Burwash Parish Council Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held on the 10th May 2016, at 7.00pm in Burwash Pavilion, Burwash Common

Present Cllr Banks, Cllr Caulkin, Cllr Durrant, Cllr Elmslie, Cllr Jenner, Cllr Moore, Cllr Nash, Cllr Pope, Cllr Rowlinson and Cllr Vereker

1) Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Crabtree and Cllr McBride.

2) Disclosures of Interest No declarations made.

3) To elect the Chair for the ensuing year The voting by a show of hands declared Cllr Vereker as Chairman for the ensuing year.

4) To elect the Vice Chair for the ensuing year Two candidates were nominated for Vice-Chairman Cllr McBride and Cllr Durrant. The voting by a show of hands declared Cllr McBride as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.

5) Co-Option for Councillor Vacancy Neither of the two potential candidates were present. RESOLVED – Councillors did not fill the current vacancy. The two potential candidates would be invited back to reapply for the position. Councillors would decide in June when the co-option of the vacancy would take place. The vacancy would continue to be advertised on the website, notice boards, Broadsheets and at the Parish Assembly to generate interest and potential applicants.

6) To appoint the membership of the Standing Committees Councillors are asked to resolved to confirm councillors represented on the committees and Chairman for each committee: RESOLVED – To elect the Chairman for the committees at the first meeting of each committee. RESOLVED – Planning Committee – Cllr Banks, Cllr Caulkin, Cllr Durrant, Cllr Elmslie, Cllr Jenner, Cllr McBride, Cllr Moore, Cllr Nash, Cllr Pope, Cllr Rowlinson, Cllr Vereker RESOLVED – HR Committee – Cllr Vereker, Cllr McBride, Cllr Durrant, Cllr Elmslie

7) To appoint Councillors to serve as representatives on the following working groups and bodies: Councillors are asked to resolved to keep all councillors on current working/steering groups and bodies as per the report sent out by the Clerk. Any vacancies should be filled. RESOLVED – For the following councillors to stay on the following groups: a) Finance – Cllr Moore, Cllr McBride, Cllr Elmslie, Cllr Rowlinson b) Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Banks, Cllr Moore, Cllr McBride, Cllr Elmslie, Cllr Caulkin, Cllr Durrant c) Community Hub – Cllr Nash, Cllr Crabtree, Cllr Caulkin, Cllr Elmslie d) Rother Association of Local Councils (RALC) – The Clerk and Cllr Elmslie e) Rother Transport Action Group (RTAG) – Cllr Pope f) Strengthening Local Relationships (SLR) – The Clerk, Cllr Jenner, Cllr Pope

8) To appoint Councillors to the following portfolios: Councillors are asked to resolve for all councillors to keep their portfolios as per the report sent out by the Clerk. Any vacancies or new roles were filled: RESOLVED – That the following councillors to have the following portfolios: a) Buildings Maintenance – Cllr Moore b) Community Safety and PCSO/Police Liaison – Cllr Caulkin c) Downs Meadow – Cllr Elmslie d) Finance – Cllr Rowlinson e) Highways (verges, pavement and signage) – Cllr Jenner and Cllr Pope f) Housing – Cllr Moore g) Internet Resource – Cllr Elmslie h) Land and Property Managed by Rother – Cllr Durrant i) Management of Grit Bins – Cllr Pope j) Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Banks k) Parish Events and Fetes (including Annual Assembly) – Cllr Nash l) Parish Maintenance – Cllr Durrant m) Parking and Traffic – Cllr Crabtree and Cllr Durrant n) Promotion of the Parish – Cllr McBride and Cllr Moore o) Speed Watch – Cllr Crabtree p) Transport (including rail and bus services) – Cllr Pope q) Tree Warden – Cllr Vereker r) War Memorial – Cllr Banks s) Website – Cllr Caulkin t) Young People – Cllr Crabtree

9) Finance (standing item) a) The Clerk reported on the bank balances at 30/04/16 as: i) BPC deposit account £43,755.66 ii) BPC current account £10,661.17 iii) Estimated total amount of funds minus unpaid checks resolved in point 9)c) and minus reserves (including earmarked) is £19,971.09 b) RESOLVED – The presented budget monitoring, statement of earmarked reserves, balance sheet and bank reconciliations as of 10/05/16 c) RESOLVED – to approve the following payments. The voting was unanimous.

Payment Schedule – For end of May 2016 Cheque No. Amount Clerk Salary 102009 £744.62 Clerk Expenses 102010 £577.08 Spy Alarms 102011 £260.40 Uniserve 102012 £149.99 Pet Waste 102013 £48.00 Speed Survey 102014 £480.00 Rialtas Yearly Maintenance 102015 £135.60 City Escapes 102016 £110.60 HMRC 102017 £20.73 Burwash Bonfire Society 102018 £500 Burwash Playing Field Association 102019 £1,500 BW&C MF Playing Field 102020 £1,500 Rother Rural Trust 102021 £250 St. Bartholomews 102022 £1,250 Christ the King 102023 £300 St. Philips 102024 £500 Repairs to Downs Meadow Fence 102025 £365.37 CAB Bexhill 102025 £750 Battle Area Community Transport 102026 £1,000 Scouts 102027 £500 British Legion – Burwash Branch 102028 £150 Village Hall £1,000

d) End of Year – Clerk produced the end of year report which all councillors received in hard copy. Councillors will formally sign off account in June and to ask the Clerk any questions between now and June. The Clerk will write up a report for councillors on the yearend figures from feedback from the finance working group and any questions raised by councillors e) Councillors to agree the cheque signatories for the ensuing year to be Cllr Vereker, Cllr McBride, Cllr Moore and Cllr Rowlinson. The Clerk will remain a signatory in line with the Parish Councils financial regulations.

10) Meetings RESOLVED – To keep full council meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm.

11) Policies and Procedures Councillors received the timetable for adoption of policies to be as follows: HR Policies – Adopted Deal with enquires from the public – Adopted Code of Conduct for councillors (update) and staff (new) – June Procedures for dealing with and monitoring grants received and made – June Standing Orders – July Deal with responses to consultation requests – August Procedures for document receipt, circulation, response, handling and filing – September Freedom of Information Requests and Publications – September Data Protection – September

12) Close of Meeting at 7.50pm