Social and Emotional Learning Standards and Benchmarks
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Social and Emotional Learning Standards and Benchmarks Late Elementary
SELF- AWARENESS (I am…) Distinguish among Describe how they Recognize and label emotions Student intensity levels of physically respond to and feelings and how they are demonstrates their emotions. emotion. linked to behavior. awareness of their emotions. Describe the Describe and Student personal qualities prioritize personal demonstrates they possess that skills and interests awareness of their make them that they want to personal traits. successful develop. members of their school community.
Recognize qualities Identify positive Identify peer, home, and school Student of positive role adults in various resources they can access to help demonstrates models. facets of their lives. solve problems. awareness of their external supports.
Choose to do Define what it means Explain the benefits of being Student has a school work/chores to be responsible and responsible. sense of personal without being can identify things responsibility. reminded. for which they are responsible.
SELF- MANAGEMENT (I can…) Use self-monitoring Show skills in Demonstrate an ability to present Student strategies (self- handling pressure their own perspective (I- demonstrates talk) to regulate situations (e.g. calm messages). ability to manage emotions. down, walk away, their emotions seek help or constructively. mediation).
Show willingness Identify reasons why Analyze the outcomes of Student to tell the truth in a honesty is a valued dishonesty. demonstrates difficult situation, trait. honesty/integrity. while honoring personal boundaries. Describe the steps Generate alternative Effectively participate in group Student uses of a decision- solutions to problems decision-making processes. effective decision- making model. and predict possible making skills. outcomes.
Describe why Describe the steps in Evaluate what Distinguish Student participating in setting and working they might between long demonstrates their education is toward goal have done term and short ability to set and important in achievement. differently to term goals. achieve goals. helping them achieve greater achieve personal success on a Social and Emotional Learninggoals. Standards – Late Elementary - DRAFT recent goal. SOCIAL AWARENESS (I care…) Predict how their Define the terms Use listening skills to identify the Student own behavior perspective/point of feelings/ perspectives of others. demonstrates affects the view. awareness of other emotions of people’s emotions others. and perspectives.
Describe what Identify roles that Work together with peers to address a Student they learned they have that need. demonstrates about contribute to their consideration for themselves in school, home, and others and a desire helping out neighboring to positively others. community. contribute to his or her community.
Identify Recognize that Define stereotyping, discrimination, Student contributions of people from different and prejudice. demonstrates an various social cultural and social awareness cultural and cultural groups share many issues and a respect groups. things in common. for human dignity and differences.
Describe tone Describe the impact Develop awareness that social cues Student can read and how it is of body language may be different among various social cues. used to and facial groups. communicate to expressions in others. communication.
SOCIAL MANAGEMENT (I will…) Give and receive Use attentive Demonstrate Demonstrate Student uses compliments in a listening skills to good cooperative behaviors positive genuine manner. foster better sportsmanshi in a group (e.g. listen, communication and communication. p. encourage, social skills to acknowledge opinions, interact effectively compromise, reach with others. consensus).
Recognize the Understand the Identify a problem in a relationship Student develops difference difference between and seek appropriate assistance. constructive between positive safe and risky relationships. and negative behaviors in a relationships. relationship.
Show an Describe causes and Distinguish between Activate the Student understanding of effects of conflicts. destructive and steps of a demonstrates an conflict as a constructive ways of conflict ability to prevent, natural part of dealing with conflict. resolution manage, and resolve life. process (listen, interpersonal express conflicts in feelings, constructive ways. discuss solutions, Social and Emotional Learning Standards – Late Elementary - DRAFT make amends, etc.)