Confirmed Minutes s4
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These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Nadcap Management Council in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Council and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Nadcap Management Council (NMC) meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pascal Blondet at 9:00 a.m. and attendance recorded.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
NMC Voting Members Present
* Corwyn Berger Exova * Pascal Blondet Airbus Chairperson * Richard Blyth Rolls-Royce * Bob Bodemuller Ball Aerospace & Technologies * Katie Bradley Lockheed Martin Corp. * Christian Buck SAFRAN Group * Bob Cashman Parker Aerospace * John Haddock BAE Systems Air & Information (MAI) * Scott Iby Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS) * Eric Jacklin F.M. Callahan & Son, Inc. * Bob Koukol Honeywell Aerospace * Ralph Kropp MTU Aero Engines * Peter Krutoholow Sikorsky Aircraft * Serge Labbe Heroux-Devtek * Daniel Lecuru Eurocopter * Howard (Jeff) Lott The Boeing Company * Frank Mariot Triumph Group * Steve McGinn Honeywell Aerospace * Dave Michaud Fountain Plating Co. * Alberto Portal EADS CASA * Fabrizio Quadrini AgustaWestland * Mark Rechtsteiner GE Aviation * Brad Richwine Raytheon Co. * Davide Salerno Alenia Aermacchi * Ana Santos Embraer SA * Mike Schleckman Voss Industries, Inc. * Victor Schonberger Israel Aerospace Industries * Lisa Shaw Eaton Aerospace * David Soong Pratt & Whitney * Vitorio Stana Avcorp Industries * George Winchester Northrop Grumman
Other Attendees Present
Ken Abram Honeywell Aerospace Stan Adachi The Boeing Company Frank Alberto Park Electrochemical Corp. Daniel Amara Israel Aerospace Industries Rick Amato GE Aviation Latchezar Anguelov SAFRAN Group Takahita Araki IHI Pedro Aranda Eaton Aerospace Tomohiko Ashikaga Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ender Aslan TAI Pete Atwell Airbus Didier Authier BNAE Alexandra Aymard Latecoere Andy Bakewell E.M. Inspection Co. Ltd. Phil Bamforth Rolls-Royce Gerard Bauchaire Honeywell Aerospace Michael Bemis Goodrich (UTAS) Laura Benedetti SAFRAN Group Corwyn Berger Exova Antoine Berson DAHER-SOCATA Mario Franco Bianchi TUV-Bytest Mark Binfield Goodrich (UTAS) Arnaud Bonnet CETIM Robin Borrelli The Boeing Company Malik Boutoba Eurocopter Philippe Brailly SAFRAN Group Mike Brandt Alcoa Shaun Brewin Rolls-Royce Bruce Brownfield Lockheed Martin Corp. Frank Brungs MTU Aero Engines Pavel Burian PBS Velka Bites Zeljko Calija Goodrich (UTAS) Tara Campbell Rolls-Royce Sylvain Cassagne Latecoere Claude Chambon Aubert et Duval Stephane Chaumeil Galion Ping Chen COMAC Sergey Chernata Irkut Corporation Michael Clark Sikorsky Aircraft Alessio Colombara AgustaWestland Paul Comer Graphic Plc Paul Compton Robert Stuart Ltd Rich Costantino Goodrich (UTAS) Georges Coste SAFRAN Group Herve Courreges Airbus Nathalie Crozat-Vigier SKF Aerospace France David Curry Tewkesbury (Diamond Chrome) Plating Co. Ltd. Terry Curtland Ball Aerospace & Technologies Suthichar Danchaiviroj Triumph Structures Thailand David Day GE Aviation Kent DeFranco Lockheed Martin Corp. Karyn Deming Goodrich (UTAS) Niall Dodds Exova 2 Nadcap MANAGEMENT COUNCIL JUNE 2013 CONFIRMED MINUTES
Chris Dootson BAE Systems Air & Information (MAI) Pavel Doubek PBS Velka Bites, a.s. George Doviak Goodrich (UTAS) Ian Duberley GKN Aerospace Filton Mike Dudley Aerocom Inspection Benoit Dugast ETIM Composites Philippe Durand Eurocopter Vincent Dutilh SAFRAN Group Andreas Elbs Liebherr Aerospace Achim Enzmann Eurocopter Ben Evans Goodrich (UTAS) Ergun Evrensel TAI Melissa Facas Pratt & Whitney Aleck Featherston Bell Helicopter Textron Bill Fitzgerald Northrop Grumman Bob Fletcher BAE Systems Air & Information (MAI) Thomas Fox SGS Institut Fresenius GmbH Steve Garner Eaton Aerospace Roy Garside Rolls-Royce Steve Geldart Eaton Aerospace Philippe Germa Gillis Aero Greg Goldhagen Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS) Cristina Gonzalez EADS CASA Dan Graves Goodrich (UTAS) Dave Gray Mitchell Labs Keith Griffiths Rolls-Royce Norman Gross The Boeing Company Uwe Hallmann Aerotech Peissenberg Milan Hanyk Honeywell Aerospace Dale Harmon CTS Gerald Harvey Triumph Group Hirohiko Hattori Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Mike Hayward Northrop Grumman Bill Heeter Skills Inc. Brett Hemingway BAE Systems Air & Information (MAI) Fabienne Heron BabbCo Jerome Hery SAFRAN Group Daniel Hoeft Premium Aerotec Robert Hogan Honeywell Aerospace Andrew Hopkins BAE Systems Air & Information (MAI) Billy Hulse Spirit AeroSystems Stuart Hunt Airbus Dave Isenberg Parker Aerospace Group Mike Kahler Ball Aerospace & Technologies Kazuhiko Kakinuma IHI John Key Bell Helicopter Textron Selcuk Kilic TAI Erkan Kilic GE Aviation Karen Kim Pratt & Whitney Betty Kocsis Honeywell Aerospace John Koenig The Boeing Company Bahar Kogkan TAI Yury Kokryatsky Irkut Corporation Martin Kolinko Eaton Aerospace Manuel Koucouthakis Honeywell Aerospace Holger Krueger Airbus Operations Heinrich Kuchlbauer Aerotech Peissenberg 3 Nadcap MANAGEMENT COUNCIL JUNE 2013 CONFIRMED MINUTES
Holger Kukla Eifeler Beschichtungscenter GmbH Marc-Andre Lefebvre Heroux-Devtek Herman Leibovich Israel Aerospace Industries Donald Lenhart Spirit AeroSystems Gilles Leroy Aubert et Duval Chantal Lewis GKN Aerospace UK Susan Lewis Lockheed Martin Corp. Lance Loeks The Boeing Company Simon Long Airbus Dan Loveless Parker Aerospace Group Mihaela Lupu SAFRAN Group Weitao Ma COMAC Will Macias Goodrich (UTAS) Adrien Maffre Airbus Tony Maguire BAE Systems Tony Maguire BAE Systems Scott Maitland Goodrich (UTAS) Muriel Malhomme Airbus Veronique Marcel SAFRAN Group Leah Markowitz Honeywell Aerospace Jose Martinez Liebherr Aerospace John Mastorides Honeywell Aerospace Doug Matson The Boeing Company Ian McEnteggart Instron Cory McGraw PM Testing Laboratory, Inc. Luigi Merletti AgustaWestland John Merritt Sikorsky Aircraft Scott Meyer Goodrich (UTAS) Wang Miao COMAC Alessandro Miglio AgustaWestland Francis Monerie-Moulin SAFRAN Group Lyle Morris Raytheon Co. Gudrun Muehlbauer MTU Aero Engines Tim Myers Honeywell Aerospace Mike Noettl Magnetic Inspection Laboratory, Inc. Tom Norris Goodrich (UTAS) Larry (Dale) Norwood Parker Hannifin Owen O’Grady Exova Clark Okawa Pratt & Whitney Larry Olsen Northrop Grumman Luis Gustavo Pacheco Embraer S.A. Andy Page Rolls-Royce Elisabeth Pagnoux Latecoere Keith Panuska Lockheed Martin Corp. Alexander Pashenkin Irkut Corporation Steve Payne Praxair Surface Technologies Eddy Pham Northrop Grumman Alex Pohoata Honeywell Aerospace Marco Luigi Poletto Alenia Aermacchi Earl Pruett Lockheed Martin Corp. Tim Pruitt Rolls-Royce Yulia Puzyreva Irkut Corporation K.T. Quader The Boeing Company Bob Rainone Goodrich (UTAS) Sunder Rajan Raytheon Co. Muralikrishnan Ramalingam GE Aviation Pierre-Emmanuel Richy Aubert et Duval 4 Nadcap MANAGEMENT COUNCIL JUNE 2013 CONFIRMED MINUTES
Rainer Ricken Premium Aerotec Karsten Riemer Aerotech Peissenberg Carl Roche Goodrich (UTAS) Josefa Rodriguez Baena EADS CASA Steve Row Goodrich (UTAS) David Royce Pratt & Whitney Richard Rumas Honeywell Aerospace Don Russell Toray Composites America John Sanders Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS) Jerry Satchwell Rolls-Royce Colleen Saunders Toray Composites America Inc. Peter Schmidt SGS Institut Fresenius GmbH Udo Schuelke Honeywell Aerospace Douglas Schueller AbelConn LLC Christian Schwaminger MTU Aero Engines Bobby Scott Bombardier Aerospace Pete Scrimshire Incotest Dave Serbonsek Olympic Scientific Jeffrey Sipf Haynes International Pavel Sitko Honeywell Aerospace Ken Sposato Triumph Group Nick Stacey Praxair Surface Technologies Mariusz Stanczyk Lockheed Martin Corp. Chris Stevenson Rolls-Royce William Stewart Bombardier Aerospace Laurie Strom Honeywell Aerospace David Struckman Eaton Aerospace Colin Stuart Rolls-Royce Marc Taillandier Eurocopter Tsunao Tezuka IHI Jeff Thyssen GE Aviation Dominique Tomasso SAFRAN Group Steve Tooley Rolls-Royce Pete Torelli The Boeing Company Simon Tournebize Aubert et Duval Stanley Trull Honeywell Aerospace Junji Tsuji IHI Zia Usmani BAE Systems Air & Information (MAI) Kees Van der Schoor Fokker Elmo Nancy Vancil Toray Carbon Fibers America, Inc. Juan Vasquez Viasystems Emmanuel Vassort ETIM Composites SAS David Vaughn Spirit AeroSystems Cyril Vernault SAFRAN Group Bernard Veyssiere EADS Jerry Wahlin AAA Plating & Inspection Barbara Waller Raytheon Co. Tony Warren Airbus Thierry Wartel SAFRAN Hispano Suiza Doug Webb Honeywell Aerospace Steve Wells Goodrich (UTAS) Gary Winters Northrop Grumman Sarah Woodward Honeywell Aerospace Paul Woolley Rolls-Royce Jianqiang Xu COMAC Jeffredo Yann SAFRAN Group Ling Yap The Boeing Company 5 Nadcap MANAGEMENT COUNCIL JUNE 2013 CONFIRMED MINUTES
Sergey Yesilevich Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS) Evren Yuksekkaya GE Aviation
PRI Staff Present
Jerry Aston Mark Aubele James Bennett Jim Borczyk Rebekah Braun William Calvert Karen Conroy Nigel Cook Marcel Cuperman Bill Dumas Phil Ford Susan Frailey Hannah Godfrey Mike Graham Mike Gutridge Connie Hess Rob Hoeth Scott Klavon Joanna Leigh Jim Lewis Bob Lizewski Dave Marcyjanik Robert Nixon Kellie O’Connor Joe Pinto Dana Pless Keith Purnell Stan Revers David Sanchez Glenn Shultz Ian Simpson Rick Sovich Andy Statham Louise Stefanakis Jon Steffey Kevin Wetzel
1.2 Opening Comments
The Code of Ethics and Antitrust statements were reviewed.
A motion was made to approve the February 2013 NMC meeting minutes. The motion was seconded and the February 2013 NMC meeting minutes were approved.
The following new Task Group Chairpersons were confirmed:
Measurement & Inspection Task Group: Simon Gough-Rundle, Rolls-Royce
The following achievement certificates were presented:
In recognition of service as NonDestructive Testing Task Group Secretary:
o David Royce – Pratt & Whitney
In recognition of contributions to the Electronics Task Group:
o Suzanne Steketee – Ball Aerospace & Technologies
o Philippe Pons – Airbus
In recognition of contributions to the Coatings Task Group:
o Clark Okawa – Pratt & Whitney
A certificate was presented to Mark Cathey of Spirit AeroSystems for his contribution to the Nadcap Management Council (the award was accepted by Billy Hulse, on behalf of Mark).
2.0 PRI/Nadcap Status Report
Scott Klavon presented the Nadcap Status report. For more details please see the attached presentation.
Nadcap Update for NMC & Metrics.pdf
3.0 NMC Chairpersons’ Report
Pascal Blondet presented the NMC Chairperson’s Report. For more details please see the attached presentation.
2013 NMC Chairperson's Report PB 5 Jun 2013 draft1.pdf
. Committee Reports
Bob Bodemuller gave an update on the Metrics Committee’s activities. For more details please see the attached presentation.
Metrics Committee Report June 2013.pdf
Steve McGinn reported the Standardization Committee reviewed the status of the Auditor Consistency, Failure/Risk Mitigation and Time Cycle Definitions Sub-Teams. For more details, please see the attached presentation.
Standardization June 2013.pdf
Ethics & Appeals
Frank Mariot stated that there has been no activity since the last meeting.
Frank Mariot reported on the various activities of the Oversight Committee, including Auditor Oversights and the 2013 Oversight Audit progress. For more details, please see the attached presentation.
Globalization & Strategy
Frank Mariot gave an update on the Globalization & Strategy Committee’s activities, including the creation of a Resource Library, which is now housed on the PRI Website ( For more details please see the attached presentation.
4.0 Task Group Reports
The task group chairs reported out what their commodities are currently working on. For more details on each Task Group report, please see the attached presentations.
ETG.ppt FLU.ppt HT.ppt M&I.PPT MTL.ppt
5.0 Supplier Support Committee (SSC) Report
Eric Jacklin gave an update on the SSC’s activities. For more details on key activities of the SSC, please see the attached presentation.
SSC for NMC jun2013.ppt
6.0 New Business
The next meeting will be held October 21-25, 2013, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA at the Omni William Penn Hotel.
Reservations can be made by visiting the PRI Website.
Please pre-register on-line early for the October 21-25, 2013 meeting to save time and avoid registering the day of the meeting. Pre-register before October 11, 2013 as the on-line registration will close. The on-line meeting registration can be found at:
8.0 Adjournment
Minutes prepared by: Kellie O’Connor – [email protected]