YO Project for Spanish Class

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YO Project for Spanish Class

¿Quién Soy Yo? Project for Spanish Class

Objective: To create a written and visual description of myself.  Look up any necessary words in the Spanish/English dictionary (students’ names, towns, states, and brand names do not need to be translated to Spanish).

 There may be no English on this project (except brand names, towns, states). This is meant to be simplistic, this is what we have done so far.

 Pictures may be drawings, real photos, clip art, images found online, or magazine cutouts.

 Create a book/collage about yourself. As you complete your book/collage, put a check next to each of the items below. Each of the bullets should be its own page in your book. The book must include the following information and pictures and/or drawings that correspond:

o Put the title on it(¿Quién soy yo?). Put your name and Spanish teacher’s name.

o Your name using a “Me llamo” sentence with a picture of yourself. The picture may be current or old and it may include other people as well.

o Tell when your birthday is in Spanish, writing the date in the proper way (look at how we say the date every day!!). Show your birthday visually with a picture of drawing.

o Where you are from using “Soy de” in a sentence with a picture or drawing representing this city/state/or country (maps, landmarks, state flags, state bird, state flowers, etc work great here for an image).

o Where you currently live using “Vivo en” in a sentence with a picture or drawing of your current home or hometown.

o A statement about your nationality using “soy” and visual images depicting aspects of your nationality (this could be maps, flags, symbols, foods, landmarks, etc)

o A description of what you are like using “soy” and 3 adjectives in the correct form (masculine/feminine) to describe you. Suggested images (3) for this are emoticons, clip art of tall vs. short, etc.

o A statement of 3 things that you like using either “me gusta” or “me gustan” (singular or plural items) and accompanying visual images (3) that show or represent these likes.

o A statement of 2 things you do not like using “no me gusta” or “no me gustan” (singular vs. plural items) and accompanying visual images (2) that show or represent these dislikes.

o Be creative and make it look nice. You may do more, do not do less!! Final products should not be in pencil!!

o Turn in this sheet with your final project. Excelente Bien Así-Así ¡Ay Cara 4 3 2 mba!

1 You have a cover with You have a cover You have your You have the title, your name, & with the title and name on the written the title Cover your homeroom your name. The cover, but no hr in English, in teacher’s name. You reader may be teacher. You pencil and have have an appealing interested may have made little picture or drawing. The because it looks included the attempt to reader wants to open it nice. Some title but it is in make it and see what else you color. pencil. The appealing to have done. Color!! reader doesn’t the reader. really get Your name and interested. NO hr teacher’s COLOR. name not on it.

You have written all of You have written You have You have your sentences in all the sentences words, not written in Spanish proper Spanish. You in Spanish, but sentences in Spanglish (the sentenc have used complete they are not Spanish. The dreaded combo sentences. correct words may not of the 2 es (misspellings, be correct. You languages). wrong verbs, have used This is not etc). some English correct. words.

You used the correct You used the You used the You didn’t use forms of your verbs correct forms of correct forms of verbs correctly Verbs 100% of the time the verbs most of the verbs some at all. the time of the time

You have the correct You have the You have most You have not adjectives to describe correct words, of the right looked up the Vocabulary you but they are not words. You proper words (masculine/feminine). the correct form may have the for your You have looked up the (m/f). You may wrong number pictures. You correct words for your have mislabeled (sing & plural) have the wrong pictures. some pictures. and gender number (masc/fem). (sing/plural) and gender (masc/fem).

You have all 9 pieces of You have 7-8 You have 4-6 You have less information pieces of pieces of than 4 pieces of Include all information information required informa information tion You have images for all You have images You have You have less of your information for 7-9 of your images for 4-6 than 4 images Images sentences of your for your sentences sentences.

You have made this You made it fairly You have It is not neat. nice to look at and easy nice to view. You slapped on You did not Neatness & to read. You used did not write some pictures, make it unique Creativit color. This really neatly. Some & maybe used to you and it is represents you. color. A fair some color. written in y representation of Neatness is pencil. I hope you. questionable. this doesn’t Not a great really represent statement of who you are! who you are.

Turned in on time (by Turned in after Turned in on Turned in after end of class on 12/11) class on 12/11 Friday 12/12 or 12/12 with or On Time w/this rubric w/rubric w/o rubric w/o rubric

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