help illustrate this we saw green manuring in action and, continuing the gardeners’ basic needs theme, we saw slug control ideas on display; slug traps, copper barriers & eelworms are used. We tried spotting a hibernaculum in the woodland and saw an art work in a tree instead! There were lots of damsel flies and an interesting caterpillar on the right. Mullein Moth

Photo Competition: You will probably guess the name of the iconic bird on the left. Michaela Coates took this incredibly well timed photo. Answers by email or phone to Bridget before 10th of August.

Last month's winner, Rose, knew the

hoopoe as she has seen them in their

native France. Unusual visitor to UK.

Meeting up:  12th August 8.00 pm Bat Walk (reserve date 17th)  September -Work party meadow management  October - Fungus Foray.


Wildlife Group Contact information: Bridget Wadey: 01749 860240 email: [email protected] You can follow our activities by:  joining our emailing list; contact Bridget see above  through the FTN news (, there is usually a monthly update on the Wildlife group  or, this site publishes our meetings and activities as they happen. The Wildlife Group has its own tag

Camelot U3A

Camelot U3A will hold its AGM at Caryford Hall, Maggs Lane, Castle Cary BA7 7JJ at 2.30 pm on Friday 30th September, followed by a talk by Lt.Col. Graham Lilley on:

“Ypres 1914-17 - A Beginners’ Guide to the three battles of Ypres and the British struggle for control of the Ypres Salient and the Passchendale Ridge.

All are welcome.



A massive “Thank You” to everyone who sponsored me in my Cancer Research Race For Life on 26th June. I ran as part of a team called “The Yeoman Girls”, which also included grandson Thomas, we all completed. Thomas came in the top 15 out of 1900 participants, Lucy ran a PB of 32.48 mins, Rebecca completed in 34.32 mins and I came in at 35.47 mins. We will have raised over £700 to send to Cancer Research which includes the Gift Aid, so Thank You all so much for your faith and support in me.

Eleanor & Girls.


Accounts Bookkeeping

Payroll Tax/Self-Assessment VAT Management Accounts e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01749 860857

Old Bank House High Street, Castle Cary Somerset, BA7 7AW All kinds of legal advice and [email protected] assistance available, both Tel: 01963 350888 Fax: 01963 351107 efficiently and economically.




Church Flowers and cleaning August Hilary Hiscox September Debbie Rossiter October Phyllis Hamblin If the church is locked please contact the church wardens Teresa 831419, Hilary 830538, Carolyn Fussell 830120, or Alan Cary 07896945936 to obtain a key.

Ladies Working Party - Joanna Miln 01749 838757 Wednesday 3rd August will be our annual summer outing when we will have lunch at Cole Manor. Wendy should have taken your lunch order at the July meeting, if you were not there please phone Wendy to leave your menu choice. We will meet at Pylle village hall at 12 noon to share cars. Raffle from Debbie please. Our meeting in September is being brought forward a week and will be on Wednesday 31st August at the Coffee Den at 12 noon. This is in order to give us enough time to put the planning in place for the Harvest supper on 23rd September. Raffle from Wendy please.

From Our Religious Affairs Correspondent: Harvest Festival Sunday 11th September Summer (!) is now upon us and we will soon be getting things organised for the Harvest celebrations. The service this year is on Sunday 11th September at 11.00am and the Harvest Supper is not on the following Monday but on Friday 23rd September – doors open at 6.45 for 7.30 kick-off. Harvest Supper Friday 23rd September doors open at 6.45 for 7.30 Other than the change in date the Harvest Supper will follow the traditional format. Doors will open at 6.45 and we will serve supper at 7.30. We will have Cottage Pie, Apple Tart and Cheese. After our meal the raffle will be drawn and the auction of goods will take place. We would be very grateful for fresh fruit, vegetables, jams, chutneys, vegetables and other produce for the auction, prizes for the raffle and help on the night. As in past years our profits will go to Pylle Church and Pylle Village Hall. This is always a popular evening so please book your tickets (£10) in advance with either Joanna Miln 838757 or Wendy Billing on 830046. If you have any special dietary needs please phone Joanna 838757.

Church Spring Clean Sadly the great cleaner we have used for the spring clean in the church over the last few years has become ill and so is unable to do the job for us this year. If you can recommend anybody to spring clean Pylle Church please will you let us know their name and contact details? Thank you.


Winter Warmer Lunch Remembrance Sunday 13th November We will be holding our winter Remembrance Sunday lunch on Sunday 13th November in Pylle village hall, why not come to Pylle after remembering our nation’s fallen at the church and join us for lunch. Keeping with the military tradition of ‘curry lunch’ after a church service we will be serving a choice of a mild curry, a chicken casserole or vegetable casserole followed by desserts. There will be a pay bar so you can enjoy a glass of wine with your meal.

Willow Workshops, Pylle Village Hall 17th August All willow workshops are suitable for beginners with all materials provided including tea and coffee. Willow Baskets 17th August 10am – 3pm £60 Make a small frame basket. (Please bring a packed lunch) Places limited to 5 per day so book early with full payment to confirm your place. Contact Angela Morley on [email protected].

To hire Pylle village Hall: £7.50 per hour or £6.50 per hour for more than 4 regular bookings. For more information Joanna Miln 838757

Pylle Harvest Supper Pylle Village Hall Friday 23rd September 7.30 Doors open at 6.45 Cottage Pie: Apple Tart: Cheese and biscuits £10

Tickets from: Wendy Billing 830046 and Joanna Miln 838757 Any special dietary requirements: Jo 838757

We would be very grateful for fresh fruit, vegetables, jams, chutneys, and other produce for the auction; prizes for the raffle and help on the night. Please let Joanna or Wendy have your donations by 22nd September.


Harriet Sandys invites you to her


To make way for stock arriving in the Autumn. 10% off all stock throughout month of August

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August Bank Holiday Sat 27th, Sun 28th & Mon 29th Aug 2-5pm

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Indigo and natural dye workshop 19th – 21st September 2016 **** Exhibition of Indian and Central Asian textiles 19th Sept – 25th September 11am – 5pm **** Illustrated talk on vegetable dyeing in Afghanistan

Tuesday 20th September at 6.00pm.

Tickets in advance £8 including glass of wine

Details: Tel: 01749 890582




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PLEASE NOTE: August Services are one per Parish at the usual Parish times but please visit the other Parishes and not just your own through the month.

Sunday 7th 11th Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m. Benefice Communion at Ditcheat – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

Tuesday 9th 10.00 a.m. Midweek Benefice Communion at Ditcheat – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

Sunday 14th 12th Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m. Benefice Communion at Pylle – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

Sunday 21st 13th Sunday after Trinity 11.00 a.m. Benefice Communion at East Pennard – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

Sunday 28th 14th Sunday after Trinity 11.00 a.m. Benefice Communion at Alhampton – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

2016 Rio Olympic Games:

Friday 5th – Sunday 21st August



Sunday 4th 15th Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion at Ditcheat – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy 11.00 am Morning Worship at East Pennard – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

Sunday 11th 16th Sunday after Trinity 11.00 am Harvest Festival with Parish Communion at Pylle – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

Tuesday 13th 10.00 a.m. Midweek Benefice Communion at Ditcheat – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

Sunday 18th 17th Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m. BCP Parish Communion at Ditcheat – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy 11.00 am Parish Communion at East Pennard – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy

Sunday 25th 18th Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m. Harvest Festival with Parish Communion at Alhampton Revd. Canon Graham Hendy 6.30 pm Evensong at Pylle – Mrs Jean Halford


Sunday 2nd 19th Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m. Harvest Festival with Parish Communion at Ditcheat – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy 11.00 am Morning Worship at East Pennard – Revd. Canon Graham Hendy



(Answers can be found on page 55)





(Answers can be found on page 55)


A. TREVENEN PASCOE BSc. (Hons) Ost. Med. ND. OSTEOPATH 42 High Street Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 5AS Tel. (01749) 342594 PPP/AXA and BUPA recognised



Précis of the draft minutes from the Parish Council (PC) meeting held on the 30th June 2016. PRESENT: Chairperson - Vice-Chairman Hutton (RH); Councillors Harrison (HH), Clark (HC), Dando (JD), Clifford (SC), and Yeoman (RY). IN ATTENDANCE: Miss P Griffiths – Clerk to the Council. BY INVITATION: District Councillor John Greenhalgh (JG). PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – There were no members of the public present. Apologies for absence from Councillors Evans (CE) and Hughes (LH) were received and approved. PCSO Dury had also sent his apologies. COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORTS – JG gave a brief update on matters relating to the District Council including:  The restructuring of the District council has started.  Devolution is ongoing – JG will give an update to the PC at the July meeting.  Land charges - there is an ongoing issue regarding local searches the results of which are producing emotive results about Gypsies, Travellers and Showmen sites. REPORT FROM AVON & SOMERSET CONSTABULARY- the Clerk read out the report which included the nine incidents since the previous report in April. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST:  SC declared a personal interest in 098/16 b) as an officer of SCC who have developed the PC website.  HH declared a personal interest in 104/16 as Chair of the PPSG. MINUTES - The minutes of the meeting held on 19th May 2016 were approved and signed by the Vice - Chairman. MATTERS ARISING - from the meeting held on 19th May 2016. a) Post Office Home Service - the Clerk reported that a notice had been submitted for publication in the FTN. b) Parish Council website – The Clerk confirmed that the website was being developed and asked for appropriate photographs of all areas of the parish that could be used. It was agreed that the agendas and minutes should be filed in date ordering using the following format – year/month/date. c) Fencing around the green at Southview, Ditcheat – It was noted that the work has been completed. d) Access onto Class 4 road on land opposite The Lodge on the A37 - The Clerk reported that there was no further information and it did not appear that a planning application had been submitted. RY stressed the importance of continuing to press MDC to get this matter resolved. The amended Members’ Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Procedure, Standing Orders and Financial Instruction were approved. MINUTES - The minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2016 were approved and signed by the Vice - Chairman. PLANNING - The following planning application - Change of use of a redundant public house to 4no residential dwellings and erection of 2no detached dwellings

47 in car park, The Queens arms, Wraxall. Ref: 2016/1434/FUL was due to be considered at the meeting but the matter was postponed as residents adjacent to the property had not received notification of the application. The matter will be considered at the planning meeting to be held on 21st July 2016. It was noted that planning permission has been granted for Rose Cottage, Alhampton. Ref: 2016/0965/HSE. FINANCE a) Bank balances as at 30th June – The Clerk reported that the balance of all accounts as per the cash sheet is £19,477.32. b) The 2016-17 national pay award for Clerks of 1% has been agreed = additional £32.76 per annum was noted. c) RESOLVED: that the expenditure detailed below is approved and the cheques signed. 1) Parochial Church Council of Ditcheat for room hire for Jan to Mar 2016.- £70.00. 2) Mr C Evans for materials for the repair of the Ditcheat to Sutton footpath - £292.39. 3) P. Griffiths – Clerk’s salary 1st April 2016 to 30th June 2016 - £663.50. 4) HMRC – PAYE/NICs - £165.80. 5) P. Griffiths – Clerk’s expenses 1st April 2016 to 30th June 2016 - £50.82. 6) CPRE membership - £36.00. d) It was noted that MDC will not continue to pay the Council Tax Support Grant from 2017/18 (letter circulated via email). e) The payments to the following were noted: 1) Longhill Accounting for Internal Audit year 2015/2016 - £75.00. 2) Blake Training for strimmer training - £144.00. 3) Came & Company for PC insurance for 2016/17 - £374.61. 4) Tony’s Garden Services for grass cutting 9th, 20th and 27th May 2016 - £195.00. f) SC reported that he had attended a recent Town & Parish Forum at which there was a move to try and address the issue of loneliness in rural areas and were looking at ways in which to utilise public funding in innovative ways to best affect. SC suggested that it may be appropriate for the PC to consider getting involved in such a scheme. It was agreed that SC would try and arrange for a speaker from a similar parish council to come and talk to the PC about innovative ways that a Parish Council can benefit a village, such as support for loneliness. SC will agree with the Clerk when the speaker will address the PC. THE SCC LISTENING, LEARNING, CHANGING SURVEY was discussed and answers agreed for each question. PLAYGROUND The annual inspection and risk assessment report was discussed and it was agreed that the PC would replace the swing chains, the cradle swing seats, the shroud and various fixtures and fittings and also to purchase some paint, all from Wicksteed. The Clerk will confirm with the PC insurers that it will be acceptable

48 for members of the PC to fit the various items and to undertake the small amount of painting. The Clerk will add the cost for the replacement platforms on the Rainbow Multi-play equipment of £1,164.00 plus delivery to the request for a grant from ‘Tesco Bags of Help’ programme and other organisations. Any matters of report – The Clerk reported that Barbers had very kindly made a replacement bracket for the gate into the toddlers’ play area. The Clerk will write to Barbers to thank them. HIGHWAYS Update on items/matters for repair previously reported – some work appears to have been done on the hole in the road on Back Lane in Ditcheat, however the drain under the road remains blocked causing water to flow along the road to Longhill Farm thus eroding the road. The road edges on the Ditcheat to Alhampton road have deteriorated further and also on West Lane. HC confirmed that she had reported that blocked drains on Ditcheat Hill to the Highways Department. New matters for report to the Highways authority – The road in front of the school in Ditcheat is full of potholes causing a trip hazard for children going in and out of the school. The Clerk will report the above to the Highways Department. Road closures - The Clerk reported that Kyte lane in Ditcheat would be closed for approximately 5 days from 25th July. Also the A371 at Higher Ansford will be closed from 18th July for 10 weeks. FOOTPATHS, BRIDLEWAYS AND RIGHTS OF WAY. Update on matters previously reported: The footpath on Ditcheat Hill – the stile at the Ditcheat Hill Farm end on Ditcheat Hill is not actually on the definitive footpath; the stile needs to be moved on to the definitive path and way marked. Any matters for report: The footpath SM 9/9 at the back of the Natterjack has been planted with crops and the step by the stile on SM 6/14 needs to be repaired/replaced. Survey of all the footpaths in the Parish - it was agreed that a survey of all the footpaths in the Parish should be done. Each path will be the responsibility of a named volunteer to survey. RY will bring A4 sized sheets showing the individual paths to the next meeting. CLERK’S REPORT AND CORRESPONDENCE. Reports/items for information - It was noted that whilst the fete at was cancelled this year it is the intention to continue to hold the event on Father’s Day in future years. Co-option to Parish Council vacancy - The Clerk reported that the opportunity for electors to request an election had expired and so co-option would be necessary. Ditcheat War Memorial – it was noted this has now been listed as Grade II. ITEMS OF REPORT & INCLUSION ON AGENDA FOR THE NEXT MEETING.

49 a) Chairman of the meeting – RH informed the meeting that he had submitted a planning application which would be considered at the meeting on 21st July 2016. b) Members: SC requested that the matter of the traffic chaos caused prior to the start of the is discussed. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING – 11th AUGUST 2016 AT 7.30 pm in the Church Room. A Planning meeting will be held on 21st July 2016 the Church Room.

FOR INFORMATION: The agenda for all meetings is displayed on the website and the notice boards in the parish i.e. Alhampton, Ditcheat, and Sutton at least 3 working days prior to the meeting.

Thank you A huge thank you to everyone who supported the coffee morning on Saturday 11th June in aid of Ditcheat church. We raised £130 altogether. Thanks again. Pamela Tozer.

Charity Theatre Trips to Hippodrome

August brings last orders to be certain of a place for lots of trips: The Theatre Tour and Fiddler on the Roof, The Verdi Opera Macbeth, Kiss Me Kate, Billy Elliot and Cinderella.

Our trip up the A37 to see The Mikado, whilst folk were trying to get into the Glastonbury Festival, was a comic opera on its own. The good news is that we made it to Bristol with ten minutes to spare, thanks to a great driver who is now fully qualified for foreign travel across Europe.

We pick up in Curry Rivel, Langport, Somerton, then Keinton Mandeville and Shepton Mallet or Street and Wells.

Full details of our trips can be found at or phone Chris on 01458 273085 to request a postal listing. All profits are donated to charity.





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ALHAMPTON SHEPTON MALLET 01749 860898 SOMERSET Mobile 07702820794

BA4 6PZ Email [email protected]



August Jean Heal Val Green September Bumble Montgomery Shirley Baldwin October Ruth Gregory

I would like to thank Andrew & Carol Stuart for their able help over the years. Due to their change in circumstances they are retiring from the Flowers and Cleaning Team.

This will leave two vacancies on the Flowers & Cleaning Team, if you are interested please contact Bridget Wadey: Tel: 860240


St Mary Magdalene Ditcheat Rota

Rota for Flowers Brasses August 7 th & 14th Pat Dando Eleanor Yeoman (Aug. 6th wedding) 21st & 28th Kate Webber “ September 4th & 11th Emma Cobb Louisa Oborne 18th & 25th Anne Robson “ October 2nd & 9th Vee Lees Hazel Rowlands

Cleaning Rota August Sat 6th/13th Pat & Jim Dando Sat 20th/27th Vee Lees Church Room Linda Wyburn-Mason September Sat 3rd / 10th Jessica Leach Sat 17th / 24th Barbara & Iain Roundsvell Church Room Martin Pope October Sat 1st / 8th Maria Thring Sat 15th / 22nd Helen & Andrew Nicholls Church Room Eleanor Yeoman

Vee Lees (860542) for Church Cleaning. Pat Dando (860448) for Church Room Cleaning.


Wordsearch and Sudoku Solutions

Easy Medium


Who's Who ? FOSSE TRINITY BENEFICE Interim Priest Canon Graham Hendy 677003 Reader Jean Halford 860422 Fosse Trinity Advisory Committee Jean Heal 860452 Fosse Trinity News Editor Margy Cockburn 860611 Fosse Trinity News Advertising John Greenhalgh 860457 Fosse Trinity News Distribution Lesley Dunn 860746 Anthony Sutcliffe 860541 Prayer Pyramid Co-ordinator { Eleanor Yeoman 860337 Mothers' Union Yvonne Stokes 01458 851480 Safeguarding Person Bridget Wadey 860240 Children's Society Jo Curtis 860898

ALHAMPTON Chapel Warden Jo Curtis 860898 Church Council Secretary Louisa Oborne 860252 Neighbourhood Watch Lynne Hughes 860654 FTN Correspondent Louisa Oborne 860252

EAST PENNARD Bells - Tower Captain Mervyn Buckley 01458 440180 Jean Heal 860452 Churchwarden { Susie Dearden 860502 Church Council Secretary Carol Stuart 860587 Church Room Hire Audrey Dyson 860317 Parish Council Chairman Adrian Pearse 890216 Royal British Legion Secretary Jon Dickens 01458 850241 United Charities Chairman Adrian Pearse 890216 Verger Ray Higgins 860339

PYLLE Bells - Tower Captain Joe King 890357 Hilary Tudsbery-Turner 830538 Churchwarden { Teresa Rossiter 831419 Church Council Secretary Stephen Tudsbery-Turner 830538 Ladies Working Party (Chairman) Joanna Miln 838757 FTN Correspondent Joanna Miln 838757 Village Hall hire and keys Joanna Miln 838757

Email contacts are on page 58


DITCHEAT Art Group Liz & Stewart Gould 860755 Badminton Club Secretary James Bairstow 860355 Bees – Swarms Stewart Gould 860755 Bells - Tower Captain Roger Yeoman 860304 Bells - Correspondence/Bookings Ben Look 860257 The Other Book Club Gail Dyke 860189 Church Council Secretary Louisa Oborne 860252 Church Room Hire Pat Dando 860448 Anthony Sutcliffe 860541 Churchwarden { Eleanor Yeoman 860337 Community Car Service (ADEPPTS) Joyce Marsh 860493 Conservative Party Contact Elizabeth Crossley 860245 Country Dancing Deidre Pezaro 860594 Cricket Club Nick Mann 812304 Ditcheat Big Screen / Moviola Anne Robson 860444 Ditcheat School Richard Reid 860329 Friends of Ditcheat School (FODS) Katy Bryant 860329 Ditcheat Players Chairperson Gaye Volk 860081 Fosseway Garden Club Barbara Cary 860438 Jubilee Hall Chair Linda Wyburn-Mason 860067 Jubilee Hall Hire Anne Robson 860444 Keep Fit Diana Cook 860224 Neighbourhood Watch Jim Dando 860448 Parent & Toddler Group Pippa Clapham 860329 Parish Council Chairman Charles Evans 860336 Ramblers Linda Wyburn-Mason 860067 Rendezvous Diana Cook 860224 Saturday Stitch Sally Yeoman 860304 Short Mat Bowls Martin Edgar 860780 Skittles Shirley Derby 07939198030 Village Lunch Jessica Leach 860205 Wildlife Group Bridget Wadey 860240

GENERAL Community Lucy Bagnowiec 101 Guy Dury 101

Please help us keep this information up-to-date. Email [email protected] with any changes.


Index of Advertisers

Accounts, Hayley Spencer 33 Home Maintenance, Mike Doyle 29 Art Gallery, Studio 13 16 House Maintenance, Repointing 29 Buildings, Timber Frame, W Latta 10 Jewellery, Fosse Beads 9 Clothing, Rose & Lyons 21 Keep Fit, Pilates 54 Computing, Stable Computers 10 Manor House Inn 51 Curtains, covers etc, Helen Bushrod 2 Medical, Holistic Therapy 21 Decorating, Ray Ackerman 45 Medical, Homeopathy, Fionna Roberts 39 Driver, Philip Saunders 29 Medical, Osteopath, Trevenen Pascoe 45 Electrician, Ian Lester 33 Motoring, Bay Motor Co. 25 Events, Pennard House 33 Motoring, N E Motors 17 Events, Sparkford Hall 46 Music Tuition, Piano, Alison Bower 17 Fencing, Shepton Mallet Fencing 39 Odd Jobs, Alistair Gillard 2 Flowers, Margy Cockburn 10 Oven cleaning, Ovencor 16 Food, Gould's Cheddar 59 Pensionwise 53 Food, Jon Thorner's Back Plumber, James 17 Funerals, Connock 45 Removals & Storage, Armishaws 40 Funerals, Trotman Funeral Directors 17 Roofing, Mark Curtis 52 Furniture Restorer, Piers Keating 10 Soft Furnishings, Jude Herlihy 16 Furniture, Joinery & Kitchen, Mark White 39 Solicitor, J Derbyshire, Purely Probate 21 Garage Doors, SDS 45 Solicitors, Bartlett, Gooding & Weelen 33 Garden Design, Jane Follis 16 Stone Walling, Yenstone 22 Gardening, Gil Oldaker 53 Taxi, Tony Chinnock 39 Gardening, Jeremy Dodd 21 Tennis coaching 46 Gardening, Rob Carling 10 Transport, ADEPPTS 2 Happy Landings Fun Day 26 Travellers Rest, Stone 2 Harriet Sandys37, 38 Tree Surgeon, Jody Osborne 59 Heating Services, R A Wicks 34 Tree Surgeon, M Parsons 17 Heating Services, Warm Welcome 29 Tree Surgeon, Noel Radford 59 Hire Shed 2

Printed by Parish Magazine Printing

Email addresses Who's Who ?

Fosse Trinity News Editor [email protected] Fosse Trinity News Advertising [email protected] Fosse Trinity News Distribution [email protected]

Ditcheat Parish Council Community Police [email protected] [email protected]


Seasoned Charcoal Logs