Name: Dr.Surendra Sadashiv Ranade
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Profile of Dr.Ranade
Name: Dr.Surendra Sadashiv Ranade
Qualification : Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal husbndary, Anand 1978
Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development Management from Institute of Rural Management Anand , IRMA 1992-93
Experience : More than 35 years work experience in the field of Dairying thro Cooperatives.
From July 1978 to July 1993 – 15 Years with National Dairy Development Board, NDDB Anand. Has worked in almost all the states of the country including North East States.
From Aug 1993 to Aug 2000 – 7 Years as General Manager , The Rajkot Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Ltd., - Rajkot Dairy. The Unit was a SICK Unit with an accumulated losses of around Rs. 125 Lakhs , which was successfully Turned Around. The Rajkot dairy is a Federal member of AMUL Family.
From Sept. 2000 to March 2004 as Managing Director, The Pune Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Ltd., Katraj Dairy Pune. This Unit was Also a SICK Unit with an accumulated losses of around Rs. 1125 Lakhs , which was Successfully Turned around.
From April 2004 to Sept 2008 was working as Managing Director Gokul Dairy Kolhapur. The KOLHAPUR ZILLA SAHAKARI DUDH UTPADAK SANGH LTD., Kolhapur, is country’s top five dairy Units. The Annual turn Over of the Gokul Dairy for the year 2004-05 was Around Rs. 700 Crores.
From Oct 2008- Sept 10 ,was working as General Manager , Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables Pvt. Ltd. At Junagadh Dairy. The unit was operative in Seven Districts of Saurashtra and Kutch. It was collecting and processing about 6 Lakh kg of Milk daily through New Generation Cooperatives.
From Oct 2010 to Oct 2011 was working as Officer on Special Duty with Maharshtra State Coop Milk Federation , Mumbai.
From October 2011 to Feb 2014 was working as a Consultant Director , with Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals, New Delhi as Director Dairy & AH.
From March 2014 working as Specialist Procurement with NDDB Dairy Services, New Delhi. Bio Data
Name : Dr.S.S.Ranade
( Having expertise in Rural Development Management. Experience more than 34 years.)
Date of Birth : 23rd October 1955 Age : 59 years.
Family Details : Married. Wife was serving as a teacher. One daughter, Serving with MNC at Banglore.
Present Address : E 16 , Sudarshan Bunglows, Nr Sreeji Darshan Society,Narmada Canal, Chhani Road, Vadodara , 391 740 , Guajarat
Mobile No +91 9428522555, +91 9712712212 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Qualification : Post Graduation : PGDRDM, a 1 yr Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development Management, from The Institute of Rural Management - Anand.- IRMA in 1992-93.
Graduation : B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry ) from Gujarat Agricultural University, in 1978.
Certificate course in Disaster management from IGNOU 2005
Specialised Training : Have attended 3 weeks training at Yokohama (Japan) on Total Quality Management.
Languages Known : Can Read Write and Speak Gujarati, Hindi, English and Marathi. Working knowledge of Bengali
Employment Details : Total length of Service, More than 34 Years.
Present Employment : Working as a Specialist Procurement with NDDB Dairy Services , New Delhi.
Past Employment : 1 ) Director AH & Dairying , ISAP , New Delhi. 2 ) Officer on Special Duty , Maharshtra State Coop Milk federation , Mumbai. From Oct 2010 to Oct 2011 3) General Manager , Junagdh Dairy ( Mother Dairy F & V (P) Ltd, New Delhi ) From Oct 2008 to July 2010. 4) Managing Director, Kolhapur District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union ltd. From April 2004 to sept 2008 5) Managing Director, Pune District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union ltd. From Sept. 2000 to March 2004. 6) Rajkot District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd.,Rajkot,Gujarat, From July '93 to Aug.2000. 7 ) National Dairy Development Board, Anand (NDDB) from July 1978 to June 1993
Experience : All along my career of 34 years have been associated with Developmental activities at Village level thru Milk Business right from the formulation Planning ,Appraisal and Monitoring.
Can independently handle Personal Computers And various packages and the Internet. Current job :
Working as Specialist Procurement with National Dairy Development Boards Subsidiary company NDDB Dairy Services, New Delhi.( From March 2014 )
Job involved is to provide consultancy services to Milk Producers Company which are being funded by World Bank as a part of National Dairy Plan phase 1. Services provided are for Village Based Milk Procurment System , Milk Procurement network , Dairy Value Chain Operations , to maintain Milk Quality standards, Milk Productivity enhancement programme , Artificial Insemination and Animal Breeding activities, purchases as per the guidelines of World Bank etc.
Last Job :
Was Working as a Director Dairy & Animal Husbandary, with Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals ( ISAP ) , New Delhi.( Oct 2010 to March 2014 )
The company is engaged in Agricultural Extension services and working with more than 1,00,000 farmers in 17 states of the country. We were to be entrusted with a task to initiate Animal Husbandary and Dairying Business since Agriculture and AH / Dairying activities are always integrated with each other. The first activity will be initiated soon at Jharkhand. The funds is made available by Govt. of Jharkhand under RKVY scheme of GOI. The total project cost is of Rs 55 Crores spread over 5 years period. 500 Dairy Cattle Development Centres will be established in 12 districts of Jharkhand. These centers will cater to veterinary first Aid , Vaccination , Feed , fodder and management services besides the Artificial Insemination Programme. This activity will also create more than 500 new jobs for Rural Educated youths..
Previous Job : Oct 2010 to Oct 2011
Was working as Officer on Special Duty with the Maharashtra State Milk Federation Mumbai,The Job assigned was Coordination with the Central / State Govt Departments to get Funding for Member Milk Cooperatives under various Government Programmes for Rural and Dairy Development Activities. Eg National Dairy Plan , Intensive Cattle Development Plan, Clean Milk Production Programme, RKVY , PM’s Package for Vidarbha area, etc .
Previous Employments : Oct 2008 to August 2010
Was working as General Manager with Junagadh dairy , a unit of Mother Dairy Fruits and Vegetables Private Ltd., New Delhi. The job involved organization of Dairy units in the Villages of Seven Districts of Saurashtra region of Gujarat. In a span of two years could re open more than 900 village units and established 41 Bulk Milk Coolers to collect the milk. Revived the Dairy plant at Bhuj- Kutch and a 200 MTD Cattle Feed Plant,Rajkot.The unit is Presently handling about Five Lakh litres of Milk daily, from about 1800 villages level units located in Seven Districts. The total turn over was Approx. Rs 400 Crores.
From April 2004 to sept. 2008
Was working as Managing Director, The Kolhapur District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd.- Gokul Dairy Kolhapur. From April 2004.
The Kolhapur Milk union had an Annual Turn Over of around Rs. 650 crores in 2007-08. Gokul Dairy is the largest milk cooperative in the state of Maharashtra. Out of the average milk collection of about 5.25 Lakh Lit per day , around 5.00 Lakh Lit per day milk is sold in the Consumer pack with sale in Mumbai being around 4.0 lakh lit per day. From the 1200 villages in the district the MU has a membership of 3500 DCS with a farmer membership of 6.5 Lakhs. The paid up Share capital is about Rs. 33 Crores with equal amount in the bank as Fixed deposits. The MU has 4 Chilling Centers , a dairy Plant of 7 Lakh litre capacity, a CFP with a capacity of 200 MT/D , 33 veterinary sub centers , a packing unit of 4 Lakh lit per day capacity at New Mumbai. The total staff strength is about 2000. During my tenure of about Four years following activities have been initiated with the cooperation of the BOD and active support from the team of managerial staff.
. Calf rearing scheme . Switching over of AI system on Cost basis. . Provident Fund Scheme for the Milk Producers . Wrestling Competition for the Son’s of the Milk Producer for Monthly Scholarship . Reduced the Veterinary medicine expenses by Rs. One Crore annually by switching over to Prevention of disease Practices. . Introduced celebration of bi annual De Worming day for the cattle. . Introduction of products like Lassi , Butter Milk , Curd and Paneer. . Introduction of milk in 200 gms and 5 liter packing. . Purchase and Installation of mineral mixture Plant. . Introduction of Calf Starter and Milk Replacer ( Patented) for the young Animals. . Obtained the Accreditation from the Export inspection Council of India. . Advancing loans to the Milk producers for purchase of Animal. . Introduced On The Job training for the technical staff with the assistance of MIT Mehsana. . Gokul Exported the first ever consignment of butter . Arranged a trainers training Programme for the Women Farmers of SHG with assistance from the Vaikunth Mehta Institute of Cooperative management , Pune.
For the year the MU is likely to generate a profit of Rs.10 Crores after distributing the Price Difference of about Rs. 18 Crores.
From Sept. 2000 to March 2004
Was working as MD , Pune Milk Union. Took up this job since Pune Milk Coops. had registered an accumulated loss of around Rs. 11.25 Crores. During my tenure , we obtained a financial Assistance of a total of Rs. 5.50 Crores from the Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra on 50-50 % sharing basis. With active support from NDDB and BOD along with team of Officers , we could turn around this Sick unit in to a profit making organization. By Mar 2004, the accumulated losses had come dawn to around Rs. 1.5 Crores, which will be wiped out soon, since then Milk Union has well established system for monitoring every activity very closely and effectively. The PUNE MU is the only milk cooperative in the Maharashtra to have functional ERP system in place which was put up during my tenure. The MU had employed about 700 Employees, and Five Chilling Centers. The Annual Turnover of the unit for the Year 2003-04 was Rs. 137.0 Crores. There were about 1000 village level primary milk Cooperatives affiliated to the Unit.
From July '93 to Aug. 2000
Was working as the Chief Executive of Rajkot District Milk producers Cooperative. The unit had employed 325 Employees, and had two sub centers. The Annual Turnover of the unit for the Year 1999-2000 was Rs. 380 Millions. There was about 225 village level primary milk Cooperatives affiliated to the Unit. The unit was a federal member of the Gujarat Cooperative Milk marketing federation – AMUL . The Unit had registered a cumulative loss of around Rs. 1.25 Crores , when I joined , which was turn around to a profit-making organisation with the active support from the BOD and staffof Rajkot Milk Union, when left .
From July 1978 to June 1993 Working with the National Dairy Development Board ( NDDB ) , Anand.
From October 1989 to June 1993 as the Programme coordinator North Eastern States The job involved was to assist the State / District level Milk Unions to attain viability in their respective business to ensure the objectives of the Operation Flood Programme are fulfilled.
As a nominee of the NDDB on the Board of directors of Five Milk Unions was responsible for all the policy decisions. This job also involved close liaison with the different Departments of the respective State Governments. Was involved in the preparation of the project reports, it's appraisal, Monitoring and planning for the Procurement and marketing of the Technical Inputs, Milk and Milk Products.
From Mar 1980 to Sept. 89 as Asstt. Executive (Mon) at IDC , Baroda. During this period was Monitoring the Operation Flood Projects of the Eastern region, for it's progress monitoring and servicing the requirements by way of funds, Equipment, Supplies, manpower Training etc. For the speedy and timely implementation of the Operation flood programme. Was also responsible for the Designing and implementation of the various Monitoring formats.
Was also coordinating the Publication of various booklets materials and designing and printing of the Annual reports of the erstwhile Indian Dairy Corporation (IDC). The IDC was later merged with the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) by an act of the Parliament.
Was I/C of the administrative work of the Office. The job involved supervision of the Transport, maintenance of the office building, fixtures, furniture, Office equipment, TP/ Telex, Reception, Guest Programme coordination etc.
From July 1978 to Feb. 1980 Asstt. Executive (Cattle export Team)
Worked as a team member of the Cattle Export team. Job involved was Selection, Management, Quarantine, and Shipment through Road/rail/Air of the Animals for Export including the Export formalities.
Current Emoluments :
Total Emoluments Drawn : Approx. Rs. 19 Lakhs PA. CTC
Expected Salary : Rs 25 Lakhs plus Residential Accomodation.
Extra Curricular Activities. : a) Sports
Represented Guj. Agri. University at the All India Inter University meets on three occasions in Table Tennis and Once in Badminton
b) Cultural
Have staged and Directed many One Act and Full Length plays.
Was Convener of the Drama forum of the Northern India Cultural Association, A voluntary Cultural Organisation at Baroda, for eight years.
Was associated with the Children Theater Activities at Rajkot For 6 years.
c) Was a NCC cadet for four years. Have passed B certificate d) Was a Student Scout for four years .
(Dr. S.S.Ranade)