Ohio State Trapshooting Association, Inc

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Ohio State Trapshooting Association, Inc




President Jeff Schlichter called the meeting to order at 9:00 p.m. Secretary Noreen Snively called the roll of Directors and Officers. In attendance: Vice President Martin Miller, Treasurer Courtney Haning, Director-at–Large Robert Caplinger, SE Zone Director Tonya Bluhm, NW Zone Directors Dick Barhorst and John Mueller, NE Zone Directors Douglas Gormley and Dan Lukanec, SW Zone Director Tim Hunsaker, Foundation Chairman Dennis Filo, A.T.A. Delegate Roger McNamer, 1st Alternate ATA Delegate Pat Neff, 2nd Alternate ATA Delegate Clyde Findley, Museum Director Betty Peterson, and Past President Dave Schock.

Secretary Snively called the roll of the member gun clubs. Fourteen members were present: Cardinal Shooting Center, Edinburg Sportsmen’s Association, Fairfield Sportsmen’s Association, Greene County, Marietta Gun Club, Middletown Sportsmen’s Club, Monroe Sportsman’s Club, Morgan County Gun Club, Moulton Gun Club, Newport Sportsmen’s Club, Paulding County Fish & Game, Pike County Coon Hunters, Sportsman Gun & Reel, and Williams County Gun Club.

Noreen Snively provided copies of the minutes from last year’s annual meeting. Marty Miller moved to accept the minutes as written and with a move to second, the motion passed.

Treasurer Courtney Haning provided a comparative balance sheet for 2015, 2014 and 2013 showing total assets and total liabilities/capital for the Association. The total assets for 2015 were $495,565.00. He also provided a 12-month comparative income statement for the same 3 years. The income for 2015 ending on 8/31/2015 was $150,933.00 and the expenses were $146,159.00 with a net of $4,774.00. His State Shoot report also covered 2013, 2014 and 2015. The income for the 2015 State Shoot was $90,367.46 and the expenses were $82,784.94 showing net revenue of $7,582.52. The 2015 Zone Shoot showed a loss of $4,728.73. Courtney opened the floor for questions. Being none, Dick Barhorst moved to accept Courtney’s financial report. With a move to second, the motion passed.

President Schlichter addressed the membership stating that the shoot was going well with some numbers up and some the same as last year. Yesterday, the number of shooters was up 320, and today (Friday) the doubles were down but the handicap was up. Jeff stated that he feels his biggest accomplishment as the OSTA President was the signing of a new 10-year contract with Cardinal Shooting Center. There is still one more year left on the existing contract, but the new one is now in place. Foundation Chairman Dennis Filo thanked everyone for participating in the golf cart & trailer raffle and the ongoing August shell raffle as they help provide funds for our annual scholarships. Dennis stated that this year, the Foundation awarded $8,000.00 in scholarships. The recipients were recognized Thursday evening, but Kyle Peterson (Huber Heights) was unable to attend the ceremony. He was however, able to come to the annual meeting and was acknowledged as a 2016 recipient of a $2,000.00 scholarship to assist him with his engineering degree. The other recipients were Nolan Loughry of Hudson ($2,000), Ryan Minyo of Mt. Gilead ($1,500), Christopher Arnold of Hamilton ($1,000), Hunter Brandt of Amherst ($1,000), and Riley Denes of Marengo ($500).

Monday’s SCTP day had 388 shooters in five different divisions. Dave Schock thanked Mary Hornyak of DK Sales and all of the many vendors who generously contributed. Dave also thanked the program sponsor, Buckeye Propane, for returning to sponsor the event this year. There were 21 different teams including one from Kentucky and one from Pennsylvania. The youth shooters were treated to ice cream at the end of the event.

Director-at Large, Bobby Caplinger, thanked the members for attending the 130th annual meeting of the Ohio Trapshooting Association. Bobby also thanked the 2016 sponsors of the program events: Ricer Equipment, DeVault Industries, Brittain Motors-Steve Stedman, Ohio Valley Veneer, Ed Detty, Taylor Lumber Worldwide, Dawsons- Stock Lock II, Buckeye Propane, Downrange Manufacturing, J & L, RIO, and Kolar. Also, special thanks to Cabela’s for supporting our All-Ohio Team. Having wonderful sponsors and special events really adds to the excitement and increases the attendance. He asked that everyone be sure to thank our sponsors and support their services.

A.T.A. Delegate, Roger McNamer, addressed the membership stating that on April 15th, it was official that the Grand would take place at Sparta. Roger also explained that the All-Ohio Team now requires an application to be considered. An application is in the State Shoot program and must be turned in by November 1st. Roger consulted with other states as to how they determined their state teams. The decision to require an application will cut out a month of paper work since the ATA no longer provides the states with sufficient reports to make the process less cumbersome. Roger intends to keep the membership informed of ATA activities and Ohio news through his magazine updates in Trap & Field magazine.

Tournament Director Dennis Filo happily stated that we have been blessed so far with better than average weather. He reminded everyone that it is the shooters responsibility to check on earned yardage and to shoot on the proper yardage or risk being disqualified. So far, the tournament has gone smooth with no problems. If anyone has any suggestions, Dennis stated that he is available.

Past President Dave Schock presented Jeff Schlichter with his President’s pin. Dave commented that Jeff never takes notes and he is always amazed at how he keeps everything straight. Dave praised Jeff for his contract negotiations and for his efforts in keeping our state tournament one of the very best in the country.

NE Zone Director Doug Gormley explained that the elections would take place in the CEB from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. Shooters will once again be using their A.T.A. plastic card to cast their ballot. To vote, the member must be in good standing and registered targets in any 2 years.

President Schlichter asked for nominations for Director-at-Large. John Mueller nominated Robert Caplinger and Dick Barhorst voiced a second. There being no other nominations for this position, Mike Roese moved that nominations for Director-at-Large be closed. Mike Roese nominated Roger McNamer for ATA Delegate. John Mueller moved to second. Delegates must be Ohio residents, an ATA member in good standing for at least 5 consecutive years, a life ATA member meeting the target requirements and suspension rules for this position. With no other nominations, Dick Barhorst moved to close the nominations. Nominations for ATA Delegate were closed. Chris Howell nominated Clyde Findley for ATA Alternate Delegate and Pat Neff nominated Michael Blair. Both nominations were moved to second and Marty Miller moved to close the nominations. The nominations for ATA Alternate Delegate were closed.

Eric Cunningham asked the Board to consider changing the rules of the Champion of Champions program and restrict shooters to qualify only one time. President Schlichter explained that this would defeat the whole purpose of the program.

Marty Miller moved to recess the meeting and adjourn after the reorganization meeting and Saturdays voting. With a move to second by John Mueller, the motion passed and the meeting recessed.


The Board elected Martin Miller as President for the 2016/2017 shooting year with Doug Gormley to serve as Vice President. The Board agreed to retain the services of Courtney Haning as the Treasurer and Noreen Snively as their Secretary. Meeting adjourned.


Roger McNamer A.T.A. Delegate Clyde Findley 1st Alternate A.T.A. Delegate Michael Blair 2nd Alternate A.T.A. Delegate Robert Caplinger Director-at-Large

Respectfully Submitted, Noreen F. Snively O.S.T.A. Secretary

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