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Dear Applicant
Thank you for requesting the job pack for the part-time post of Management Accountant, based in Brixton (fixed-term post to 31st March 2011), reference L/00324RC.
This pack contains all the relevant information you will need to successfully complete the application form.
This job pack contains:
Job Description and Person Specification (attached) Terms and conditions Application form Equal opportunities monitoring form Disability Monitoring form Recruitment and Selection at the Refugee Council – Guidance notes for completing your application (Please read this carefully before completing your form)
Please ensure that your completed application forms are sent by email to [email protected] or by post in plenty of time to reach us by 9am Thursday 23rd September 2010.
Interviews are to be held on Tuesday 28th September.
CVs and late applications will not be considered.
If you have any difficulty completing the Application Form, or should you have any queries regarding your application, please contact the Human Resources department on 020 7346 6724.
Staff wishing to pursue this post as a secondment opportunity must speak with their line manager first.
HUMAN RESOURCES 240-250 Ferndale Rd, London SW9 8BB Tel: 020 7346 6724 Fax: 020 7346 6729 E-mail: recruitment@refugeecouncil. TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Post: Management Accountant
Salary: £34,531
Hours of Work: Hours of work are 35 hours per week excluding meal breaks.
Annual Leave: The leave year runs from 1 January to 31 December and the annual leave allowance for a full leave year is 28 days plus any public holidays that fall upon days that you would normally work. After three years continuous service (as at the 8th January of the given leave year) this entitlement increases to 30 days per annum. Annual leave allowance is pro-rated for part time staff.
Probation Period: All appointments are subject to a six-month probationary period.
Notice Period: You are required to give one month’s notice. The Refugee Council is required to give you notice in accordance with the length of your continuous service. You are therefore entitled to one month's notice for up to four years' continuous service; Thereafter the period of notice will increase by one week for each additional year of service up to a maximum of twelve weeks' notice on completion of twelve years' continuous service.
Union: The Refugee Council has a procedural agreement with UNISON and staff are encouraged to join.
Smoking Policy: Smoking in Refugee Council offices is not permitted. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Pension Scheme: The Refugee Council operates a Group Personal Pension Scheme (GPP) to help staff plan for their retirement. You are entitled to become a member of the pension scheme after three months employment with the organisation. No contracting out certificate is in force as defined in Section 30 of the Social Security Pensions Act 1975, which means that you are not automatically contracted out of the state pension scheme and you will not be eligible to pay a reduced National Insurance Contribution. However on an individual basis you may elect to contract out via the scheme.
Scheme members are required to pay a defined monthly gross pension contribution of 3 - 5% of gross salary (which will be deducted at source). The Refugee Council will match your contribution up to a maximum of 5% gross salary to the scheme.
The Refugee Council will not make pension contributions into alternative pension arrangements in lieu of membership of its own scheme.
Season Ticket Loan: After successful completion of the probationary period members of staff may apply to the Refugee Council for an interest-free loan for the purchase of a season ticket between their home and place of work.
Employee Assistance Programme: The Refugee Council in association with ACCOR Services, provides for staff on temporary and permanent contracts of employment, the benefit of an Employee Assistance Programme. The benefit includes partners and close family members.
Life Assurance: The Refugee Council provides its employees with life assurance at two times their salary up to the age of 70 (some conditions apply).
Child Care Vouchers: In partnership with Computershare Voucher Services, The Refugee Council offers Child Care Vouchers to help meet the costs of childcare. Eligible staff may sacrifice part of their salary to purchase vouchers which are exempt from tax and National Insurance.
a p p l i c a t i o n f o r m
Applicants are shortlisted for interview on the basis of the information supplied in the application form. It is therefore important that you provide all information relevant to the job. You may find it useful to read the guidance notes on the Recruitment and Selection process. Please complete the form in black ink or type and return to the address at the end of this form
Post Title: Management Accountant Reference: L/00324RC How did you hear about this vacancy: Date:
PERSONAL DETAILS Title (eg Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss): First Name: Surname/Family Name: Address: Post Code: Tel. (home): Tel. (mobile): Tel. (work): May we contact you at work?: E-mail: Preferred method of contact: Letter Email Phone
ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE UK The Asylum, Immigration and Nationality Act 2006 makes it a criminal offence for employers to employ a person who is not entitled to work in the UK. In compliance with this the Refugee Council asks prospective employees to produce relevant documentation. Please see Information Sheet for Job Applicants enclosed with your application pack. Successful applicants must provide relevant documentation before employment commences. Are you eligible to work in the UK? Yes No
EDUCATION Please tell us about your education and qualifications that are relevant to the post, including qualifications gained overseas. Include courses you are currently undertaking. Subject Level/Qualification and Institution where gained date gained
TRAINING AND OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Please give details of any training you have received or courses which did not lead to a qualification but which you feel are relevant to the post. This can include formal and informal, in-house and external training.
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Please give details of all your work history starting with your most recent employment. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. You can include any work experience placements if they are the most recent. Please include reasons for any breaks in employment. Name of current/most recent employer: Address: Job Title: Salary: Employed from: To: Brief description of duties and purpose of the job:
Reason for leaving/intending to leave: Name of Employer/Organisation: Address: Job Title: Employed from: To: Brief description of duties: Reason for leaving:
Name of Employer/Organisation: EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Please give details of all your work history starting with your most recent employment. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. You can include any work experience placements if they are the most recent. Please include reasons for any breaks in employment. Name of current/most recent employer: Address: Job Title: Employed from: To: Brief description of duties: Reason for leaving:
Name of Employer/Organisation: Address: Job Title: Employed from: To: Brief description of duties: Reason for leaving:
Please give details of any voluntary work or community activity you have done:
Tick box if you are attaching additional sheet/s and write your name clearly on the extra sheet/s.
PERSONAL STATEMENT After reading the job description and person specification please complete this section. By using relevant and specific examples, please demonstrate how you meet the criteria set out in the Person Specification. Invitation to interview for the position will depend on how well you meet the set criteria. Please refer to the Recruitment and Selection guidance notes enclosed with your application pack. Experience Essential Criteria Part qualified accountant (ACCA, CIMA, CIPFA, ACA or equivalent) Experience of working in a financial role in a medium to large sized organisation, having responsibility for producing reports, organisational budgets and liaising with budget holders Knowledge, skills and abilities Essential Criteria Accomplished at using and maintaining a computerised accounting package equivalent to Microsoft Great Plains linked to FRx Reporting (e.g. Sage and Oracle), including user set up and maintenance, report design, etc. Able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of general accounting principles Experience of producing, consolidating & presenting budgets relevant to the target audience Experience of drafting commentary to Senior Management Team and Trustees Experience of producing financial reports and explanations for budget holders and external funders Experience of reconciling historical and partial data and complex accounting reconciliations Excellent spoken and written communication skills, including the ability to explain financial concepts to non- financial people Proactive in initiating and completing tasks and projects in a logical manner Excellent organisational skills; able to manage a varied workload, prioritise tasks effectively whilst working under pressure and with the ability to maintain high standards Excellent Excel Skills; including regular creation and use of V lookup; SumIf; Pivots tables etc Ability to work independently and also as part of a team Understanding of and commitment to equal opportunities, and the ability to apply this to the work of the position A commitment to the mission of the Refugee Council and understanding of major issues facing asylum seekers and refugees in the UK
Tick box if you are attaching additional sheets. Write your name clearly on the extra sheet/s. REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT Under the provision of this Act you must give details of any unspent offences. If you are unsure of rehabilitation periods, ie the time the conviction becomes unspent, you can obtain information from the Human Resources Department. All successful applicants will be subject to a police check when the provisions of the Act apply, eg when the job entails working with children or vulnerable people (more information is provided in the Recruitment and Selection guidance notes enclosed with your application pack).
The disclosure of convictions will not necessarily be a bar to employment and only relevant convictions will be taken into consideration at shortlisting or interview stage. Have you any unspent criminal convictions or cautions? Yes No If YES please give brief details, (the nature of the offence; place and date of judgement; sentence).
REFERENCES Please give names, addresses and telephone numbers of two persons who can confirm your suitability for this position. This will usually be your present or most recent employer (paid or voluntary work). Relatives or partners are not acceptable as work references. All appointments are subject to the receipt of references satisfactory to the Refugee Council. First Referee Second Referee Name: Name: Position: Position: Organisation: Organisation: Address: Address: Telephone: Telephone: Email: Email: How is referee known to you? How is referee known to you?
Can we contact them prior to interview? Can we contact them prior to interview? If you were offered this position, how soon would you be available to start?
I certify that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and I consent to The Refugee Council checking any information provided. If a false or misleading statement is found, I understand that my employment may be terminated without notice. Signed Date
All posts for the Refugee Council require an understanding of the needs of refugees and issues facing ethnic minorities in the U.K. In addition, we require a strong personal commitment to equal opportunities from all our employees. Please return completed applications to: Human Resources, 240-250 Ferndale Rd, London SW9 8BB
The Refugee Council is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity in our recruitment procedures and employment practices. To help us identify possible inequalities and barriers to employment, we would appreciate your cooperation by completing this form.
The information provided will not be shared with the interview panel and will not influence any part of the selection process. All information you disclose will be treated confidentially and will only be used for statistical and monitoring purposes.
Post you are applying for: Operations Manager Vacancy Reference: Y/00319RC White / Black Caribbean other mixed background, please specify: GENDER Female Other Male Chinese Transgender Latin American Do not wish to answer Middle Eastern Any other background, please specify: ETHNIC ORIGIN - These categories enable us to make Do not wish to answer comparisons with census data. How would you describe yourself: White British Irish AGE Other European 16 - less than 20 Other White background, please specify: 20 - less than 25 25 - less than 30 Black / Black British 30 - less than 40 African 40 - less than 50 Caribbean 50 - 65 Other black background, please specify: 65 and over Do not wish to answer Asian/Asian British Bangladeshi SEXUAL ORIENTATION – Indian Do you consider yourself to be: Pakistani Heterosexual South East Asian Lesbian Other Asian background, please specify: Gay man Bisexual Mixed Do Not wish to answer White / Asian White / Black African REFUGEE STATUS – Are you or have you ever been: Muslim Refugee Sikh Asylum seeker Other Neither None Do not wish to answer Do not wish to answer
RELIGION DISABILITY – Buddhist Would you describe yourself as having a Christian disability? Hindu No Jewish Yes Do not wish to answer
The Disability Discrimination Act defines a person as having a disability if you have a “physical” or “mental” impairment, which has a substantial and long-term effect on your ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
An employer is required under law to make “reasonable adjustments” to working conditions in order to enable disabled applicants to have Equal Access to employment.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
If you answered YES, are there any information the Refugee Council should know in order to offer you a fair selection/interview process should you be shortlisted for interview? (e.g. sign language, interpreter, ground floor venue etc.)
Please highlight your preferred method of contact:
Telephone E Mail Letter
If appointed, the Refugee Council will work with you to make reasonable adjustments in order to accommodate you in the role.
Should you wish to discuss any of these issues in person or want to request the application pack in another format please contact the Human Resources Department in confidence on: 020 7346 6724
Thank you for providing us with this information. Please return this form with your completed application. DATA PROTECTION ACT: Information on this form may be held on manual files and on computer. Strict confidentiality will be observed and disclosures will only be made for personnel administration purposes. Recruitment and Selection at the Refugee Council - Guidance notes for applicants
Completing your application
Please read the following carefully before completing your application form
1. Selecting the best person for the job
As part of the Refugee Council’s commitment to equal opportunities all applicants are treated equally throughout the recruitment process.
It is vital that you take care to complete the application form as fully as possible. The information in it will guide us in considering whether you have the right skills and/or experience for the job. We cannot make assumptions about your experience or skills – please spell them out!
2. Job description and person specification
The job description describes the duties of the job. It sets out the range of responsibilities and tasks.
The person specification describes the person we are looking for by describing the experience, skills and abilities needed to do the job. We will be looking at your application form to see how you fit the person specification – the extent to which you have the relevant skills and experience.
You need to consider
is the job description one you are interested in? do you think you have the skills and experience to apply for the vacancy? can you demonstrate this on your form?
3. The application form i) Personal Details Make sure that your contact details (name, address and post code, email address and telephone number/s) are clearly written or typed. If your details change after sending in your form please let us know as soon as possible.
Other personal details will not be used as part of the selection process unless there is a Genuine Occupation Qualification (GOQ) which applies to the post. For example, if a post requires that a woman be appointed. A small number if jobs can be specified as requiring a GOQ where certain criteria apply. ii) Education, Qualifications and Training Give a list of formal and informal training that is relevant to the job. Formal training is that which is certified, a degree, for example. Sometimes we ask for specific qualifications. You may need to provide information so we can assess whether you meet the qualification requirements, such as relevant qualifications for social work or accountancy. iii) Present and previous employment Starting with your current or most recent employer, list all the employers you have worked for. Provide the job title and the period you worked for them. If possible give the exact dates, for example 25/2/02 to 31/3/07. Describe the main duties of the post in one or two sentences only.
This information may be used to assess whether you meet the experience required for the vacancy. Check that the dates are correct and in order. iv) Personal statement This is probably the most important part of the form. You have to make a case here for selection. Do not repeat your career history. Use only the relevant parts, drawing out the skills you have developed.
Please do not send a CV as it will not be considered.
It is usually a good idea to use criteria from the person specification as headings and answer them as questions, or you may prefer to write a paragraph on each criterion, more in an essay format. However, do not just repeat what we’re asking for. You have to demonstrate how your experience matches the criteria.
An example of meeting the criterion “Ability to write clearly” in the person specification might be met by the following:
In my last job, I produced written reports (or minutes), prepared agendas, and distributed relevant papers to the Resources Group Committee, recognising the need to be able to sum up points clearly and confidently, set out actions, and provide an accurate summary of the meeting, proof reading the final copy. I enjoy writing and believe I express myself well.
In considering your experience, remember all of your previous work and draw on this to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills. Do not forget other relevant experience outside work, such as community/voluntary/leisure and other interests – if they contribute to meeting the person specification. Describe any relevant skills this has helped you develop.
Remember, it is your skills and abilities relevant to this job that we are looking for. You do not have to write several pages in support of your application, but rather focus on ensuring you meet the essential criteria in the person specification. v) Some general points to bear in mind Your form should be written in a concise, well organised and positive way. Use active words such as I organized, or I planned, or I do. It may help you to do a rough draft first. This avoids mistakes and allows you to organise your application properly. The selection panel members will be reading many applications, so please use clear handwriting in an organised way. Do not send in the same application for different jobs – pay attention to the requirements listed in the person specification for each job. Send your completed application form to the Refugee Council Human Resources (HR) Department (the address is on page 1 of this pack). Ensure you are clear about the job title and reference you are applying for. If you have any queries, call HR on 020 7346 6724 and ask for clarification. Make sure that your application form is sent in plenty of time to meet the closing date. Only in exceptional circumstances can the closing date be extended.
Vi) Legal and organisational requirements when filling in an application form
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974: You should not sign the application form without being clear about what you have to reveal about yourself. For instance, you do not need to disclose convictions which would be deemed as being spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, or cautions, reprimands and final warnings which are over five years old, unless they are exempt from the Act. If you are not sure about what declarations to make, you should ring a Human Resources Adviser at the Refugee Council, who will give you confidential information about declarations (see Application Form).
Referees: These must be known to you in a work capacity, and should be your line manager. If this is not possible you should clearly explain the relationship and the reason for giving another person as a referee. It may be someone who can comment on your ability, skills, experience, for example, a community leader you have been doing community work with, setting up a crèche or sports club, etc.
The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006: You will be asked to bring relevant documentation to the interview, where it will be photocopied and returned to you (please see the Information sheet for job applicants for more details). Recruitment and Selection at the Refugee Council - Guidance notes for applicants
1. The Interview
All shortlisted candidates will be invited by email, letter, and occasionally by telephone, to attend an interview. The letter will inform you of the time, location, and contact for the interview, as well as notice of any test or exercise you may be asked to do at the interview.
The recruitment and selection panel will be comprised of a minimum of three people, and will normally include the relevant line manager of the post. The panel will always try to ensure that gender, ethnicity, and refugees are represented on the selection panel. All panel members will have undertaken the Refugee Council’s Recruitment and Selection training on its policy and procedures.
Applicants will be asked questions relating to the job description, person specification and application, and the panel will take notes during the course of the interview. This is part of the procedure to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly.
If you are not sure that you have understood the question, do not be afraid to ask for it to be repeated, or rephrased. Take your time and ensure you have included all the main points you want to get across in your answer.
In preparation for the interview, take the opportunity to read through the job description, application form, and any other literature sent as part of the information pack, and be prepared to talk about your experience, giving examples that illustrate your ability to do particular parts of the job.
2. Feedback
All unsuccessful interviewed applicants are encouraged to request telephone feedback. This will be given within seven days of the request, usually by the chair of the recruitment panel.
Receiving constructive feedback can be useful for helping you in future interviews.
Feedback should be a two way process. It is important to use the information given to you positively. You should also give feedback on how the process felt for you.
3. Internal Candidates
Internal candidates will have to carry out competitive interviews with external applicants, unless:
They have been in a temporary post for 12 months and the post becomes permanent; Their post becomes redundant and they are eligible for a redeployment interview.
Internal applicants therefore have to follow the same procedures as external applicants, and will be shortlisted and interviewed on the basis of their application form, i.e. by meeting the criteria in the person specification. No assumptions about previous knowledge and experience of the job can be taken into account by the selection panel.
The recruitment manager will invite a member of Human Resources onto the panel whenever there are internal candidates.
Unsuccessful internal candidates will be offered face to face feedback, when requested, to be given within seven days of the interview whenever possible. Information Sheet for Job Applicants Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (as amended 29th February 2008)
Under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 it is a criminal offence to employ a person who is not entitled to work in the UK. In order to comply with this, the Refugee Council is obliged to ask all prospective employees to produce appropriate documentation listed in the UK Border Agency regulations before we can make any offer to employment, including part-time, temporary, sessional or casual appointments.
In doing so, we emphasise that we do not discriminate against any applicant on the grounds of their race, nationality or ethnic origin and we will continue to uphold equal opportunities in recruitment and selection in line with the Race Relations Act 1976.
This is why we are informing all potential job applicants of this requirement right at the start of the recruitment process. We feel it is fair to alert all potential job applicants to this situation as soon as possible so that anyone who needs a document can make arrangements to get one well in advance.
The documents which are acceptable for the purpose of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act are divided into List A and List B. Candidates producing documents from List A will have satisfied the legal requirements in relation to proving their eligibility to work in the UK for the duration of their employment with the Refugee Council. The legislation requires the Refugee Council to undertake follow-up documentation checks every 12 months for candidates producing documents from List B.
List A
1. A passport showing that the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a British citizen or a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies having the right of abode in the United Kingdom.
2. A passport or national identity card showing that the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a national of the European Economic Area* or Switzerland.
3. A residence permit, registration certificate or document certifying or indicating permanent residence issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to a national of a European Economic Area* country or Switzerland.
4. A permanent residence card issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to the family member of a national of a European Economic Area* country or Switzerland.
5. A Biometric Immigration Document issued by the UK Border Agency to the holder which indicates that the person named in it is allowed to stay indefinitely in the United Kingdom, or has no time limit on their stay in the United Kingdom.
6. A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the United Kingdom, has the right of abode in the United Kingdom, or has no time limit on their stay in the United Kingdom.
7. An Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the person named in it, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the United Kingdom or has no time limit on their stay in the United Kingdom, when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
8. A full birth certificate issued in the United Kingdom which includes the name(s) of at least one of the holder’s parents, when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
9. A full adoption certificate issued in the United Kingdom which includes the name(s) of at least one of the holder’s adoptive parents, when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government Agency or a previous employer.
10. A birth certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland, when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
11. An adoption certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland, when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
12. A certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen, when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
13. A letter issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to the holder which indicates that the person named in it is allowed to stay indefinitely in the United Kingdom, when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
List B
1. A passport or travel document endorsed to show that the holder is allowed to stay in the United Kingdom and is allowed to do the type of work in question, provided that it does not require the issue of a work permit.
2. A Biometric Immigration Document issued by the UK Border Agency to the holder which indicates that the person named in it can stay in the United Kingdom and is allowed to do the work in question.
3. A work permit or other approval to take employment issued by the Home office or the UK Border Agency when produced in combination with either a passport or another travel document endorsed to show the holder is allowed to stay in the United Kingdom and is allowed to do the work in question, or a letter issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to the holder or the employer or prospective employer confirming the same.
4. A certificate of application issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to or for a family member of a national of a European Economic Area* country or Switzerland stating that the holder is permitted to take employment which is less than 6 months old when produced in combination with evidence of verification by the UK Border Agency Employer Checking Service.
5. A residence card or document issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to a family member of a national of a European Economic Area* country or Switzerland.
6. An Application Registration Card issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency stating that the holder is permitted to take employment, when produced in combination with evidence of verification by the UK Border Agency Employer Checking Service.
7. An Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the person named in it can stay in the United Kingdom, and is allowed to do the type of work in question, when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
8. A letter issued by the Home Office or the UK Border Agency to the holder or the employer or prospective employer, which indicates that the person named in it can stay in the United Kingdom and is allowed to do the work in question when produced in combination with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
*The following countries are part of the European Economic Area:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK
European Economic Area nationals from Bulgaria and Romania may need to produce worker authorisation documents in addition to List A or List B documentation.
European Economic Area nationals from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia may need to apply to the UK Border Agency for the Worker Registration Scheme or produce a Registration Certificate in addition to List A or List B documentation.
Whatever document you produce, it must relate to you personally, i.e. a document that relates to your spouse, next of kin, guardian or any other person would not be acceptable under the Act.
If you provide two documents which have different names, you may be asked to provide a further document, for example, a marriage certificate, a divorce decree, a deed poll or statutory declaration.
You will need to produce satisfactory documentation either at the interview stage, or shortly afterwards since we would not be able to make an appointment without such a document. You must produce an original document – photocopies are not acceptable under the Act.
Only job-related factors are taken into account during the selection process and we will not check your document until final selection has been made. The checking of your document will be carried out in confidence. If you are appointed, a copy of the document will be kept on your personnel file in HR and are not available to any other staff.
The Act does not require employers to check immigration status and we only have to be satisfied that the documentation you produce relates to you and is a document or documents in one of the specified combinations listed above. What is the Refugee Council?
The Refugee Council is the leading charity in the UK working with asylum seekers and refugees. We not only give help and support, but also work with asylum seekers and refugees to ensure their needs and concerns are addressed.
The Refugee Council is governed by a Board of Trustees, which includes strong refugee representation. The Refugee Council is a membership organisation and consults with its wide membership base.
We are a strongly independent organisation and registered as a charity. We are financed by a variety of sources including Government departments, the European Commission, charitable trusts and donors.
We believe asylum seekers and refugees should be treated with understanding and respect. Our services aim to reflect this.
What does the Refugee Council do?
The Refugee Council’s work includes:
giving advice and support to asylum seekers and refugees to help them rebuild their lives;
working with refugee community organisations, helping them grow and serve their communities;
caring for unaccompanied refugee children to help them feel safe and supported in the UK;
offering training and employment to enable refugees to use their skills and qualifications;
campaigning and lobbying for refugees’ voices to be heard in the UK and abroad, keeping them high on the political agenda and discussed in the media;
producing authoritative information on refugee issues.
Our organisation
We employ over 300 staff and approximately 600 volunteers in offices across the UK – London (Brixton, Hounslow, Spitalfields), Yorkshire and Humberside (Leeds, Sheffield, Hull, Barnsley, Wakefield), East of England (Ipswich, Luton), West Midlands (Birmingham) Useful telephone numbers
020 7346 6700 General information line
Advice lines for refugees and organisations working with them
020 7346 6777 London
0113 386 2210 Yorkshire and Humberside
01473 297 900 East of England
0121 234 1971 West Midlands
020 7346 1213 For media enquiries 0113 386 2235 (Yorkshire and Humberside only)
020 7346 6709 For information how to become a Refugee Council member
020 7346 6727 For information on volunteering with us
020 7346 1134 For information about our work with unaccompanied refugee children
020 7346 6712/1027 For information about how you can campaign for refugees
020 7346 1205 For information about other ways in which you can support our work
020 7346 6766 Credit card donations hotline
One Stop Services - Drop-in advice for asylum seekers and refugees
London One Stop Service 240-250 Ferndale Road, London SW9 8BB Tel: 020 7346 6777
Leeds Hurley House, 1 Dewsbury Road, Leeds LS11 5DQ Tel: 0113 244 9404
Birmingham 2 Lionel Street, Birmingham B3 1AG Tel: 0121 234 1950
Ipswich First Floor, 4 –8 Museum Street, Ipswich IP1 1HT Tel: 01473 297 900
West London One Stop Service Units 4 & 5 Hounslow Business Park, Alice Way, Hounslow TW3 3UD Tel: 020 8607 6888