Year 8 Parvana Text Response Essay

Being able to write a text response essay is a key skill. So what exactly does a text response essay do and why do we write them?

Imagine that you have been given the following topic: In the novel Parvana, the characters experience a number of changes. What are these changes and how do they come about?

Planning the essay: Planning your essay is crucial* as it enables you to have clear, concise* and structured approach to your response. (*crucial-very important or significant,*concise- using as few words as possible to give the necessary information)

In this case the topic is asking you to decide which of the characters change, in what ways they have changed and what has caused this to happen. The topic implies that they change from something to something.

Your turn! To find out what your essay question is asking, try to deconstruct it by defining the meanings of the key words.

1. Circle the key words in the topic

2. Look up the definition in dictionary and think of synonyms for they key words

Key word Dictionary definition Synonyms

experience knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent Knowledge, skill, understanding doing a job or activity

3. List the characteristics of characters or concepts described by the word

Key word Character Characteristics (from… to ….)

Experience Mrs Weera Changes form coach, leader, bossy, motivational to nurturing and supportive 4. If the topic is not a question, turn it into one.

5. Tick the appropriate response to the question

Agree completely Agree partly Disagree completely Disagree partly

6. Once you have worked out exactly what the topic is asking you to do, make a list of all your ideas/quotes/opinions/evidence that might be relevant.

Character Evidence changes from….to… Quotes (use your reading log/chapter tables) Parvana


Fatana (Mother)

Mrs. Weera

7. The sample essay question is asking you to discuss the changes in the characters, so you need to identify what they are. You might like to structure your analysis in the following way:

Theme Character/evidence Quote Family A number of characters have to assume leadership “we stood in a graveyard and dug up roles in order to ensure their survival. relationships bones to sell so that our families could eat” -Parvana has to become the father figure and “Fetch the bucket girl. Do your part for works in the market to earn money and food the team. Here we go." -Mrs. Weera becomes a leader and an organiser. Courage


Writing the essay: Now that you have done all your planning and thinking about your topic and arguments, you are ready to begin writing your essay.

Sample Introduction In Deborah Ellis’ novel Parvana the characters face a number of challenging situations that change their lives forever. Each of the characters learns from their experiences and has to adapt to the different situations in which they find themselves. The family redefines their relationships and attitudes, new leaders emerge and new friendships are formed under the control of the Taliban.

Write a little number 1, 2 and 3 above the three main arguments (they will become the topics of the body paragraphs)

Body Paragraphs

Compare sample paragraph (1) below with sample paragraph (2)

a) What’s wrong with sample paragraph (2)?

b) Why is sample paragraph (1) a better piece of writing?

c) What are the qualities in it that will earn it better marks?

Teacher comment Sample paragraph (1) Teacher comment Clear topic sentence One of the key changes for some of the characters in the text is that they take on leadership roles in the group. In particular Expands on the topic Parvana finds that, as their situation progresses, she begins to sentence take more responsibility for the decisions and planning for the Demonstrates what family. Parvana reminds us that this is somewhat of a surprise Brief, clear use of language she was like given that she was reluctant to assist her family before being changed into a boy. “She’s the oldest! It’s her responsibility to Explains the topic look after me, not my responsibility to look after her!” (p.64) sentence Parvana finds that when the situation changed she was able to Page references in brackets bring out her leadership skills. The other members of the family Short quotes look to her for provide for the family. Nooria acknowledges that Examines what she becomes incorporated into the “what Parvana earns keeps us in nan, rice and tea,” (p.106) and text even has the courage to dig for bones. Therefore, Parvana experiences a number of changes in her role Linking sentence back in the group as leader and provider because life under the to the topic Taliban demanded it of her.

Teacher comment Sample paragraph (1) Long winded topic sentence There are lots of changes that Parvana, Nooria, Mrs Weera, Fatana, Maryam and Ali have in their lives during the course of this novel. I wish to talk to you about one of them in this book and that is Parvana who changes her role in the family because she This is an attempt to expand on the topic becomes a leader. That is because in the beginning Parvana is very rude and fights with her sister. Her father was taken away by the sentence Taliban fir being educated and Mrs Weera comes to stay and changes Parvana into a boy to read letters and the Talib soldier cried. As the book goes on she met Shauzia who also dresses like a boy to work in the market. This means the family have changed their There is a sight attempt to show what she was like attitude about her. Parvana starts to be friends with a woman in a window and she earns money to buy food for her family by but no attempt to show what she become or how digging up bones. This shows us that Parvana changes and that she starts new friendships. that occurs

Sample Conclusion The family members who worked together to stay strong in father’s absence are different from those who started out living off money earned by father’s letter reading. The family changes and adapts to the new circumstances that it faces after the Taliban take over. New leaders emerge within the family, particularly in the form of Parvana and Shauzia, and new relationships are formed. The characters learn from their experiences; their innocence is lost forever. Using the model given on the previous pages, plan an essay in response to the following topic: In the novel Parvana, the characters experience a number of changes. What are these changes and how do they come about?

1.) After planning your essay, write a clear and coherent introduction for this topic. Use the checklist to ensure you have done it correctly.

3.) Write the body paragraphs

4.) Exchange your essay with a partner and correct his or her work using the paragraph checklist guide

6.) Write the conclusion to the essay you have been working on. Correct the work yourself using the conclusions checklist. Topic: In the novel Parvana, the characters experience a number of changes. What are these changes and how do they come about?

Plan: I think that…


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Brainstorm template
