West End Public Schools, District Re-2 s1

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West End Public Schools, District Re-2 s1


Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Nucla High School 225 W. 4th Ave Nucla, CO 81424




Time: 7:00 p.m.



Board Members Present: William Lobato, Patty Morgan, John Reams, Freddie Smith, and Gayland Thompson

Administration Present: Superintendent, Thomas Taucher; Elementary/Middle Principal, Stephen Bollinger; Vice Principal / Assessment Coordinator / Curriculum Director, Charlene Stevenson; Business Manager, Deana Williams and Administrative Assistant, Shari Nelson.


Moved by Patty Morgan second by Gayland Thompson to approve the agenda with additional addendums G and H, additional Executive Session Item 3, and the order change to Executive Session Items.

Roll call as follows: William Lobato, aye; Patty Morgan, aye; John Reams, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Gayland Thompson, aye. Motion carried


Moved by Gayland Thompson second by John Reams to approve the minutes from

A. Approve the January 21, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes B. Approve the January 30, 2014 Special Board Meeting Minutes

Roll call as follows: William Lobato, aye; Patty Morgan, aye; John Reams, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Gayland Thompson, aye. Motion carried West End Public School District, RE-2 February 18, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6


Mr. Bollinger recognized coaches for all sports they put a lot of time into coaching our sports teams. Thanks for all they do for athletes.

Mr. Lobato recognized the 2 high school wrestlers (Anthony Emery and Aaron Morgan) and their coach Sam Sickels. They stuck it out this season and both wrestlers qualified for state, Good luck!


Sam Sickels – Community Member Mr. Sickels question the charter school vote last month and when would the condition be set and available. He also questioned the conflict of character of legal issues and conflict of interest on charter school. Mr. Lobato said that when the charter school contract is written the conditions will be set and available. Mr. Lobato said he spoke with the district lawyer, by state statute he would not be disqualified to vote on the legal issue. Freddie Smith said he would abstain from the vote on the legal issue. Mr. Thompson said that he has voted on other matters concerning the charter school in the past, so he included his charter school vote last month.


1. Revenue/Expense Reports

Deana Williams had nothing to add to the reports. The board did not have any questions on the reports


A. DAC – David Johnson

Mr. Johnson reported what was on this month’s District Accountability meeting agenda. Mr. Bollinger is now helping Mrs. Kohl out in the middle school math class. That seems to be going well. It was brought up that the district needs to evaluate the need for a librarian at the high school. Students use the library for research and with finals coming up it is a great location to study. Cindy Pritchard is now on the DAC board representing the Paradox community. Mr. Johnson handed the board a sample of rubber mulch that can be placed around the tetherball poles and the wall ball court. Ernie Williams would be able to bring a load from Dove Creek if the district decided to purchase the mulch. The board agreed that this would work much better than woodchips. Mr. Bollinger and David Johnson will determine the amount that is needed and will contact Ernie and the company. They looked at the roof of the main building in Naturita and in looks like switching to a new filler (sample was given to the board) could help solve many of the leaks. We can get volunteers to help do some of the work. John Reams said for David to get in contact with Freddie Smith and Dan Williams they have been looking at some solutions also.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Creighton Wood and Harry Cowles Technology Update The Naturita Campus now has fiber optics to the building and the speeds are amazing. Now they are updating hardware. They are progressing to have the high school campus wireless to work more West End Public School District, RE-2 February 18, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 efficiently. NNTC has run new lines to increase the speed at the high school campus. They have updated the computer labs at the high school. They are progressing to make our school district a 21st century technology school. They did address that there are problems with the current security wall the district uses. Mr. Wood said that they do plan on addressing that in the near future. There are other options that would work.






1. UnBOCS Board Meeting Minutes


Moved by Patty Morgan second by Gayland Thompson to blanket


A. Approve Bills for January 2014 and Preliminary Bills for February 2014.

B. Approve by Resolution to authorize Thomas Taucher, Shari Nelson, Deana Williams, John Reams, and William Lobato as signers on safe deposit box at Citizen State Bank.

C. Clint Wytulka and Kelly Arnold Co Head Coaches for HS Baseball 2014 Season. ($2,323 each)

D. Stacie Narramore Head Coach for Middle School Track 2014 Season. ($1,488)

E. Brita Padget Assistant Coach Middle School Track 2014 Season. ($1,025)

F. David Smith Assistant Coach High School Boys Basketball 2013/14 Season. ($437.75)

G. Approve Robert (Brett) Conder as a Substitute Teacher for 2013/14SY. Roll call as follows: William Lobato, aye; Patty Morgan, aye; John Reams, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Gayland Thompson, aye. Motion carried

West End Public School District, RE-2 February 18, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6


1. 2014-2015 School Year Calendar

Mr. Bollinger told the board that the calendar is the same as this year. He did not include PLCs; he will add those to the calendar. They will meet with staff to get input on placement of next year’s PLCs. Mrs. Stevenson told the board that spring break is the first week of April to meet TCAP (State Testing) window requirements.


Moved by Patty Morgan Second by Gayland Thompson to approve to go into Executive Session

1. Personnel (C.R.S. 24-6-402(4) (f))

a. Personnel

2. Determination of position relative to matters that may be subject to negations development of strategy for negotiations and instruction of negotiators. C.R.S. 24-6-402 (4)(e).

3. Matters required to be kept confidential be federal or state law or regulations. C.R.S. 24-6-402(4) (c) 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99 (“20 United States Code Section 1232g; 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 99”)

4. Personnel (C.R.S. 24-6-402(4) (f))

b. Administration Evaluations

Roll call as follows: William Lobato, aye; Patty Morgan, aye; John Reams, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Gayland Thompson, aye. Motion carried

Time In: 8:05 p.m.

Who went in: Full board, Thomas Taucher, Stephen Bollinger, and Ernie Williams 1. Personnel (C.R.S. 24-6-402(4) (f))

a. Personnel

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Ernie Williams exited Executive Session at 8:35 p.m.

8:35 p.m. Deana Williams entered Executive Session

2. Determination of position relative to matters that may be subject to negations development of strategy for negotiations and instruction of negotiators. C.R.S. 24-6-402 (4)(e). Deana Williams exited Executive Session at 9:14 p.m.

9:14 p.m. Charlene Stevenson Entered Executive Session

3. Matters required to be kept confidential be federal or state law or regulations. C.R.S. 24-6- 402(4)(c) 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99 (“20 United States Code Section 1232g; 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 99”)

10:23 p.m. full board stayed in Executive Session. Thomas Taucher, Stephen Bollinger, and Charlene Stevenson left Executive Session.

4. Personnel (C.R.S. 24-6-402(4) (f))

b. Administration Evaluations

11:25 p.m. Thomas Taucher, Stephen Bollinger, and Charlene Stevenson entered Executive Session

(Tape ran out at 12:17 a.m.)

Moved by Patty Morgan Second by Freddie Smith to approve come out of Executive Session

Roll call as follows: William Lobato, aye; Patty Morgan, aye; John Reams, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Gayland Thompson, aye. Motion carried

Full board, Thomas Taucher, Stephen Bollinger, and Charlene Stevenson came out of Executive Session. Time: 12:20 a.m.

ACTION ITEMS It was moved by Patty Morgan and second by John Reams to approve Item H.

H. Approve Connie Moore-Baptista as Substitute Bus Driver for the remainder of 2013/14 SY

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Roll call as follows: William Lobato, aye; Patty Morgan, aye; John Reams, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Gayland Thompson, aye. Motion carried


Moved by John Reams Second by Freddie Smith to Adjourn

Roll call as follows: William Lobato, aye; Patty Morgan, aye; John Reams, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Gayland Thompson, aye. Motion carried

Time: 12:21 a.m.

Attest______Approved______Patty Morgan, Secretary William Lobato, President

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