1. A) in What Way Was the Gospel Covenant Established Through Joseph Smith New ?

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1. A) in What Way Was the Gospel Covenant Established Through Joseph Smith New ?

Doctrine & Covenants: The Restoration- Lesson 9 Sisters at the Well: LDS Women’s Scripture Study

Lesson 9: D&C 22-25 Reading: D&C 22:1- 4 1. a) In what way was the gospel covenant established through Joseph Smith “new”?

b) In what way is the gospel covenant “everlasting”?

2. The fact that the “new and everlasting covenant” is called “that which was had from the beginning” does not mean that the various dispensations have always been the same. God has revealed what was appropriate to the time and place of each dispensation. a) Name one dispensation referred to in this section that is specifically named as being an “old covenant” which is now “done away.”

b) How is it a “dead work”?

c) Why is it important that the church be a “living church” as it says in D&C 1:30?

Reading: D&C 23:1-7 3. Look up the word exhort and the word exhortation in a good dictionary. Given the dictionary meaning of the words, and the revelations given to the men in this section that their “calling was to exhortation”, what, in your own words, do you think they were they called to do?

4. What are some differences in the revelations given to the brethren that show how well the Lord knew the hearts and the circumstances of each of them? What stands out to you?

5. Joseph Knight, the man addressed in verses 6 and 7, had not as yet joined the church when this revelation was received. He had helped Joseph a great deal, providing money, food and transportation when the Book of Mormon was being translated. But he was a shy man and preferred to remain behind the scenes. a) What did the Lord ask Joseph Knight to do?

b) The phrase “taking up his cross” comes from the Savior’s words in Matthew 16:24. Here are vers- es 24 and 25: 24. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoev- er will lose his life for my sake shall find it.Matthew 16:24-25 What do you think Jesus is saying about the cost of discipleship? Put this principle in your own words.

© 2012-2013 Poet & Wilson 1 www.sistersatthewell.org

Doctrine & Covenants: The Restoration- Lesson 9 Sisters at the Well: LDS Women’s Scripture Study

c) PERSONAL: A cross was, as you remember, the instrument upon which the flesh was put to death. Would you like to share a time when the Lord asked you to do something that required “taking up a cross”?

Reading: D&C 24:1-9 Church History Notes: These verses are directed to the prophet Joseph Smith. The summer after the church was organized saw a great upswing in persecution, with false arrests and mob action. Though these ultimately came to nothing, they were a portent of what lay ahead. It seemed the powers of darkness were not happy and did all in their power to turn the world against the young church and the prophet. 6. What things does the inclusion of verse 2 in Doctrine & Covenants 24 tell you about Joseph Smith?

7. a) What responsibility did the early branches of the church have toward the prophet?

b) What would happen to those branches if they did not do as the Lord commanded?

8. For every commandment, there is an attached blessing that comes to a person if they obey the command- ment. Some would like to think that if they break a commandment, or refuse to live it, that nothing much hap- pens. They simply don’t get the blessing they might have received. What two specific “sins” mentioned in these verses result in a cursing?

9. Read through the Scripture List attached to this lesson on Blessings and Cursings. a) How do these principles confirm the old adage, “When you pick up one end of a stick, you also pick up the other end”? In other words, what is our personal responsibility when it comes to the laws of blessings and cursings?

b) What are some possible curses that come as a result of breaking the Word of Wisdom?

c) It sounds pretty harsh to think of God cursing people for not obeying a commandment. Can you explain how this is actually the most loving thing that God could do when someone knowingly breaks a com- mandment?

10. What advice is given Joseph in these verses concerning his temporal affairs, or making a living?

© 2012-2013 Poet & Wilson 2 www.sistersatthewell.org

Doctrine & Covenants: The Restoration- Lesson 9 Sisters at the Well: LDS Women’s Scripture Study

Reading: D&C 24:10-19 11. What do you find most interesting in the three verses given to Oliver Cowdery? (10,11,12) Perhaps you can compare what is said here to the counsel he was given in Section 23.

12. According to these verses, is it a good thing to request a priesthood blessing for the sick? Explain.

13. Read D&C 60:15, and compare this with D&C 24:15. Both concern a practice no longer carried out by LDS missionaries. All three of the synoptic gospels record the Savior’s same command to his early disciples. (Matt. 10:14; Mark 6:11; Luke 9:5) One possible interpretation of these scriptures has to do with the Law of Hospitality. In ancient Israel, hospitality was not only good manners, but a moral imperative which grew out of the harsh conditions. In the Old Testament we find it codified in the admonition to provide for strangers “for you were strangers in a strange land.” (Lev. 19:36) Travel was strenuous, dangerous and meant walking for miles between potential sources of help. If a traveler came your way, you were honor bound to provide rest and refreshment for them. It was part of your human duty in a civil society. The early missionaries of this dispensation depended on the kindness of strangers to make their way on a missionary journey. a) What were missionaries to take with them in Joseph Smith’s day as provision? Cite verse.

b) Given the background of the law of hospitality, note the wording of these scriptures carefully and write what it is exactly that the people did or did not do which warranted this witness against them.

c) Can you gather any kind of general principle from this about how the Lord expects us to treat our fellow man? In other words, how should you treat Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come to your door?

Reading: D&C 25:1-16 14. Why does the Lord refer to Emma Smith as his daughter in the first verse of this section?

15. The Lord calls Emma “an elect lady whom I have called.” He also says in verse 16, “this is my voice unto all.” What do you think it means to be elect? (Are we elect?)

16. It is certainly not in the spirit of the present age to advise wives to be meek. But perhaps our perception of what that means is skewed. a) Why do you think the Lord considers “a spirit of meekness” (v.5) a good thing for a wife to devel- op, especially considering its opposite?

b) The next verse says, “thou shalt go with him at the time of his going.” How could this counsel be applied in our modern day?

© 2012-2013 Poet & Wilson 3 www.sistersatthewell.org

Doctrine & Covenants: The Restoration- Lesson 9 Sisters at the Well: LDS Women’s Scripture Study

c) What clues to you find in this section to Emma that make it clear God was not asking her to be a “shrinking violet” or a “silent, little mouse” when He counseled her to be meek?

17. The calling to expound scriptures was a duty that was given in the section just before this one to the prophet Joseph Smith. Likewise the command to “exhort the church” was given to several in priesthood of- fices in Section 20. What does it say about the way the Lord regards women that he would give these same responsibilites to Emma Smith?

18. PERSONAL: Have you ever been “exhorted” by a woman in a church calling, or had a woman teacher “ex- pound” the meaning of the scriptures in a way that particularly influenced your life?

19. The call to “lay aside the things of this world and seek for the things of a better” is ongoing in the lives of women. Many forces seek to get us to attend to this world and put off seeking the things of a better. Have you learned anything about this ongoing search or struggle that you think others would find helpful?

20. Have you experienced the hymns as prayers and how have they been an influence for good in your life?

21. Emma is told to cleave to her covenants. You might be interested in some definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary. “To cling or hold fast to; to attach oneself (by grasping, etc.) to.” and “to adhere or cling to (a person, party, principle, practice, etc.); to remain attached, devoted, or faithful to.” How can we do this in our day? What advice would you give someone wanting to live this kind of life?

© 2012-2013 Poet & Wilson 4 www.sistersatthewell.org

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