OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008
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OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008 Building Blocks, Week 21; OWL Unit 4, Week 2, Days 1- 5
March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 10 minutes GREETING: Alternate greeting of your own for two weeks with sharing for this week and next
10 minutes INTRODUCTION TO CENTER TIME (See OWL TG Unit 4 p. 50 for full information on ‘Morning Meeting’) Include all OWL Centers described on chart below and Building Blocks Hands On Math Centers: X-Ray Vision 1 (BB TG P. 326), Compare Capacities (BB TG p 327), What’s the Missing Step (BB TG P. 328-9). On All Mornings: Show some selected objects from each center and briefly demonstrate activities to help children make a first choice of center. For example: introduce selected vocabulary books from the Book Area, show blocks from the Blocks area, and props from Dramatic Play to inspire play. Use the suggested vocabulary for Centers as you demonstrate activities in a manner that clarifies their meaning for children. For more information about OWL Centers, see the Notes to Teachers (OWL TG U4 p. 85). Some daily suggestions follow: Monday: Demonstrate pouring colored water through a funnel with tubing attached, so children can see colored water going into a bottle. Talk about the colors they see. Make a connection to Dog, the character in Dog’s Colorful Day, and show the “Dog” paper at the easel, explaining that children can make spots on Dog with paint. Show children how to mix paints on a palette to make colors like green, pink, and orange. Tuesday: Demonstrate straw painting by inserting the lower end of a straw into paint, covering the top end with your finger, removing your finger to allow the paint to drip onto the paper, and finally using a straw to blow the paint around on the paper. Repeat with a different color. Talk about how colors blend together to make new colors when you do this. Wednesday: Remind the children that it is the last day for Laundromat Play both in the housekeeping area and in the block area. Friday: Show how to brush glue onto pictures and apply to poster board for Paper Collage Posters. Talk about color groupings of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Demonstrate drawing pictures with colored pencils or filling blank books with splotches of color from the pencils, and labeling them by their color names. Planning Notes for Introduction to Center Time Objectives:
Designed for the Boston Public Schools 2007-2008 school year by Etta Rosen. Compiled/adapted by Mary Mazzotta, Tavia Mead, Meg Gailey, Marina Boni and Mayra Cuevas. Based on OWL component grids provided by Schickedanz and Dickinson, OWL, June 2005; adapted by Hanson Initiative for Language & Literacy (HILL). Page 1 of 8 OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008 Building Blocks, Week 21; OWL Unit 4, Week 2, Days 1- 5 1 hour CENTER TIME (OWL TG U4 pp.50-52, BB TG pp 326-329) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sand/Water Bottles, Funnels, and Continue* Continue* Continue* Continue* Clear Tubing with Tinted Water* Book Area Exploring Books Continue Continue Continue Continue
Art Table Clay Dough Coloring* Painting with Straws* Continue* Continue* Paper Collage Posters of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers* Easel Painting Dog’s Continue* Continue* Continue* Mixing Paint and Saving our New Colorful Spots* Colors* Block Area Laundromat Play* Continue* Continue* Kapla Blocks and Continue Small Colored Blocks Math X-Ray Vision 1, What’s the Missing Continue Continue Continue Compare Capacities Step, then continue Puzzles/ Kapla Blocks and Continue Continue Basic Puzzles and Continue Manipulative Small Colored Blocks Manipulatives s Dramatic Sorting Clothes for Continue Continue Basic House Play Continue Play Laundromat
Writing Basic supplies Continue Continue Continue Drawing and Labeling Pictures Center with Colored Pencils * Activity is directly related to the OWL unit topic and/or to core storybook events. Materials for Center Time Note: there should be two separate centers for BB math and OWL Puzzles and Manipulatives Sand/Water Small bowls or containers, funnels, 1 foot clear plastic tubing to fit funnel, shampoo and hand lotion bottles, smocks Book Area (Friday) Add Max’s Dragon Shirt, Dog’s Colorful Day, Rabbits and Raindrops, and Tale of Peter Rabbit Art Table (Clay Dough Coloring) cream of tartar clay dough, food coloring, paper plates for drying dough, airtight plastic container Art Table (Painting with Straws) small dishes, markers, medicine cups for holding paint, tempera paint, white paper, smocks, straws 1/ch, masking tape Art Table (Paper Collage Posters) glue, glue brushes, magazine pictures of fruits, vegetables, flowers, large white poster board
Designed for the Boston Public Schools 2007-2008 school year by Etta Rosen. Compiled/adapted by Mary Mazzotta, Tavia Mead, Meg Gailey, Marina Boni and Mayra Cuevas. Based on OWL component grids provided by Schickedanz and Dickinson, OWL, June 2005; adapted by Hanson Initiative for Language & Literacy (HILL). Page 2 of 8 OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008 Building Blocks, Week 21; OWL Unit 4, Week 2, Days 1- 5 Easel White construction paper, tempera paint: red, yellow, blue, black, white; paint brushes; palettes (washable trays); scissors; smocks Block Area Basic unit blocks, Kapla blocks and small colored blocks Block Area (Laundromat Play) large cardboard boxes for washer, dryer; small chairs; laundry detergent, fabric softener bottles; magazines; play coins; table for folding laundry Math (X-Ray Vision 1) counting cards 1-10 (BB TRG p 113) Math (Compare Capacities) eight containers of various widths and heights and a material such as sand, water or rice to enable children to compare capacities Math (What’s the Missing Step) connecting cubes Dramatic Play (Sorting Clothes for the Laundromat) 2 drawstring laundry bags, 2 small laundry baskets Writing (Drawing and Labeling Pictures) colored pencils, sheets of white paper to make blank books of 4-6 pages Planning Notes for Center Time Objectives:
20 minutes STORY TIME Start combining a second book with the core book by the third reading Max’s Dragon Shirt The Lion and the Little The Lion and the Little Dog’s Colorful Day Dog’s Colorful Day (fourth reading) Red Bird Red Bird (third reading), (fourth reading) OWL TG U4 p 59 (first reading) (second reading) OWL TG U4 p 77 OWL TG U4 p 81. or Lunch* OWL TG U4 pp 63-66 OWL TG U4 pp 70-73 second story can revisit a Second story can revisit a past favorite or Red past favorite or Mouse Rubber Ball* Paint
Designed for the Boston Public Schools 2007-2008 school year by Etta Rosen. Compiled/adapted by Mary Mazzotta, Tavia Mead, Meg Gailey, Marina Boni and Mayra Cuevas. Based on OWL component grids provided by Schickedanz and Dickinson, OWL, June 2005; adapted by Hanson Initiative for Language & Literacy (HILL). Page 3 of 8 OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008 Building Blocks, Week 21; OWL Unit 4, Week 2, Days 1- 5 Planning notes for Story Time Objectives:
20 minutes OWL SMALL GROUPS (OWL TG U4 pp. 53-57) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Small Group Expository text Not offered Not offered Not offered Theme related Read Aloud Science Will Colored Paper Frosting Cookies Frosting Cookies Frosting Cookies and Mixing Food Coloring on Paper Fade checking paper from Towels and checking paper paper fading experiment from paper fading experiment Games Alphabet Memory Not offered Not offered Not offered Not offered Writing Not offered Dog’s New Spots Dog’s New Spots Dog’s New Spots Labels Not offered Labels and Stories Labels and Stories and Stories Math Not offered How Many Different How Many Different How Many Different Ice Not offered Ice Cream Cones? Ice Cream Cones? Cream Cones? Book Not offered Not offered Not offered Not offered Exploring Books Browsing Materials for OWL Small Groups Small Group Read Aloud Content Strand: World of color, Fruits & vegetables. Share some non-fiction books such as Fruits and Vegetables and We Love Fruit Science (Will Colored Paper Fade?) calendar, 4 dark colors of construction paper, glue, markers, printed labels: 1 week in light, 1 week in dark, scissors, stapler, tag board, tag board pockets, trays Science (Frosting Cookies) craft sticks, small dishes, food coloring, frosting, sugar cookies, waxed paper Science (Mixing Food Coloring) small dishes, eyedroppers (plastic), food coloring, newspaper, white drawing paper, white paper towels (3/ch), pens, smocks, trays Designed for the Boston Public Schools 2007-2008 school year by Etta Rosen. Compiled/adapted by Mary Mazzotta, Tavia Mead, Meg Gailey, Marina Boni and Mayra Cuevas. Based on OWL component grids provided by Schickedanz and Dickinson, OWL, June 2005; adapted by Hanson Initiative for Language & Literacy (HILL). Page 4 of 8 OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008 Building Blocks, Week 21; OWL Unit 4, Week 2, Days 1- 5 Games (Alphabet Memory - TBM) 2 sets of Alphabet Memory Cards Writing Markers, writing paper, pencils, colored pencils Math construction paper circles: pink, brown, green; glue sticks; markers; white paper Book Browsing Add Max’s Dragon Shirt, Dog’s Colorful Day, Rabbits and Raindrops, Tale of Peter Rabbit* Planning notes for OWL Small Groups Objectives:
20 minutes OWL SONGS, WORD PLAY AND LETTERS (SWPL) AND BUILDING BLOCKS WHOLE GROUP Refer to Clipboard Directions for OWL SWPL and BB Whole Group for March 3-7, 2008 Materials for OWL Songs, Word Play and Letters (SWPL) and Building Blocks Whole Group What’s the Missing Step Connecting cubes Number Snapshots Counters, plate, dark cloth What’s This Step Connecting cubes Down By the Bay Flannel board and flannel pieces If You Have a Matching Letter Set of upper and lowercase letters SWPL Source Materials OWL SWPL CD, OWL TG U4 pp157-158 for song lyrics, OWL Big Book of Poetry Boom! Bang! Tag board strips with verses Five Green and Speckled Frogs Flannel board and flannel pieces including a white pool Alphabet Memory Pocket Chart Alphabet memory pocket chart, two lowercase alphabet sets BINGO Dog’s Colorful Day, VICKY written on a card, flannel board flannel letters: V, I, C, K, Y, M, S, T I’m Thinking of__ Clue Game Dog’s Colorful Day
Designed for the Boston Public Schools 2007-2008 school year by Etta Rosen. Compiled/adapted by Mary Mazzotta, Tavia Mead, Meg Gailey, Marina Boni and Mayra Cuevas. Based on OWL component grids provided by Schickedanz and Dickinson, OWL, June 2005; adapted by Hanson Initiative for Language & Literacy (HILL). Page 5 of 8 OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008 Building Blocks, Week 21; OWL Unit 4, Week 2, Days 1- 5 Planning Notes for Songs, Word Play and Letters and Building Blocks Whole Group Objectives:
20 minutes BUILDING BLOCKS WORK TIME (Small Groups, Computers, Hands on Math Centers) Small group Hands-On Math Centers Optional math choice activities to be done over the course of the week Activities without page reference are teacher designed What’s the Missing Step? Block Area Guessing Bag (BB TG p 211) (BB TG p 328-9) Computers (BB TG pp 326, 329) X-Ray Vision 1 (BB TG P. 326) Length Riddles (BB TG p 329) Counting Jar (BB TG p 275) Compare Capacities (BB TG P. 327) What’s the Missing Step (BB TG P. 328-9) Dog’s Colorful Day (writing center) Materials for Building Blocks Work Time What’s the Missing Step Connecting cubes Length Riddles Connecting cubes and items for riddles e.g. brush, pencil, crayon, book, block, scissors Block Area (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) blocks are in Puzzles and Manipulatives area Counting Jar Counting jar and 15 number cards Guessing Bag Guessing bag and comb X-Ray Vision 1 counting cards 1-10 (BB TRG p 113) Compare Capacities eight containers of various widths and heights and a material such as sand, water or rice to enable children to compare capacities Dog’s Colorful Day students take their dog and tally the spots, then tell a fried the math story (could be which dot comes first, second, third, last)
Designed for the Boston Public Schools 2007-2008 school year by Etta Rosen. Compiled/adapted by Mary Mazzotta, Tavia Mead, Meg Gailey, Marina Boni and Mayra Cuevas. Based on OWL component grids provided by Schickedanz and Dickinson, OWL, June 2005; adapted by Hanson Initiative for Language & Literacy (HILL). Page 6 of 8 OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008 Building Blocks, Week 21; OWL Unit 4, Week 2, Days 1- 5 Planning Notes for Building Blocks Work Time Objectives:
20 minutes LET’S FIND OUT ABOUT IT/LET’S TALK ABOUT IT (LFOAI/LTAI) LTAI: social and emotional skills development LFOAI: builds background knowledge through nonfiction books and firsthand exposure to objects and process Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday LFOAI LFOAI LTAI LFOAI LTAI Tinting and Flavoring Paints or Dyes from Social Skills Washable and Understanding Feelings: Adults’ Reactions to Frosting Berries and Other Fruits Development: Permanent Colors Dirty Clothes OWL TG U4 p 62 OWL TG U4 p 69 Helping Others OWL TG U4 p 80 OWL TG U4 p 84 OWL TG U4 p 76 Use Second Steps, Open Circle or other social emotional curriculum if desired Materials for LFOAI/LTAI Tinting and Flavoring Frosting: Max’s Dragon Shirt, bottles of food coloring, bottles of food flavoring (lemon, vanilla), craft sticks, small bowls Paints or Dyes From Berries or Other Fruits: The Lion and the Little Red Bird, bowl, raspberries, blueberries, beets, white paper, paintbrush, white string or yarn Washable and Permanent Colors: Dog’s Colorful Day, The Lion and the Little Red Bird, washable and permanent markers with box if possible, two swatches of light fabric, two clear bowls Planning Notes for LFOAI/LTAI Objectives:
Designed for the Boston Public Schools 2007-2008 school year by Etta Rosen. Compiled/adapted by Mary Mazzotta, Tavia Mead, Meg Gailey, Marina Boni and Mayra Cuevas. Based on OWL component grids provided by Schickedanz and Dickinson, OWL, June 2005; adapted by Hanson Initiative for Language & Literacy (HILL). Page 7 of 8 OWL / Building Blocks Combined Curriculum Planning Guide March 3-7, 2008 Building Blocks, Week 21; OWL Unit 4, Week 2, Days 1- 5
OWL THEME CONCEPTS SUGGESTED TRANSITIONS (to outdoor play, etc.) Unit 4 The World of Color Day 1: Dismiss children by ending sounds—If your name ends like /n/ in 1. Color is one thing that makes our world beautiful, green and dragon (OWL TG U4 p. 59) both in nature and through art. Different colors and Day 2: Match ending sounds in children’s names to story words (OWL designs appeal to different people. TG U4 p.66) 2. Color can carry information. Day 3: Name a color and ask children to name something like that 3. Paints and dyes are used to color other things and color. (OWL TG U4 p. 73) are mixed to make new colors. Day 4: “Naming Game” substituting /d/ sound for initial sounds in 4. Different substances can cause stains of different names. (OWL TG U4 p. 77) colors. Day 5: A different name game, dropping initial sound in child’s name 5. Sun and washing often bleach colors – make them (OWL TG U4 p. 81) fade. 6. Color is an identifying feature of many natural things. FURTHER NOTES Outdoor Play & Mealtime conversation topics OWL TG U4 pp. 48-49 Conversations with Children OWL TG U4 p. 58 Suggestions for adapting activities OWL TG U4 p. 85
Designed for the Boston Public Schools 2007-2008 school year by Etta Rosen. Compiled/adapted by Mary Mazzotta, Tavia Mead, Meg Gailey, Marina Boni and Mayra Cuevas. Based on OWL component grids provided by Schickedanz and Dickinson, OWL, June 2005; adapted by Hanson Initiative for Language & Literacy (HILL). Page 8 of 8