List of Publications (F

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List of Publications (F

Director of scientific assessment at the Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety, France

Agronomist engineer and Doctor of Natural Sciences (“Docteur d’Etat ès-sciences”, 1985, University of Paris VII).

Professional experience and fields of activity He started his career in 1980 at the CEA as a fundamental research scientist working on the physiology of photosynthesis and the associated trans-membrane transport mechanisms. He delved further into the subject matter at the University of California, Davis, until 1986. Following that he was recruited by the European Space Agency to work in its space and technology research centre at Noordwijk, in the Netherlands, where for 7 years he was responsible for implementing and coordinating research and technology development programmes in space biology. There he acquired sound experience in setting up and managing international projects, and made a significant contribution to developing the concept of the artificial ecosystem that is necessary for supporting life of astronauts who will take part in future long term missions. Mindful of the relevance that this type of concept could have for understanding terrestrial ecological disruptions, he turned to the environmental field, which brought him to the Life Sciences Division of CEA at Cadarache in 1994, then to IPSN the following year where he took on direction of the RESSAC Project, a radioecological research based on large-scale lysimeter facility. He was nominated Head of the Experimental Radioecology Laboratory founded in 1997, where he set up and coordinated the European PEACE project and took an active part in managing the corresponding "Long term behaviour of radionuclides in the environment" European cluster, a Commission’s assignment to IPSN within the 4th FP. While working for the Laboratory’s Radioecology Studies and Research Department he focused on promoting scientific activities and projects on an international scale, under the framework of European research projects, the International Union of Radioecology (IUR) and the International Commission of Radiological Protection (ICRP). He also took pains to raise awareness in the radioecology community to develop its expertise strategically in environmental risk assessment. Most recently, he joined the IRSN’s Scientific Directorate when it was created at the end of 2003 with especial mission of promoting the Institute’s scientific and technical excellence. Throughout the course of his career he has taken part in thesis committees in fields such as Marine Biology, Agronomy/plant physiology, Space Biology, Radioecology, has supervised DEA, thesis and post-doctoral students and delivered number of teaching and courses.

Current national and international duties He takes part in research project assessments on behalf of French (CNRS, MEDAD…) and foreign organisations (NERC, European Commission…) and carries out various expertise assignments abroad (IAEA…). Since September 2002 he is a member of the Executive board of the International Union of Radioecology (600 members in some fifty countries, and has been elected as President of the Union in 2007. He has been co-opted as member of Committee 5 “Protection of the environment” of the International Commission of Radiological Protection (ICRP). He is also a member of the NATO “Nuclear Expert group” as part of the Science for peace programme, and of another OECD prospective expert group (EGIS) dedicated to the unravel the implications of radiological protection science. He sits on various scientific commissions such as the National Ecotoxicology Programme, the COSPAR’s "Natural and Artificial Ecosystems" Commission F4, the Doctoral University school “Environmental Sciences”. He is an Associate Editor of the "Journal of Environmental Radioactivity" and sits on various scientific conference and specialist journal review committees.

Involvement in Learned Societies Apart from the IUR and the ICRP, he is a member of the French Radioprotection Society, the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation network of former award winners (Munich).

Publications He is the author or co-author of about a hundred publications, including books, chapters of scientific books and reports, of which nearly fifty papers in international peer reviewed Journals on plant physiology, space biology, radioecology and environmental sciences. (See list provided below) Scientific Journals and Conferences (F. Bréchignac):

BRECHIGNAC F., ANDRE M. 1982 Croissance et physiologie d'une macro-algue d'intérêt industriel (Chondrus crispus), analysées par la mesure en continu des échanges gazeux. In Conference Proceedings " « Valorisation des Algues et autres Végétaux Aquatiques », Delépine R., Gaillard J. et Morand P., eds., Bombannes, France, 16-19 November 1982.

ANDRE M., BRECHIGNAC F. 1982 Influence des facteurs du milieu sur la croissance des macro-algues. In Conference Proceedings « Biomasse Aquatique et Bioconversion de l'Energie Solaire », A.F.M.E., Sophia-Antipolis, France.

BRECHIGNAC F., ANDRE M., DAGUENET A., MASSIMINO D. 1983 Mesure en continu des échanges d'O2 et de CO2 d'un végétal aquatique. Physiol. Vég. 21(4):665-676.

BRECHIGNAC F., MASSIMINO D., DAGUENET A. 1984 Photosynthesis and photorespiration of a red macroalga, Chondrus crispus, in relation to the carbonic system. In Advances in Photosynthesis Research, C. Sybesma, ed., M. Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk, The Hague, Vol. 3, pp. 871-874.

BRECHIGNAC F., ANDRE M. 1984 Oxygen uptake and photosynthesis of the red macro-alga Chondrus crispus in seawater. Effects of light and CO2 concentration. Plant physiol. 75:919-923.

BRECHIGNAC F., ANDRE M. 1985 Oxygen uptake and photosynthesis of the red macro-alga Chondrus crispusin seawater. Effetcs of oxygen concentration. Plant physiol. 78: 545-550.

BRECHIGNAC F., ANDRE M. 1985 Continuous measurements of the free CO2 concentration during photosynthesis of marine plants. Evidence for HCO3¯ use in Chondrus crispus. Plant physiol. 78:551- 554.

BRECHIGNAC F., ANDRE M., GERBAUD A. 1986 Preferential photosynthetic uptake of exogenous HCO3 in the marine macro-alga Chondrus crispus. Plant physiol. 80:1059-1062.

BRECHIGNAC F., FURBANK R.T. 1987 On the nature of O2 photoconsumption by the marine macro-alga Chondrus crispus. Effects of light, temperature and some inhibitors. Photosynthesis Res. 11(1):45- 59.

BRECHIGNAC F., LUCAS W.J. 1987 Photorespiration and internal DIC accumulation in Chara corallina as inferred from the influence of DIC and O2 on photosynthesis. Plant physiol. 83:163-169.

BRECHIGNAC F., RANGER C., ANDRE M. 1987 Oxygen exchanges in marine macro-algae. In Progress in Photosynthesis Research, J. Biggens ed., Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, Vol. 3, pp. 657-660.

LUCAS W.J., BRECHIGNAC F. 1987 Photosynthetic response to oxygen and inorganic carbon of low- and high- CO2-grown cells of Chara corallina. In Progress in Photosynthesis Research, J. Biggens ed., Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, Vol. 4, pp. 341-344.

LUCAS W.J., BRECHIGNAC F., MIMURA T., OROSS J.W. 1989 Charasomes are not essential for photosynthetic utilization of exogenous HCO3¯ in Chara corallina. Protoplasma, 151:106-114.

BRECHIGNAC F. 1989 Photosynthetic inorganic carbon transport and accumulation in macro-algae. In Current Research in Photosynthesis, Baltscheffsky, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 4, pp. 433-440.

BRECHIGNAC F. 1990 Towards bioregenerative Life Support Systems. In Proceedings of the « 4th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space », 28 May-1 June 1990, Trieste, Italy, (ESA SP-307), pp. 421-429. (Invited paper)

BRECHIGNAC F., WOLF L. 1990 Life support system based on maltose-excreting Chlorella: Concept and overview. In Proceedings of the International Conference on « Artificial Ecosystems » (CNES-DARA), October 1990, Marseille, pp. 99-109. (Invited paper)

BOUGHAROUAT N., KINGDON J., SCHILLER P., BRECHIGNAC F. 1990 Life Sciences in ESA Technology Research Programme Activity. In Proceedings of the « 4th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space », 28 May-1 June 1990, Trieste, Italy, (ESA SP-307), pp. 83-87.

BRECHIGNAC F., KLINKHAMER J.F.F., PISTECKY P.V., VAN BEEK H.F. 1991 Ergonomic aspects of a Body Mass Measurement Device based on the principle of oscillation. Lecture presented at the Scientific Debriefing of ESA Parabolic Flight Campaigns, March 1991, Brussels, Belgium.

BRECHIGNAC F. 1991 "Biological Life Support System", "Bioprocessing Space Technology", and "Body Mass Measurement Device". Three communications at the « European Workshop on Space Life Sciences Technology », October 1-3, 1991, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (Invited papers) LAMBE C., ROE S., HAGER R., JOSEFSEN K., BATTLE C., WOLFBEIS O., BRECHIGNAC F. 1992 BIOST, a Bioprocessing Space Technology project dedicated to the development of a space-based biotechnology laboratory. In Proceedings of the « World Space Congress - International Astronautical Federation Conference », August-September 1992, Washington DC, USA.

BRECHIGNAC F, KLINKHAMER F. 1992 A body mass measurement device based on the principle of oscillation. In Proceedings of the « International Space Year - Space in the Service of Changing Earth» Conference, (ELGRA Meeting), 30 March - 4 April 1992, Munich, Germany.

BRECHIGNAC F., SCHILLER P. 1992 Pilot CELSS based on a maltose-excreting Chlorella: concept and overview on the technological developments. Advances in Space Research, 12(5) :33-36.

PISTECKY P., VAN BEEK H.F., KLINKHAMER J.F.F., BRECHIGNAC F. 1992 A compact body mass measurement device with improved measurement accuracy. Advances in Space Research, 12(1) :259-262.

WOLF L., BRECHIGNAC F. 1992 Biological Life Support System Technology for Biological Experiments in Space. In Proceedings of the « International Conference on Life Support and Biospherics », February 18-20, 1992, Huntsville, Alabama, USA. (Invited paper)

MOULIN C., SAMMUT F., BRECHIGNAC F. 1993 Membrane technology for water treatment: From Earth to Space. In Proceedings of the « International Workshop on Water Quality in the Biotechnology Industry », Royal Society of Chemistry, April 22, 1993, Warwick University, Warwick, U.K.

BRECHIGNAC F., WOLF L. 1993 Symbiose, System for Microgravity Bioregenerative Support of Experiments. Advances in Space Research, 17(2): 35-47.

BRECHIGNAC F., WOLF L. 1994 « Symbiose », a Testbed for Studies of Closed Ecosystems. Preparing for the Future (ESA Publication), 11 :10-11.

BOISSIER B., CORNUEJOLS C., MOULIN C., SAMMUT F., STAMMER C., BRECHIGNAC F. 1994 Water Recovery for Space Laboratories. ESA Bulletin, 45: 87-99.

ANDRE M., BRECHIGNAC F., THIBAULT P. 1994 Biodiversity in model ecosystems. Nature, 371 :565.

MOULIN C., SAMMUT F., BOISSIER B., CORNUEJOLS C., BRECHIGNAC F. 1994 Systèmes compacts de recyclage des eaux usées: application des techniques à membranes à l'environnement spatial. L'Environnement, 44:8-11.

BRECHIGNAC F., WOLF L. 1994 Symbiose, a precursor model testbed for integrated bioregeneration in space: Preliminary experiments with atmosphere closure. In Proceedings of the « 5th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space », 26 Sept.-1 Oct. 1993, Arcachon, France, (ESA SP-366), pp. 245-248. (Invited paper)

ROE S., LAMBE C., BATTLE C., BRECHIGNAC F. 1994 BIOST, Technology Developments for a Space Bioprocessing Facility. In Proceedings of the « 5th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space », 26 Sept.-1 Oct. 1993, Arcachon, France, (ESA SP-366), pp. 467-471.

PERCHERON G., BRECHIGNAC F., CONDORET J.S. 1994 Intensification of gaseous transfer in cellular cultures under microgravity. In Proceedings of the « 5th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space », 26 Sept.-1 Oct. 1993, Arcachon, France, (ESA SP-366).

MOULIN C., SAMMUT F., BOISSIER B., CORNUEJOLS C., STAMMER C., BRECHIGNAC F. 1994 Payload Water Management System for Space Station Missions. In Proceedings of the joint « 5th European Symposium on Space Environmental Control Systems and 24th International Conference on Environmental Systems », June 20-23, 1994, Friedrichshafen, Germany, SAE Technical Paper series n° 941532.

WOLF L., BRECHIGNAC F. 1994 Symbiose, Technology Developments for Bioregeneration in Space. In Proceedings of the joint « 5th European Symposium on Space Environmental Control Systems and 24th International Conference on Environmental Systems », June 20-23, 1994, Friedrichshafen, Germany, SAE Technical Paper series n° 941348. (Invited paper)

LAMBE C., ROE S., BRECHIGNAC F. 1994 The BIOST Project, European Technology Developments for Bioprocessing in Space. In Proceedings of the joint « 5th European Symposium on Space Environmental Control Systems and 24th International Conference on Environmental Systems », June 20-23, 1994, Friedrichshafen, Germany, SAE Technical Paper series n° 941294. (Invited paper)

SERRAT i JURADO J.M., BRECHIGNAC F. 1994 Mineral Nutrition, CO2 absorption and Maltose Yield in a Closed Ecosystem containing Chlorella paramecii. In Proceedings of the 30th COSPAR Meeting, Session F4 « Natural and Artificial Ecosystems », July 1994, Hamburg, Germany. PERCHERON G., BRECHIGNAC F., SOUCAILLE P. 1995 Carbon Dioxide Desorption from Fermentation Broth bu Use of Oxygen Vectors. Bioprocess Engineering, 12(1/2):11-16.

SERRAT i JURADO J., BRECHIGNAC F. 1995 Phase separation technologies in microgravity : Application to physiological fluids. In Conference Proceedings of the « 10th Anniversary of First ESA Parabolic Flight Campaign », 28-29 November, 1994, Toulouse, France, (ESA WPP-90, CNES ED/MV-95-039), pp. 355-361. (Invited paper)

BRECHIGNAC F. 1995 Recherche expérimentale sur les écosystèmes: la radioécologie. Communication at the Safety Colloquium « Cinquantenaire du CEA », December 1995, Dijon, France. (Invited paper)

BRECHIGNAC F., COLLE C., HUGON J., MADOZ-ESCANDE C., RONGIER P., SANCHEZ A. 1996 RESSAC: A research facility for studying radionuclides behaviour within ecosystems. In Proceedings of the « International Congress on Radioprotection IRPA9 », April 14-19, 1996, Vienna, Austria, Vol. 3, pp. 137-139.

BINOT R., O'LEARY P., REININGER F., KOLLE C., TRETTNAK W., GRUBER W., BRECHIGNAC F., 1996 Optrodes: opto-chemical sensors with superior performance for space biology (Part 1). Preparing for the Future (ESA Publication), 6(1) :10-11.

BRECHIGNAC F., RONGIER P., HUGON J., DUBOIS E., COLLE C., MADOZ-ESCANDE C. 1997 Controlled Lysimetric Environmental Facility at IPSN: assessing accidental radioactive contamination. In Proceedings of the International Meeting on « Influence of climatic characteristics upon the behavior of radioactive elements ». Y. Ohmomo and N. Sakurai, eds., Institute for Environmental Sciences, October 14-16, 1997, Aomori, Japan, pp. 35-42. (Invited paper)

MADOZ-ESCANDE C., COLLE C., BRECHIGNAC F., JOUGLET H., FERNANDEZ V. 1998 Time-dependent evolution of 137Cs and 90Sr deposited as aerosols on vine. In Proceedings of the « 8th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe - Interfaces in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology », 14-18 April, 1998, Bordeaux, France.

MADOZ-ESCANDE C., BRECHIGNAC F., COLLE C., DUBOIS E., HUGON J., JOUGLET H., MOUTIER M., RONGIER P., SANCHEZ A., SCHULTE E.H., ZANON R. 1999 Experimental installation for radioecology research on defined ecosystems subjected to contamination in controlled conditions. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 133 :178-191.

FORSBERG S., ROSEN K., BRECHIGNAC F. 2000 Chemical availability of 137Cs and 90Sr in undisturbed lysimeter soils driven under controlled and close-to-real conditions. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 54:253-265.

BRECHIGNAC F., MOBERG L., SUOMELA M. 2000 Long-term environmental behaviour of radionuclides. Recent advances in Europe. IPSN Communication ed., 65 pages.

BRECHIGNAC F., MOBERG L., SUOMELA M. 2000 Long-term environmental behaviour of radionuclides. Recent advances in Europe. International Union of Radioecology Newsletter, 36:18-19.

BRECHIGNAC F., THIRY Y., WAEGENEERS N., VALLEJO R., SAURAS T., CASADESUS J., SHAW G., MARCHANT J., FORSBERG S., MADOZ-ESCANDE C., GONZE M.A., COLLE C. 2000 Soil-radionuclides interaction and subsequent impact on the contamination of plant food products based on a simulated accidental source. In Proceedings of SPERA 2000 Conference “Environmental Changes and Radioactive Tracers” , 19-23 June, Nouméa, New Caledonia, Environmental Changes andRadioactive Tracers, J.M. Fernandez, R. Fichez, eds., IRD Edition, pp. 397-419.

GONZE M.A., BRECHIGNAC F. 2000 Modelling the fate of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in a soil-plant system : Empirical versus mechanistic approaches. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Distribution and Speciation of Radionuclides in the Environment, 11-13 October 2000, Rokkasho, Aomori, Japan, Inaba J., Hisamatsu S., Ohtsuka Y., eds., Institute for Environmental Sciences, pp. 218-226.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2000 Connaissances et inconnues des processus radioécologiques méritant considération dans une perspective long terme. Audition de la Commission Nationale d’Evaluation des Recherches pour la Gestion des Déchets Radioactifs (CNE), Paris, 8 Novembre 2000 (Invited paper)

BRECHIGNAC F., MADOZ-ESCANDE C., STAUNTON S. 2002 Transfert du radiocésium du sol vers la plante : une étude en lysimètre. In Les éléments traces métalliques dans les sols : approches fonctionnelles et spatiales, D. Baize , M. Tercé, eds., INRA ed., Paris, pp. 523-536.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2001 The main scientific achievements of the « PEACE » Programme. International Union of Radioecology Newsletter, 37:8-11. GARIEL J.C., GARNIER-LAPLACE J., SANTUCCI P., BRECHIGNAC F. 2001 Radioecological research activities carried out by the Division for Laboratory Radioecological Research and Studies (SERLAB) at the french Institute for Nuclear Protection and Safety. International Union of Radioecology Newsletter, 37:15-20.

BRECHIGNAC F., MADOZ-ESCANDE C., GONZE M.-A., SCHULTE E.-H. 2001 Controlled simulation on lysimeters of accidents yielding a radioactive pollution of the agricultural environment: overview on research carried out at IPSN. Radioprotection, 36(3):277-302.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2001 Impact of radioactivity on the environment: Problems, state of the art and approaches for identification of radioprotection criteria. Radioprotection, 36(4):511-535.

CASADESUS J., SAURAS-YERA T., GONZE M.A., VALLEJO R., BRECHIGNAC F. 2001 A nutrient-based mechanistic model for predicting the root uptake of radionuclides. In Radioactive pollutants, Impact on the Environment, Bréchignac F. and Howard B.J., eds., IPSN Collection, EDP Sciences, Paris, pp. 209-239.

BRECHIGNAC F., HOWARD B.J. eds. 2001 Radioactive Pollutants: Impact on the Environment. IPSN Collection, EDP Sciences, Paris, 341 pages.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2001 Impact de la radioactivité sur l’environnement : Problématique, état des connaissances et approches vers l’identification de critères de radioprotection. In Proceedings of the Congrès National de Radioprotection, SFRP, 19-21 Juin 2001, Tours, France, pp. 1-19. (Invited paper)

BRECHIGNAC F. 2001 Environment versus man radioprotection: the need for a new conceptual approach ? In Proceedings of the ECORAD 2001 International Conference on the radioecology-ecotoxicology of terrestrial and estuarine environments, 3-7 September 2001, Aix en Provence, France, Bréchignac F., ed., Radioprotection Colloquium Series, EDP Sciences, Paris, 37(C1): 161-166. (Invited paper)

HOWARD B.J., STRAND P., ASSIMAKOPOULOS P., BRECHIGNAC F., GASCO C., METIVIER H., MOBERG L., SMITH J.T., TAMPONNET C., TRUEBA C., VOIGT G., WRIGHT S. 2001 Estimation of radioecological sensitivity. In Proceedings of the ECORAD 2001 International Conference on the radioecology- ecotoxicology of terrestrial and estuarine environments, 3-7 September 2001, Aix en Provence, France, Bréchignac F., ed., Radioprotection Colloquium Series, EDP Sciences, Paris, 37(C1): 1167- 1173.

BRECHIGNAC F., MADOZ-ESCANDE C., STAUNTON S. 2002 Transfert du radiocésium du sol vers la plante : une étude en lysimètre. In : Les éléments traces métalliques dans les sols : Approches fonctionnelles et spatiales, Chapitre 31, D. Baize, M. Tercé, eds., INRA Editions, Paris, pp. 523-536.

STAUNTON S., HISINGER P., GUIVARCH A., BRECHIGNAC F. 2003 Root uptake and translocation of radiocaesium from agricultural soils by various plant species. Plant & Soil, 254;443-455.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2003 Protection of the environment: how to position radioprotection in an ecological risk assessment perspective. The Science of the Total Environment, 307(1/3);35-54.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2003 La protection de l’environnement contre les rayonnements ionisants vue par la CIPR. SFRP 2003 Montpellier 11-13 Juin 2003.

BRECHIGNAC F., BARESCUT J.C. 2003 From human to Environmental radioprotection: some crucial issues worth considering. IAEA CSP-17, pp. 119-128.

BRECHIGNAC F., OUGHTON D., HUNTER G. 2003 The role of the International Union of Radioecology (IUR) in Environmental Radioprotection. Proceeding of the Luxembourg Stakeholders conference.

BRECHIGNAC F., POLIKARPOV G., OUGHTON D.H., HUNTER G., ALEXAKHIN R., ZHU Y., HILTON, J., STRAND P. 2003 Protection of the environment in the 21st century : Radiation protection of the biosphere including humankind. Statement of the International Union of Radioecology. Journal of Environmental radioactivity, 70: 155-159.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2003 Protection de l’environnement contre les rayonnements ionisants: La voie proposée par la CIPR, ses origines et son analyse. Revue Générale Nucléaire, 5 : 52-59.

BRECHIGNAC F., POLIKARPOV G., OUGHTON D.H., HUNTER G., ALEXAKHIN R., ZHU Y., HILTON, J., STRAND P. 2003 Protection of the environment in the 21st century : Radiation protection of the biosphere including humankind. Statement of the International Union of Radioecology. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, ESEP, 2003: 40-42.

BRECHIGNAC F., POLIKARPOV G., OUGHTON D.H., HUNTER G., ALEXAKHIN R., ZHU Y., HILTON, J., STRAND P. 2003 La protection de l’environnement au XXIème siècle : protection radiologique de la biosphère incluant l’homme. Déclaration de l’Union Internationale de Radioécologie. Radioprotection, 38(4) : 557-562.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2003 A framework for assessing the impact of ionising radiation on non-human species. Publication 91 de la CIPR. Radioprotection, 38(4): 569.

BRECHIGNAC F. ed. 2003 International Union of Radioecology. Newsletter N° 40, May/june.

BRECHIGNAC F. Ed 2003 Words from the General Secretary, International Union of Radioecology. IUR Newsletter N° 41, November/December.

ICRP Publication 91. 1993 Collective publication. A framework for assessing the impact of ionising radiation on non-human species. Annals of ICRP 33(3): 201-270.

COPPLESTONE D., HOWARD B., BRECHIGNAC F. 2004 The ecological relevance of current environmental protection from exposure to ionising radiation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 74: 31-41.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2005 Message from the General Secretary, International Union of Radioecology. IUR Newsletter N° 43, Septembre.

HINTON T., BRECHIGNAC F. 2005 A case against biomarkers as indicators of Ecological Risks: a problem of linkage. In “Scientific trends in Radiological Protection of the Environment – ECORAD 2004”, Bréchignac F., B.J. Howard, eds., IRSN Series Collection Colloques, Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris, France, 123-135.

BRECHIGNAC F., HOWARD B.J., eds. 2005 Scientific trends in Radiological Protection of the Environment – ECORAD 2004. IRSN Series Collection Colloques, Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris, France, 167 pages.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2005 Protecting the environment against ionising radiation: the path proposed by ICRP, its origins and analysis. In: Ecotoxicology, Ecological Risk Assessment and Multiple Stressors. G. Arapis, N. Goncharova & P. Baveye, eds., NATO Security through Science – C, Springer, Dordrecht, The netherlands, 41-55.

BRECHIGNAC F., SUGIER A., SCHIEBER C., LECOMTE J.F., NENOT J.C. 2005 Cadre méthodologique pour évaluer l’impact des rayonnements ionisants sur les espèces non humaines. Traduction de la Publication 91 de la CIPR, IRSN Series, Collection Lignes Directrices, Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris, France, 85 pages.

BRECHIGNAC F., DESMET G. Eds. 2005 Equidosimetry – Ecological Standardization and Equidosimetry fro Radioecology and Environment Ecology. NATO Security through Science – C, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 436 pages.

SUGIER A., BARESCUT J.C., BRECHIGNAC F., BRENOT J., CHAMPION D., GARIEL J.C., GARNIER-LAPLACE J., LEMAITRE N., LEWI J., QUENIART D. 2005 Protection de l’environnement : Orientation de l’IRSN. IRSN, Collection Doctrines & Synthèses, Rapport IRSN 2005-48, 15 pp.

BRECHIGNAC F., DOI M. 2006 Challenges to the current paradigm in radiological protection of the environment: a need for broadening. Submitted

BOURGUIGNON M., BOUVILLE A., BRECHIGNAC F., CARDIS E., DOI M., FLURY-HERARD A., KELLY N., LARSSON C.M., LAZO T., METIVIER H., MITCHEL R.E.J., MOSSMAN K., PAQUET F., PARETZKE H., PRIEST N., SALOMAA S., VANO E., VRIJHEID M., WEISS W., ZANKL M. 2007 Implications of sciences and technology on the radiological protection system. International Conference on radiological Protection, Sydney, Australia.

METIVIER H., AHIER B., BOURGUIGNON M., BOUVILLE A., BRECHIGNAC F., BROWNLESS G., DOI M., FLURY- HERARD A., KELLY N., LAZO T., MITCHEL R.E.J., MOSSMAN K., PAQUET F., PRIEST N., SALOMAA S., VANO E., VRIJHEID M., WEISS W., ZANKL M. 2007 Scientific issues and emerging challenges for radiation protection. Report of the Expert group on the Implications of radiation protection Science. NEA/CRPPH/EGIS (2007)1, 83 pages.

BRECHIGNAC F., JONHSTON A., HIGLEY K., LARSSON C.M., BROWNLESS G. (2007) Situating the concept of reference animals and plants developed for radioprotection in the general context of environmental protection. ICRP Committee 5 Report, to be published

BRECHIGNAC F. (2007) Current challenges to the radiological protection of the environment Submitted to International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, Bergen, Norway, 15-20 June 2008. Scientific and technical reports (F. Bréchignac)

BRECHIGNAC F. 1981 Analyse des bilans gazeux d'un système racinaire. Application à la mesure directe de la fixation symbiotique d'azote. Rapport de Diplôme d'Agronomie Approfondie (DAA), E.N.S.A, Toulouse.

BRECHIGNAC F. 1985 Photosynthèse et photorespiration chez la macro-algue marine Chondrus crispus. Substrat carboné absorbé et nature de la prise d'oxygène. Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat ès Sciences Naturelles, Direction Professeur R. Heller, Université Paris 7, 111 pages.

BRECHIGNAC F. 1988 Comments on the present concept proposed by MBB/ERNO for the Botany Facility. Technical Note, ESA, ESTEC.

BRECHIGNAC F. 1988 Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems based on terrestrial plants. Technical Note, ESA, ESTEC.

BRECHIGNAC F., SCHILLER P. 1988 Handling procedures for space biology. Technical Note, ESA, ESTEC.

BRECHIGNAC F. 1988 CO2 supply in the Botany Facility: photosynthesis supported by CO2 exchange through a microporous filter. Technical Note, ESA ESTEC.

BRECHIGNAC F., VALLEJO R., VANDECASTEELE C., SHAW G., FORSBERG S., MADOZ-ESCANDE C. 2000 Imroving the short and long term prediction ability of radiocontaminant behaviour in agro- ecosystems. Rapport Scientifique et Technique, IPSN-RST 2000.

BRECHIGNAC F. et al. 1997 PEACE, Programme for evaluating the impact of accidents contaminating the environment. Soil-radionuclides processes of interaction and modelling of their impact on contamination of plant food products. Mid-term (Annual) Report, CEC Contract F14P-CT96-0039a, IPSN Report 98-06.

BRECHIGNAC F. et al. 1998 PEACE, Programme for evaluating the impact of accidents contaminating the environment. Soil-radionuclides processes of interaction and modelling of their impact on contamination of plant food products. Annual Report, CEC Contract F14P-CT96-0039a.

BRECHIGNAC F. et al. 1999 PEACE, Programme for evaluating the impact of accidents contaminating the environment. Soil-radionuclides processes of interaction and modelling of their impact on contamination of plant food products. Final Report, CEC Contract F14P-CT96-0039a, IPSN-SERLAB Report 99-017(P).

BRECHIGNAC F. 1999 Simulation contrôlée sur lysimètres d’accidents donnant lieu à pollution radioactive de l’environnement agricole. Bilan synthétique des recherches. IPSN-SERLAB Report 99-018(P).

BRECHIGNAC F., BOTTERO J.Y. eds. 2006 Gestion des Risques et Vulnérabilité des Territoires. Actes de Séminaire scientifique IRSN/IFR 112, Europôle de l’Arbois, France, in press.

PLOYART R., BRECHIGNAC F. et al. 2006 Rapport du Groupe de Travail sur la Recherche Exploratoire. Rapport IRSN/DESTQ/DEAS 06-006.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2006 Retour d’expérience des évaluations scientifiques et techniques à caractère pilote mises en place à l’IRSN. Rapport IRSN/DESTQ/DEAS.

BRECHIGNAC F. 2007 Le système global d’évaluation scientifique et technique à l’IRSN. Rapport IRSN/DESTQ/DEAS 2007-003. BRECHIGNAC F. 2008 Charte de l’évaluation à l’IRSN. Rapport IRSN/DS, in press.

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