Litchfield Board of Trustees s1
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The Litchfield Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday, August 28, 2017, at the Litchfield Town Hall after the requirements of the Sunshine Law were met by notification and posting. Chairman Wargo called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. with Trustees Horvath and Pope present. There was an audience of 12. All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustee Pope made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 10th special meeting as corrected; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Horvath made a motion to approve the July 24th regular meeting as written; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Wargo had a correction that she wanted to make to the minutes of the special meeting on Aug. 5th. Trustees Horvath and Pope stated that the minutes as written reflected the change that Trustee Wargo suggested. After some discussion, Trustee Horvath made a motion to approve the minutes from the Aug. 5th special meeting as written; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath and Pope. Voting no: Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Pope made a motion to approve the minutes from the Aug. 19th public hearing as written; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Pope made a motion to accept the Aug. 19th special meeting as written; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Eric Prall from Ross, Sinclair was present to finalize the refinancing of the fire station. Eric stated that by refinancing the loan the interest rate will be lowered from 4.85% to below 3.5% and the township will save around $50,000 (about $5000/year for 10 years). Trustee Horvath asked if the township could pay more on the principal each year in order to pay the loan off sooner. Eric stated that this loan is from a bond issuance so it cannot be paid off early like a mortgage loan. The trustees and fiscal officer signed copies of the refinancing contract. Trustee Wargo made a motion to approve Purchase Order 28-17 and authorize payment of voucher 25043; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. JR Russell, a candidate for judge of the Medina Municipal Court, addressed the trustees. JR stated that one of the issues he wanted the trustees input on was the proposal to move court cases from Litchfield, Chatham, Lafayette and Spencer to the Wadsworth Court from the Medina Municipal Court in order to lessen the number of court cases in Medina. Trustee Horvath stated that he did not want to see this happen and he would like information in order to attend any meetings where this is discussed. Trustee Pope stated that the move of the court would be a hardship to township residents since Medina Municipal Court is about 10 mins. away and Wadsworth's court is 30 mins. away. Trustee Wargo agreed stating that Wadsworth is at least ½ hour to 45 mins. away. JR stated that Medina has had an ongoing discussion on reducing the Medina County Court cases and shifting them to Wadsworth Courts. JR stated that before making the move the committee needs to look at the number of court cases from each township since it might show that moving certain townships away from Medina to Wadsworth would not help to relieve the great number being heard at the Medina County Courts. Denise Jocko, from the auditor's office, was present. Denise stated that she had nothing new to report. Fiscal Officer Shaw asked if property tax exemption forms could be accessed on line. Denise was not sure but stated that she would check on it and let Fiscal Officer Shaw know. Fire and Rescue: Chief Davis’ report: from 7/21 – 8/25 there were 10 medical emergency calls and 3 fire calls. We received no mutual aid but gave mutual to Chatham twice for EMS calls. President Strickland held the monthly Fire Association Meeting on July 27th and August 24th. The department provided fire protection for the demo derby at the MC Fair on Aug. 4th. Chief Davis held the officers meeting on Aug. 7th. On Aug. 10th and 17th the annual hose testing was completed for the year. Chief Davis stated that E&K Apparatus came to the station to conduct a repair test on all of the fire pumps which meant our trucks did not need to leave the station. Physio Control came to the station and completed our annual service check; they found a few items damaged on the Lucas which were covered under the contract. An electrical circuit was added at the station for the gear washer that was purchased with grant money. The washer should be here and installed in the next 2 weeks. Chief Davis stated that the department would like to apply for a BWC FEEG grant for an exhaust removal system. The system that the department is looking at cost approximately $34,000 and since the grant is only for $15,000 the township would be responsible for $19,000. Chief Davis sent out for estimates and received a quote from AirVac 911. Chief Davis stated that Erhart Fire Department has this system and they are pleased with it. Trustee Wargo stated that the exhaust system is a worth-while safety feature for the station and Trustee Pope agreed. Trustee Horvath made a motion that if the fire department receives the BWC FEEG grant for $15,000, the township will pay the $19,000 difference; second by Wargo. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Chief Davis stated that Litchfield and Valley City departments are conducting a 36 hour volunteer FF course which will be run through Tri C's facility. The classes will begin on Sept. 5th and except for the cost of manuals there will be no cost since the instructors are donating their time. Chief Davis, Capt. Yorko, Lt. Butcher and possibly FF Comuzie will be the instructors from Litchfield. The lease for the copier at the fire station was approved by the trustees so the new copier was delivered and is working fine. Chief Davis thanked Trustee Pope and FF Smith for striping the station parking lot. Trustee Pope stated that the MC Board of Elections wanted to be sure that the station was ADA compliant so since the handicap parking stripes were fading, he and FF Smith striped and painted them. Chief Davis stated that the Northern Ohio Trauma Symposium will be on Oct. 2nd and 3rd; the Cleveland Clinic has picked up the cost for this in the past. The thermal imagining cameras for the SCBAs have been installed and Chief Davis stated that after a departmental training the cameras are in service. Litchfield's department will be working with the Erhart Fire Prevention Crew on a fire prevention presentation on Oct. 17th at Buckeye School. Chief Davis stated that it will be the same presentation as last year since it was well- received; our share of the cost has yet to be determined. Chief Davis stated that 2 people have applied and been through the interview process so he would like the board's approval to hire them pending their background checks and physicals; Alex is a FFII and Adam is an EMT and is signed up for paramedic school. Trustee Horvath made a motion to hire Alex and Adam as long as they pass their background checks and physicals; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope and Wargo. Motion carried. Chief Davis stated that some hose failed during testing and need replacing. Some of the hose is from the 80's; hose should only be in service for 10 years. Chief Davis asked the board to approve $4500 to purchase new hose. Trustee Pope made a motion to approve $4500 to purchase new fire hose; second by Wargo. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Chief Davis stated that the following items are no longer needed: 20 pairs of old fire gloves; 4 old printers; 2 laptops that will not turn on; 3 4”x100' supply fire hose; 10 1.75”x50' fire hose; 47 steel SCBA bottles; 8 steel frame 2216PSI. Trustee Pope made a motion to declare the listed items as junk to be discarded; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Chief Davis stated that the fire association members discussed trick-or -treat night and they would like it right on Oct. 31st. Trustee Pope made a motion to hold trick-or-treat night on Oct. 31st from 6-8; second by Wargo. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Roads: Trustee Wargo read the road report from 7/22 – 8/25: 4 foundations were dug and poured; SouthEast Equipment replaced 4 hoses and the fuel solenoid; the backhoe has broken down 3x in 2 months; the fire extinguishers have been checked; road trees trimmed; fire inspection of the garage and the cemetery storage building; signs posted; Yost Rd. from Crow to Dunham (north) was chip and sealed. Trustee Wargo stated that steel hydraulic lines are no longer available for the backhoe and the solenoid was replaced so the trustees may need to rethink if the backhoe will be able to be used for ditch work. Trustee Pope stated that the lawns at the Historical Building, Fire Station and park need to be aerated and since Nick Sturgil is willing to work evenings and Saturdays he would like to make Nick a regular member of the road crew not just a seasonal worker. Trustee Wargo stated that she was planning on bringing this idea up and also ask for a raise for Nick since he is a good conscientious worker. Trustee Pope made a motion to move Nick Sturgil from seasonal help to regular road crew member and change his pay rate from $8.50 to $9.00 per hour; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Pope asked if it would be okay to have Nick help him around the Historical Building, Fire Station and park. Trustee Wargo stated that Trustee Pope should co-ordinate the times with Jim so that he knows. Fiscal Officer Shaw asked the date for the Engineer's Dinner. Trustee Pope stated that it is on Sept. 21st. Trustee Pope stated that LTAP is holding a flagging seminar on Aug. 30th from 12-3 at Brunswick Hills. Trustee Wargo stated that she RSVP for 6 but there are only 3 people going; Trustee Pope may attend also. Safety: Trustee Pope attended the MC Safety Council Meeting on Aug. 15th where a representative from OSHA discussed “hot topics” that they deal with like ladder safety; there are 12 on the job deaths/week in the USA. Trustee Wargo asked if Trustee Pope checked the township ladders. Trustee Pope stated that he did and a new extension ladder is needed so he will pick one up. Police: For the month of July: days worked: 24; hours worked: 102; miles driven: 1,247; calls/ complaints investigated: 12; police/fire personnel assisted: 7/3; citizens assisted: 32; suspicious people/vehicles checked: 1/1; business checks: 160; traffic stops: 3; traffic citations issued: 1; warning citations issued: 2; arrests: 0. Traffic citations: speed: 1. Traffic warning: speed: 1; ATV on the roadway: 1. Town Hall: Aug.'s report: the town hall was used for 4 meetings, 6x by groups, 2 town hall rentals for a total of $200, 1 table/chair rental at no charge; general cleaning, setting up for meetings, watering of plants, met with fire inspector for annual inspection, purchased supplies at Home Depot; total hours = 32.50. Trustee Wargo stated that she looked at the shrubs along the west side of the town hall as Trustee Horvath asked. Trustee Wargo felt that the shrubs are too big and should be taken out. Trustee Horvath stated that Jim should pull the shrubs out. Trustee Wargo suggested placing perennials in pots in that area. Fiscal Officer Shaw asked the status of an electronic sign for the town hall. Trustee Horvath stated that he is still checking on this. Cemetery and Park: Sexton Marco's report: there was 1 funeral; 2 inquires about plots; 4 foundations poured and 6 more needed; 1 disinterment per the request of the family so that the person could be buried next to her husband. Trustee Wargo stated that she contacted a company about repairing some of the headstones. They asked for pictures of the monuments and wondered where he could park his camper while he was working in the cemetery. Sexton Marco stated that she spent much time looking for the grave site of 1 person since the burial was marked in 4 different places. Geosearch was contacted to come out and by using sonar they were able to locate the burial. Trustee Pope stated that he had business cards for 2 companies who repair headstones. Trustee Pope asked how the book is marked for an ash burial. Sexton Marco stated that the the book is marked with an X and the distance is marked – 12” from the headstone or 24” from the top line if there is no headstone. Trustee Pope stated that there are cemetery rules and regulations posted at every driveway in the cemetery however there is one grave that has 35 items around it; the rules state that there can not be more than 2 items/grave. Sexton Marco stated that she knows which grave Trustee Pope is referring to and she has taken items off of that grave and has spoken to the family about this issue. Trustee Pope stated that she should just remove the extra items, box them and then dispose of the items. Sexton Marco stated that the road crew are told to remove items when there are more than 2 at a grave site. Trustee Wargo stated that she was at the cemetery and watched someone drive over some headstones heading to his father's grave where there was a lot of candy wrappers and beer cans so she went over and spoke with him explaining that he was driving over other people's graves. Trustee Horvath stated that he obtained 3 quotes to paint the gazebo: Deck Rescue for $1,295; Masco for $1,480; Stacy Burley for $1,955. Trustee Wargo asked if all 3 companies could do the work this year and Trustee Horvath stated that they could. Trustee Pope stated that there are repairs that need to be done to the handles, stairs and post at the gazebo before it is painted. Trustee Horvath stated that he has seen the sections that need to be repaired. Trustee Horvath made a motion to approve $1295 to Deck Rescue for painting the township gazebo; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Zoning: ZI Noderer's report: For the month of July: site visits: 9; meetings attended: 4; miles driven: 185; 9 zoning certificates issued: 1 – house; 1 – accessory building; 1 – porch; 2 – above ground pool; 2 – deck; 1 – fence; 1 – pond. Ag building: 2. Zoning violations: 8109 Branch Rd – case #15CIV0677, case #16CA0083, oral hearing on 9/19 @ Judge Kimbler Court Room; 9696/9706 Crow Rd. - zoning certificates pending MCE ECSW permit, monitor use status of the building south of the creek, ZI Noderer went into the building south of the creek and saw that it is not being used for AG purposes but for storage; 8963 Spieth Rd. - Case #16 CIV 0711 – MCHD vs Bates, follow up on permanent injunction compliance; 8676 Norwalk – outside storage of “portable toilet units” for Type 2 Home Occupation Business, referred to the MC Prosecutor Office. ZI Noderer stated that the APA Cleveland Division training will be held on Friday, Oct. 27th. The registration cost is $110/person before Sept. 22nd and $150/person after the 22nd. Trustee Horvath made a motion to approve paying the registration fee and mileage for BZA members, zoning commission members, zoning inspector and trustees to attend the APA training on Oct. 27th; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath and Pope. Abstaining: Wargo. Motion carried. ZI Noderer stated that all the zoning information on the website looks good but he was wondering if “Keep Litchfield Clean – Don't Litter” could be added to the front page of the website. Trustee Horvath stated that he would speak with Regina regarding this. Trustee Horvath stated that the trustees interviewed Andrew Comuzie before the meeting for a position on the zoning board. Trustee Horvath stated that it is great that a younger resident wants to be involved with township zoning and that Andrew is enthusiastic and has a good philosophy on the future of the township. Trustee Pope agreed that Andrew would be a good fit on the zoning board. Trustee Wargo stated that she has known Andrew since he was young and he is a serious and straight forward individual. Trustee Wargo stated that it is encouraging that younger people want to join the zoning boards. Trustee Horvath made a motion to approve Andrew Comuzie as an alternate to the zoning board; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Horvath stated that at the special meeting Aug. 5th it was said that employees will have to resign when they run for a trustee position but he wondered if they should just be placed on administrative leave. Trustee Horvath made a motion to place on administrative leave: Dan Ankey, Mike Setzer, John Kollar and Chuck Reynolds until after the election; second by Wargo. Voting yes: Horvath and Wargo. Voting no: Pope. Motion carried. Trustee Pope stated that the handbook states that the employee needs to resign from their position. Trustee Horvath stated that once the employee resigns, the position will need to be filled. Trustee Pope stated that people had to resign in the past. Trustee Horvath agreed that the handbook does state that the employee needs to resign. Trustee Horvath made a motion to rescind the previous motion; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath and Pope. Abstaining: Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Horvath made a motion to accept the resignation of Dan Ankey, Mike Setzer, John Kollar and Chuck Reynolds; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustees: Trustee Wargo asked if the Nov. meeting date could be changed since it is scheduled for the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend. Trustee Pope stated that he also would be out of town on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Trustee Wargo made a motion to change the Nov. 27th meeting to Nov. 20th; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Fiscal Officer Shaw stated that the Dec. meeting is scheduled for Christmas Day. Trustee Pope made a motion to change the Dec. 25th meeting to Dec. 27th; second by Wargo. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. ZI Noderer asked if the trustees could decide the date for the organization/appropriation meeting. Trustee Pope made a motion to have a special meeting for the annual organization/appropriation meeting on Jan. 2, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Pope stated that the 3 basement windows in the historical building need to be glassed blocked; he obtained a quote for under $1100 for 3 windows. Trustee Wargo stated that glassed blocked windows would be a good idea giving security to the building. Trustee Pope made a motion to approve up to $1100 for 3 glass block windows at the historical building; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Pope stated that Architectural Design built 16 storm windows – primed and painted them and put them up. Trustee Pope stated that now the Historical Society will begin refurbishing the original windows. Fiscal Officer: The trustees received their monthly reports and signed the bank reconciliation statement. FO Shaw stated that township received a new computer through the UAN program so there is a computer available for township business. Trustee Wargo stated that Fred Boreman stopped at the cemetery and suggested putting cemetery records in a computer program. Old Business: Trustee Horvath stated that he spoke with the prosecutors regarding the regulations for mailboxes and they stated that the resolution is still in effect. Trustee Horvath asked if the board wanted to proceed with the resolution by listing mailboxes on township roads that are in violation and send the list to the MC Engineers. Trustee Pope stated that the post office standards state that a mailbox has to be a break away type so the township should follow the resolution. Trustee Horvath asked Trustee Wargo to have Jim compile a list of mailboxes on township roads that are not compliant. Trustee Horvath stated that he spoke with the prosecutors about the property on Rt. 83 behind Heberleins; the prosecutor gave him a packet dealing with abandoned houses. Trustee Horvath stated that the trustees could send a letter to the property owner; he will speak with Asst. Prosecutor Richter since Asst. Prosecutor Karris will be on vacation. New Business: Mitch Hook asked if the north end of Yost Rd. was wedged before it was chip and sealed. Trustee Wargo stated that Melway Paving, Jim and herself determined that wedging was not needed. Correspondence and Communications: A letter was received from the Dept. of Commerce regarding the procedure for registering a valid objection to any of the liquor permits in the township. Public Comment: Melissa Page, on behalf of the Historical Society, handed out cards with up coming events listed and information on becoming a member of the society. Trustee Wargo made a motion to approve Purchase Orders 27-17 to 32-17 and Blanket Certificates 58-17 to 63-17 and authorize payment of vouchers 25012-25084; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Horvath made a motion to adjourn; second by Wargo. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.