Supplemental Digital Content 3

Table Mean scores for psychosocial work factors by occupational group

Demands Control Support

Men Women Men Women Men Women

n=9 559 n=11 185 n=9 483 n=11 207 n=9 297 n=11 122

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) 1. Legislators, senior officials and managers 2.1 (0.57) 2.0 (0.59) 2.5 (0.43) 2.5 (0.47) 2.4 (0.50) 2.5 (0.51)

2. Professionals 1.9 (0.59) 1.9 (0.59) 2.5 (0.47) 2.3 (0.58) 2.4 (0.51) 2.4 (0.54)

3. Technicians and associate professionals 1.8 (0.61) 1.9 (0.61) 2.3 (0.52) 2.2 (0.60) 2.4 (0.53) 2.4 (0.51)

4. Clerks 1.9 (0.63) 1.8 (0.64) 2.0 (0.67) 1.8 (0.63) 2.3 (0.57) 2.4 (0.53) 5. Service workers and shop and market sales 1.8 (0.64) 1.8 (0.64) 2.2 (0.56) 2.0 (0.62) 2.4 (0.52) 2.4 (0.50) workers

6. Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 2.0 (0.54) 1.8 (0.58) 2.6 (0.40) 2.2 (0.62) 2.4 (0.56) 2.5 (0.51)

7. Craft and trades related workers 1.9 (0.59) 1.8 (0.60) 2.3 (0.56) 1.8 (0.81) 2.3 (0.50) 2.4 (0.58)

8. Plant and machine operators and assemblers 1.8 (0.63) 1.8 (0.68) 1.9 (0.69) 1.4 (0.78) 2.3 (0.50) 2.3 (0.56)

9. Elementary occupations 2.0 (0.66) 1.8 (0.70) 1.9 (0.68) 1.9 (0.60) 2.3 (0.54) 2.4 (0.56)

Total sample 1.9 (0.61) 1.9 (0.63) 2.3 (0.58) 2.1 (0.64) 2.4 (0.52) 2.4 (0.52)

Missing (n) 529 561 605 539 791 624