Slinfold Parish Council s2

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Slinfold Parish Council s2

Slinfold Parish Council PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX Tel: 01403 785864 Email:[email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held on Thursday 25th March 2010 At 7.30pm in the Parish Room

051/10 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Those present: Councillors R Hillyard (Chairman), C Burke, W Coad, G Constantine, M Dunkerton, F Jobling, E Sorensen, G Stenton-Chandler and D White. Also present: Parish Clerk M Burroughs and M Hodgson (County). Apologies – Cllrs. N Jefferys and P Rowlinson (District).

Members of the public – there were approximately 15 members of the public present with regards to 057/10 – The Golf Club Application and 058/10 Planning as well as a resident who has expressed an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor. There were two people representing the Golf Club.

052/10 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests

Cllr. W Coad declared a ‘personal’ interest in 057/10 the Golf Club application. There were no other declarations of interest or changes notified to Members’ Register of Interests.

At this point, the Chairman suspended Standing Orders to allow members of the public and the Golf Club representatives to speak.

Public Session

DC/10/0416, 3 Greenfield Road – a member of the public asked that the Parish Council object to this application on the basis that it is contrary to the Slinfold Parish Design Statement, it would create ‘terraced’ properties, loss of privacy/light to the neighbouring property and parking issues.

Slinfold Park Golf Club – Members of the public spoke and raised concerns on the following: The purpose behind the application and whether it would be of benefit to the existing members of the club and Slinfold residents; noise/nuisance; the inert material that is being imported; road safety/an increase in traffic; drainage and potential flooding and whether there would be a S106 contribution.

A Golf Club representative responded by advising that some disruption would be inevitable and that the work would take place over a period of 75 weeks with 40 lorries a day, although the majority of these vehicles are already on the network on a daily basis. The work on the driving range (80% importation) is necessary to extend the length, improve drainage and so as not to undermine the oak trees. The club plans are to make facilities a ‘more exciting arena for families’.

The public session ended at 8.00pm, Standing Orders were resumed. 053/10 Chairman’s Announcements  Announcement from Cllr. White – Cllr. White has advised the Chairman that he will be standing down as Chairman of the Recreation Youth & Environment Committee and the Management Committee of the Slinfold Youth Club at the Annual Meeting in May 2010. Cllr. Hillyard thanked David for all his hard work as Chairman of these two committees.

054/10 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 25 th February 2010 as previously circulated.

The draft minutes having been circulated were taken as read and it was agreed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a true record, subject to the Clerks request to change two typing errors on the last page.

055/10 Matters arising from 054/10, for information only i. 20 mph speed limit in the village – The Clerk has put this request forward to the CLC; ii. WSCC Consultation – Snow Summit – the Clerk has sent the Council’s response to WSCC; iii. The Nat West Fixed Rate Bond has been opened; iv. The Coop Guaranteed Investment Account has been increased by £15,000; v. The WSCC PFI Streetlighting Contract has been signed and returned.

056/10 Matters arising from the Public Session

The Clerk advised that she had received a letter (copied to the Cllrs. Hillyard and Hodgson) from Mr Watkins (Access to the Downs Link from the Five Oaks Road Minutes 25th February 2010, 032/10 and 037/10), dated 9th March 2010.

Mr Watkins wanted to point out that he had not been given the opportunity to respond to Cllr. Hodgson’s comment that 100 yards of roadside footpath was required, instead of the 10 to 15 foot that he was proposing. Mr Watkins provided information to clarify his proposal, which would require steps and a handrail. Mr Watkins’ letter was noted and it was agreed that the Clerk should acknowledge receipt and reiterate the actions that were agreed at the last meeting.

057/10 Slinfold Golf Club Planning Application – WSCC-033-10-SF (upgrade the existing practice ground and pitch and putt course, involving the import of inert soil)

The Parish Council agreed to OBJECT to this application on the following grounds:  Source of the inert soil;  Control over the project (length of time);  Disturbance/Noise/Traffic;  Environmental Damage/Drainage;  Light Pollution.

The Clerk will OBJECT on this basis to WSCC and will also provide WSCC with details of other observations/comments (as circulated).

058/10 Planning Report

Items i) to iii) - Cllr. Burke presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council. The report was reviewed, approved and the Parish Council ratified the decisions made by the Planning Advisory Group. Details follow:

New and amended planning applications: The following applications were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Group. HDC has been advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows: Date Address & Post Name HDC Application Feedback to HDC Planning Committee received by Code of Nature of application Applicant or number (Date) HDC application Agent

Dedisham Farm 22/03/2010 HDC advised No objection Guildford Road Prior Notification to form a Mr Neil DC/10/0438 08/03/2010 (U5/5) subject Environmental Agency Slinfold West reservoir Harrison approval. Ratified PC 25/03/2010 Sussex

Beckfoot Hayes 25/03/2010 PC agreed No Objection Lane Slinfold Single storey front extension, Mr and Mrs (Planning Committee split 3/2 No DC/10/0407 08/03/2010 Horsham West garage conversion and John Burrell Objection) but note that extension is Sussex RH13 dormer window marginally forward of the building line 0SJ

25/03/2010 PC agreed OBJECT) 3 Greenfield Proposed 2-storey side and (Planning Committee split 3/2 No Road Slinfold rear extension and new objection). HDC advised 26/3 that PC DC/10/0416 05/03/2010 Horsham West Mr Wright attached end of terrace 4-bed object as contrary to Parish Design Sussex RH13 dwelling. Statement, too big, over powering, loss 0SF of privacy and parking issues.

Ryelands Hayes PC Meeting 25 March 2010 agreed Lane Slinfold OBJECT as garage very clearly forward DC/10/0369 01/03/2010 Horsham West Erection of a timber garage Mrs C. Carr of building line. HDC advised 26/3/2010. Sussex RH13 Planning Committee split 3/2 Objection 0SJ

Salt Box Cottage Lyons Road Slinfold Mr and Mrs 22/03/2010 HDC advised No objection DC/10/0338 23/02/2010 First floor side extension Horsham West Taylor (U5/5). Ratified PC Meeting 25/03/2010 Sussex RH13 0QS

Millstones Stane Retention of a single storey Street Slinfold link between existing stables 22/03/2010 HDC advised No objection DC/10/0332 22/02/2010 Horsham West Miss S Millis and alterations to create (U5/5). Ratified PC Meeting 25/03/2010 Sussex RH13 vehicular turning area 0RE

Clemsfold Farm The Owners Guildford Road 22/03/2010 HDC advised No objection DC/10/0316 22/02/2010 Hedgerow removal notice of Clemsfold Clemsfold West (U5/5). Ratified PC Meeting 25/03/2010 Farm Sussex

Improvement to existing farm Clemsfold Farm track entrance including The Owners Guildford Road 22/03/2010 HDC advised No objection DC/10/0314 22/02/2010 widening and flaring of of Clemsfold Clemsfold West (U5/5). Ratified PC Meeting 25/03/2010 entrance and erection of Farm Sussex fence

Slinfold Park Upgrade existing practice Golf Club Stane 25/03/2010 PC agreed to object on Inert ground outfield and pitch and Street Slinfold Soil, Control over project, disturbance, WSCC/033/10/SF 19/02/2010 putt golf course involving the No Details Horsham West environmental damage and light import of inert soil (County Sussex RH13 pollution. WSCC advised 29/3/2010 Matter) 0RE

Lower Lodge The Haven 9/3/2010 (U3/3) HDC advised No Erection of replacement 4- Mr and Mrs DC/10/0257 11-Feb-10 Billingshurst Objection. Ratified PC Meeting bed dwelling Avery West Sussex 25/3/2010 RH14 9BE

Westover Lodge Hayes Lane Erection of outbuilding for PC agreed Objection 25 March 2010. Slinfold Mr Kevin DC/10/0153 27-Jan-10 storage and garage No DAS and Parking. (Planning Horsham West Hogg conversion Committee split 3/2 No objection) Sussex RH13 0SQ Stanford House The Street Addition of oak frame building PC agreed Objection 25 March. In Slinfold Mrs S DC/10/0090 19-Jan-10 to side of property (Listed Conservation Area and Parking Issues Horsham West Jozwiak Building Consent) (Planning Committee split 3/2 Objection) Sussex RH13 0RR

Stanford House The Street Addition of oak frame building PC agreed Objection 25 March. In Slinfold Mrs S DC/10/0089 19-Jan-10 to side of property (Full Conservation Area and Parking Issues Horsham West Jozwiak Planning) (Planning Committee split 3/2 Objection) Sussex RH13 0RR

Applications permitted, refused or withdrawn: The following applications have been processed by HDC and the results follow: HDC Date Address & Post Application received by Nature of application Status Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) Code of application number HDC

Lower Lodge The Prior Haven Billingshurst Erection of a hay barn/tractor 9/3/2010 (U3/3) HDC advised No Objection. DC/10/0258 11-Feb-10 Approval Not West Sussex RH14 shed - Prior Notification Subject to PC Meeting 25/3/2010 Required 9BE

Clemsfold House 22/02/2010 (U5/5) No Objection subject to Guildford Road Installation of a replacement Application Environment Agency being consulted and DC/10/0041 12-Jan-10 Clemsfold, sewage treatment plant Permitted sound engineering principles. Ratified PC Horsham West 25/2/2010 Sussex RH12 3PW

DC/09/2132 Demolition of existing dwelling Fox Way, Pinkhurst Application 22/02/2010 No Objection (U4/4). Ratified PC (Amended 4-Feb-10 and erection of 1 x 4-bed Lane RH13 0QR Permitted 25/2/2010 Plans) dwelling

2 Railway Cottages Insertion of window in first Spring Lane Slinfold floor west facing wall to Application 20/01/2010 (U4/4) No Objection ratified at PC DC/10/0037 11-Jan-10 Horsham West provide ventilation for Permitted Meeting on 28/1/2010 Sussex RH13 0RT bathroom

Boyne House Hayes Lane Slinfold New front gates with changes Application 20/01/2010 (S3/1) No Objection Ratified at PC DC/10/0012 4-Jan-10 Horsham West to entrance Permitted Meeting on 28/1/2010 Sussex RH13 0SQ

Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC: The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration or a decision by HDC.

Appeals: DC/09/1309 Two Oaks, Lyons Road – Construction of 3 bed house - it was agreed that the Clerk should send a letter of Objection to the Planning Inspectorate.

Enforcement issues: - None

059/10 Report from County Councillor

Cllr. Hodgson had nothing to report at this meeting but provided an update on the following:  WSCC Capital Works Programme 2010/11 – The Parish Council’s comments with regard to the resurfacing of Lyons Road has been noted; this request will be subject to budget considerations.

060/10 Report from District Councillor Cllr. Rowlinson was not present at the meeting but provided an update by email to the Clerk on previous matters arising as follows:  IT Equipment for E-Consultation Planning - HDC will consider a request for help for a specific item but you need to ask. The offer is there for Parish Council’s who are unable to implement the required IT without help from HDC. If that is the case you need to make a specific request. The Clerk advised that she had made a specific request but that she had not received a response.  The Annexe – Certificate of Lawful Use – No response has been received to date. It was agreed to raise this issue as a formal complaint with HDC. The Clerk will raise a complaint.

061/10 Parish Plan Review and Power of Well-Being Training

Cllrs were asked to put the following dates in their diaries: a. 22 April 2010 – Review of Parish Plans and AirS database b. 13 May 2010 – Visioning with Trevor Leggo, SALC c. 2 June 2010 – Power of Well Being Training

062/10 Finance

It was RESOLVED to approve payments totalling £5,695.20 from Parish Council funds and £1,373.57 from the Village Hall Development account, as circulated to all members present, as follows: Details of salaries are available on request. Cheque/DD Payee £ DD Saxon Weald £38.09 200073 Kent CC £1,095.01 200074 Communicorp £100.00 200075 MRS M BURROUGHS 200076 MRS M BURROUGHS £80.89 200077 MR A BAKER 200078 Slinfold Village Hall £129.25 200079 HDC £338.19 200080 HDC £98.28 200081 Mr R Pope £15.00 200082 Mrs R Hillyard £21.42 200083 GACC £10.00 200084 WSCC (Pensions) £587.14 200085 HMR&C £786.22 200086 Slinfold Village Hall £1,208.25 200087 Mr D White £218.12 Total 5,695.20 VH Development Fund GR Solutions 1,373.57

ii. Transfer to reserves in preparation for year-end – will be presented at the next Finance Meeting; iii. Grant request from St Peter’s Church - it was RESOLVED to grant an award of £2,000 towards the cost of repair of the church clock (Parish Councils Act 1957 s.2 - power to provide public clocks); iv. New notice boards for the village – will be considered at a future meeting. v. School Car Park – it was agreed, subject to authorisation at the next meeting, to pay V L Jennings the sum of £1,054 plus VAT for carrying out a site survey and preparing plans for the proposed new car park.

063/10 Highway Matters i. Duck Bends – WSCC, Highways has arranged for the gullies to be cleaned out and for any grips in the area to be re-dug. ii. Hayes Lane – the gullies were emptied on 1 December 2009 and were to be re-inspected on 1 March 2010 and emptied again as necessary. iii. Downs Link Flooding – Cllrs. Jobling and Coad advised that there had been a few areas on the link, which had been flooded. The Clerk will put Cllr. Coad in touch with the WSCC, Countryside and Access Ranger to establish if there is anything that can be done. iv. Hedge outside Collyers – the hedge has not been cut back and is encroaching upon the road. Cllr. Hillyard agreed to make contact with the resident.

064/10 Clerk’s Announcements & Documents for Circulation

Clerks Announcements:  The Internal Audit is scheduled for 11th May 2010;  The Clerk has now passed the CiLCA qualification;  The Rudgwick Chairman has advised that there are lorries taking soil into Cousins Copse, The Haven and that there are now high bunds appearing. This matter has been referred to the HDC, Enforcement Team, as planning permission should have been obtained. HDC is liaising with WSCC.

The following documents were circulated for review:  Library Opening Hours Consultation  HDC Members Bulletins  HACVS – Bulletin(s)  NHS Bulletin(s)  Message from Sussex Police CI Mark Trimmer  Revised Code of Conduct – Notification from HDC  Local Council Update – March 2010.  LCR – Spring 2010.  The Clerk – March 2010  Clerk & Council Direct – March 2010.  Horsham District News – Spring 2010.  GACC Newsletter – March 2010.  ICIS News – Spring 2010.  FWAG Newsletter – March 2010.

065/10 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies i. Cllr. Dunkerton provided a report on the Shop Association and Village Hall Committee Meetings in March. A question was raised as to when the handrail outside the Village Hall was to be repaired. The Clerk will chase WSCC, Highways. ii. Cllr. Sorenson provided a report on the Parish Cottages and Sports Association Meetings in March 2010. iii. Cllr. Jobling provided an update on the (AiRS) Rural Affordable Housing Conference; it was agreed that AiRS present to the June 2010 Parish Council Meeting; iv. Cllr. Coad advised that she had been retrained in the use of SID; v. Cllr. Hillyard talked about a Chairman’s Training day that she had recently attended.

066/10 Members’ Questions and Comments i. Rowarts – reports have been received that there are an increasing number of dogs in the area and it was questioned whether the owners were breaking any planning application conditions. Cllr. Stenton-Chandler will liaise with the Clerk on this matter. ii. Waterlands Chalet and the Telephone Exchange – The Clerk was asked to obtain an update from HDC on these enforcement actions. iii. GACC – it was agreed that the £10 annual subscription should be renewed. iv. Low Flying Helicopters – Cllr. Coad will provide details to Cllr. Jobling. v. Youth Club – it was agreed that the new Youth Leader may provide support with the top-level administration and Cllr. Constantine volunteered to join the Recreation Youth & Environment Committee.

067/10 Items for the Parish Magazine  Meetings for the coming months; Grants/Donations, (Clock and IT Equipment), E-consultation, Planning and record number of applications and CilCA for the Clerk.

068/10 Next Meeting(s) Tuesday 20th April – Finance 7.30pm Thursday 29th April Annual Parish Meeting followed by Parish Council 7.30pm

Meeting closed at 9.50pm

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