Understanding the Sustainable Lifestyle by STEVEN COHEN
Sustainability Understanding the Sustainable Lifestyle BY STEVEN COHEN A sustainable environment and economy buy and what we consume but, it is not only that. are possible only if they provide support to a It also means rethinking how we organise our daily sustainable lifestyle. This is a way of life that life, altering the way we socialise, exchange, share, sees material consumption as a means rather educate and build identities.”3 than as an end and attempts to ensure that Environmental advocates often focus on indi- consumption has as little negative impact on vidual behaviour and say we need to develop the biosphere as possible. lifestyles that consume less and do not damage ecosystems. On a worldwide basis with billions hat is a lifestyle? It’s a peculiar word, of people aspiring to higher levels of material but it is what people do with their time: As we examine consumption, individual reductions in consumption Wwork, recreation, entertainment, travel, the sustainable in the developed world will have little real impact. social life, family life, religious life, education/ lifestyle, it is not But I have hope that we can and are changing the learning, hobbies, and so on. It also includes the only about what nature of consumption just as we are changing the setting within which they undertake these activities we are choosing nature of work. To be clear, we cannot survive – where someone lives, where they work, where to consume, but without food, air, water, clothing and shelter. But they play, and where they pray (if they pray). What where we are due to automation we need fewer people to make does lifestyle have to do with sustainability? It’s not choosing to live.
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