MOODY COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT Board of Supervisors Meeting –Tuesday, January 17th, 2017

Chairman Jack Majeres called the regular board meeting to order on Tuesday January 17th, at 1:00 p.m. at the USDA Service Center Conference Room. Other supervisors present were Warren Jackson, Brian Bergjord, Dean Jaycox and Steve Doyle. Also present Matt Johnson, Rhonda Nelson and Leann Knippling

Agenda: Steve moved to approve agenda. Warren second. Motion carried unanimously.

The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed. Brian moved to approve minutes. Steve second. Motion carried unanimously.

Warren presented the Treasurer’s report. Warren moved to approve Treasures’ report and pay bills. Brian second. Motion carried unanimously.

DC Report: Rhonda updated board on progress of CSP, EQIP, WRP, and CRP programs.

Big Sioux Project Update: Matt updated board ongoing protects.

Manager Report: LeAnn read written report from Harvey.

Old Business

Election of Officers: Chairman, Warren nominated Jack, Steve second. Motion carried unanimously. Vice-Chair, Steve nominated Dean, Brian second. Motion carried unanimously. Secretary/Treasurer, Brian nominated Harvey Dean second motion carried unanimously. Brian moved for Warren to Counter sign checks. Steve second. Motion carried unanimously.

2017 Budget: Adjustment to Supervisor per Diam. Brian moved to approve with Adjustments. Steve second. Motion carried unanimously.

Annual Plan: Board reviewed, edited Steve approved changes. Brian second. Motion carried unanimously.

Conservation Farm Award nominations: Steve moved to add Jeff & Drew Hemmer to list. Brian second motion carried unanimously. Harvey will make full packets of each contestant to be selected On February 21 11:00 A. M. Board members on panel: Warren, Steve, Jack

Sec 1619 review:

Soil Health Challenge workshop: February 16th Mitchell Jack planning on attending.

Soil and Water research Farm: Brian moved to reappoint Warren for Director Steve seconded, Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

Executive Session: Dean moved to adjourn... Brian Second. motion carried unanimously. .

Next Meeting February 21st 2017 @ 1:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Approved by:

______Harvey Shafer, District Manager Jack Majeres, Chairman