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*** Answer all questions ON YOUR OWN PAPER in COMPLETE SENTENCES***
The Giver Study Guide, Chapters 1-4 (due Tuesday 2/21) 1. What is Jonas apprehensive about in Chapter One? 2. After reading chapter 1, what do you know about the community where Jonas lives? 3. What things do Jonas’ parents reassure him about his worries in Chapter Two? 4. Describe what happened with the apple (Chapter Three). 5. Why does the community have so many rules? 6. Why is calling attention to individual details rude? 7. Describe Jonas’ volunteer job at the House of the Old in Chapter Four. 8. Why is nakedness not allowed, except for certain individuals?
The Giver Study Guide, Chapters 5-8 (due Thursday 2/23) 1.What was Jonas’ dream in Chapter Five? What is the result of his telling it? 2.Describe the Ceremony that is held each year in the community Auditorium. 3.As they are giving out the Assignments for the 12’s in Chapter 7, what happens to Jonas? 4.What is Jonas’ Assignment? What is his reaction? What is the audience’s reaction? 5.Why do the people in this community discuss their dreams each morning? 6. Why are Stirrings treated? 7.On p. 52, the Chief Elder says, “Today we honor your differences. They have determined your futures.” Why does she highlight differences this way? 8. Why does the audience react as it does to skipping Jonas? 9.Do you think that the Chief Elder understands what a Receiver is? Explain.
The Giver Study Guide, Chapters 9-12 (due Monday 2/27) 1. Which of Jonas’ rules DO disturb him? Which ones do NOT disturb him? 2. How is the Receiver’s house different from other houses in the Community? 3. What is the actual process for transmitting memories? What is the first memory Jonas receives? 4. Jonas receives 3 memories in Chapter 11. List everything in those 3 memories that he has never seen or experienced before because they no longer exist in the community. 5. So what really happened to the apple that day with Asher? What is starting to happen to Jonas? 6. How do you feel about Jonas’s parents’ reaction to his assignment? 7. Why is Jonas exempt from the rules concerning lying? 8. Why is the Receiver’s job important? 9. Why are the new words that Jonas learns in chapter 11 important? 10. Why does the Giver no longer recall the memories he gives to Jonas? What does this say about how the Receiver’s job works? The Giver Study Guide, Chapters 13-16 (due Wednesday 2/29) 1. The first memory of pain Jonas received was a sunburn. What is the second, much worse experience with pain The Giver gives him? 2. What is Jonas’ solution for getting Gabriel to sleep through the night? 3. One day, The Giver is in extreme pain, and Jonas takes some of it from him (Chapter 15). What is the extremely painful memory? 4. What is The Giver’s favorite memory, which he shares with Jonas? What does the family in the memory have that Jonas, in his society, does not? 5. What do the Giver’s comments about his spouse reveal about marital relations in this society? 6. Why are the Giver’s consultations rare? 7. Why does knowing that his family has never felt pain make Jonas feel lonely? 8. Why does the Giver say that pain brings wisdom? 9. Why doesn’t Jonas tell the Giver about giving Gabriel a memory?
The Giver Study Guide, Chapters 17-23 (due Monday 3/5) 1. What would happen to his memories if Jonas were to fall into the river and drown, accidentally? 2. What is the real, true definition of “Release”? 3. When The Giver was young, he did not have the gift of “seeing beyond”. He had what gift? 4. What is the plan Jonas and The Giver come up with to release the memories back into the community? 5. What goes wrong with the plan? 6. Why does the Giver encourage Jonas to watch the Release? 7. Why does the community do what it does about twins? 8. How is the sharing of feelings between the Giver and Jonas different from that of others in the community? 9. What happens in the last two chapters, and how does the novel end?