Roanoke College Application to Study Abroad

Full Name

College Address (including box #)

Home Address


Phone numbers(including cell)

Major(s) and minors/concentrations

Foreign Language (when considering study in foreign language)

Classification (sophomore, etc)

Grade point average(s): cumulative, and in academic major

Academic advisor(s)

List RC affiliate programs in which you are interested. If you wish to study at a program that is not listed on RC website, that must be approved by your academic advisor and the Office of International Education, as well as the College Registrar.

Term or year in which you intend to study abroad

Financial information: please indicate all forms of financial assistance you receive to finance your education (scholarships, grants, loans, other) including amounts.

Transcripts must be ordered from the Registrar and sent directly to the Office of International Education

Two letters of recommendation from faculty members in your field of study, addressing issues of academic and personal suitability for study abroad; how the foreign study will contribute to the intellectual growth of the candidate; any relevant foreign language skills; and other qualities that should be considered when evaluating the student’s suitability for study abroad. Obtain this form from Study Abroad Office and ask professors to mail their references directly to the Office of International Education.

Statement of purpose: Explain your reasons for wanting to study abroad as a part of your academic program. Indicate why you have chosen the specific program among the array of options available to you, and why you believe you would benefit from it, intellectually and academically. Point out what makes you a strong candidate, including past experiences that have contributed to your maturity, your resourcefulness and your world view.