Parish of the Holy Name of Jesus
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MASSES NEXT WEEKEND: 6.30pm (vigil): Mary Angela & Jack Dickinson 9.00am: People of the Parish 11.00am: Jack Leaf
th 4 SUNDAY OF ADVENT WELCOME to any visitors and new parishioners. MASSES NEXT (18th December 2011) CONFESSIONS: Saturday morning ONLY, at both SM and HN 10.30-11am SUNDAY MASSES (No evenings), Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the Holy Name 6.30pm normal times. A priest is available for confessions at St. Anne’s Cathedral every People of the Parish weekday from 11am-12.15pm; and Saturday from 10.30-11.45am & 4.30- St. Mary’s 8.15am 5.30pm. Dec. of the Cornforth family FEAST DAYS: Sat 24th The Nativity of the Lord. Holy Name 9.00am BAPTISMS: We welcome and pray for the Bradley family, who are presenting Mr & Mrs J O’Donnell their baby for baptism at St. Mary’s today, and the Enenta family, who are
Assumption 9.45am presenting their children for baptism at Holy Name. Gerard Daniel LATELY DEAD: Eric Stephen Dale, Bridie Selby, John Forrest and Fr John St Mary’s 11.00am Willie Smith. May they rest in the peace of Christ. Vera Grubb SICK LIST: Please pray for; Sam Guilfoyle, Fr. Bernard Hall, Elsie Allanson, Holy Name 11.15am Joe & Delia Hynes Peter Butterfield, John Hattersley, Fred Hughes and Fr Matt Dwyer. WEEKDAY MASSES OFFERTORY: Thank you for last Sundays collection (OLK): £2148.80 MON 19th 9.00am Holy Name ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICE: Several priests of this Deanery will be Int. Michael & Kay Ambler assisting Fr. Pat & Fr Boniface with Confessions at a Penitential Service 9.30am St Mary’s scheduled in Holy Name church for Tuesday December 20th at 7.30pm. Eucharistic Service TUES 20th Parishioners are encouraged to avail of this opportunity to prepare spiritually for 9.30am Assumption the Feast of Christmas. Anne Winfield Noon St Mary’s CONFIRMATION 2012 Preparation for Candidates of all three of the churches Clarice & John Cullen of this Parish may be done together this year. Further Information will be 7.30pm Holy Name (No Mass) available shortly. Young People who wish to be Confirmed are asked to PENITENTIAL SERVICE complete and return by the end of this Calendar Year the (yellow A5) WED 21st Application Forms which are available in each of the church lobby areas 9.00am Holy Name and are also accessible on the parish web site (and can be completed and Eucharistic Service returned online to the email address given). Candidates must be in School Year 9.30am St Mary’s 9 or older and be regular in their attendance at the Vigil/Sunday Mass. Eric Stephen Dale THURS 22nd HN & SM OFFICES: Both offices will be closed from Monday 26th Dec until 9.30am Assumption Tue 3rd Jan. Any bulletin items for the weekend of the 31st/1st Jan must be Ellen Hezelgrave received by Su or Amanda by 10am Thursday 22nd Dec. Thank you. Noon Holy Name Rosaleen Danby SESSIONS ON ST MARK: 50 parishioners participated in the 4 7.30pm St Mary’s (presbytery) evening/morning sessions on St Mark’s Gospel held at Holy Name during the Dec of the Harrion family past month. Participants are asked to complete and return the green evaluation FRI 23rd Questionnaire to the Sacristy in any of our three churches, or to the Presbytery at 9.00am Holy Name Elizabeth Balatoni Holy Name. If you missed the last meeting please collect a Questionnaire from 10.00amSt. Mary’s the Sacristy in your church. Thank you to all who came, even in the most Requiem John Forrest inclement weather, to make their contribution to these truly graced occasions. SAT 24th CHRISTMAS EVE The sharing of faith and insights into the Gospel was remarkable - and valued by NO MORNING MASSES all present. 5.00pm St Mary’s 7.00pm Holy Name ST. ANNE’S SHELTER: Our thanks to everyone who contributed to the St 7.00pm Assumption Anne's Shelter Collection. St Anne’s will host a party for 60 people but around 10.30pm Holy Name 200 will pass through their doors over the Christmas period. Once again Midnight St Mary’s parishioners have been extremely generous, especially in these difficult times. All of the Christmas Eve Masses fulfil your Christmas obligation. CAROL CONCERT: After expenses this will have raised over £400 for
th CAFOD and Candlelighters. Thanks to all who helped, reading, on the door, SUN 25 CHRISTMAS DAY refreshments and cleaning up afterwards but also very importantly for coming 9.30am St Mary’s and welcoming our guests CHRISTMAS POINSETTAS: Members of the Assumption church community are once again encouraged to bring a Poinsetta for the church, in memory of a deceased loved one, next Sunday. Please remember to label your plant with the name of your loved one. They will be brought to the altar during the offertory procession. Also if St Mary’s church members would like to donate Poinsettas (or money for flowers) to help decorate the church this would be gratefully received.
WARNING – SCAM: The Trading Standards Office are making people aware of the following scam: A card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) suggesting they were unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them on 0906 6611911 (a premium rate number). DO NOT call this number. If you do so you will start to hear a recorded message and have been billed £315 for the call. If you do receive a card with these details, please contact Royal Mail Fraud on 020 7239 6655. CHRISTMAS CAROLS A, HN & SM: There will be a 30 minute Carol Service, beginning at 6.30pm, at the Assumption church before their Vigil Mass of Christmas; 10.30pm at Holy Name church followed by Mass (Holy Communion at midnight); 11.30pm before Midnight Mass at St. Mary’s church and 9.30am, at Holy Name before the 10am Mass on Christmas Day. ST MARY’S CRIB OFFERINGS will go to the SVP baby feeding programme in the Sudan – it cost £40 per year to feed a baby and the SVP are one of very few charities reaching the people who need help in the Sudan. HOLY NAME SVP would like to thank Holy Name School and Guides for the money which they have raised recently for SVP. We would also like to thank our Brownies and Beavers for the cards and gifts which they collected and made for some of our older or sick parishioners. Thanks also to those who attend Holy Name and have donated to SVP throughout the year and at our recent collection. Your generosity has enabled us to give gifts and financial support totalling around £1400 to people within the parish in time for Christmas. We have also been able to provide some support to the St Vincent's Centre in York Road to help with their Christmas events which benefit people across the city. PAFRAS APPEAL (SM): As in previous years the Youth SVP will be visiting the PAFRAS (Positive Action For Refugees & Asylum Seekers) Centre on Thursday 22nd Dec and would be very grateful for any donations of winter essentials such as hats, scarves, gloves etc, and non perishable food or gifts such as toiletries and chocolate. These can be left in the in the narthex or in the office with Amanda on Tue or Wed morning. Thank you. HOLY NAME SENIOR CITIZENS CHRISTMAS PARTY: Thank you to the parishioners who have offered help with the Senior Citizens Party. Please could they make themselves known to Claire Murphy or Deb Mercer either in person, by text or email. (Claire - clairemurphy@doctors or 07970812432, Deb - [email protected] or 07791660465). Please also let Claire or Deb know by 23rd December if you are available to help on the day. The party will be held on the 28th December, 4pm -6.30pm. This event is open to the over 65's. If you would like an invitation to the party, or know of a parishioner who may like to attend, please contact the HN Church Office (2678257) or complete a slip at the back of church. Last years guests will be invited automatically. ST MARY’S COFFEE MORNINGS: We desperately need to someone to do coffee after the 11am Mass every first Sunday, as Hilary is stepping down after many years of service. If no-one volunteers, then we will no longer be able to offer coffee on a first Sunday. Please contact Amanda or Margaret if you are able to help out. Over to you!! YOUNG PEOPLE’S MUSIC GROUP (HOLY NAME) need new members to play at mass on Christmas Eve and throughout the year. There will be a practice TODAY (Sun 18th Dec) at 2.30pm in the church. All musicians and singers welcome (existing and new members). We are looking for enthusiasm rather than perfection (but perfection is also allowed). If you are wishing to come and join please email [email protected] to confirm. FR PAT’S BAND: Fr Pat is looking for young musicians to join his trad jazz line-up – please telephone or text to 07713136384.
HCT Give it Back Mak! See posters in church. Matinee nearly full so ring and check, but there will be room at 7pm performance so turn up and pay at the door. ST MARY’S SENIOR PARISHIONERS’ CHRISTMAS PARTY: St Mary’s school Sunday 8th January 2pm-5pm. RSVP to Sara Forrest 2589674 or please place your name on the list in the narthex. Lifts available. BAPTISM PREPARATION (HN): The next short (4 week) course for parents wishing to have their children baptised begins on Sunday 8th January, is now full. SPIRITUALITY IN OUR PARISH: Words for the Soul Book Group. Next meeting Feb 2nd ‘Everything Belongs’ Richard Rohr. Father Pat & Father Boniface wish you all a very Happy and Holy Christmas THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Sin has four characteristics: Self-sufficiency instead of faith; self-will instead of submission; self-seeking instead of benevolence; self-righteousness instead of humility (E Paul Hovey)