A Salute to the Flag Was Led by the President
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December 11, 2012
The monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of District 9, 1222 Green Street, Iselin, New Jersey, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the President with notices posted in the Home News Tribune, on the bulletin board at Fire Company #1 and at Town Hall as prescribed by the Laws of 1975.
A salute to the flag was led by the President.
Roll Call of Commissioners: C. Christensen, N. Neglio, D. Thaker, M. Rudy and S. Larko. Also in attendance were W. Kenney, K. Wertz, E. Mullen, the Chief and the Attorney.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with a motion made by Mr. Neglio and seconded by Mr. Neglio with everyone in favor (C. Christensen, N. Neglio, M. Rudy, S. Larko & D. Thaker).
Reports of Committees:
Fire Equipment & Apparatus: Hopelawn decal to be installed. Foley has hydraulic tank for 9-2-4 on order, to be shipped within two weeks. 9-3-4 left side fill station and 4th stage valve on order. Discussed the disposition of the equipment to be disposed of, and it was noted that an offer was received from Colonia Fire for the Hurst Combi Tool but it was rejected and we need to send a counter offer. Hopelawn may want to look at the rest of the equipment.
Hydrants: We need to start looking for hydrants with missing markers.
Facilities: The new lettering for the front of the building and repair of the outside walls will be done pending quotes. The Township will supply a dumpster for the trailer. The electrician was in to repair the fan for the doors and we’re waiting for him to come back; Mr. Kenney will call him. Received updated estimates for the floor scrubber but more prices are needed. Paint cabinet upgrade. We will be talking to Peter Catalie regarding the sign. Waiting for the proof to come back for the sign for the parking space.
Communications Equipment: 12 headsets were sent out for repair. Mr. Mullen noted that he’s waiting to hear back from Stephanie Walsh.
Fire Prevention: The monthly Fire Official’s report was submitted and accepted with a motion made by Mr. Larko and seconded by Mr. Thaker with everyone in favor (C. Christensen, N. Neglio, M. Rudy, S. Larko & D. Thaker). Page 2 December 11, 2012
Legal & Insurance: Workers Comp claims pending for Barahona, Redeker and Karlin Jr. The attorney submitted resolutions regarding the donating the treadmill to Newark Fire Department, and the donating the thermal cameras to the Woodbridge Police Department. A motion was made by Mr. Christensen and seconded by Mr. Neglio with everyone in favor by roll-call vote (C. Christensen, yes; N. Neglio, yes; M. Rudy, yes; S. Larko, yes; D. Thaker, yes) to accept the two resolutions accordingly. Regarding the Emergency Vehicle, the attorney requested that the matter be put on hold for now, as we need further information from the manufacturer.
Old Business: Discussed prices for the cutter tools. Mr. Mullen will discuss it with Mr. Ray Hughes, Jr. Mr. Christensen noted that he is waiting for a call back regarding a price for the automobile.
New Business: Regarding the purchase of a boat, Mr. Kenney will contact a vendor to come in with a proposal.
Communications & Bills: A motion made by Mr. Neglio and seconded by Mr. Thaker with everyone in favor (C. Christensen, N. Neglio, D. Thaker, S. Larko and M. Rudy) to pay all bills for the month of November 2012 in the amount of $161,972.38. Another motion was made by Mr. Neglio and seconded by Mr. Thaker with everyone in favor by roll-call vote (C. Christensen, yes; N. Neglio, yes; M. Rudy, yes; S. Larko, yes; D. Thaker, yes) to accept a resolution to transfer monies accordingly. Communications were as follows: Reports from the Chief and Fire Official Minutes from the Health & Safety Meeting A meeting notice from the NJSAFD. Mr. Christensen noted that, at the September meeting, a question was raised regarding what if a particular Board chooses to go through the General Election A motion was made by Mr. Thaker and seconded by Mr. Larko with everyone in favor (C. Christensen, N. Neglio, M. Ruyy, D. Thaker, S. Larko) to accept the correspondence and make it a part of the permanent record.
Chief’s Report: Mr. Bennett reported on new member applications. No equipment requests. The next Health & Safety Meeting will be held in February 2013.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. followed by a personnel session.
Respectfully submitted,
______Secretary Board of Fire Commissioners District #9 Transcribed by:
______(Ms.) Joyce E. Lynch