Online Appendix B: UCL Survey of Police Responses to Burglary

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Online Appendix B: UCL Survey of Police Responses to Burglary

Online Appendix B: UCL Survey of Police Responses to Burglary

You must be over 18 years of age to complete this survey.

1. Since when have you lived at this address?

YEAR: ______MONTH: ______

2. How satisfied are you with the service you receive from the police in your area? Are you (Please tick one):

Very satisfied ☐ Fairly satisfied ☐ Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ☐ Fairly dissatisfied ☐ Very dissatisfied ☐

3. If you were a victim of burglary tomorrow, how likely would you be to report it to the police? (Please circle a value on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being “Not at all” and 5 being “Definitely”) 1 2 3 4 5

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Not at all 50% likely to report Definitely

4. Have you been a victim of residential burglary in the past 12 months? (Please tick one response)

Yes ☐ No ☐

If YES, (If you ticked NO proceed to Question 5)

1. When did the incident occur?

YEAR: ______MONTH: ______

2. What was the estimated value of the goods taken?

£ ______

1 5. Are you aware of any burglaries that have taken place in your neighbourhood in the past 12 months? (Please tick one)

Yes ☐ No ☐

If YES, (If you ticked NO proceed to Question 6)

1. Did the police contact your household after that burglary in your neighbourhood?

Yes ☐ No ☐

2. Did a police officer provide further information about other burglaries in the area? (Please tick one)

Yes ☐ No ☐

3. Were you apprehensive of being burgled following the incident of burglary in your neighbourhood?

Yes ☐ No ☐

4. Were you aware of an increased police presence in the neighbourhood immediately after the burglary? (Please tick one)

Yes ☐ No ☐

6. Did you have any of these home security measures before February 2013?

(Please tick all that apply)

Burglar alarm on premises ☐ Fake burglar alarm box ☐ Outside doors with double locks or deadlocks ☐ Security chain on the doors ☐ Windows that need special keys to open them ☐ Bars or grilles on the windows ☐ Dog in the house ☐ Internal lights on timer or sensor switch ☐ External lights on timer or sensor switch ☐ CCTV cameras ☐ Other ☐ Please specify other: ______

2 7. Have the police provided you with burglary prevention advice in the past 12 months? (Please tick one)

Yes ☐ No ☐ If you ticked YES continue to Question 8. If you ticked NO proceed to Question 21. 8. When did the police contact you with the burglary prevention advice? YEAR: ______MONTH: ______

9. Did you have the home security (as described in Question 6 above) in place prior to this police contact? (Please tick one)

Yes ☐ No ☐

10. Were you contacted by: (Please tick one)

Police Officer ☐ Police Community Support Officer ☐ Not sure ☐

11. Did the officer provide any specific crime prevention kit? (Please tick one)

Yes ☐ No ☐ If you ticked YES continue to question 12. If you ticked NO proceed to Question 14

12. Did you use any of the kit? (Please tick all that apply)

Window Stickers ☐ Electronic Timers ☐ Door Chimes / Alarms ☐ Window Chimes/Alarms ☐ Fake LED TV ☐ Other ☐

Please specify other: ______

13. Did the police help you install the kit?

Yes ☐ No ☐

14. Did the police officer provide any additional crime prevention advice that was specifically about YOUR home? (Please tick one)

Yes ☐ No ☐ 3 15. How was the crime prevention advice given? (Please tick one)

Spoken ☐ Written down ☐ Both ☐

16. How satisfied are you with the advice given by police? (Please tick one)

Very satisfied☐ Fairly satisfied☐ Neutral☐ Fairly dissatisfied☐ Very dissatisfied☐

17. Why do you say that?





18. Did the police advise you to make changes to your- (Please tick all that apply)

Home security arrangements ☐ Your behaviour ☐ Other ☐

Please specify other: ______19. Did you make any changes to your- (Please tick all that apply)

Home ☐ Behaviour ☐ Other ☐ 20. What were the main changes you made?



4 ______


21. Who do you think is mainly responsible for the prevention of residential burglaries? (Please tick all that apply)

Police ☐ Resident ☐ Local Authority ☐ Neighbourhood Watch ☐ Private Security ☐ Other ☐

Please specify other: ______

22. Did any other agency provide any crime prevention equipment (such as locks, a new door, or a burglar alarm) for your home in the past 12 months? (Please tick one)

Yes ☐ No ☐ If you ticked YES, answer parts a and b below. If you ticked NO proceed to Question 23

1. What equipment was this?


2. What was the name of that agency?

______Personal Details: 23. Gender (Please tick one) Male ☐

Female ☐

Prefer not to say ☐

24. Year of birth ______

25. Ethnicity ______

5 Thank you very much for completing the survey. Please return it to us in the Freepost envelope provided.

Any information provided will be anonymised and your personal details will remain confidential. If you have any questions, please contact the Research Team:

Ph: 020 3108 3208 email: [email protected]


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