Unit 3 Study Guide Businesses, Unions, Government & Businesses, and Business Cycle Chapters 22, 23. Look over Notes! - Essential Questions. 1. Draw the 4 phases of the business cycle. Must label each part. 2. Give two main impacts inflation has on the economy. 3. Name one regulatory agency and explain how it ensures a fair market place. 4. What are base years? 5. What are the 2 ways people can make money off of stocks? 6. What are the 3 GDP categories? 7. What are the 4 factors of production? 8. What are the articles of partnership? 9. What are the considerations to starting a business? 10. What are the disadvantages of a partnership? 11. What are the founder’s responsibilities in a corporation? 12. What are the phases of the business cycle? Make sure you can give examples for all of them. Be able to identify the graph. 13. What are the types of mergers? 14. What are the types of monopolies? 15. What are the types of unemployment? 16. What are two advantages and two disadvantages on starting a corporation? 17. What are two main reasons for people and companies moving to the Sun Belt region? 18. What did the Taft-Hartley Act outlaw? 19. What does a corporation need to get started? (multiple things) 20. What is a bear/bull market? 21. What is a bond? 22. What is a boycott? 23. What is a cartel? Know example. 24. What is a joint venture? 25. What is a picket? 26. What is a scab? 27. What is an example of a stock exchange? 28. What is arbitration? 29. What is closed shop? 30. What is conglomerate? 31. What is CPI? What is the base year for it? 32. What is double taxation? 33. What is interest? 34. What is limited liability? 35. What is mediation? 36. What is negotiation? 37. What is open shop? 38. What is stock? 39. What is the difference between the “sun belt” and “rust belt”? 40. What is the difference between white and blue collar workers? 41. What is the name of the partner who has minimal roles in a partnership? 42. What is the point of stock indexes? 43. What is the purpose of collective bargaining? 44. What is union shop? 45. What is unlimited liability? 46. What types of things will occur during a recession? 47. What was the first major Labor Union? 48. What was the Great Depression? When did it occur? 49. What was trust busting? What president made it his goal to break up the big monopolies of America? 50. Which type of company has double taxation as a disadvantage? 51. Who is the franchisee? 52. Who is the franchiser? 53. Who owns a corporation? 54. Who was the president during the Great Depression? What were his talks called to calm the American public? 55. Why did labor unions form?