Community Mapping Institute: Objectives and Schedule Page 2

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Community Mapping Institute: Objectives and Schedule Page 2

2010 Community MaPpping Institute: Trainer Objectives and Schedule

Italics mean a document in the CMaP Booklet is involvedParticipants will combine base project data with field data and analyze the results in a GIS. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn advanced GIS skills or meet GIS professionals at various community sites. Day Six: Participants will create final project products, present their products, and evaluate the CM institute.

MONDAYSUNDAY Day/Time Activity Description MONSUN 812:00- Welcome  Introductions / Logistics/Week Overview 9:00 o Parking CMaP Files and Booklet found o Electronic Resources & Handouts at o Name Tags & Tents for Computer CMap/booklet.htm o Geographic Introduction (Where they were born)  Class Expectations Your CMaP Project Community Issues GIS/GPS project ideas Community Partner Credit Download Credit Request Form

MOSUN 9:00-9:45 Pre-Project Basics:  Overview of CMaP Introduction to CMaP and the o 1cmapoverview.ppt 1:15 Road Map  Introduction to GIS o Geospatial Revolution Video Clip  Local CMaP projects o 2Recycle Project.ppt  Introduction to Class Resources Website o Download CMaP Template (Create new folder and save the document in the new location.) Wikispace

SUN 1:15-1:45 Pre-Project Basics:  Introductions Meet Travel Partners  Icebreaker: trading places MOSUN 91:4545- Pre-Project Basics:  Asking spatial questions 102:0010:00 Spatial Inquiry – What do kids o Spatial Challenge: Guess the Locations need to understand about Break- 9:45- spatial? 10:0045 Break 10:00-10:15 Break SUN 2:45-3:00 Break MOSUN 103:15- Sign for GPS Units: Distribute GPS Units – Turn off satellites 125:00 o Navigate Screens  Earth Cache- Go outside o Have them mark waypoints

Page 1 of 10 Revised May 24, 2010 Community Mapping Institute: Objectives and Schedule page 2  Turn participants loose with GPSs. o Mark Waypoints and hide object o Trade GPS unit with someone and have them find the object

MON 12:00-1:00 Lunch - on your own MOSUN 15:0000- GPS exploration and discovery  Learn more about GPS 2:00 inside: o GPS videos o Show UTM Grid  Map Activity 3030 o Topo Bingo  Map Reading Skills o Utah Maps o Name Features o Map Elements

MON 2:00309:00- GIS exploration and discovery  Intro to GIS 3:00 inside: o Geospatial Revolution  Getting Started with GIS: ESRI o Register at ESRI Virtual Campus o File management o Download data sets for three modules o Module 1: The Big Picture of GIS from ESRI Virtual Campus

MON 3:00-3:15 Break MON GIS exploration and discovery  Continue: The Big Picture of GIS 2:303:1510:15- inside: o What project ideas did Module 1 4:30 provide?  Self Exploration o Open ArcMap o Give participants time to self explore

MON GIS online data exploration  Introduce ArcGIS Online 2:304:3010:15- and discovery inside: o 4:45 o ArcGIS Resource Center  Wrap-up

MON 4:45-5:00 Take your Pulse  How are you doing? Play with GPSs at home.

SUN 6:00-8:00 Group Picnic  Ask participants to bring their Pre-Institute Participant Survey for Monday. MONDAY

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TUESDAY TUES 8:00-9:00 Welcome to Day 2  Have them meet outside. Have them track GPS Exploration & Practice their Initials and Geometric Shapes  Downloading Tracks in Google Earth and ArcMap

TUES 9:00 – 10:15 ArcMap Explore:  Brief Introduction to Utah Data o GIS Portal site / Play with Data  File/data management: Connect to Folder  Open image and downloaded shape file  Measure & Draw tools  Layout – Export as .jpg  Save Project Break 10:15-10:30 Break TUES 10:30 – Building Community  3 to 4 Community partners invited to share 12:00 Relationships: how they use GIS/GPS in their jobs. Each takes approximately 20 min.

TUES 10:00- Project Implementation: Geographic inquiry 10:159:45-11:00 Basic Mapping and Spatial Basic spatial skills SkillsBreak Spatial terms and concepts TUES 101:1500- Project Implementation:  Overview 12:00 Introduction to GIS  Basic navigation TUES 12:0012:00- Building Community  Lunch and discussion with community 1:3000 Relationships: members interested in working with students LUNCH Community Introductions TUES 1:30-2:00 Building Community  Definition & Compare Relationships: o Place-based education o Project-based learning o Community-based learning  Definition share  Introduce CMaP project components:  Community Partner Brainstorm  Share ideas learned

TUES 2:00-3:30 Project Planning:  Project Planning Project Brainstorm and o Create realistic project expectations Feasibility Assessment . Educator Checklist – 1.6 Feasibility assessment o Backward Design . 3Backward Design_GIS.ppt . Rubrics  Project Ideas

Page 3 of 10 Revised May 24, 2010 Community Mapping Institute: Objectives and Schedule page 4 o View Past CMaP Project o Have participants write down their project ideas

 Project Brainstorm o Type up Project ideas and possible partners o Speed Date Activity

TUES 3:30-3:455 Break TUES 3:45- Project Planning:  Begin Project Planning 4:304:45 o Preview Sample Community Letters o Template Introductions o work time o Show a completed 9 square –doc 3.2 (optional)

TUES 4:45-5:00 Take your Pulse  How are you doing?  List some of your project ideas  What are we forgetting?

TUES 4:30-5:00 Project Management:  Project evaluation Ongoing Project Evaluation and Student Assessment  Skills assessment  Transferability

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Page 5 of 10 Revised May 24, 2010 Community Mapping Institute: Objectives and Schedule page 6 WEDNESDAY WED 8:00-8:30 Project Planning:  Questions & Review Define, organize and design a CMaP Project

WED 8:30-9:1030 Project Implementation: Gathering  Attribute Tables New Data o Show data and talk about what is Fieldwork in the attribute table. o The power behind the GIS is the attribute table o Discuss who creates the data and reasons for the data o Metadata (Show in ArcCatalog)  Tree collection project o Discuss what data needs to be collected. o Example table ID (Waypoint #) Category (Deciduous or Coniferous), Species (Name) Height (number)  Decide how to gather data o Surveys/Questionnaires o Spreadsheets o GPS o Observation o Measurement o Other

WED 9:30-  Go out, mark waypoints at each tree, and 10:304500 record data on data table. (4-6 trees)  Download Data points into ArcMap o Add Ariel image  Editing Attribute Table o Hide Fields o Add Fields o Start Editing o Add data collected  Display data o Unique Values o Categories (Graduated Symbols) o Duplicate data layers o Query  View Layouts- Making Maps o Export to JPEG

Page 6 of 10 Revised May 24, 2010 Community Mapping Institute: Objectives and Schedule page 7  ArcMap 10 and Site License Discussion

WED 9:4510:00- 10:0015 Break- 10:15-10:30 Break WED 10:30015- Project Implementation:  Distribute Software & Data CDs 12:00 Transferring Field Data to GIS  Show DNR-Garmin Install from the CD  Open ArcMap and practice adding Utah shape files from Data CD.

WED 12:00-1:00 WED 1:00-32:15 Project Planning:  Introduce Water Quality Project Define, organize and design River o Presentation from USU (USU) Water Quality Project. o Learn to use measurement tools Meet our Community Partners Eric Peterson  Provide map directions for Thursday USU Water Quality Extension Field Session collecting. (435) 797-3310 [email protected] WED 2:00-3:00  WED 3:00-3:15 Break 3:15-3:30 Break WED 3:30- Work Time:  Have them work on: 4:304:45 o Project Template o Tree projects 3015-5:00 o Online Resources o GIS Portal Data Set downloads o Arc Lessons

WED 4:304:45- Take Your Pulse  How are you doing? 5:00

THURSDAY THURS 8:30-9:45 Project Implementation: Review of skills Integrating Base Data and Field Work with new project data Data Transfer non-GPS data into ArcView Creating new themes in ArcView THURS 9:45-10:00 Break


Page 7 of 10 Revised May 24, 2010 Community Mapping Institute: Objectives and Schedule page 8 THURS 8:30-11:45 Project Implementation:  Meet at class/carpool to river Water Quality Fieldwork  Participants gather & record data: GPS waypoints and water quality readings for (USU) Temperature, Turbidity, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen

THURS 8:30-9:45  THURS 9:45- Lunch on your own OR Bring sack lunch to picnic in park 10:0011:45-12:45 THURS 10:00- Project Implementation:  Transfer GPS points 11:151:00-3:00 Transferring Field Data to GIS  Bring Data in Water Quality project Creating Water Quality Project o Add files from Data CD -County Aerial Image o OR Add files from GIS Portal -SGID Image Server: -SGID Database Server  Edit Tables of GPS waypoints o Insert new fields for Temperature, Turbidity, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen 3:00-3:15 Break THURS 3:15-4:15 Project Implementation:  Join tables Advanced GIS Skills  Hot link photos  Review map layout  Export map as jpg (Found in File)

THURS 4:15- Project Management:  Project evaluation 4:454:45 Ongoing Project Evaluation and Assessment  Skills assessment  Transferability

THURS 4:45-5:00 Take your Pulse  How are you doing?

HURS 11:15-12:00 Project Implementation:  Start creating final layouts Final Products THURS 12:00-1:00 Lunch

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THURS 1:00-4:00 Project Implementation:  Join tables Advanced ArcViewGIS Skills  Hot link photos  Downloading local data from the Web  Using aerial photos in GIS Projections/ datums THURS 1:00-4:00 Building Community  Participants can choose field Relationships (32): trip location GIS in the Community  All locations are offices where GIS is used THURS 4:00-4:30 Building Community  Discussion of experiences Relationships (32): Recap of Field Trips  Suggestions on how students could work with organization THURS 4:30-5:00 Project Management:  Project evaluation Ongoing Project Evaluation and Student Assessment  Skills assessment  Meet/Consult with CMaP partner  Transferability

FRIDAY FRI 8:3000- Project Implementation:  Create final map products 10:009:30 Finish Products  Discuss skills for presentations  Practice presentations

Break 9:30 – 9:45 10:00 - 10:15 FRI 9:4530-11:30 Project Implementation:  Celebrations: Participant presentations Project Presentations &  Feedback & Response Celebrations  Where to get help?

FRI 11:30-12:30 FRI 12:30- Project Implementation:  Fieldwork- So What? Share lessons 1:0010:15- 11:30 Begin Evaluations learned  Project Template  Explore ArcGIS Online o o ArcGIS Resource Center

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1:00-1:4511:30- Project Implementation:  CMaP Class Resources 12:30 Fieldwork Debrief  GIS Mailing List ArcGIS Software & Data CDs  Join Utah Geographic Alliance File Management reviewed  Join GIS Portal  Desk Copies for ESRI – Map book

12:301:45 -3:00 Project Management:  Complete workshop evaluation Evaluations continued  Complete Credit Forms Closure -Collect and send to Jared at UEN  Send off!  Congratulations!

Planning and building effective partnerships

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