Microsoft Word Pretest CRS 7

There are many aspects to Microsoft Word, and it takes much time and a lot of practice to become a Word Expert. Today you will attempt the pretest below. Some of you may be able to do much of it, others very little. I expect everyone to try their best and show me what you know in Microsoft Word. You are able to use the help command if you have time, however, you may NOT go on the Internet. This is an independent pretest…no helping today! Good luck 

1. Type your name in Bold Italic blue, and align it right. 2. Change the font of your name to Arial 12. 3. Highlight your first name in yellow. 4. Place a 4 x 2 table below your name. 5. Align your table centre. 6. Type your homeroom below your name and change it to Comic Sans, size 10, blue. 7. Type in the following sentence: "Victoria is the capital of British Columbia." 8. Colour the sentence's letters green. 9. Colour every second word of the sentence a different colour. 10.Bold and Allcaps the word not in the sentence you typed. Put the word in Arial 14, black. 11.Insert a statement below your sentence that explains what you found most enjoyable and most frustrating about this course. This statement must be between 50 and 75 words, Arial font 10, colour red and in two columns. 12.Insert a picture from clip art below the paragraph you typed. 13.Centre the clip art and make sure it is not larger than 2" x2". 14.Insert page numbers on this document. 15.Put a border around this page. 16.Type a sentence that says "Toronto Maple Leafs are the best team in the NHL." 17.Indent this sentence so it is indented more than other sentences. 18.Make the background of your document a light spring green colour. 19.Type a sentence telling of an exciting thing you did over the holidays. Make the sentence Comic Sans 14, orange. Justify the sentence.