Kimberly D. Hart

Kimberly D. Hart was born to Bishop William F. Hart, Jr. and (the late) First Lady Dorothy Mae Hart. She’s the mother of a wonderful young man, Durell Hart, a freshman at Lincoln University. She is known to many as “Kimberly D.” for her Kreative Image Making skills expressed through the arts, as well as her intrinsic presentation of God’s word to those she encourages.

Kimberly received her BA, in Business Management and Entrepreneurship from Bowie State University and became a member of Toastmasters International. She also received a Manager of Cosmetology license from DC Beauty Academy and tested into the highly sought after International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.) union where she is called to style for celebrities and others in major motion pictures, TV, and theater. Kimberly has written and produced several plays for her local community.

Kimberly was inspired to attend the June 2006 Millionaires Conference at the Evangel Cathedras in Largo, Maryland. It was at this conference that Kimberly witnessed the power of a special guest as she empowered hundreds to live their dreams and to dare to “DO” the impossible. This speaker, Dwauna Maura of Mt. Airy, Maryland gripped Kimberly with her passion and demanded a response through thought provoking testaments of her growth. Kimberly was moved beyond measures and sought out Dwauna as her mentor. Dwauna agreed to mentor Kimberly through her Mary Kay business, so she joined the Dynamic Dream Achievers a few days later. She received her first team member a few days after.

Kimberly attended a Red Jacket Rally in March 2007 and she could not comprehend why she was not celebrating with the other red jacket. She knew that there was no excuse for the slack she was living, so she took personal responsibility recruited three new consultants within the next few days and became a Red Jacket. She experienced the same phenomenon during her first Career Conference later that month. Kimberly reflects, “As I sat in admiration of the ladies sashaying across the stage in the Baltimore Arena, it seemed somewhat strange. A part of me was so proud of these ladies that I’ve never seen before and I really wanted to relish in their glory. On the other shoulder sat a voice of conviction that would not settle for my passive lies of conformity. It was one thing to strive for a goal and miss it, but it was entirely unacceptable, within myself, to have nothing to strive for.” Kimberly tried to rationalize that the achievers were in special place in their lives and businesses that she would mysteriously get to in a few years. But it was at that closing ceremony that Kimberly had to give a personal account of her behavior and attitude towards her business, her proclaimed faith and the responsibility she had for her family’s wellbeing and the precious time she was given. Dwauna Maura, now Kimberly’s Director, leaned over and whisper in her ear with a soft and gentle voice, “I don’t know how and I don’t know who, but I know that you can do this.” “Do what?” she thought to herself. DIQ? Is something wrong with her? Didn’t she know that Kimberly was an hour away from home and agreements had to be in the system in two hours? What was she thinking? What did she know that Kimberly was pretending not to know? Well, Dwauna knew that all things are possible with Christ. Something in her voice made Kimberly give it a shot and a shot it was. Kimberly went DIQ that night recruiting five new team members while traveling back home and debuted as an Independent Sales Director September 1, just fifteen months after signing her agreement. The Wonder Workers were born and God has proven that there’s something in a name, indeed.

Kimberly says that she loves the Lord. He continues to hear her cry and pities her every groan. God is truly faithful to His child and this leaves Kimberly excited about the plans He has in store for her, her family and her Mary Kay business.” She further understands that to whom much is given, much is required and Quitting is not an OPTION!