Chapter 03: Freud S Psychoanalytic Theory

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Chapter 03: Freud S Psychoanalytic Theory

Chapter 03: Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory

1. The school of thought known as ______argued that people could be understood in terms of basic physical and chemical mechanisms. This is contrary to ______belief that a non-physical spiritual force is responsible for life.

a) vitalism; mechanism’s

b) mechanism; vitalism’s

c) spiritualism; mechanism’s

d) mechanism; spiritualism’s

Ans: b

2. The primary evidence for Freud’s theory of personality came from ______.

a) hypnosis

b) self-analysis

c) free association

d) repression

Ans: c

3. According to Freud, the mind is ______.

a) an energy system

b) an information system

c) a neurological system

d) an inert system

Ans: a

4. Freud watched his patients have the psychological experience of catharsis and inferred what about the mind?

a) it must have more than one part

b) there must be an unconscious

c) the mind is an energy system

d) all of the above Ans: d

5. ______includes the mental contents of which we could become aware if we attended to them.

a) conscious

b) preconscious

c) periconscious

d) unconscious

Ans: b

6. In analyzing dreams, Freud found that unconscious life has all of the following qualities, except:

a) it is alogical

b) it disregards time

c) it is bliss-filled

d) it deals in a world of symbols

Ans: c

7. Regarding the unconscious, your textbook authors note that Freud’s fundamental message to the world is that:

a) the contents of the unconscious influence conscious experience

b) the contents of the preconscious influence conscious experience

c) the contents of the conscious influence unconscious experience

d) the contents of the preconscious influence unconscious experience

Ans: a

8. Early research on subliminal perception indicates that:

a) there is no such phenomenon as perception without awareness

b) stimuli that are not consciously perceived can influence conscious experience

c) only stimuli that are consciously perceived can influence conscious experience

d) the contents of the unconscious have no influence on consciousness Ans: b

9. Participants in one study took longer to recognize emotionally toned words compared to neutral words and showed signs of emotional response to the emotionally toned words before they could verbally identify them. This research illustrates the phenomenon known as:

a) dream analysis

b) perceptual defense

c) tachistoscopic presentation

d) preconsciousness

Ans: b

10. The distinction between the traumatic sexual and aggressive unconscious content of interest to Freud, and the relatively mundane unconscious content studied by contemporary researchers suggests that one should distinguish between the ______and the ______

a) psychoanalytic unconscious; cognitive unconscious

b) preconscious; unconscious

c) psychoanalytic conscious; cognitive conscious

d) preconscious; conscious

Ans: a

11. Which of the following structures of the mind did Freud deem the “great reservoir” of mental energies?

a) The id

b) The ego

c) The superego

d) The cognitive unconscious

Ans: a

12. Which of the following structures of the mind is most capable of reality testing?

a) The id

b) The ego c) The superego

d) The cognitive unconscious

Ans: b

13. Freud’s life and death instincts are manifested as ______and ______drives, respectively.

a) aggressive; sexual

b) aggressive; creative

c) sexual; aggressive

d) sexual; creative

Ans: c

14. In the dynamics of functioning, instincts can be:

a) blocked from expression

b) expressed in a modified way

c) expressed without modification

d) all of the above

Ans: d

15. Anxiety represents a painful emotion that alerts the ______to danger so that it can act.

a) id

b) ego

c) superego

d) death instinct

Ans: b

16. Defense mechanisms are a strategic effort by the _____to cope with the socially unacceptable impulses of the ____.

a) superego; ego b) ego; superego

c) superego; id

d) ego; id

Ans: d

17. Of the defense mechanisms discussed in the text, which one arguably benefits society the most?

a) reaction formation

b) projection

c) sublimation

d) repression

Ans: c

18. Davis and Schwartz (1987) found that people with a repressive coping style, relative to others:

a) recalled fewer negative emotions

b) were significantly older at the time of the earliest negative memory recalled

c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

d) neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

Ans: c

19. During each stage of Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, gratification centers on a particular

a) erogenous zone

b) fixation area

c) defense mechanism

d) Oedipus complex

Ans: a

20. During the phallic stage of development the ______is resolved when the child ______the same-sex parent.

a) Oedipus complex; conquers b) castration anxiety; ignores

c) Oedipus complex; identifies with

d) castration anxiety; chastises

Ans: c

21. One of the greatest differences between Freud’s and Erikson’s theory of development is that Erikson

a) ignored personality development later in life

b) did not characterize development as happening in stages

c) focused more on personality development later in life

d) focused more on the psychosexual aspects of development

Ans: c

22. Primary process thinking is the language of the ______whereas secondary process thinking is the language of the ______.

a) unconscious; periconscious

b) unconscious; conscious

c) conscious; unconscious

d) conscious; periconscious

Ans: b

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