Making a Game : Board Game Rubric
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Board Game Project – History & Geography& English Names: ______
CATEGORY 10 – Exemplary 8 – Above Average 6 - Average 4- Below Average 2 - Poor Knowledge/ . Board game Board game demonstrates Board game demonstrates Board game Board game does not Understanding demonstrates considerable knowledge of some knowledge of demonstrates limited demonstrate knowledge of comprehensive knowledge the subject the subject area. knowledge of the subject the subject area. of the subject area. area. area.
Accuracy of Content All information (cards Most pieces of information Several pieces of Less than half of the Several pieces of made) for the game is (are) (cards made) for the game information (cards made) information (cards made) information (cards made) for correct. is (are) correct. for the game are correct. for the game is (are) the game are not accurate. correct. /5
Creativity A lot of thought into Some thought was put into Students tried to make the Very basic / plain game. Little thought was put into making the game making the game interesting game interesting and fun, making the game interesting interesting and fun to play and fun to play by using but some of the things or fun. as shown by creative textures, fancy writing, made it harder to questions, game pieces and/or interesting understand/enjoy the /10 and/or game board. characters. game. Rules Rules were written Rules were written Rules were partially Rules were lacking; The rules were not written. logically, effectively, & thoroughly, but one part of written; it was somewhat people had difficulty Board game does not clearly enough that all the game needed slightly difficult figuring out the figuring out the game. operate in a logical could easily participate. more explanation. Typed, game. Typed, but many Typed or handwritten, manner. Typed and edited for but some errors. errors. but many typos. /10 errors.
Communication The board game The board game The board game The board game The board game does communicates information communicates information communicates information communicates not communicate ideas, language and visuals ideas, language and visuals ideas, language and information ideas, information ideas, with a high degree of with considerable visuals with some clarity. language and visuals language and visuals. clarity. clarity. with limited Board game allows players clarity. Board game does not /10 Board game allows players Board game allows players to display some allow players to display to display a high degree of to display considerable knowledge. Board game allows knowledge. Board game provides knowledge knowledge. players to display players with the limited knowledge. opportunity to display knowledge of the subject covered by the game ENGLISH TOTAL POINTS: /30