Council Member Tim Robison Gave the Invocation and Mayor Pittman Led the Pledge

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Council Member Tim Robison Gave the Invocation and Mayor Pittman Led the Pledge

CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR SESSION "Crossroads to the Metroplex" April 25th, 2017 ©

Mayor Pittman called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and announced a quorum. Council Members present were Amanda Johnson, Sam Eason, Leeanne Mackowski, and Tim Robison. Council Member Moore was absent. Staff Present: City Attorney Tim Sralla; Police Chief Sam Love; and Public Works Director Lance Petty, City Secretary Angie Young, and Fire Chief Darrell Fitch

Council Member Tim Robison gave the invocation and Mayor Pittman led the pledge.

Citizens Presentation There were three citizen presentations and all three reserved the option to speak on item B.) Old Business.

Announcements Mayor Pittman announced that the dumpsters will be available on Saturday and Sunday from 8:00am until 5:00PM or until filled. She said there will be three dumpsters and you must bring your driver’s license and water bill for verification.

Council Member Eason made a motion to move Old Business item B to the end of the agenda. Council Member Mackowski seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Council member Robison made a motion to move New Business item A to present. Council Member Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Regular Agenda – New Business

Northwest ISD Bond Election Tim McClure spoke regarding the Northwest Independent School District Bond Election. He presented materials outlining the details of the items included in the bond and took questions from the audience regarding their concerns. He quoted the top five issues to be addressed by the bond, which are growth, student programs, technology, aging schools, and safety. Council Member Johnson asked why anyone would vote yes when the percentage going to this area of the district is so small. Mr. McClure said he cannot speak to how to vote but that in order to build new schools in this area there will need to be more rooftops to support it, but that they have purchased land to build schools here and have made plans to do so. Council Member Mackowski expressed concerns at the effect on the city budget. Mr. McClure said the tax rate is not going up but the property rate is, adding that this bond will add $.03 cents to the school tax rate and also noting that this is the equivalent of $7.00 a month for a home valued at $250,000.00. He directed anyone interested in all of the details to the NISD website, including the information supplied by the bond committee and who was on the committee. He encouraged folks to vote one way or the other so that they will know how they are doing. He also encouraged citizens to call or email him. Consent Agenda

Council member Mackowski made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda and Council Member Eason seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Regular Agenda – Old Business

Towing Contract Attorney Sralla said he has reviewed this and there are some minor changes and that he would like to work out the details. Council Member Johnson made a motion to table this item. Council Member Eason seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Budget Amendment Ordinance Mayor Pittman went over the need to move the SCADA system and in the process add on an additional room to the Public Works facility, noting that this moves $2000.00 from the SCADA budget to the Building Maintenance and Repair Budget. Council member Johnson made a motion to approve this budget amendment and Council member Mackowski seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

10 Acre Land Exchange Council member Johnson made a motion to move this item to Executive Session at the end of the agenda. Council Member Mackowski seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

ByWell Estates development Phase II City Secretary explained the need for clarification on the development of Phase II of ByWell and the types of streets and homes, and also fire hydrants and street lights. Mayor Pittman said the Fire Department currently carries water to calls in this area. Former Mayor Mark Lorance gave a history of the Planned Development as it pertained to Phase I, which was separate from ordinance 2008-1. Citizen Gerry McBride said ordinances are laws and should be followed and in some cases they are not. He said he met with Wade Greathouse and has some concerns about rent to own properties making it easy to destroy the neighborhood. Another citizen, a Mr. Schaffer said we should follow the ordinances and only allow new homes. Mr. Greathouse said he only wants one refurbished home and all others will be new. Attorney Sralla said the Planned Development District rules assume the council will set rules for the area and since the restriction do not address the streets that absent a waiver whatever standards are in [play will apply, noting that previous minutes addressing the this will apply unless revoked or changed. Council member Eason said there is a section in the Code of Ordinances addressing street lights. Mr. Great house said he will be putting in multi-sectional homes or double wides and that the lots are already platted. He noted he will be using Clayton Homes and Champion Homes and FHA regulations.

Regular Agenda – New Business

Rental of Civic Pavilion Mayor Pittman explained that when the pavilion was finished a rental agreement was approved. She noted that some civic groups have requested free use of it and that we have already allowed the Rhome Veteran’s to do so. Council Member Johnson said it should be free to any citizen. Council Member Mackowski agreed. Attorney Sralla said we cannot pick and choose who we let use it free. Council Member Robison said the group requesting to use it free of charge has been here a long time and the proceeds will go towards scholarships for NISD students. Council Member Johnson made a motion to waive the use fee and the 10% sales proceeds and revisit the fees charged for the pavilion at a later meeting. Council Member Robison seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried. Citizen Deborah Becraft injected that in the proposal stage it was supposed to be free to anyone unless they wanted electric. Regular Agenda – Old Business

Service Awards Banquet Mayor Pittman said they have waived the $4000.00 room fee. Tommie Eason said we need to reserve the room at least seven days out. Mayor Pittman said we have $200.00 left over from last year’s budget we can put towards this. Council Member Mackowski made a motion to approve the contract and Council Member Johnson seconded the motion. Council Member Robison voted nay, all others voted aye, the motion carried. Council Member Robison said there is reason to have legal review of this contract. Executive Session At 8:31pm council convened into Executive Session under section 551.071, 551.072, and 551.074. At 9:13pm council reconvened into Regular Session.

Council member Mackowski made a motion to authorize city staff to prepare an agreement with Rhome Point Partners LP for an exchange of developable parkland. Council member Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Council Member Eason made a motion to authorize PID Works to represent the city in connection with creation of a PID and authorizing and directing City Staff to prepare Reimbursement Agreement between the city and Rhome Point Partners, LP. Council Member Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Future Agenda Items None Adjourn There being no further action, at 9:17pm Council Member Mackowski made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Eason seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.


Passed and approved on this the 11th day of May, 2017

______Michelle Pittman, Mayor

______Angie Young, City Secretary

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