Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
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NOVEMBER 24, 2013 Measure Your Duty by Heaven, not Earth OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE 2 SM 5:1-3 COL 1:12-20 LK 23:35-43 (162) St. Ambrose summarizes the opinions of classical philosophy on duty. Then he explains why a Christian has a different idea of duty: a Christian measures everything by eternity, not by our brief life on earth.
The philosophers believed that duties were derived from what is virtuous and what is useful, and that from these two one should choose “Let us give thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to share the better. It may happen, they say, that two virtuous or two useful in the inheritance of the holy ones in light. He delivered us from things will clash together, and the question is, which is the more the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his virtuous, and which the more useful? beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins…For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile all things for him, making peace by the First, therefore, “duty” is divided into three sections: what is virtuous, blood of his cross through him…” what is useful, and what is the better of two. Then, again, these three are divided into five classes; that is, two that are virtuous, two that are The climax of the church’s year of grace is found in the celebration of useful, and lastly, the right judgment as to the choice between them. Christ the King. There are many ways to reflect upon the meaning of The first they say has to do with the moral dignity and integrity of life; this solemnity. A king reigns. For some he is the center, the focal the second with the conveniences of life, with wealth, resources, point. He rules, a benevolent leader caring for his subjects. His opportunities; whilst a right judgment must underlie the choice of any subjects are part of his kingdom. of them. This is what the philosophers say.
How frequently Jesus used the image of a kingdom in His parables. He used the term to describe life, the morals, values and even But we measure nothing at all but what is fitting and virtuous, and that judgment. We use the image to describe the church, with its by the rule of things future rather than of things present; and we call strengths and weaknesses, its goodness and shortcomings. The nothing useful unless it will help us to the blessing of eternal life; weeds and wheat, the net, or the treasure in the field or pearl of great certainly not what will help us merely enjoy the present time. Nor do price. Jesus used these to describe what was and was to be. we recognize any advantages in opportunities and in the wealth of earthly goods, but consider them as disadvantages if not put aside, and We share the inheritance as builders of the kingdom. Like St. Francis to be looked on as a burden when we have them, rather than as a loss and Pope Francis, we are to rebuild His church, to build His kingdom. when expended. ~~St. Ambrose, On the Duties of the Clergy, 1.9 The kingdom of God is at hand. IN GOD’S PRESENCE, CONSIDER… His Word Today by William J. Reilly When I can’t decide what’s the right thing to do, do I measure the alternatives by the rule of heaven?
th The collection for November 17 was $8,040 Father, empower me in my weakness, and grant me the strength and capability to serve you. We encourage you to enroll via the Parish Pay website https://www.parishpay.com/ and click on the St. Joseph West Village link. Use the paperless way to help our ministry. Expect the unexpected when approaching Christ the King. Here you have a Here is the breakdown of our collection from last Sunday’s man who was born in a manger; first visited by shepherds, the lowliest of collection. Please do your best to be as generous as you can. the lowly; a carpenter’s son who grew up to walk with the poor and sick, the widows and children; a teacher whose message was rejected by the powerful; a victim of torture and execution by crucifixion. King? You’ve 5:30 Mass $1,353 9:00 Mass $3,165 got to be kidding! What kind of King is this? The kind of King that is 11:30 Mass $1,351 6:00 Mass $1,020 humble and caring, who loves and forgives, the kind whose power is Total without Mission Collection $6,889 nothing like what we have come to identify with kingship, the only kind of Total for Mission Collection $1,151 King we should ever accept, honor, and imitate. Happy Feast Day! Grand Total $8,040 Total to date for our Air Conditioning Collection $39,695 ~~Pax Christi Metro New York Remaining needed for AC $35,305
Please send your announcements and events to be included in Saint Joseph’s Roman Catholic Seminary and Saint Vladimir’s the bulletin to: Orthodox Theological Seminary [email protected] Presents ST JOSEPH’S CHRISTMSAS CARDS Magnificat We have available boxes of Christmas cards in the Narthex which carry a watercolor picture of our Church of St. Joseph. The original was Hymns to the Mother of God from East & West painted for us by the Japanese artist Kazuma Morimoto. The cards are
$10 for a box of 12 and $1 for single cards. Please buy promptly th because we only have a limited number of cards. An Evening of Sacred Song at St. Jean Baptist Church 184 E. 76 St., NYC on Monday, Nov. 25th, 2013, 7:30 pm. Tickets: $25 or order online at www.svots.edu. Limited tickets available at door. MY DEAR GOD FEAST DAYS, SCRIPTURES, CITATIONS & SPECIAL INTENTIONS A young writer’s prayers Saturday, November 23 St. Clement l; St. Columban; Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro By FLANNERY O’CONNOR 1 Mc 6:1-13 Lk 20:27-40 (502) 12:10 PM Gail Scheele My dear God, I do not want this to be a metaphysical exercise but 5:30 PM Joseph Silva Sunday, November 24 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe something in praise of God. It is probably more liable to being 2 Sm 5:1-3 Col 1:12-20 Lk 23:35-43 (162) therapeutical than metaphysical, with the element of self underlying its 9:00 AM Agatha Runfola thoughts. Prayers should be composed I understand of adoration, 11:30 AM Rita Southern contrition, thanksgiving, and supplication and I would like to see what I 6:00 PM Joseph Mulcahy can do with each without writing an exegesis. It is the adoration of You, Monday, November 25 Saint Catherine of Alexandria dear God, that most dismays me. I cannot comprehend the exaltation Dn 1:1-6, 8-20 Lk 21:1-4 (503) that must be due You. Intellectually, I assent: let us adore God. But can 12:10 PM Kate Martin we do that without feeling? To feel, we must know. And for this, when Tuesday, November 26 it is practically impossible for us to get it ourselves, not completely, of Dn 2:31-45 Lk 21:5-11 (504) course, but what we can, we are dependent on God. We are dependent 12:10 PM Mrs. A.K. Su on God for our adoration of Him, adoration, that is, in the fullest sense Wednesday, November 27 of the term. Give me the grace, dear God, to adore You, for even this I Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28 Lk 21:12-19 (505) cannot do for myself. Give me the grace to adore You with the 12:10 PM Vincent Fauci excitement of the old priests when they sacrificed a lamb to You. Give Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day me the grace to adore You with the awe that fills Your priests when Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28 (506) or for Thanksgiving Day, any readings from they sacrifice the Lamb on our altars. Give me the grace to be impatient the Lectionary for Ritual Mases (vol.IV), the Mass “In Thanksgiving to God”, for the time when I shall see You face to face and need no stimulus than nos. 943-947 (see esp. Sir 50:22-24 (943.2) 1 Cor 1:3-9 (944.1)/Lk 17:11-19 that to adore You. Give me the grace, dear God, to see the bareness and (947.6) the misery of the places where You are not adored but desecrated. 10:00 AM Friday, November 29 Open Pastoral Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 10 th , 2013 Dn 7:2-14 Lk 21:29-33 (507) Saturday, November 30 Saint Andrew Rom 10:9-18 Mt 4:18-22 (684) On Tuesday, December 10th, the Pastoral Council will be holding an 12:10 PM “open” meeting with Fr. McGuire and any parishioners who wish to 5:30 PM Mary V. Rahilly-9th Anniv. attend. The meeting will be held in the Parish House beginning at 7:00 pm. This is an opportunity to hear about recent developments in the parish and to bring any ideas or concerns you may have to the MONTHLY PARISH ACTIVITIES attention of the Council. If you would like to attend, please call the parish office at 212-741-1274 by Tuesday morning, December 10th, so Sunday that we know how many to expect. We hope you can join us! Children’s 10:00 AM Religious Casserly Studies
Scripture 10:00 AM Library Discussion Help Dominican Sisters Support New York’s Neediest Children & Roman Forum Families 2:30 PM Casserly Lectures 7:00 PM Casserly- Grad Law Dominican Sisters Family Health Service is the oldest Catholic Visiting Rectory Nurse service in the NY Metropolitan area. Our charitable programs and ministries assist children, families and the elderly with a variety of Monday Centering health, social services and educational and family programs in some of 6:30 PM Church the poorest neighborhoods in the Archdiocese. On Saturday evening, Prayer Dec. 7th, DSFHS will host the “Holiday Hope Gala” fundraiser, featuring Tuesday cocktails, dinner, dancing, auction, prizes, and the music of ex-NY Wednesday Yankee, Bernie Williams & his All-Star Band! This holiday event is taking place at Brae Burn Country Club in Purchase, from 7-11pm. 6:30 PM Korean Catholic Catholic Center Anyone with a charitable heart of a desire to help needy families in a Students at NYU meaningful way this time of year can purchase tickets at $300 each. Thursday Additional tax-deductible business, parish and family sponsorships and Pax Christi Bd e-journal advertising opportunities are also available. To purchase 6:30 PM 1st /mo PCMNY tickets or ads, make a donation, or to find out more about the agency’s Mt charitable works, please go to www.DSFHSHope.com OR contact the DSFHS Development Office at 914-941-1710, ext. 1156. Thank you for 6:50 PM Bible Study Library your support, and we hope you will join us for this fun evening on 7:00 PM December 7, while helping to get your Christmas Season off on the right Newman Club Catholic Center note! at NYU Friday REMINDER Novena/ Sacred 6:00 PM 1st/mo Church Heart The parish office will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28th and 29th in Saturday observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. THERE WILL ONE MASS ON 10:00-3:00 PM Soup Kitchen Casserly th Blessing of the THURSDAY, NOV. 28 AT 10:00 A.M. THERE WILL BE NO MASSES 12:30 PM 1st/mo Church CELEBRATED ON FRIDAY, NOV. 29th HERE AT ST. JOSEPH’S. The Sick nd Alcoholics parish office will reopen again on Monday, December 2 . A blessed and 6:00 PM Casserly Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Anonymous