New Year/New Beginning

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New Year/New Beginning

Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 7


Volume 60, Issue 1______January 2016

New Year/New Beginning

Over 2,000 years ago a young Greek artist named Timanthes studied under a respected tutor. After several years the teacher's efforts seemed to have paid off when Timanthes painted an exquisite work of art. Unfortunately, he became so enraptured with the painting that he spent days gazing at it. One morning when he arrived to admire his work, he was shocked to find it blotted out with paint. Angry, Timanthes ran to his teacher, who admitted he had destroyed the painting. "I did it for your own good. That painting was retarding your progress. Start again and see if you can do better." Timanthes took his teacher's advice and produced Sacrifice of Iphigenia, which is regarded as one of the finest paintings of antiquity. (Today in the Word, September 2, 1992.)

As we begin the New Year, we need to ask ourselves as a church, what can we be doing better? Our visioning process continues to unfold as we create a solid vision and direction to go in. It means closely looking at the ways we have previously done things. What is working? What is not working? How are we reaching out to those who visit us for the first time? How are we reaching out to those members of our church who have not been coming around for a while for whatever reason that may be? What are we doing to keep people engaged in the work of God right here? These are questions we need to be asking ourselves.

The New Year gives us the opportunity to start fresh. That means looking outside the box and finding creative ways to draw people to Christ. It means allowing ourselves to be perhaps a little uncomfortable as we try new things. A church, a system cannot grow or survive unless it takes risks and allows energy to flow in and out of it. Let us here at EvUCC embrace a vision and move forward. Let us not be afraid to take some risks and trust that our God through Jesus, His Son is leading us. Let us allow energy to flow within us and around us as we do the work of God.

Happy New Year!

Pastor Chris

Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 6

Church: The Land of See-Quality

I’m reading a book for the Target2030 UCC program I’m in (called “Color Your World with Natural Church Development” by Christian Schwarz) and a particular section leaps out at me time and again as we’ve been knee-deep involved in the Sunday School Program, Christmas Cantata, and Xmas Eve Service planning. I want to share some paraphrased excerpts that mirror my heart for EvUCC and see if it stirs yours.

*”Quality is the root; quantity, the natural fruit”- It’s really trendy for churches to talk about producing “quality” programming, but that programming seems to be first measured only by the quantity of attendance/size/frequency, which is backwards. Instead, maybe the focus shifts to producing quality first, and let quantity become the natural by-product of what we do at EvUCC.

*Quality is NOT:

1) Equal to “Excellence”: People use the word “excellence” to refer to mega-church paradigms with impossibly high standards for regular Christians, and instead we should be helping each of us “release the full potential that God has implanted in [us]” whoever we might be.

2) Static: Quality refers to progress that we can (and should) celebrate. A ministry might move from “incredibly bad” to “bad” to “not so bad”, and that’s real progress! If we are looking at our evangelism efforts, we shouldn’t compare them to Billy Graham, but if our capacity to evangelize has grown over the past year, that’s reason to celebrate.

3) Referring to buildings, sound-systems, or other equipment: it doesn’t matter how high a steeple is, the age of our organ, or what digital screens we use. The quality of our church has to do with the heads, hands, and hearts of the people who make it up. The equipment should only aid the teaching, discipleship, and mission work we are doing within ourselves.

4) the same as professionalism: A fluid “show” on the chancel stage has nothing to do with how we are developing as Christians in the pews or in the community. Part of worship’s goal is to affect the lives of people in the pews, not to entertain them.

*Membership vs. Active participation: Research across many facets of life shows in church, sports, and civic leadership particularly, that people these days are less and less excited about formal commitments and more interested in active participation without feeling pressured. Part of this hits home for us. We haven’t had huge membership surges or classes, but we see new guests coming through our doors, new families getting involved, and new partnering with the community. An element of growth is happening at EvUCC, but it’s not through membership numbers, it’s through developing active participation.

Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 7 Love your hearts,

Pastor Will

REMEMBERED ON TOTENFEST Following are the names of those who have entered eternal life during the past church year and who were remembered on Totenfest Sunday, November 22. Lucille Schwarz Ethel Michaelis Edwin Reker Dean Lanphere Lorraine Knebel Howard Zbornak Rose Redmon Joan Oberjuerge Sue Kalbfleisch Larry Kampwerth Rich Sussenbach Marie Breeze Irene Hood Henry Metzger Roger Pfister Stephan Lancey Susan Stiens Michael Stueber Roger Young Randall Beel Carolyn Tator Kenneth Ernst Penny Kapp Carolyn Crabtree Elaine Iberg Ruth Meffert Earl Streiff Dorothy Niggli

Spark” Adult Education Offerings Beginning in January, 2016

Three NEW adult education classes will begin in January, 2016 from 9:10 to 10:00a.m. Please take advantage of these opportunities to continue to grow in your faith journey.

These are: “The Round Table” Discussion led by Lynn Rivas and Darlene Nagel. Topics such as: “Managing Worry”, “Food Allergies”, “Dealing with Anger”, and more will be discussed. The group will meet in the Social Hall with the sessions offered from January 3, 2016 to May 15, 2016.

“Explore the Bible Series” will be taught by Lynn Beil from January 3, 2016 to May 27, 2016. In this class there will be an in-depth study of the Gospel of Matthew 1 – 13. We are called to be witnesses of Jesus in the world. Matthew’s Gospel is a call to evangelize all people. This class will be taught in the Conference Room.

The third class will be taught by Pastor Chris entitled: “Jesus Prom” from January 3, 2016 to February 7,

Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 6 2016. In these sessions we will look at how Jesus loved verbs like live, come, rest, learn, hear, and give. Jesus does not want us to sit idly by and wait for something to happen. He wants us to do something. Jesus loved people and calls us to unconditionally do the same. We are called to imitate Jesus in everything we do. It is a call to action as we find ways to grow together as a church. This class will be taught in Room 43. ATTENTION ALL BOARDS Please turn in your annual reports to the church office no later than January 15, in order that they may be included in the Annual Report to the congregation to summarize your group’s activities during 2015. If you wish, you may email your report to [email protected]. Thank you!

UNHANGING OF THE GREENS The Un-Hanging of the Greens is planned for Sunday, January 3rd following the second service (approx. 11:00 a.m.) Anyone who can help us pack-up the Christmas tree and decorations, your help would be greatly appreciated.

GIVING ENVELOPES AVAILABLE FOR PICK-UP Offering envelopes are available for pick-up in the Narthex of the church until January 3rd. Please save the church postage by picking them up if you are able.

We Offer Options! If you are interested in switching to on-line giving (through Vanco) to avoid the inconvenience of writing checks and using giving envelopes, please contact the church office or go to our website for information about signing-up.


 User-Friendly: as life-situations or church-programs change you can change giving amounts or what fund you give to far easier than ACH  One-time donations is really easy: just a click of the mouse for special offering requests (natural disaster relief, community outreach, etc.)  Easy balancing: Vanco will send email reminders to you each time a donation is given (monthly, weekly, one-time, etc.) so you can keep track of giving easier  Broader options: You can use Vanco to donate by Checking Account or Credit Card  Access: all of this can be accomplished through; you don't have to come into the office or schedule appointments with our bookkeeper, treasurer, or your bank.

Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 7

HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE BIBLE Hitchhiker's Guide to the Bible- a cadre of young adults continue to meet the first Monday of every month at 6pm as they go through the Bible via the "Acts Challenge". The Acts Challenge is a way to read scripture, as designed by Pastor Will to mix history, drama, poetry, narrative with the books that are exciting, scandalous, violent, loving, forgiving, and challenging. Contact Beth if you want to get involved: [email protected] VALENTINE BOXES It will soon be Valentine Box Time. The Board of Christian Education is looking for addresses of college students and military personnel who are members (or friends) of Evangelical UCC so that we may send care packages to them. Please call the church office or email [email protected] with addresses by February 1.

HELLO from PEPPERMINT PRESCHOOL It is almost time for our traditional Nativity Pageants. Our Peppermint students are all ready to perform with their class. The simple costumes are ready too. We just need to get through a few more days. If you’re in a bah, humbug mood, come to one of our four pageants and we believe the true meaning of Christmas will enter your heart. Our portrayal of the Christmas Story is simple and sweet. It is just what everyone needs to see to renew the “reason for the season.”

Santa will also be visiting our classes. He is certainly a jolly fellow and he doesn’t mind if the children pull a little bit on his real beard. He has that Christmas sparkle in his eyes, too.

So as we wrap up Peppermint School for 2015, we wish each and every one a very Merry Christmas. May the true meaning of this time bring you joy and happiness. We also wish you all the best in the New Year!! God Bless

Miss Beckie and the Peppermint Staff

Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 6

THANK YOU’S Thank you Santa’s Helpers – A huge thank you to all who helped make Christmas brighter by purchasing gifts from our Adopt-a-Family Board. Your thoughtfulness brought the light of Jesus to the homes and lives of many families in need. A special thanks to Karla Zurliene for coordinating this ministry this year and to Marla Baer, Bob and Janet Kruse and Karla for being our “personal shoppers”. They took our cash donations and shopped for the items left unclaimed from our board.

Thank you also to the crew of wrappers: Gloria Klaus, Connie Sparlin, Jane Sudhoff, Amber Eilers and Karla Zurliene. Our packages looked awesome!! CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF SERVICE

Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 7 A Big Thank You to the following people for volunteering and serving when needed:

 Ron Shownes and Dwain Chapman for building the new 9 Square play equipment.

 Jake Wellen for carrying all of the boxes of old accounting records from the basement for shredding.

 Karla Zurliene for coordinating the Christmas Adopt-a-Family.


We rejoice in the baptism of: Scarlett Marie Neske baptized on November 29th. Scarlett is the daughter of Matthew and Angela Neske. We extend our sympathy and rejoice in the promise of resurrection with… Jerome and Carla Zobrist and family with the passing of their daughter, Chrystal Dicus, on November 30th.

Please continue to pray for… Connie Louer Abert, Verna Abert, Bob Barney, Daryl Bense (Barb Bray’s brother-in-law), Marie Bimes, Florence Collmann, Jeanne Dankenbring, Viola Deibert, Randy Dellamano, Gene and Debra Dilley (Marsha Rinderer’s sister and brother-in-law), Marlene Dickerson, Rev. Tom Drewer, Jared Emig (nephew of Jerry and Karla Zurliene), Alma Erwin, Ellen Gelly, Olivia Genteman, Marcia Gibbons, Ida Gorrell, Robert Goth, Elaine Grundhoefer (Harold Byers’ sister), Norma Haberer, Maurie Henricks, Carol Hoffman, Don Hundsdorfer, Curt Iberg, Dorothy Johnson (Aunt of Ron and Kathy Schneider), Betty Kamm, Vera Kunz, Rev. Jim Langdoc, Betty Legier, Herman Louer, Mary Manville, Marion Marcus, Wayne Marcus, Mary Marchal, Joe Michaelis, Becky Morris (Shirley Hug’s niece), Daniel Morris, Richard Moser, Alicia Rayner (Al & Shirley Flath’s daughter), Sandra Reinacher, Don Rinderer, Amy Schneider, Doris (mother of Barb Stallard), John Snider, Gloria Stuckwisch, Elva Tucker, Carladine Vulliet, Alvin Whitsell (Florence Collmann’s brother-in-law), Dale Wiesemeyer (Niala Keilbach’s brother), and Kathy Wilsman (Nancy Byers’ sister), Barb Winters, Judy Wise. Please continue to pray for Ava Martin, the one year old who has now received her heart transplant!

Coffee Hour Hosts Jan. 3 Women’s Guild Jan. 24 Christian Education Jan. 10 Worship Jan. 31 Wee Care/Peppermint Jan. 17 Consistory

Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 6

January Service Calendar Date Ushers Layreaders Nursery

Jan. 3 8:00 Stan Giffhorn Gloria Klaus 8:00 Rodney 9:00 Jane Sudhoff Bob Kruse Janet Kruse Knackstedt Tom Wehrle Merle Wernle Rodney Zobrist Debi Zobrist 10:15 Gene Redman Paula Redman 10:15 Dennis Foehner 10:00 TBD Brad Grohmann Beth Grohmann

Jan. 10 8:00 Bill Kraus Janet Kraus 8:00 Kay Whitecotton 9:00 Dena Henricks Marilyn Fickbohm Shirley Pollmann 10:15 Tim Marti Barb Marti 10:15 Elaine Fenton 10:00 Ruthie Shownes Lydia Marti Lori Miscik Jan. 17 8:00 Dena Henricks Katie Henricks 8:00 Debi Zobrist 9:00 Tracey Zobrist Ron Mueller Cheryl Mueller

10:15 Adam Barton Brianna Barton 10:15 Alicia VerDuin 10:00 Jan Tebbe Dennis Osterwisch Diana Osterwisch Jan. 24 8:00 Jeremy Massa Rachel Massa 8:00 Jill Foehner 9:00 Donna Brendel Bob Sudhoff Jane Sudhoff

10:15 Shirley 10:00 Alicia VerDuin 10:15 Eric Rehkemper Janean Rehkemper Anderson Cori Rehkemper Braden Rehkemper Jan. 31 8:00 Rodney Knackstedt Kelly Knackstedt 8:00 Jeanne Meyer 9:00 Donna Brendel Vicki Clayton Dorothy Deibert

10:15 Eric Augustin Kristan Augustin 10:15 Nancy Ramsey 10:00 Alicia VerDuin Ethan Augustin Katie Augustin


Evangelical United Church Permit No. 173 U.S. POSTAGE PAID of Christ Nonprofit Organization Highland, IL 62249 2520 Poplar St. RETURN SERVICE Highland, IL 62249 REQUESTED Office: 618-654-7459 Email: [email protected] Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 60, Issue 1 Page 7 Web: Fax: 618-654-6346 Evangelines Schedule

Articles Assembly Mailing Due Date Date Jan. 18 Jan. 21 Jan. 25


Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ.

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