Parish Lay Leadership s6

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Parish Lay Leadership s6

SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH LAY LEADERSHIP The Sacrament of the Sick is administered by a priest, when Finance Council Chairs….Kimberly Schoolcraft, Matthew Barnes requested. Pastoral care to the hospitalized sick and homebound Parish Pastoral Council Chair..………………Kathleen Harrington is provided by the pastoral staff, and trained parishioners. Rel Ed Advisory Committee ...Melissa Moriarty, Suzanne Harlow SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION RCIA ……………………………Ray Breton, Rosemary Thresher The Sacrament with Confession is celebrated each Saturday after Bible Study………………………………………...... Sue Fratini the 8:00 am Mass, and from 3:15- 3:45 pm, as well as by Adult Education………………………..Mary Federici, Bob Stack appointment. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS/PROGRAMS HOSPITAL VISITS Rosary Sodality……………..………Nancy Garen/Ursula Tuohey If anyone has a hospital stay, please have a family member call Social Justice………………….…………….Andrea Cook-Hewitt the parish and indicate whether the parishioner would like to have Just Faith…………………………………Pat Mack, Karen Scahill a visit, or if they would like their name mentioned at Mass during St. Joseph’s Workers………………………………………Fr. Dan the Prayers of the Faithful. Men’s Ministry Group………………………...Deacon Paul Briere JUBILEE “YEAR OF MERCY” Women’s Ministry Group..……………………..…..Mary Federici Pope Francis has declared the period from December 8, 2015 till Youth Group (JPII Crew)………………….………Lisa Laferriere November 20, 2016 as an “Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy”. AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS God’s Mercy can be experienced by all who come before Him. Cursillo Movement ……………………….………...Karen Scahill All people are invited to experience the “Gift of Mercy” in many Schoenstatt Movement .……………..……….…Diane Czerwiecki ways throughout this year – through Prayer, Scripture Study, Acts Boy Scout Troop 821 …………………..………………..Joe Muto of Kindness and Mercy, and through Devotions to Mary the Girl Scout Troops…………………….……..……....Pat O’Connor Mother of God, and the Divine Mercy of Jesus. Knights of Columbus………………………………Greg Perreault PARISH MINISTRIES MASS SCHEDULE & DEVOTIONS Altar Server Scheduling……………………..……… Cindy Monti Sat 9/17 3:15-3:45PM CONFESSIONS (Chapel) Altar Server Training……………………………….Jim O’Connor 3:45PM DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET (Chapel) Baptismal Prep……………………………..…… Lou Mastroianni Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………….……….Sue Fratini 4:00PM +Francis Casey nd Eucharistic Ministers/Readers, Scheduling ...... ……Beth Modlish 2 Anniversary Remembrance Homebound/Pastoral Care Ministry…………...... Mary Federici r/b his Family Music Ministry – Adult & Youth Choir……………Melanie Peetz Sun 9/18 7:00AM +Donald Paquette Contemporary Music Group (Psalm 33).………………Tom Fucci Anniversary Remembrance Sacristans.…………………..……..Irene King, Phyllis Chlastawa, r/b his Family Jim O’Connor, Irene Breton, Karen Scahill 8:30AM +Florence Oleksak Soup Kitchen……………… …..... Marcia Daly, Sandy O’Connor 7th Anniversary Remembrance Take & Eat Ministry……..…………………………Cheryl Wood Wedding Coordinator………………………….…..Donna Whelan r/b her husband Larry and daughters Wedding Team……...…Kathy Harrington, Gina Broderick, Deborah, Doreen and Donna Christina Straney, Tina Broderick 11:00AM +Norman & Jerry Gallant, Prayer Line………………..Pauline, 862-3885 or Diane, 568-9754 +Bernice & Richard Bovat and OFFICE HOURS +Deceased Family Members The Parish Office is located at the Parish Center. Entrance is r/b their loving children across from the Mary Garden. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM- Mon 9/19 7:00AM +William Green 2:00PM. Sue is available to greet and assist you. 25th Anniversary Remembrance NEW PARISHIONERS +Mom & Dad Leblond We warmly welcome new members to join our parish. Please fill Anniversary Remembrance out a registration card on the tables in the church and place in the collection basket. Registration and active participation is r/b Denise Green & Son necessary for Religious Education and letters of eligibility for Tue 9/20 7:00AM +Paul Labarre r/b the Parish godparents and sponsors, as well as Catholic School Parish Wed 9/21 7:00AM +Paul Labrie Subsidy. 13th Anniversary Remembrance SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM r/b his wife Monica Labrie The Sacrament is celebrated monthly. Please call the Office to 3:00PM DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET arrange. At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed, active (Chapel) parishioner in their parish, attending Mass weekly. Thurs 9/22 7:00AM Communion Service SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Fri 9/23 7:00AM Communion Service The Sacrament of Marriage is planned by an initial meeting with a Sat 9/24 8:00AM +Christina Pirola priest or deacon, at least 6 months in advance. Be sure to contact 10th Anniversary Remembrance the church BEFORE committing to date or a venue with a deposit. r/b her Family

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA (at 8:00AM Mass) 3:15-3:45PM CONFESSIONS (Chapel) 0914 2 SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3:45PM DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET r/b Roger Beaudoin (Chapel) 8:30AM +David & Hazel Exware 4:00PM +Gabriel Fucci r/b Donald Exware 10th Anniversary Remembrance 11:00AM +Catherine Boucher r/b his Family r/b Mr. & Mrs. Passarelli Sun 9/25 7:00AM +Eugene & Yvonne Beaudoin FROM FR. DAN’S DESK… This Weekend we celebrate with the Catholic Church throughout the United States – CATECHETICAL SUNDAY. This weekend we highlight and reflect upon the great importance of “education” in our Catholic Faith for our young people, as well as all of us throughout our lives! EDUCATION NEVER ENDS! We currently have a Religious Education Program for all ages in our parish, beginning with Kindergarten and continuing through adulthood! This weekend we THANK all those who VOLUNTEER to teach our young people at All Grade Levels, as well as those who facilitate our Adult Bible Study, Adult Education Programs, and our new Just Faith Program. Beginning with Kindergarten, we have a program to acclimate children at this early age to religious education. Kindergarten for Rel Ed is not that different from Kindergarten at school. In our Religious Ed Kindergarten Program our children learn the basics – they begin to learn how to make the sign of the cross, how to pray, some basic prayers, and learn about God’s love. Parents interested in starting their children in our Kindergarten Program should register them for the first class which begins next Saturday September 24. Classes are held from 9:00-10:30 every other Saturday. New this year is a program for our 12th graders. Believe it or not, many of our young people have asked about continuing on in their faith lives by having some sort of program/discussion group about the faith after they make their Confirmation. Isn’t that refreshing to know? So we will be working with a group of 12th Graders this year and developing a faith enhancement program for them as well! Our Adult Ed Programs continue to be popular in our Parish. We began a few years ago with Bishop Robert Barron’s “Catholicism Video Series” which really peaked peoples’ interest in our faith, and since then we have done a series on “The Catechism”, and we’re excited about Bishop Barron’s newest Series – “The Pivotal Players” – about the men and women throughout salvation history that have shaped our Faith! Our Bible Study is always popular as well. If you have never tried one of our Adult Ed Programs – why not try one now? You might be surprised how much you will enjoy it – it’s NOT like school at all! There are no tests, no abundant reading - simply an opportunity to learn more about our faith! My friends, the Revelation of God’s love and his plan for the human race is an exciting one to learn about! May God bless all of us as “young learners” and “adult learners” as well! Please see the bulletin for the starting dates for all programs – please note: RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES FOR GRADES 2-12 BEGIN THIS WEEKEND! Please REGISTER as soon as possible! Our Parish did pretty well in the Franciscan Missionary Sisters August Calendar Raffle! We had 7 Winners from our Parish – Tina Broderick, Tina Elmer, Sean LaClair, Kris Wailgum, Fran Frere, Tom Fucci, and Tom Rockwal. Congratulations and thank you for supporting the Sisters! Since the Sisters have done so well in selling calendar raffle tickets here in the parish, some members of our Parish Finance Council thought it might be good for us to try something similar to benefit our parish! The Summer is really a horrible time in terms of our Offertory Collection. With people away on vacation, our Offertory goes down substantially during the Summer and it’s hard for us to make up that deficit during the rest of the year. So, our thought, thanks to a suggestion by Finance Council Member Bill Zumbruski, was to try a $10.00 Ticket - 50/50 RAFFLE. It will be simply run. Starting next weekend there will be 50/50 Envelopes near the bulletins. If you are interested in participating, take an envelope, write your name and phone number on it, and put in $10.00 cash or check made payable to OLBS. Drop the envelope into the collection basket that weekend or the following 2 weekends. The Finance Council will pull the name of the winner at its Monthly Meeting on October 4. We’ll see how we do! I know we have many people who love scratch tickets! Here is your chance on a quick win! If this goes over well, we may try something like this, or a calendar raffle, again in the near future! Two weeks ago we celebrated the Sainthood Canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I’ve always wanted to attend a canonization at St. Peters! Well, I was pleased to learn that someone I know did attend. Many of you remember Sal and Irene Porcello from our parish who both passed away last year. Their grandson, Eric Tessicini, who is spending this college semester in Rome, was able to attend the canonization and actually called me from St. Peter’s Square during the Mass! Sal and Irene must have been smiling from heaven! We actually have two college students studying abroad – Jacob Dionne, a Youth Group Member, Senior Server and “Psalm 33” Member, is also spending his first semester of college in the Tuscany area of Italy. Let’s keep these faithful young men in our prayers! Finally, we were happy to welcome the Diocesan Cursillo Members to our Parish this weekend for a special “Day Retreat” in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Cursillo Movement in our Diocese. Please read the Bulletin 0914 3 SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Insert this week to learn more about the Cursillo Movement. My thanks to Karen Scahill, our parishioner and a faithful Cursillo Member, who helped to coordinate the Retreat Day here. Anyone who is interested in more information about making a Cursillo Retreat, please contact Karen Scahill at [email protected]. One final “editorial” comment – I get to do that because this is my column and my opportunity at freedom of speech! Guess what professional football player I respect more for his integrity - TIM TEBOW or Colin Kaepernick ? God Bless, Fr. Dan We will soon begin the RCIA Process for those who are interested. We invite you to learn what the Church SANCTUARY CANDLE teaches, and be introduced to some of our parish Is burning this week in for a members. These sessions also are opportunities for you SPECIAL INTENTION to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about the Church. If you have questions or would MARY GARDEN CANDLE like further information, please contact Deacon Paul Is burning this week in honor of Federici at [email protected]. RICHARD BENOIT GOD BLESS & THANK YOU! for recovery from surgery We thank the following who have made donations to requested by Rochelle Benoit the General Church Fund: PRAYER-LINE In memory of: Florence Soule To request prayers for yourself or a loved one, please 83rd Birthday Remembrance call Pauline at 862-3885 0r Diane at 568-9754. Louis Soule

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ADULT EDUCATION AT OLBS “ BLESSING OF PETS” This fall, the parish offers the following series: The “Blessing of Pets” in conjunction with the Feast of Tuesdays, 6:15-8pm, beginning Sept. 20, 8 weeks St. Francis will take place on Sunday October 2 at Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John 12:30 on the front lawn of the church. All pets (and The Gospel of John is unique! This just-released series their families) are invited to attend. Pets should be on a is designed to help you follow Jesus in the Gospel, not leash or carried or otherwise “contained”. Also, please as a bystander, but as a witness of God’s merciful love bring framed pictures of any pets who have died for for us, made real through Jesus’ life. Following Christ our “Memorial Table” and they will be remembered! takes more than simply believing in Him… Jesus wants you to be his disciple. In John’s Gospel, we come to MARRIAGE PREPARATION know Jesus, where he beckons us to follow Him. Just a reminder to all couples thinking about setting a Tuesdays, 6:15-8pm, beginning Sept. 20, 8 weeks date for their marriage. If you are planning to be Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible married in the Sacrament of Marriage in the Church, to Do you wish that you could get a ‘big picture’ of the avoid disappointment in scheduling a date, you need to Bible, to understand what it’s about? This series will contact the church BEFORE you set a date or book a help make sense of the Bible, and how it relates to your venue! Families, please share this information with everyday life. See how the sacraments and our entire your future brides and grooms! Catholic faith are rooted in Scripture. Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm, beginning Sept. 20, 8 weeks WHAT IS RCIA? Catholicism: The Pivotal Players The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the Bishop Barron is on a new journey to unlock the truth process established for individuals to become Catholic behind the Catholic Church's most influential people. and receive the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, In this series, you'll discover the places where St. Confirmation, and the Eucharist. Thomas Aquinas lived, learned, and wrote. Visit the Who is RCIA for? RCIA is for those who are countryside where St. Francis gathered a group of unbaptized or baptized in another Christian tradition friars and revived the Church. See the places where St. and would like to become Catholic, or those who are Catherine of Siena ministered and prayed. Trek baptized Catholic and are in need of First Communion through England to where Blessed John Henry and/or Confirmation Newman and G.K. Chesterton left their mark and Are you interested in RCIA? sparked an English Catholic revival. And through unprecedented HD footage, marvel at the extraordinary 0914 4 SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME art of Michelangelo, from his David statue in Florence, the Chapel toward the end of Communion time at any to the Pietà at St. Peter's, to the Sistine Chapel. Mass, and a Eucharistic Minister will offer you Thursdays, 10am-noon, beginning Sept. 22, 8 weeks Communion under the form of a Low Gluten Host. Catholicism: The Pivotal Players (see above) For registration please call Mary or Sue at the office. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER POOR BOX: “ RACHEL’S VINEYARD” LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS Just a reminder that Low-Gluten Hosts are now available for those who may need them. Please go to CATECHETICAL SUNDAY – SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES BEGIN THIS WEEKEND FOR GRADES 2-12; NEXT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 FOR GRADES K-1 If you haven’t already done so, PLEASE REGISTER NOW . REGISTRATION FORMS are available near the bulletins in the church and on our parish website. NEW THIS YEAR - REGISTER For Our Parish Religious Education Program ONLINE Use EVENTBRITE - The Online Registration Website - Pay By CREDIT CARD Log onto: “ COFFEE CAN COLLECTION” OUR STEWARDSHIP PROJECTION SYSTEM FOR CHURCH “Thanks” to all those who collected change a few years September 4, 2016 back for a video projection system for the church. The Regular and Development (gold) $ installation is almost complete! We collected 8,253 $18,014.27. Just shy of the cost of the system. If Budget Requirement per Week anyone is collecting change at home and would like to 9,600 donate it – please drop it off in the church or at the (deficit) Parish Office. No need to roll it! Or, if you would like (1,347) to pick up a coin container to fill over the next few THANK YOU! months, you can pick it up at the Office as well.

THANK YOU! (During our Vacation Bible Camp this Summer, the FORMING CONSCIENCES children attending VBC collectively made a donation FOR FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP to Catholic Relief Services.) "We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is Dear Reverend Pacholec, not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by Thank you for your generous gift to Catholic Relief offering the best of themselves so that the leader can Services. Your recent donation of $162.00 received on govern." - Pope Francis, 9/16/13 August 16, 2016 provides vital support to CRS. Your The Catholic bishops of the United States are pleased to contribution is essential to our efforts to alleviate human offer once again to the Catholic faithful “Forming suffering and ease the burdens of overwhelming poverty Consciences for Faithful Citizenship”, our teaching overseas. document on the political responsibility of Catholics. This It is clear to me that you are as compassionate as the statement represents our guidance for Catholics in the Good Samaritan in the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Rest exercise of their rights and duties as participants in our assured your good deed is a godsend to our most democracy. We urge all people of good will to use this vulnerable brothers and sisters around the world. We are statement to help form their consciences; to teach those blessed to have you as a member of the CRS family. entrusted to their care; to contribute to civil and respectful I am inspired that you have chosen to reach far beyond public dialogue; and to shape political choices in the coming the bounds of your own community to care for perfect election in light of Catholic teaching. The statement lifts up strangers in such great need. On behalf of all those our dual heritage as both faithful Catholics and American touched by your compassion, I offer my deepest gratitude citizens with rights and duties as participants in the civil and wish you an abundance of blessings and joys. May order. You may download the document at blessings overflow, “ YEAR OF MERCY” – HOLY DOORS Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo, President & CEO One of the special blessings of this Jubilee Year of Mercy is the opportunity to visit one, or all of the designated 0914 5 SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Pilgrimage Churches” in our Diocese and to pass through Bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski cordially invites all the “Holy Door” of that church, and receive the indulgence married couples to celebrate their significant wedding offered during this Extraordinary Holy Year! The following anniversaries in 2016/2017 with a special Mass on is a list of the Western Massachusetts Pilgrimage Churches: Sunday, October 16 at 4:00pm at St. Michael’s Springfield Deanery: St. Michael’s Cathedral, Springfield Cathedral, Springfield. Many couples celebrating 25th Hampden Central Deanery: St. Stanislaus, Chicopee th Hampden West Deanery: Sacred Heart, Feeding Hills and 50 anniversaries attend every year, but any couple Hampden East Deanery: Divine Mercy, Three Rivers wishing to remember their anniversary with this special Greater Holyoke Deanery: St. Theresa, South Hadley liturgy are also most welcome. Please notify the parish Hampshire Deanery: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Northampton office of your name and address before Monday, Berkshire Deanery: St. Joseph, Pittsfield September 26 to receive a personal invitation from Franklin Deanery: Blessed Sacrament, Greenfield National Bishop Rozanski. Shrine of The Divine Mercy, Stockbridge. The “Holy Door” for the Universal Church is at St. Peter’s SEPTEMBER 24/25 Basilica in Rome and was opened by the Holy Father on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception – December 8, 2015. It READERS signifies an “opening” during this special Holy Year, to the 4:00PM John Lanoue 7:00AM Melissa many graces God wants to give us. Please read the Trzasko information on visiting the Pilgrim Churches and “Plenary 8:30AM Kathy Sitler 11:00AM Ron Gerlip Indulgences”, which may be found near the bulletins, and EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS consider taking advantage of this Spiritual Grace, by visiting 4:00PM Darlene Fucci, Diane Wright, Beth Modlish one of our Pilgrim Churches here in our Diocese before the 7:00AM Steve Murphy, Pat Mack, Lee Reynolds end of the Holy Year on November 20! 8:30AM Irene Breton, Todd Dionne, Rachel Dionne POPE FRANCIS H.S. “GROUNDBREAKING” 11:00AM Mikey Hebda, Lisa Stawasz, Diane Bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski along with the students Sullivan and faculty of Pope Francis High School cordially invite the Catholic community to join them for the LIGHT WEIGH ONE KING historic groundbreaking of the new Pope Francis Light Weigh One King resumes this fall at Saint High School, 99 Wendover Road, Springfield on Mary's Parish, Westfield! Would you like to learn how Sunday September 18 starting at 2pm. Parking is in to lose weight, eat real food, achieve peace with food the designated area on Surrey Road. and keep your weight off? Peace with food is possible in Christ! Light Weigh One King is a 12 week Bible HOLY TRINITY FALL FESTIVAL Study - DVD program devoted to helping those who Holy Trinity Parish, Westfield will be holding its Fall struggle with food or other temptations. There are no Festival this Sunday, September 18, at Pilsudski weigh-ins. A One-King Orientation will be held at Park, 200 Old County Rd, Holyoke from noon to 5pm. Saint Mary’s Parish Center on Wednesday, September The Festival will feature a Polish American kitchen 28, at 7pm. Hope to see you there! and home-made baked goods. Take out is available. There will be raffles, bingo, a bake sale and games of chance for adults. For the children there will be games, IN THE WORDS OF POPE FRANCIS… activities and a bounce house. Music by "The Mark VI Let us rediscover these corporal works of mercy: to Band” from 1 to 5 pm. For more information call the feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the Holy Trinity Parish Office at 568-1506. naked, welcome the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. COSTUME JEWELRY SALE Misericordiae Vultus, no. 15 St. Mary's Meals Ministry of Westfield will be holding a Costume Jewelry Sale on Saturday, September 24 from 10am-2pm in the St. Mary's High School Gym. A HUGE variety of new and used costume jewelry will be offered for sale. Proceeds help the Meals Ministry to continue feeding the elderly shut-in population of Westfield. For info, call Nancy at 562-4893.



Thoughts from a Merciful “Mother” “ Stay where you are. Find your own Calcutta. Find the sick, the suffering and the lonely right there where you are – in your own homes and in your own families, in your workplaces and in your schools… You can find Calcutta all over the world, if you have the eyes to see. Everywhere, wherever you go, you find people who are unwanted, unloved, uncared for, just rejected by society – completely forgotten, completely left alone.” -St. Teresa of Calcutta

Stories or examples of “ Mercy Among Us” can be sent to Mary Federici at [email protected]

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