2.Apologies for Absence Steve Burt, Claire Battersby, Laura Reichhelm, Michael Gallyer-Barnett

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2.Apologies for Absence Steve Burt, Claire Battersby, Laura Reichhelm, Michael Gallyer-Barnett

Minutes of Invicta East Kent Athletic Club Mancom Meeting Held at The Victoria Hotel at 6pm on 27TH July 2016.

1.Present. Rex Stickland, Ralph Noel, Sarah Hotham, Peter Mullervy, Nikki Old, Rachel Harding, Glenn Mousely, Marianne Underwood.

2.Apologies for Absence – Steve Burt, Claire Battersby, Laura Reichhelm, Michael Gallyer-Barnett.

3.Agree minutes of last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting had been sent out in advance. Rex asked if the minutes could be approved, which was agreed; proposed by Ralph, seconded by Sarah.

4.Matters arising from minutes. Ralph has spoken to the coach concerned about not using physical exercise as punishment. Sarah had intended to sort out the web issues but has not heard from Michael. The subject of the lack of volunteers/coaches etc. There was no outcome or way forward yet. Steve has been given four names of parents willing to go on the official’s course. The official’s course for electronic timing requires a degree of computer literacy in Excel spreadsheets. Nikki’s husband is willing to look at the time keeping system. Rex asked the committee for their opinion on developing the electronic timing. It was thought unwise to pay a professional to run it. It is important to keep ownership of it, with one person in charge of running it. There is a concern that we do not have enough officials to commit to what is needed. The open meetings are under staffed and there are comments that Invicta does not enjoy a good reputation, and the condition of the track is unsatisfactory. Officials have to be ‘bought in’. Invicta does not have a suitable level 2 official. One idea is to ask more officials, but this is not easy as there is a ‘heirarchy’ where officials are channelled through one person. Rex explained that the club has over the years tried many different methods to get enough volunteers. It is not fair to expect people who are already doing several jobs to do even more. Rex congratulated the committee for being as good a team as he has ever worked with since he has been President of Invicta. There may be an advantage of waiting a year to establish the volunteer base ready to take on the extra projects. There is optimism over the new 5 officials. Rachel suggested a trial run may be possible on the electronic timing, in September, and see how well the club copes with it. The supplier of the system (Luke), might be willing to show off the business and people might take an interest and volunteer. Ralph will ring Luke tomorrow. Action Ralph.

Rex proposed that if we do not get the 4 electronic timing officials we need by the open meeting in September we will postpone the purchase of the timing equipment. This was agreed by all present. If we do get the 4 officials by the open meeting in September and providing they are:- a) Keen and enthusiastic about the project. b) Agreeable to go on the one day training course (we will pay for this). c) They agree to officiate at say, 60% of the open meetings over the next two years. We will then go ahead with the purchase of the equipment. This was agreed by all present.

There would be a permanent post on the site to fix the timing equipment onto while it is being used and it can then be stored away, rather than permanently installed equipment. Peter outlined how important it is to have the results put on the Power of 10. The new timing system would ensure that this happens. Rachel suggested that we need to rebuild our reputation. It might work to buy a system in and run it with our own officials and see how well it works. There is no co-ordination between the local athletic clubs’ open meetings.

5.Herne Bay 10 and Canterbury 10 road races. Glenn reported there have been a lot of developments in the last month with Runners World, Run Britain and Chip Timing UK. Chris Tutthill has been given the codes so the information can go live. Glenn finds Chris takes about two weeks to reply to an email.

Glenn showed the copy of the flyer he has produced to go out to the club mailing list and he will also get some flyers printed. Nikki offered to put the flyer on social media, Glenn will send her a copy. Action Glenn. The first communications informing about the Canterbury 10 will be out prior to the end of August. Glenn has kept Christchurch University in touch; and he has spoken to the course measurement people. It is hoped that the course will not have changed in length much at all. Glenn welcomed any comments and also help offered. Rex congratulated Glenn on his work so far. Glenn asked if the cash prize amount should be publicised and it was felt not as the quantity is not very large.

In his absence Steve sent the following email. I am not available for next week’s Mancom. Here is a quick summary. Herne Bay 10K - budget profit £4000, see attached spreadsheet. I think it was a great success and look forward to carrying on as Race Director next year. I was especially encouraged by the number of Invicta runners and volunteers. I believe we are starting to move in the right direction with this. I bought a couple of 'Invicta Feather flags' for general club use. They are in my garage at home for safe keeping. Let me know if you want to use them at an event. I received a great number of compliments for the race organisation and marshalling so thank you to all those that helped. All, bar one person (and her mother), seemed to enjoy the event. Please minute that Sarah-Anne Mooney from Larkfield AC, along with her mother, verbally abused me after the race because she did not win the Vet 35 Prize. She was the 4th female finisher. 1st & 2nd placed females were both V35, 3rd place was 19 years old. The race winner also received the V35 prize for being the first V35. The same happened in the men’s race, the winner being a V40. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with 'passing on' vet prizes if the individual prizes are also won by vets, there is no need for the verbal abuse and threats I had to endure, including banging on my van window whilst I was in my van trying to leave with no one else around except the chip timing personnel. This needs to be noted by the club, no official, or other person, should be subjected to this kind of abuse. I am quite thick skinned and not really concerned by what others say to me, but I thought the club should be made aware of the incident. I leave it up to the committee whether you want to raise the matter with Larkfield AC.

Photo Finish Timing - revised quote from HS Sports attached (I don’t think our budget stretches to the £20K for the display). Before committing ourselves we must ensure we have officials and time keepers in place. I believe we need a minimum of 15 officials, to date we have 5, all on Mancom. In the last week I have had 3-4 volunteers to go on the official’s course, but we need people who are willing to be trained in the use of the photo finish system. I think you need at least 3 people, preferably 4. Something we have to work on before spending £30K. Track & Field Facilities are gradually improving. Track cleaning is happening this week (Wed-Fri). Steeple chase barriers will be ordered over the winter for use next year. Netting to hammer/discus has been fixed. Long jumps are being aerated, maybe need to be a bit more frequent, but at least it is being done. Please remind coaches to cover them back up after use (I have had at least 4 emails saying they have been left uncovered). The school and Lifestyle have no problem with us putting a surround to the long jump on the home straight to enhance its look and that the excess sand can be recycled. I will look into the costs of this at another time, probably in September. I did inform UKA & Sport England as per last month’s Mancom actions. Roping off throwing areas is a bit problematic as the rope put up last week was in itself a hazard to the schoolchildren. Lifestyle, the school & I are trying to find a retractable barrier that can be easily put up & taken down. I will keep you informed.

Rex was aware of the issue of Steve having been abused following the Les Golding 10k at Herne Bay. It was felt that the Management Committee want to support Steve in sending an official complaint to Larkfield AC. This type of behaviour is completely unacceptable. Ralph will contact Larkfield AC and explain precisely what happened and send the complaint officially to their chairman. Action Ralph.

Ralph congratulated Steve on a very successful job on the Herne Bay race.

6.Secretary’s Report In her absence, Laura had sent the following report:-

General/New member enquiries: Kate Ogilvie – 7 year old sprinter Marley Mcurray 8year old Fixtures added to website: Ashford AC opens 27th July and 7th September 10k Tunbridge Wells 25th September. Hospice in the Weald Wimbledon Park opens in August

Following on from June’s MANCOM and the issue of the shortage of u11s-u13s coaches it has been agreed with Ralph that I shall spend three month’s assisting Tony (starting 8th August), then Jacob, and then the running group in an apprenticeship role to learn more technical training to be able to take a separate 11-13 group in March next year (by then I will also have completed the full coach training course) Can I please have Jacob’s email so I can include him on relevant u17 information. Peter has done this. Can someone let me know who is responsible for updating the clubs’ twitter feed and Facebook page so that I can start sending some stuff through? Thanks. Peter has done this.

Rachel and Peter had a conversation about how coaches keep up to date. Training is available via coach mentors.

7.Treasurer’s Report None as Michael is away.

8.Membership Secretary’s Report There are two new members, Sophie Murphy and Millie Simmons, and FOI Jenny Murphy and Hayley Elvin. No resignations. The two new members and Friends of Invicta were unanimously elected. 9.Child Welfare Officer’s report Marianne is concerned over the recent UK Athletics alert to risks during throwing. The javelin throwing area should be roped off. This had been tried at the track and considered by the school to be a risk to young children, who had apparently been running into the rope which was approximately at their neck height. A consideration is that throws do not take place until the under 11s group is finished, until such time as a roped off system is introduced. Different methods of sectioning off the throwing area were considered. One idea is to have javelin on a designated night so it can be roped off. Marianne reminded those carrying javelins to ensure they must be carried vertically, or better still use the trolley provided. Ralph will speak to the javelin throwers. Action Ralph. Rex remembered that a child was once hit by a hammer which was a lesson to everyone at the time which he has never forgotten.

10.Any Other Business At the start of the meeting the committee heard that coach Carlo was now recovering from his recent illness and they send their good wishes. Chris Tutthill has apologised for taking so long on doing the website. Marianne was presented with a beautiful engraved glass vase and a bouquet of flowers to mark her retirement.

The meeting closed at 21.15.

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