The War with Grandpa

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The War with Grandpa

The War With Grandpa

Vocabulary 1 Worksheet

Put the correct word in the blank for each phrase. Choose from this list.

quote billboard accountant venetian blinds ledger

ignore illustrated emphysema arthritis mope declaration

1. We put ______on the windows instead of curtains.

2. Did you see the new MILK Mustache ______beside the road?

3. Peter's dad worked as an ______.

4. He used a ______to keep most of his records.

5. Grandpa could not climb the stairs because he had ______in his legs.

6. Peter's mom told her daughter that only a dope will ______.

7. It was hard for Grandpa to ______the things that Peter was doing.

8. Peter sent Grandpa a ______of war to get his room back.

9. The book is ______with pictures of Peter and Grandpa.

10. Peter used a ______from John Paul Jones when he said " I have not yet begun to fight!"

11. When you have ______, breathing can be very difficult. The War With Grandpa

Vocabulary Quiz 1

Match the word with its meaning.

1. accountant ______a) the exact words a person says

2. arthritis______b) a large roadside advertisement

3. billboard ______c) a person who works with money

4. declaration_____ d) a type of window covering

5. emphysema_____ e) a record book

6. ignore____ f) with pictures

7. illustrated _____ g) a lung disease

8. ledger ____ h) a disease of the joints

9. mope _____ i) to walk around in a sad way

10. quote____ j) a statement

11. venetian blinds____ k) to pay no attention to The War With Grandpa

Vocabulary 2 Worksheet

Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word from this list. Use a dictionary to check for meaning.

baseball strategy nervous surrender digital weird

warrior annoyed limping gorilla warfare

1. Grandpa was ______up the stairs because of his arthritis.

2. Peter signed his notes the "Secret ______".

3. Peter's sister was ______because no one would play with her.

4. Grandpa's watch was not ______; it had hands that went around the dial.

5. It would feel very ______to be having a war with your Grandpa.

6. ______is a game that Peter and his friends play outside.

7. They used a ______they learned from boardgames.

8. Fighting from behind trees and in a secret manner is called ______.

9. Peter said he would either win or lose. He would never ______.

10. Peter was ______about sneaking into his grandpa's bedroom. The War With Grandpa

Vocabulary 2 Quiz

Match the word with its meaning by putting the correct letter on the blank.

1. baseball______A) plans

2. strategy______B) to give up

3. nervous____ C) with numbers

4. surrender____ D) a trained soldier

5. digital_____ E) bothered

6. weird____ F) jumpy, anxious

7. warrior____ G) a game

8. annoyed____ H) to fight from hiding places

9. limping____ I) strange 10. gorilla J) favoring one foot when walking warfare____ The War With Grandpa

Vocabulary 3 Worksheet

Write your own sentence with each of these vocabulary words. Be sure to use correct grammar and punctuation.

1. pajamas-______


2. meander-______


3. grudge- ______


4. olfactory- ______


5. pliers- ______


6. flounder- ______


7. vinyl-______


8. peculiar- ______


9. switch- ______


10. vocabulary-______The War With Grandpa

Vocabulary 3 Quiz

1. pajamas____ A) to change

2. meander ____ B) to wander around

3. grudge ____ C) clothes one wears to bed

4. olfactory ____ D)strange

5. pliers ____ E) a type of fish

6. flounder ____ F) a list of words

7. vinyl ____ G)the sense of smell

8. peculiar ____ H) a type of plastic

9. switch ____ I) a tool for pinching wire together

10. vocabulary ____ J) to be angry with someone The War With Grandpa

Vocabulary 4 Worksheet

Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct word from this vocabulary list. revenge massive garment bag conference dingy flannel grammar moonlighting knapsack translate

1. The elephant is ______compared to a mouse.

2. Please use correct ______when you speak.

3. I need to ______this Spanish story into English.

4. The room looked very dark and ______because it hadn't been used in a long time.

5. I love to wear my ______pajamas when it is cold.

6. My dad is ______as a newspaper delivery man in the mornings.

7. Please hang my dresses in the ______.

8. Put your books in the ______to carry them to class.

9. My teacher had a ______with my mom about my grades.

10. You should not try to get ______on people for hitting you. The War With Grandpa

Vocabulary 4 Quiz

Match the word with the definition by putting the correct letter on the blank.

1. revenge____ A) very large

2. massive____ B) a suitcase for hanging clothes

3. garment bag____ C) working a second job

4. conference____ D) a bookbag

5. dingy____ E) a meeting

6. flannel____ F) a brushed cotton material

7. grammar____ G) to change from one language to another

8. moonlighting____ H) dirty

9. knapsack____ I) to get back at someone

10. translate____ J) a way of speaking

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