Correspondence Address: DERMA-82, P.O. Box-7805, King Saud University, Riyadh-11472, Saudi

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Correspondence Address: DERMA-82, P.O. Box-7805, King Saud University, Riyadh-11472, Saudi

ASHOK KUMAR, Ph.D. Correspondence Address: DERMA-82, P.O. Box-7805, King Saud University, Riyadh-11472, Saudi Arabia, : +966-503597286, +966- 552018931 (R); E- mail: [email protected] Educational Qualification: Degree : Ph.D (Biosciences) in 2008 University : Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi, India Thesis : Development and application of a protocol for detection, prevention and elimination of Mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures. Present Position and : Researcher Place of work Vitiligo Research Chair, College of Medicine & King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Research specialization (Major scientific fields of interest): I. Keratinocyte (adult epidermal stem cell) Cell Biology: (a) Isolation and setup of primary human Keratinocyte (adult epidermal stem cell) culture for application in burn’s patients for the wound closure. (b) In vitro cultured human epidermis sheets were evaluated and confirmed by light & transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry before grafting to the burn’s patients. (c) Human and mouse dermal fibroblasts culture and its attenuation with Mitomycin C & further use for supporting the growth of human differentiated Keratinocyte. II. Mycoplasma in Cell Cultures: (a) Screening of adult epidermal stem cells (keratinocytes) for any micro-organis ms including mycoplasma contamination by various detection methods befor e autologous grafting of epidermal sheets to the burn’s patients for wound cl osure. (b) Detection & identification of mycoplasma contamination in routinely used cel l cultures. (c) Study the toxic effects and application of different anti-mycoplasma agents a nd antibiotics to eradicate mycoplasma contamination from cell cultures. III. Pigment Cell Research: (a) Isolation and setup of primary melanocytes culture from foreskin. (b) Low level laser (red, blue & UV) irradiation to melanocytes for enhancing their growth & melanogenesis. (c) Treatment of melanocytes with various plant extracts for enhancing their growth & melanogenesis. IV. Cancer Biology: Low level laser (red, blue & UV) irradiation to SK-MEL-28 melanoma cancer cell line for reducing their growth for treatment of melanoma cancer. V. Stem Cell Research: Low level laser (red, blue & UV) irradiation to Adipose- derived Stem cells and human embryonic stem cells derived mesenchymal stem cells for enhancing their growth & their use in regenerative medicine. Technical skills: Animal cell culture techniques, sub-culturing, cryo- preservation, cell lines maintenance, MTT assay, cell migration assay, invasion assay, detection of mycoplasma contamination in cell lines, PCR, gel electrophoresis (horizontal & vertical), gel-doc imaging system, immunoflorescnce assay, immunohistochemistry, sample processing for transmission electron microscopy, animal handling, treatment of various cell lines with low-level lasers and anti-cancer agents, Quantitative Real-time PCR, western blot, quantification of melanin content from melanocytes. Research Project was sanctioned from Basic Medical Science division (ICMR) as a Sr. Res. Fellowship and completed successfully: Cell culture contamination with mycoplasma in basic and applied biomedical research Project Number 2004-03570; Subject Cellular and molecular biology; funded by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Start Date 2005-09-01 End Date 2008-08-31.

Research Project was sanctioned from National Plan for Science and Technology (NPST), King Saud University as a Co-Investigator:

Effects of low level lasers on the proliferation, differentiation and calcium deposition of human embryonic stem cells derived mesenchymal stem cells. (Project ID: 13-MED1390-02)

Completed research projects as Senior Research Fellow: (1)In vitro cultivation of differentiated epidermis from human Keratinocytes suitable for autologous grafting in burns patients. Annual report of National Institute of Pathology (NIP), New Delhi, India 2003-04 pp. 76-79; ( (2)Cell culture contamination with mycoplasma in basic and applied biomedical research. NIP 2004-05 pp. 103-106; 2005-06 pp. 92-94; 2007-09 pp. 137-139; ( & (3)Optimal attenuation conditions for 3T3 fibroblasts for use as feeder cells. NIP 2007-09 pp. 127-129; 2009-10 pp. 137-138;

Completed research projects as Post-doctor (at King Saud University): (1) The vascular sclerosing effects of Bleomycin on varicose veins: A prospective clinicopathological study on experimental animals. It was sanctioned from KACST, Saudi Arabia. (2) The vascular sclerosing effects of Phenol on varicose veins: A prospective study on experimental animals. It was sanctioned from KACST, Saudi Arabia. (3) A comparative study of the effect of various wavelengths of low-level laser therapy on the growth of human melanocytes in vitro". Sanctioned from NPST; Project ID: 10-MED1222-02, King Saud University, Riyadh. Presently working as Post-doctor in Research Projects: (1) "Assessment of glutathione safety and efficacy as a promising skin depigmenting and lightening agent". It is sanctioned from NPST; Project ID: 11-MED-1580-02. (2) Effects of low-level laser therapy on the growth of Adipose derived stem cells and human embryonic stem cells. (3) Effects of low-level laser therapy on the growth of Mel-SK-28 melanoma cancer cell line. (4) Effects of glutathione on guinea pigs model for skin lightening as in vivo study. (5) Effects of glutathione of human cultured normal melanocytes to reducing melanogenesis as in vitro study.

Presently working as co-investigator in Research Projects: 1) Effects of low level lasers on the proliferation, differentiation and calcium deposition of human embryonic stem cells derived mesenchymal stem cells. (NPST; Project ID: 13-MED1390-02).

2) From medical herbalism to phytotherapy for vitiligo: Comprehensive study of selected Saudi medicinal plants for their activity on proliferation rate and melanogenesis in human melanocyte. (RC15/133/R, King Abdullah International Medical Research Centre, Ministry of National Guard-Health Affairs).

Future planning: (1) Study the effects of low-level laser therapy on the growth of human melanocytes derived from human hair follicle. (2) Study the effects of low-level laser therapy on B16 Melanoma cell line to diagnose melanoma cancer on early stage. (3) Effects of low-level laser therapy on the growth of hair follicle. (4) Study the effects of extracts from different medicinal plants on the growth of human melanocytes to treat vitiligo patients.

Responsible for: (1) Cell culture laboratory related all works including maintenance, availability of chemicals, plastic wares and other consumables. (2) Installations and maintenance of equipments. (3) Taking care of all cell cultures and molecular biology related experiments. (4) Taking care of all animals' related experiments. (5) Planning, designing and executing of all cell cultures and animals' related experiments. (6) Collecting data and analysis results after experiments, preparing graphs & tables for reports. (7) Writing project proposals for funds. (8) Writing half yearly, annually progress and final reports for running and completed projects. (9) Writing manuscripts and submitted to concerned journals for publications. (10) Asking and receiving quotations for chemicals, plastic wares and equipments.

Patent: Yerneni & Kumar (2009): A culture system for the growth of stem cells. Indian Patent File No.2086/DEL/2009. (Filing date 7/10/2009, Publication date 13/8/2010, Issue 33/2010, p 24092. (Annual report, National Institute of Pathology 2009-10 pp. 167; patent=2FQM2Nq1LKXKoFuqrtjSJw==&loc=+mN2fYxnTC4l0fUd8W4CAA== Appl_No=L4gFXeUTCLT1YOYCBTNQNA==&Pbl_No=L4gFXeUTCLT1YOYCBT NQNA==&Pat_No=2FQM2Nq1LKXKoFuqrtjSJw==

Publications: 1. Kumar A, Bajaj SP, Mukherjee A, Yerneni LK (2001): In Vitro Cultivation of differentiated Epidermis from Human Keratinocytes Suitable For Autologous Grafting in Burns Patients. Ind J Burns. 6: 65-68. 2. Kumar A, Ali A, Yerneni LK (2007): Effectiveness of mycoplasma elimination reagent on a hybridoma cell line with lab acquired extensive mycoplasma con tamination. Hybridoma 26 (2): 104-106. (ISI) impact factor 0.462; citation 4. 3. Kumar A, Ali A, Yerneni LK (2008): Tandem use of immunofluoresce and DNA staining assays to validate nested PCR detection of Mycoplasma. IN VITRO Cellular And Developmental Biology Animal 44(7): 189-192. (ISI) impact factor 0.971; citation 9 4. Kumar A, Yerneni LK (2009): Semi-automated relative quantification of mycoplasma contamination in cell culture by Photoshop-based image analysis on Immunofluorescence preparations. Biologicals 37: 55-60. (ISI) impact factor 1.209; citation 10 5. Alghamdi KM and Kumar A (2011): Depigmentation therapies for normal ski n in vitiligo universalis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 25(7): 749-57. (ISI) impact factor 3.105; citation 44 6. Alghamdi KM, Kumar A, Moussa NA (2012): Low-level laser therapy: a useful technique for enhancing the proliferation of various cultured cells. Lasers M ed Sci 27(1): 237-49. (ISI) impact factor 2.46; citation 225. 7. Alghamdi KM, Kumar A, Taieb A, Khaled E (2012): Assessment Methods for t he Evaluation of Vitiligo. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 26(12):1463-71). (I SI) impact factor 3.105; citation 38 8. Alghamdi KM, Kumar A, Moussa NA (2013): The Role of Vitamin D in Melano genesis with an Emphasis on Vitiligo. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Lepro 7 9 (6): 750-758 (ISI) impact factor 1.206; citation 27 9.Alghamdi KM, Kumar A, Attieh A AlGhamdi, Ashour A (2015): A comparative s tudy of the effects of different low-level lasers on the proliferation, viability an d migration of human melanocyte in vitro. Laser in Medical Science 30:154 1–1551. (ISI) impact factor 2.46; citation 8. 10. Khairy MA Zoheir, Ahmed A Abd-Rabou, Gamaleldin I Harisa4, Abdelkader E Ashour, Sheikh Fayaz Ahmad, Sabry M Attia, Saleh A Bakheet, Hala E Abde l-Hamied, Adel R Abd-Allah, Ashok Kumar (2015): Gene expression of IQGA Ps and Ras families in an experimental mouse model for hepatocellular carci noma: a mechanistic study of cancer progression. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 8(8) 8821-8831. (ISI) impact factor 1.8; citation 6 11. Al-Salahi RASHAD, Ashour ABDELKADER, Marzouk MOHAMED, Kumar AS HOK (2015): In Vitro Cytotoxicity Evaluation of a New Series of Benzo[g] [1,2 4]triazolo[1,5-α]Quinazolines. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy 34 (1 0): 1926-30. impact factor 0.37 12. 12. Al-Massarani SM, El-Gamal AA, Al-Said MS, Abdel-Kader MS, Ashour AE, Ashok Kumar, Abdel-Mageed WM, Al-Rehaily AJ, Ghabbour HA, Hoong-K un Fun (2016) Studies on the Red Sea Sponge Haliclona sp. for its Chemical and Cytotoxic Properties. Pharmacognosy Magazine 12 (46): 114-119. im pact factor 1.256; citation 1 13. Ali A. El-Gamal, Shaza M. Al-Massarani, Lamiaa A. Shaala, Abdulrahman M. A lahdald, Mansour S. Al-Said, Abdelkader E. Ashour, Ashok Kumar, Maged S. Abdel-Kader, Wael M. Abdel-Mageed, and Diaa T. A. Youssef (2016) Cytotoxic Compounds from the Saudi Red Sea Sponge Xestospongia testudinaria. Mari ne Drugs 14(5). pii: E82. doi: 10.3390/md14050082. impact factor 3.345; cit ation 1 14. Abdelkader E. Ashour, Atallah F. Ahmed, Ashok Kumar, Khairy M. A. Zoheir, Mourad A. Aboul-Soud4, Sheikh F. Ahmad, Sabry M. Attia, Adel R.A. Abd-Allah, Vino T. Cheryan and Arun K. Rishi (2016) Thymoquinone inhibits growth of h uman medulloblastoma cells by inducing oxidative stress and caspase-depen dent apoptosis while suppressing NF-jB signaling and IL-8 expression. Molec ular and Cellular Biochemistry 416:141–155. impact factor 2.613; citation 4 15. Zoheir KM, Abd-Rabou AA, Harisa GI, Kumar A, Ahmad SF, Ansari MA, Abd-Al lah AR. (2016): IQGAP1 Gene Silencing Induces Apoptosis and Decreases the Invasive Capacity of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. Tumour Biolog y 37:13927–13939. impact factor 2.926; citation 2 16. Alghamdi KM, Kumar A, Attiah AlGhamdi, Rikabi A, Mohammed Mubarek, As hour A (2016): Ultra-structural effects of different low-level lasers on the nor mal cultured human melanocytes: In vitro comparative study. Laser in Med ical Science 31:1819–1825. impact factor 2.461 17. Ashour AE, Badran M, Kumar A, Rishi AK, Yassin AE (2016) Di-block PLCL an d tri-block PLCLG matrix polymeric nanoparticles enhanced the anticancer ac tivity of loaded 5-fluorouracil. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience 15 (7): 739-747. Impact factor: 2.309. 18. Mostafa Ghorab, Mansour Alsaid, Yassin Nissan, Abdelkader Ashour, Abdullah Al-Mishari, Ashok Kumar, Sheikh Ahmad (2016) Novel sulfonamide derivativ es carrying a biologically active 3,4-dimethoxyphenyl moiety as VEGFR-2 inhi bitors. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 64 (12): 1747–1754. Impact factor: 1.228; citati on 1. 19. Alghamdi KM, Kumar A, Rikabi A, Abdullah Hasan AlOmrani, Ashour A, Shai k Shaffi Ahamed (2017): The vascular sclerosing effects of bleomycin on cuta neous veins: A Pharmacopathologic study on experimental animals. Anais B rasileiros de Dermatologia (Brazilian Annals of Dermatology) 92 (4): 484- 491. impact factor 0.88 20. Dina A. Albadawi, Ramzi A. Mothana, Jamal M. Khaled, Abdelkhader E. Ashour, Ashok Kumar, Sheikh F. Ahmad, Mansour S. Al-Said, Adnan J. Al- Rehaily and Nawal M. Almusayeib. (2017): Antimicrobial, anticancer, and antioxidant compounds from Premna resinosa growing in Saudi Arabia. Pharmaceutical Biology 55 (1): 1759–1766. 21. Mohamed Badran, Abdelkhader E. Ashour, Ashok Kumar, et al (2017): Chitosan decorated PLGA and PCL nanoparticles for efficient anticancer activity of docetaxel in colorectal cancer (HT-29): an in vitro approach. Submitted to Carbohydrate Polymers. 22. Anees A. Ansari, Shahanavaj Khan, A. Aldalbahi, A. K. Parchur, B. Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Mohd Raish, S. B. Rai (2017): Excellent bio-compatibility and in-vitro cytotoxicity of the highly enhanced luminescent with aqueous soluble NaGdF4:Ce/Tb nanocrystals and their potential application in anti-cancer drug. Submitted 23. AlGhamdi KM, A. Kumar, A. Rikabi, and A. E. Ashour. Safety and efficacy of parenteral glutathione as a promising skin lightening agent: A controlled pharmacohistologic study on animal model (Manuscript under preparation). 24. Kumar A and Alghamdi KM (2017): Effects of Low level laser (blue) irradiation on human embryonic stem cells derived mesenchymal stem cells for enhanci ng their growth & their use in regenerative medicine (Manuscript under prep aration). 25. Kumar A and Alghamdi KM (2017): Effects of Low level laser (red, blue & UV) irradiation on Adipose-derived Stem cells for enhancing their growth & their use in regenerative medicine (Manuscript under preparation). 26. A. E. Ashour, A. Z. Alzahrani, H. E. Abdel-Hamied, K. M. A. Zoheir, S. F. Ahma d, A. Kumar, S. S. Al-Rejaie and A. R. Abd-Allah. Influence of vardenafil on the antitumor activity of idarubicin against glioma in rats (Manuscript under prep aration). 27. A. E. Ashour, A. M. Alafeefy, S. M. Attia, S. F. Ahmad, K. M. Zoheir, A. Kumar. Development of novel selective tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase inhibit ors as promising anticancer agents (Manuscript under preparation).

Paper Presentation in International Conferences: 1. Ashok Kumar, Arif Ali and Yerneni LK (2006): Mycoplasma contamination in cell culture laboratories: An Indian Perspective. In: Proceedings of 16th International Organization for Mycoplasmology (IOM) Congress, Eds. Roger D. Ayling, Christine Citti & A. J. Nicholas. 9th to 14th July 2006, St. John’s College, Cambridge, UK, pp 127. 2. Ashok Kumar, Arif Ali and Yerneni LK (2008): Photoshop based image analysis: A valuable tool to quantify the mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures as per se on immunofluorescence assay preparations. In: Proceedings of 17th IOM Congress, Eds. Fenglin Gua and Cecile M. Bebear. 6th to 11th July 2008, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China, pp 107. 3. Ashok Kumar and Yerneni LK (2010): Detection of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures by immunofluorescent Assay, Hoechst-DNA Staining and Nested PCR: a Comparative Study. In: Proceedings of 18th IOM Congress, Eds. Daniel R Brown and Assunta Bertaccini. 11th to 16th July 2010, Chianciano Terme, Siena, Itlay, pp 156. 4. Alghamdi KM, Kumar A, Moussa NA (2011): Application of low level laser therapy to enhance the proliferation of stem cells and various other cultured cells. In: Proceedings of The 2nd Conference on Stem Cells and regenerative medicine, Eds. Aldahmash AM and Al-Nbaheen M. 13th-16th November 2011, College of Medicine, King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pp 68. 5. Ashok Kumar and Yerneni LK (2012): Elimination of Mycoplasma contamination in cell culture: Efficacy of different antibiotic. In: Proceedings of 19th IOM Congress, EDs. Citti C.15th to 20th July, 2012, Toulouse, France, pp 66. 6. Ashok Kumar and Yerneni LK (2014): Efficacy of commercially available anti-mycoplasma agent to eliminate mycoplasma in cell culture. In: Proceedings of 6th Academic Congress of Asian Organization for Mycoplasmaology (AOM), 22nd to 25th August, 2014, Zhangjiajie, China, pp 46. 7. Khairy MA Zoheir, Gamaleldin I Harisa, Sheikh Fayaz Ahmad, Mushtaq A Ahmad, Abdelkader A Ashour, Sabry M Attia, Adel R Abd-Allah, Saleh A. Bakhetta, and Ashok Kumar (2015): Mechanism of action of IQGAPs on Hep G2 cells by means of RNA interference of IQGAP1 gene. In: Keystone Symposia Conference, Keystone Resort, June 7 - June 12, 2015, Keystone, Colorado, USA. 8. Ahmed Mahmoud Alafeefy, Sabry Atia, Sheikh Ahmad, Khairy Zoheir, Abdelkader Ashour, Ashok Kumar. Development of novel selective tumor- associated carbonic anhydrase inhibitors as promising anticancer agents. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2015 Apr 18-22; Philadelphia, PA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2015; 75 (15 Suppl): Abstract nr LB- 100. doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2015-LB-100. impact factor 9.329 9. Kumar A, Amer Mahmood, Musaad Alfayez, Khalid M. AlGhamdi (2016): Effects of blue low-level laser to enhance the proliferation, viability and migration of human embryonic stem cells derived mesenchymal stem cells. In: Proceedings of The 3rd Stem Cells Conference (IV IPLASS MEETING) September 19- 21st, 2016, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia pp. 67

Paper Presentation in National (in India) Conferences: 1. Ashok Kumar, M. Manohar, V. Raina, S.V. Dev, N.K. Sukla, G.N. Ray, S.A. Husain (1997): Chromosomal Studies in Breast Cancer Cases. In: 23rd Annual conference of Indian Society of Human Genetics, at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, pp. 4. 2. S.A. Husain, Kamal Sharma, Ashok Kumar, Bimla (1997): Chromosomal Studies in Females with Primary Amennorhea. In: 23rd Annual conference of Indian Society of Human Genetics, at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, pp. 33. 3. Gibanananda Ray, Sanjay Batra, Ashok Kumar and S.A. Husain (1999): Free Radical Production and Antioxidant Status in Breast cancer. In: Toxicology and Environmental Health (Eds. S.B. Vohra & V.P. Agrawal) Society of Biosciences/Jamia Hamdard/Asiatech Publ. Inc., New Delhi, pp.231-237. 4. Kumar, A, Murtaza, I and Ali, A “Genetic alterations in breast cancer patients” XXV Cellbiology Conference 7th-12th November 2001 Banglore, India. 5. Ashok Kumar, S.P. Bajaj, Ashok Mukherjee and Lakshmana K. Yerneni (2001): In Vitro Cultivation of differentiated Epidermis from Human Keratinocytes Suitable For Autologous Grafting in Burns Patients. In: 9th Annual Conference of National Academy of Burns, Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi. 6. Ashok Kumar and L. K. Yerneni (2005): Incidence of Mycoplasma contamination in Indian (Delhi) tissue culture laboratories. In: Proceedings of VII Annual Conference-cum-Workshop, Eds. Mandira Varma, 29th-30th April 2005, Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, Delhi pp 34. 7. Lakshmana K Yerneni and Ashok Kumar (2006): Bioengineering of cultured epidermis from adult epidermal stem cells suitable as autologous graft material. In: Proceedings of 46th Annual Conference of National Academy Of Medical Sciences (India), National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, on 28th Oct., 2005, pp. 6. 8. Lakshmana K Yerneni and Ashok Kumar (2008): Adult Epidermal Stem Cell: Isolation, Maintenance and Differentiation. In: Proceedings of 12th ADNAT CONVENTION “Hands on Training course on Basic Techniques on Stem Cell Biology: Isolation, Maintenance and Differentiation”, Eds. Satish Kumar, Gopal Pande, Jyotsna Dhawan & Shashi Singh. Centre For Cellular and Molecular Biology and Association for Promotion of DNA Fingerprinting and Other DNA Technologies (ADNAT), Hyderabad, pp 60.

Attended conferences and Symposiums: 1. Attended 21st Annual Conference of Indian association of Pathologists & Microbiologists (IAPM), Delhi Chapter, 16th April 2006, Institute Of Pathology (IOP), ICMR and Safdarjang Hospital (SJH) & V M Medical College, New Delhi- 110029. 2. Attended Mini-symposium on Vitiligo Update 2010 on 31st March 2010 at College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA 3. Attended "The first knowledge translation (KT) symposium in Saudi Arabia" on 21st December 2011 at College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA 4. Attended "The 2nd Saudi International Biotechnology Conference 2016" on 23rd – 24th Feb., 2016 at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadgh, Saudi Arabia.

Honours and Awards:  Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test Examination (GATE)-1997, Delhi, India.  Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET)-2004 (subject Bio-Technology) conducted by Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ICAR), New Delhi and is eligible for Lectureship/Assistant Professorship. This NET certificate has recognized by the University Grant Commission/Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India.  Best Poster Presentation Award entitled “Incidence of Mycoplasma ...... laboratories” Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, 2005.  Awarded the Senior Research Fellowship for three years (Sep., 2005 to Aug., 2008) by ICMR. th  Travel Award, 16 IOM Congress, St. John’s College, Cambridge, UK, 2006. th  A Poster entitled “Mycoplasma contamination...... Perspective” 16 IOM Congress was nominated for the Harry Morton Award for best poster presentation.  Lakshmana K Yerneni (Ph.D co-supervisor) received Shri Shyam Lal Saksena Memorial Award (2006) in the field of Bio-Medical Engineering by National Academy of Medical Sciences (India), for Bioengineering of cultured epidermis from adult epidermal stem cells suitable as autologous graft material. th  Travel Award, CSIR & 17 IOM Congress, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China, 2008.  A Poster entitled “Photoshop based image analysis..... assay preparations” 17th IOM Congress was nominated for the Harry Morton Award for best poster presentation. th  A Poster entitled “Detection of mycoplasma ...... Study” 18 IOM Congress, Chianciano Terme, Siena, Itlay, was nominated for the Louis Dienes Award for best poster presentation.  A Poster entitled “Elimination of Mycoplasma ..... different antibiotic” 19th IOM Congress, Toulouse, France was nominated for the Louis Dienes Award for best poster presentation.

Autologous epidermal cell transplantation:  In vitro cultured epidermal sheets were grafted in five burns patients successfully at Department of Burns, Plastic Surgery & Maxillofacial Surgery, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi-29, India.  Autologous grafting of non-cultured melanocytes to vitiligo patients (35 cases) for enhancing the re-pigmentation at affected area of skin at Department of Dermatology, King Khalid Uni,. Hospital, Riyadh.

Invited as a trainer: Actively participated as a faculty and demonstrated work entitled “Adult Epidermal Stem Cell: Isolation, Maintenance and Differentiation” during the “Hands on Training ...... Differentiation” jointly organised by CCMB and ADNAT, Hyderabad (India), Feb. 25 to March 10, 2008.

Invited speaker:  Delivered a talk on “Cell culture techniques” M. M. College, Modinagar, Ghaziabad, UP, India, 2011  Delivered a talk on “Application of low level laser therapy to enhance the proliferation of stem cells and various other cultured cells” during 2nd Conference on Stem Cells and regenerative, College of Medicine, KSU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 13th-16th November, 2011.  Delivered a talk on “Effects of blue low-level laser to enhance the proliferation, viability and migration of human embryonic stem cells derived mesenchymal stem cells” during 3rd Stem Cells Conference (IV IPLASS MEETING) September 19- 21st, 2016, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Invited as keynote speaker: Delivered a talk on “Efficacy of commercially available anti-mycoplasma agent to eliminate mycoplasma in cell culture” during 6th AOM 22nd to 25th August, 2014, Zhangjiajie, China.

Training and Workshop:  Attended the workshop on Isolation and Identification of Mycoplasmas by Conventional and Molecular methods on 28th April 2005 at Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.  Attended the workshops on Cytogenetics-Fish & Flow Cytometery- Basics and Applications on 4th & 5th December 2006 at Nimhans, Banglore (India).  Attended the workshop on “Basic techniques in molecular biology” on 11th-15th December 2007 at Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar (India).  Attended the workshop on “Mycoplasma Techniques” held in conjunction with the 17th IOM Congress. Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China on July 6, 2008.  Attended the workshop on "Experimental Animal Care" held at College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 23rd Feb., 2010.  Attended the workshop on "Effective Use of Spectroscopy" organized by King Saud University Research Chair in Laser Diagnosis of Cancers, Department of Physics, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 4th April 2012.  Attended the workshop on "Statistics Made Easy Course" conducted at the NGCEBHP College of Medicine, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on the 13th to 14th March 2013.  Attended the workshop on "Stem Cell Workshop" conducted at the College of Science and Health Professions, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on the 7th to 11th June 2015. Membership: 1) Indian association of Mycoplasmologists. 2) International Organization for Mycoplasmology. 3) European Society of Toxicology In Vitro. 4) Stem Cell Voice of India.

Invited reviewer: J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol

Member of organizing committee: 21st Annual Conference of IAPM, Delhi Chapter, 16th April 2006, IOP & SJH, New Delhi, India. Mini-symposium on Vitiligo Update 2010 on 31st Mar 2010, College of Medicine, KSU, Riyadh, KSA. Hands-on Course on Skin Surgery Skills, May 10-11, 2011, College of Medicine, KSU, Riyadh, KSA. Hands-on Course on Skin Surgery Skills, Feb., 8-9, 2012, College of Medicine, KSU, Riyadh, KSA. Hands-on Course on Skin Surgery Skills, May 1-2, 2013, College of Medicine, KSU, Riyadh, KSA. Hands-on Course on Injectable cosmetics, May 3, 2013, College of Medicine, KSU, Riyadh, KSA.

References: Prof. Khalid M. AlGhamdi, Prof. Arif Ali, Director, Vitiligo Research Chair, Gene expression Lab., Department of Dermatology, Department of Biosciences, Jamia Millia College of Medicine & King Khalid Islamia University, New Delhi-110 025, University Hospital, India King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Phone:+91-9810560205 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Abdelkader Ashour Dr. Sourabh Verma Associate Professor Scientist D Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Flow-cytometery Lab Kulliyyah of Medicine, National Institute of Pathology (ICMR) International Islamic University Malaysia, Safdarjung Hospital Campus 25200 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, New Delhi India Malaysia. Phone:+91- 9899086705 E-mail: [email protected] Email ID: [email protected]

Personal Information: Date of Birth : 1st July, 1975 Father’s Name : Shri Sukhant Singh Permanent Address : Opposite Summer Field School, Gali No. 2, Sant Pura, Shyam Singh Vihar, Modi Nagar, Pin Code 201 201, Distt. Ghaziabad, (U.P.), Phone: +91-9319824377 Gender : Male Nationality : Indian Marital Status : Married

Dated: 8th Oct, 2017 Place: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Dr. Ashok Kumar)

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