Geography 1992 Fall 2007 VERSION A
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Geography 1992 Fall 2007 VERSION A Introduction to human geography
Mid-term 3.
1) Mechanical solidarity is A. social cohesion based on persons sharing similar lifestyles and rituals, supposedly found in rural societies B. social cohesion based on the dependence people have on others to perform certain tasks, supposedly found in urban societies. C. social cohesion based on the shared dependence people have on plants and animals for sustenance, supposedly found in rural societies. D. None of the above.
2) Retail, education, health, and leisure are all examples of which type of services? A. Consumer. B. Public. C. Business. D. Professional.
Problems 3 and 4 use the following diagram of city land use.
Where A= Central Business District, B= Warehousing and Factories, C= Poor Residential, D= Middle Class Residential, E= High Income Residential, and F is not known.
3) What land use model is this diagram most consistent with? A. Concentric Ring. B. Sector. C. Urban Realms. D. Multiple Nuclei.
4) Which of the following land uses is most likely to be found in region “F”? It may or may not be a land use that is also found elsewhere. A. Poor Residential. B. High Income Residential. C. Suburban business district. 5) Which of the following is characteristic of swidden agriculture? A. The periodic flooding of fields for rice cultivation. B. Agriculture conducted primarily by males. C. Monocropping (usually soybeans). D. Shifting cultivation consisting of cycles of burning the forest, cultivation, followed by extensive periods of rest.
6) The United States has experienced increasing suburbanization since the 1930s. Which trend has occurred rapidly since the 1970s that sets it apart from the 1930-1960s? A. Rapid growth of commercial and retail clusters toward the edges of cities. B. Decreasing prominence of automobile transportation. C. Decreasing usage of zoning ordinances. D. All of the above.
7) The first applications of land use zoning ordinances were for the purpose of A. Maintaining ethnic segregation in cities. B. Allowing Jewish immigrants to live near to their workplaces in San Francisco. C. Creating a minimum lot size for construction of new homes. D. Separating polluting factories from residences.
8) Gentrification is characterized by A. Reinvestment in low income neighborhoods. B. The arrival of wealthier residents in low income neighborhoods. C. The expansion of the tax base in central cities. D. All of the above.
9) Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of suburbanization? A. Reduced transportation costs (cheap gas, freeways and cars) make the suburbs cheaper. B. Federal tax deductions for interest payments made on home mortgages. C. Exclusionary zoning in the central cities prevents the middle class from living there. D. Disinvestment in cities made central cities less appealing to middle and upper class residents
10) According to Marxist geographer Neil Smith, gentrification occurs because A. A new middle class has emerged that appreciates the ethnic and architectural diversity of older neighborhoods. B. Central cities have reinvested in public schools, making neighborhoods more attractive to middle class families. C. A rent gap has arisen in which central city land is undervalued, leading to the influx of households and developers willing to reinvest in the neighborhoods for profit. D. None of the above.
11) What is the purpose of crop rotation? A. Maintaining fresh products for market. B. Maintaining price supports. C. Maintaining the fertility of fields. D. Responding to shifting consumer preferences.
12) Land values are high in the Central Business District primarily because of A. intense competition for the CBD's accessible location. B. less intensive land use in the CBD. C. the construction of skyscrapers in the CBD. D. lack of residential space in the CBD.
13) Which of the following characterizes the impact of the globalization of services on Mumbai? A. Increasing real estate prices. B. Hyper-differentiation of space C. Continuation of colonial-era urban landscape patterns D. All of the above
14) In what sector are jobs increasing most rapidly in the United States? A. Agricultural. B. Manufacturing. C. Services. D. Primary.
15) To what economic sector did the GATS provision in the 1995 WTO agreement extend globalization? A. Agricultural. B. Primary. C. Manufacturing. D. Tertiary.
16) Zoning ordinances A. Prevent the mixing of land uses. B. Encourage spatial segregation of households C. Are sometimes used to prevent low-income families from living in the suburbs D. All of the above. 17) Pastoral nomadism is A. Highly adaptable to uncertain rainfall. B. Discouraged by most governments in favor of a sedentary lifestyle. C. Characterized by family/communal mobility in order to allow livestock access to fresh pastures. D. All of the above. 18) The minimum number of people needed to support a service is the A. hinterland. B. threshold. C. range. D. meridian. 19) Globalization in the agricultural sector has A. Led to shorter supply chains to get inputs. B. Concentrated ownership in agricultural production, but diversified ownership in input and processing sectors. C. Reduced differentiation of products through market niches. D. None of the above. 20) In the movie Flag Wars, which of the following was used to promote gentrification? A. Homophobia was used to encourage native residents to leave the neighborhood. B. New residents reporting zoning ordinance violations to force low-income households to maintain their property. C. Real estate agents engaged in blockbusting practices to purchase properties at low prices and resell them at higher prices. D. All of the above.
21) From 1800 to 2000, the percentage of people living in cities has A. Increased dramatically. B. Increased slightly. C. Stayed relatively constant. D. Decreased slightly.
22) The area of the city where retail and office activities have traditionally clustered is the A. central business district. B. central place. C. urbanized area. D. metropolitan statistical area.
23) Which of the following is NOT primarily a consumer service? A. Retail Services. B. Education Services. C. Health Services. D. Professional Services.
24) The maximum distance people are willing to travel for a service is the A. hinterland. B. threshold. C. range. D. meridian.
25) Basic industries are often desirable because they A. process resources for use in manufacturing. B. provide the basic services a community needs. C. bring money into the local economy. D. require fewer public resources than other types of businesses.
26) As part of the globalization of services, Less Developed Countries have specialized in what two types of business services? A. Management consulting and staff training. B. Regional command and control centers. C. Entertainment and medical research. D. Offshore financial and back office.
27) Organic solidarity is A. social cohesion based on persons sharing similar lifestyles and rituals, supposedly found in rural societies B. social cohesion based on the dependence people have on others to perform certain tasks, supposedly found in urban societies. C. social cohesion based on the shared dependence people have on plants and animals for sustenance, supposedly found in rural societies. D. None of the above.
28) Less developed countries generate funds to promote development and repay international debt through A. bartering with urban residents. B. Encouraging environmentally sustainable forms of traditional agriculture. C. selling export crops. D. adopting shifting cultivation.
29) According to Louis Wirth, the primary determinant of social organization in cities was determined by the relative: A. Size, Shape and Orientation of cities compared to rural areas. B. Size, Density and Population of cities compared to rural areas. C. Size, Density and Heterogeneity of cities compared to rural areas. D. Density, Heterogeneity and psychic overload of cities compared to rural areas.
30) “Truck farming” is a term that refers to A. commercial gardening and fruit farming. B. horticultural practices in the Mediterranean region. C. dairy farming operations in the US. D. intensive agriculture in Asia
31) The process whereby an increasing percentage of people live in an urban area is known as A. demographic transition. B. rank-size rule. C. urbanization. D. central place theory.
32) Megalopolis refers to A. adjacent, overlapping metropolitan areas. B. central cities. C. central cities plus urbanized areas. D. regional government federation.
33) In U.S. Cities, the underclass is primarily A. clustered in inner-city neighborhoods. B. dispersed uniformly throughout the city. C. clustered in suburbs. D. distributed uniformly in suburbs.
34) A legal form of income segregation in U.S. suburbs is achieved through A. blockbusting. B. zoning. C. busing. D. none of the above.
35) The U.S. has encouraged homeownership in part by A. directly subsidizing the purchase of homes. B. making the interest payments on a home mortgage tax deductible. C. offering incentives to developers to build cheaper homes. D. none of the above.
36) The invention and rapid diffusion of more productive agricultural techniques during the 1970s and 1980s is known as A. the Great Awakening. B. the Green Revolution. C. the Cornucopian Revolution. D. the Copernican Revolution.
37) Which of the following can be said about the process of filtering in the residential housing market? A. Housing is successively occupied by poorer residents. B. Households occupy newer and more valuable housing as their incomes increase. C. It encourages the concentration of the poor in the oldest neighborhoods of the city. D. All of the above.
38) According to the spatial mismatch hypothesis: A. Low-skill jobs have moved out of the central city, while the underclass are unable to move out of the central city. B. The older housing available in central cities is mismatched for the needs of wealthy persons, so wealthy people have moved out of the central city. C. Banks are not allowed to provide mortgages in neighborhoods where most poor persons live. D. The underclass is trapped in neighborhoods with increasing crime levels.
39) What form of subsistence agriculture is based on the herding of domestic animals and is adapted to dry climates where cultivation is difficult. A. Plantation farming. B. Slash-and-burn agriculture. C. Intensive agriculture. D. Pastoral nomadism.
40) Which factors are typically considered when determining the potential market areas for given services? A. The maximum distance people would be willing to travel to use a service. B. The minimum number of consumers needed to support a service. C. The average wealth within the population that makes up the potential consumer bases for a service D. All of the above