Electronic Supplementary Material s8

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Electronic Supplementary Material s8


Title: Sources of drug consumption data in Europe at a country level

Journal: International Journal of Public Health

Authors: Pili Ferrer, Elena Ballarín, Mònica Sabaté, Joan-Ramon Laporte, Marieke

Shoonen, Marietta Rottenkolber, Joan Fortuny, Joerg Hasford, Iain Tatt and Luisa Ibáñez

Corresponding author:

Luisa Ibáñez

Fundació Institut Català de Farmacologia

Servei de Farmacologia, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron

Departament de Farmacologia, Terapèutica i Toxicologia, Universitat Autònoma de


Address: Pg Vall d’Hebron 119-129. Barcelona 08035 (Spain)

Telephone: +34 93 428 30 29

Fax: +34 93 489 41 09

E-mail: [email protected]

On behalf of the PROTECT Work Package 2

Legend to the electronic supplementary material:

Online resource 1:. Website search, conducted in 2010, for European drug consumption

databases at a country level.

Online resource 2: PROTECT questionnaire for drug consumption databases, updated


Online resource 3.. Information retrieved from the PROTECT questionnaires received

between 2011 and 2013

1 Online resource 1. Website search, conducted in 2010, for European drug consumption databases at a country level INSTITUTIONAL EUROPEAN WEBSITES www.europa.eu www.ema.europa.eu www.who.int www.oecd.org European Union European Medicines Agency World Health Organization Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development MORE SPECIFIC INSTITUTIONAL WEBSITES1 www.ispor.org www.eudrapharm.eu www.euro.who.int/ob http://whocc.goeg.at www.eahp.eu www.hope.be www.bridgetodata.org International Society for EudraPharm database servatory WHO Collaborating European Association Euroepan Hospital Benefit risk Pharmacoeconomics (European Medicines The European Centre for of Hospital and Healthcare information for drug and Outcomes Research Agency) Observatory on Pharmaceutical and Pharmacists Federation evaluation. It provides, among Health Care Systems Reimbursement An online listing of other, information on and Policies Policies and the more than 140 all medicinal products Austrian Ministry of databases from 21 approved by the Health countries is available European Union WEBSITES OF INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS ON DU STUDIES2 www.encepp.eu www.pharmacoepi.org/eur www.euromedstat.cnr.it www.pharmacoepi.org www.nhv.se/norpen www.piperskagroup.com European Network of odurg Statistics on Medicines in International Society of Nordic network on Piperska Group-Rational Centres for European Drug Utilisation Europe Pharmacoepidemiology pharmacoepidemiological prescribing Pharmacoepidemiology and Research Group (last updated 2007, with a special group research They are involved in Pharmacovigilance website withdrawn 2012)3 interested in Drug reimbursement, formulary Utilisation (DU)Research listing and/or enhancing and Cross-National the rational use of drugs in Comparisons in DU their countries. 1It includes the search of drug data providers, pricing and reimbursement agencies and national medicines agencies in each country. 2Webistes of international networks studying the utilisation of a specific group of medicines are the object of another article. 3Currently several reports on the work conducted by this groupcan be found on the European Commission website (www.ec.europe.eu)

2 Online resource 2. The PROTECT questionnaire: information on drug consumption databases, updated January 2014. PROTECT QUESTIONNAIRE

BACKGROUND One of the goals of the PROTECT Working Group 3 is to identify and describe the sources of drug consumption data existing at a national level. This information is being compiled and updated in an inventory available at the project website: http://www.imi-protect.eu/drugConsumption.shtml As part of this inventory we developed a questionnaire with the goal of collecting additional information on the nationwide database from a researcher perspective. For more information on the PROTECT project, see www.imi-project.eu.

Number Date Final version Questionnaire v1.0 June 2011 Ammendment (if any) Questionnaire v2.0; a1.0 January 2012 (Inclusion of inpatient information) Questionnaire v2.0; a1.1 April 2013 (Formatting of the questionnaire Questionnaire v3.0; a1.0 January 2014 (Point3 of the questionnaire, clarification of questions on drug data source, separated by appropriate headings; formatting and updating of websites)

3 INSTRUCTIONS The questionnaire is intended to collect information on databases registering out- and inpatient drug consumption at a national level. The questionnaire is divided into four sections: (1) Definition of out- and inpatient drug consumption: The type of information on pharmaceutical consumption that is collected within the outpatient or inpatient healthcare setting. (2) Population coverage: The proportion of the population for which the database collects information. (3) Drug-based information: Information collected regarding the active ingredient/pharmaceutical package (4) Other information. Each of the sections collect different characteristics of out- and inpatient drug consumption databases at a national level. In addition, there is the option of writing free comments. Also, there is the possibility of pointing out that the information requested is not collected or not applicable to your database. Further instructions are provided along the questionnaire. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Contact person: Pili Ferrer E-mail: pf @ icf.uab.cat Catalan Institute of Pharmacology (FICF) http://www.icf.uab.es/en/index.html Phone: +34 93 428 30 29

Thank you for your cooperation!


Please provide the name of the database. Tick under the appropriate heading according to whether the information is registered as in- or outpatient drug consumption (D.U.) data. OUTPATIENT D.U INPATIENT D.U. NO COLLECTED DATABASE DATABASE DATABASE NAME

Medicines prescribed by specialists and supplied by community pharmacies to outpatients

Medicines prescribed and supplied by the hospital to outpatients

Nursing homes

Dental care

Drug abuse centers

Psychiatric clinics

Other long-term healthcare institutions

Private institutions



Outpatient D.U. database Inpatient D.U. database % %

If the databases contain a population sample, either for outpatient or inpatient, please indicate your sampling method.

Outpatient D.U. database

5 Inpatient D.U. database

If population coverage is less than 90%, indicate your method of extrapolation or weighting.

Outpatient D.U. database

Inpatient D.U. database

6 3. DRUG-BASED INFORMATION 3.1 TYPE OF DATA COLLECTED Please, tick under the appropriate heading whether your databases collect information on the listed characteristics. Additional information can be listed under the heading comments. Outpatient D.U. Inpatient D.U. database database Comments Yes No Yes No Manually prescriptions Electronic prescriptions Electronic prescriptions in the pharmacy not collected by the patient SELECT THE MOST APPROPRIATE SOURCE OF DRUG CONSUMPTION DATA IN YOUR DATABASE Sales of medicinal products obtained from wholesalers/ manufacturers Dispensed prescription data Reimbursed dispensed prescription data IS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATON COLLECTED? Over the counter drugs Indication for drug use. Pleas,e specify how this information is obtained (free-text, Interntional Classification of Diseases, other codes) Date prescribed Date dispensed Duration of prescription Quantity of drug dispensed Days of supply Package size Number of packages dispensed Dose Strength Dosage form Prescriber information. Please, specify (age, sex, specialisation, etc)

7 For INPATIENT D.U. DATABASES: Is the following information available? Country level Hospital level Yes No Yes No Number of beds Number of admissions Number of discharges Average length of stay



Please, provide the requested information for both types of databases

OUTPATIENT D.U. DATABASE INPATIENT D.U. DATABASE Does your database use ATC codification?. If not, which drug codification system is in place? Does your database use DDD for quantifying drug use?. Please specify other units of measurement What is the currently ATC/DDD version used? When is your database updated with the new ATC/DDD codes Is your database retrospectively updated with the latest ATC/DDD version? Does your database assing a national ATC code or DDD unit for those drugs without an ATC/DDD code provided by the World Health Organization?. Is this national ATC/DDD list available?. Please provide where to find this information. Comments:

8 4. OTHER INFORMATION 4.1 PATIENT-RELATED INFORMATION OUTPATIENT D.U. DATABASE INPATIENT D.U. DATABASE Is it possible to link DU databases with other health registries or other databases? ARE THE FOLLOWING SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS COLLECTED IN YOUR DATABASES? Unique patient identification number Age (date of birth) Gender Ethnicity Place of residence Education Income Social class Comments:

4.2 VALIDITY OF THE DATABASE OUTPATIENT D.U. DATABASE INPATIENT D.U. DATABASE How and how often do you ensure the internal validty (procedures that minimise errors during data collection) of your database? Are you aware of any study on the sensitivity and specificity of the database, published?. If possible, provide the bibliographic reference Comments:

4.3. ACCESSIBILITY OF DATA OUTPATIENT D.U. DATABASE INPATIENT D.U. DATABASE For research purposes, is drug consumption data publicly available? Is there any website providing further information on how to request data for research purposes? Comments:

9 Online resource 3. Information retrieved from the PROTECT questionnaires received between 2011 and 2013. Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates Pharmanet Medicines supplied by Not/applicable (n/a) n/a Yes (quantity of All data Yes. The list is Socia Multilevel Not provided (Belgium) community pharmacies, drug dispensed and updated not publicly l control process regardless of doctor’s days of supply, retrospec available status specialty dose) tively of the patie nt (unde rprivi leged /nor mal insur ed) Presc riber infor matio n, age, sex, speci alisat

10 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates ion, uniqu e identi fier inclu ding local area of activi ty (Bulgaria) Community pharmacies Hospital pharmacies n/a No No Not provided No No No and other outlets for inpatient sector (Croatia) Community pharmacies Hospital pharmacies n/a No Yes No No Yes, once a year Not provided Yearly updates (Czech Republic) Community pharmacies n/a n/a No Yes. No Yes. Yes, conti- n/a (including medicines Data is Indic nouously prescribed by specialists). updated ation thorughout the Not collected: Nursing retrospec for data processing. homes, dental care, tively use is psychiatric clinics and every colle other institutions year. cted only

11 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates for incre ased reimb urse ment from healt h insur ance (Inter natio nal Class ificati on of Disea ses, ICD); age and gend er. Danish Registry Community pharmacies. Wholesalers’ sales to Not applicable Yes (Quantity of Yearly, National defined Num Monthly, large Not provided

12 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates Medicinal Products Hospital-only medicines hospital pharmacies, (n/a) drug dispensed, all data daily doses ber of validation Statistics dispensed to outpatients dispensed by ward dose, and Defined updated (DDDs) assigned, peopl process (Denmark) codes (number of Daily Doses) retrospec accounted as e patients undergoing tively at WHO-DDDs. A treate treatment in hospitals the list is availableb d, is not available) beginnin Indic g of the ation year for use in 75% of the presc riptio ns. Presc riber’ s uniqu e identi fier and speci alisat ion.

13 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates Dispe nser’ s uniqu e identi fier, local area, date of dispe nsing , time of dispe nsing . Regi on Estonian Health Medicines dispensed by n/a n/a Yes (quantity of Yes, all Yes, the list –not Yes, Once a year Not provided. Insurance Fund community pharmacies drug dispensed, data publicly indic (EHIF) database regardless of specialty dose and defined updated available- ation (Estonia) daily doses) retrospec includes defined for tively by daily doses for use

14 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates March combination (acco 1st. products rding to Inter natio nal Class ificati on of Disea ses codes ), presc riber infor matio n (nam e and speci ality), age, gend er

15 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates and patie nt identi ficati on numb er State Agency of Medicines dispensed by Medicines consumed n/a No Yes, all Yes, the list –not No Not provided Medicines (SAM) community pharmacies in hospitals, nursing data publicly database (Estonia) regardless of specialty homes, drug abuse updated available- centers, psychiatric retrospec includes defined clinics, other long- tively by daily doses for term healthcare March combination institutions and 1st. products private institutions Prescription It includes medicines n/a n/a Yes. Anatomi No additional Partl Certain Register at the dispensed in community Although the exact c ATC/DDD coding y, purchases are Social Insurance pharmacies regardless of dose is not Therapeu indic checked every Institution prescriber’s specialty. The available tic ation time and certain (Finland) database does not register Chemical for purchases weekly whether a patient is living classifica use. by spot checks. in a nursing home. It tion is If the includes dental care updated presc prescriptions. twice a riber

16 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates month. has Defined stated daily the doses are indic updated ation by spring in the (not presc retrospec riptio tively). n, the data is store d as free text for 1,5 years, presc riber (uniq ue identi fier, living

17 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates area, sex, age, speci alisat ion)a nd dispe nser (uniq ue identi fier, local area, date of dispe nsing )infor matio n, place of resid

18 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates ence. Agence Nationale Wholesalers’ sales to Wholesalers’ sales to n/a No All data When the drug is No Data is n/a de la Securité des community pharmacies hospital pharmacies updated not classified contrasted with Médicaments retrospec within the other sources of (ANSM) database tively Anatomic drug sales (France) every Therapeutic year Chemical (ATC) classification system, it is assigned to the corresponding ATC 4th level (Hungary) Medicines sold by Medicines supplied n/a Yes (quantity of All data No. All medicines Indic Checked Not provided community pharmacies by the hospital to in- drug dispensed, updated approved in ation continuously and outpatients days of supply and retros- Hungary hold an for dose are available) pectively Anatomical use, every Therapeutic numb year. Chemical code er of beds, numb er of admi ssion s and lengh

19 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates t of stay (Iceland) Medicines dispensed in n/a n/a No All data No national Num Yearly checkings Not provided community pharmacies is retros- Anatomical ber of regardless of prescriber’s pectively Therapeutic beds specialty and medicines updated Chemical and prescribed and supplied by every /Defined daily avera the hospital to outpatients January doses codes ge lengt h of stay Health Service Medicines dispensed in n/a n/a. Yes (quantity Not Not provided Place Financial audits Executive-Primary community pharmacies In 2007 accounted prescribed and provided of and rules of Care upon a general for two thirds of dispensed) resid agreed protocol Reimbursement practitioner’s prescription. all prescriptions ence, to transfer data Services (HSE- issued in Ireland. diagn PCRS) database osis, (Ireland) presc riber and phar macy data OsMed database Medicines prescribed by a Medicines supplied in n/a Yes (quantity of All data For anticancer Place Not provided Not provided (Italy) specialist to outpatients, the hospital to drug dispensed and is retros- drugs, the unit of of

20 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates medicines supplied in the outpatients (partly). dose) pectively measurement is resid hospital to outpatients Drugs dispensed updated dispensing units ence (partly) during a hospital stay National Health Medicines dispensed by n/a n/a Yes (dose and Not Not provided Place Financial audits Not reported Insurance Fund community pharmacies to number of doses in provided of and rules agreed (NHIF) database outpatients each prescription) living upon a protocol (Lithuania) , to transfer data diagn from pharmacies osis, to NHIF database presc riber and phar macy data Genees-en Specialist care to n/a Extrapolation to Yes (quantity of Twice a A list with Place Ongoing process Not provided hulpmiddelen outpatients and hospital the total Dutch drug dispensed, year. All national assigned of carried out Informatie Project drugs dispensed to population prescribed daily data Anatomical resid during data (GIP) databank outpatient. Information on through 20 age dose and days of updated Therapeutic ence collection and (The Netherlands) dental care, nusing homes, subgroups and by supply) retrospec Chemical aggregation drug abuse centres and sex tively classification/Defi private institutions is not ned Daily Doses collected exists The Dutch Dental care, specialist care Nursing homes n/a Yes (quantity of All data Not provided Place Not provided 0% Foundation for to outpatients and hospital (partly) drug dispensed, is yearly of

21 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates Pharmaceutical drugs dispensed to dose and days of updated resid Statistics (SFK) outpatients supply) every ence, (The Netherlands) January infor matio n on presc ribers and dispe nsers, cost and healt h insur ance secto r Norwegian Dental care, specialist care Nursing homes data n/a No (Dose is only All data Not provided Place Monthly or half- 1% (2010) Prescription to outpatients, drug abuse are sent to the register available as free updated of yearly the (NorPD) database centers and private on an aggregated text) retrospec resid database is (Norway) institutions level tively ence, checked for every presc errors and year riber inconsistencies and

22 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates phar macy data, reimb urse ment code (Inter natio nal Class ificati on of Disea ses- 10th revisi on codes ) INFARMED Medicines dispensed by Medicines prescribed n/a Yes (quantity All data Not provided No Monthly Not provided database (Portugal) community pharmacies and supplied by the dispensed, dose but updated checkings hospital to outpatients not days of supply) every year during

23 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates the first trimester The national Medicines dispensed in n/a n/a Yes (quantity of Every No Uniq Twice a year. Not reported Institute of Public community pharmacies drug dispensed, time a ue Health (Slovenia) dose, not days of new patie supply) medicine nt is added identi into the ficati database on numb er, place of resid ence Swedish Community pharmacies, n/a n/a Yes (quantity of The Yes. The national Uniq The proportion of <0.3% (2007) as measured for Prescription nursing homes (not drug dispensed, Anatomi Anatomical ue missing variables patient identity Register (Sweden) completely), hospital dose only available cal Therapeutic patie is evaluated once clinics as free text, no days Therapeu Chemical nt or twice a year. of supply) tic classification/ identi Chemical Defined Daily ficati classifica Doses list is on tion/ included in the numb Defined product register, er, Daily updated every place

24 Items Data included as outpatient Data included as If applicable, Possibility to Anatomi Coding of drugs Other Internal validity Proportion of drug consumption inpatient drug sampling or estimate the time cal with non- varia missing consumption weighting intervals of drug Therapeu Anatomical bles prescriptions methodology exposurea tic Therapeutic colle Chemical Chemical cted (ATC)/ classification/Defi Defined ned Daily Doses Daily (DDDs) assigned Doses (DDDs) updates Doses month. of codes are resid a separa- ence, ted prima product ry register, secto updated r, always hospi with the tal latest clinic version s, presc riber’ s profe ssion. Ministry of Health, Medicines sold in n/a n/a No Not In some cases, Yes, Every day Not reported Social Policy and community pharmacies to reported especially for presc Equity (Spain) outpatients drugs with a high riber consumption and phar macy code aDays of supply or quantity of drug dispensed, dose and Defined Daily Dose (DDD)

25 bhttp://www.ssi.dk/Sundhedsdataogit/Dataformidling/Laegemiddelstatistikker/Leksikon/~/media/Indhold/DK%20%20dansk/Sundhedsdata%20og %20it/NSF/Dataformidling/Leksikon/Nationalt%20tildelte%20DDK-vaerdier.ashx n/a not applicable


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