R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M CODART NEGENTIEN congress, Madrid 19-21 June 2016 Connoisseurship: Between Intuition and Science

Please post, fax or email your completed registration form to: CODART, P.O. Box 90418, 2509 LK The Hague, The Netherlands F +31 70 333 9749 E [email protected]



After you have submitted the registration form you will receive an email confirmation with an invoice to pay the congress fee. The congress fee includes entrances to all museums and institutions visited during the congress, the congress dinner, one lunch, coffee and tea, the opening reception and excursions (except the excursions to La Granja and El Escorial, for which an extra fee will be charged).

I agree to pay: I will pay by:

€ 425 registration fee after 27 April 2016 Bank transfer Stichting CODART bank account: ABN AMRO Bank € 45 extra charge for the optional excursion to La Granja de Apollolaan 171 San Ildefonso on Sunday 19 June NL-1077 AS Amsterdam € 45 extra charge for the excursion to El Escorial on Tuesday The Netherlands IBAN: NL92ABNA0526987197 21 June Swift code: ABN-ANL-2A

Terms & conditions Online payment via www.codart.nl/fees (credit card or PayPal) Cancellations before 16 May 2016 will be refunded with deduction of bank charges and postage. From 16 May 2016 until 31 May 2016 75% will be refunded; 1 June 2016 until 12 June 2016 50%; 13 June 2016 and Please indicate ‘CODART NEGENTIEN, participant’s later: no refund. name and invoice number’ with payment CODART does not accept any liability for damages of any nature sustained by participants, or loss of, or damage to their personal property during the congress. Participants are advised to arrange a liability insurance.

I accept the congress fee and the terms & conditions.

Date: Signature:

HOTEL RESERVATION Please make your reservation on or before 16 May 2016. After this date availability is uncertain and we check upon request. If hotel rooms are cancelled after 3 June 2016 the hotel will charge you for the full amount. Prices include continental breakfast and taxes. Congress participants will pay hotel bills individually at check out.

I would like to reserve a room for two nights (19 and 20 June 2016) at Hotel Paseo del Arte Madrid I would like to reserve a room for ______nights from ______to______June 2016 at Hotel Paseo del Arte Madrid

Single room (€ 100 per night) Double room (€ 108 per night for 2 persons) with ______(name of roommate)

I will not make use of the congress hotel CONGRESS PROGRAM Please indicate with an x the parts of the program in which you will be present.

Optional program Sunday 19 June (extra fee €45) La Granja de San Ildefonso (11:00-16:30) (The extra fee includes transport, entrance and lunch on the bus)

Sunday 19 June Exclusive visit to Museo Lázaro Galdiano (16:30-18:00) Registration and opening reception at Museo Lázaro Galdiano (18:00-20:00)

Monday 20 June Opening session (registration and private view of the exhibition Bosch: The Centenary Exhibition) (08:30-10:00) Plenary meeting, Museo Nacional del Prado (10:00-16:15) Congress dinner (20:30-23:00) Please specify if you are vegetarian or have food allergies:

Tuesday 21 June Private visit to the exhibition Caravaggio and the Painters from the North (08:30-09:30) Members’ meeting, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (09:45-13:00)

Excursion Please number the following excursions from 1-4 in order of your preference. You can find more information about each excursion on our website.


1. In-depth visit Flemish and Dutch Paintings and Drawings at the Prado with Alejandro Vergara, Teresa FULL Posada Kubissa, José Juan Perez Preciado and José Manuel Matilla (14:30-16:30) 2. In-depth visit Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum with Maria del Mar Borobia and Dolores Delgado (14:30- FULL 16:30)

3. Excursion to Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales with Ana García Sanz (16:00-18:00) FULL

4. Excursion to Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (from 13:00-18:30; extra fee of €45 that includes transport, entrance and lunch on the bus)

Important indications: - The congress is limited to a maximum of 140 participants. Registration requests will be handled in order in which they are received. Priority will be given to full members. Associate members will be placed on a reserve list and notified by 27 April 2016. - CODART does not accept any liability for damages of any nature sustained by participants, or loss of, or damage to their personal property during the study trip. Participants are advised to arrange a liability insurance. - CODART reserves the right to make changes to the program. Changes may be made without notice. - In case of insufficient registrations for parts of the program f.i. excursions, CODART may cancel the scheduled event. - In order to aid our organization and logistics, we kindly ask that you fill in all parts of the registration form. - Should you have any questions, please contact the CODART bureau via +31 (0)70 333 9744 or [email protected].

Thank you for registering!