2014-2015 Somerville Middle School Health Survey Base Program

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2014-2015 Somerville Middle School Health Survey Base Program

2014-2015 Somerville Middle School Health Survey – Base Program records=2 /school 2 version 3-5 gender grade age race language live_us parents edplans doct_12 dent_12 fail_12 drupr_12 famdr_12 divor_12 moved_12 ran_12 died_12 gang_12 wor_heal wor_weig wor_abus wor_fail wor_f_dr wor_y_dr wor_h_ft wor_s_ft wor_disc WOR_BUL wor_gang adu_skl friends hurtself consider plan attempt vio_12 f_hur_12 o_hur_12 fite_skl fite_out bulli_12 NOTHING TRYSTOP TELTEA TELPAR TELFRI SAW_BUL TOOKPART JUSTSAW INTERVENE TOLDTEA bull_out BULL_ELEC edu_reso stayhome weap_skl weap_out seatbelt helmet cig_lif cigs_old cigs_30 cig_day cigs_get edu_tob tob_talk alc_age alc_30 alc5_30 alc_get alc_rid 10-80 /pot_age pot_30 glu_age glu_30 ster_lif ster_30 cok_age cok_30 her_age her_30 x_age x_30 oxy_age oxy_30 oth_age other_30 beforskl edu_dru dru_talk edu_pres off_skl cig_harm alc_harm pot_harm oth_harm fr_smok fr_alc fr_pot fr_oth pa_smok pa_alc pa_pot pa_oth famsmok famalc fampot famoth hiv_skl hiv_par sex_talk sex_had rude_12 touch_12 force_12 edu_nutr nutr_tlk EXER_60 see_self trying less_12 fast_12 diet_12 breakfst juice fruit veggies soda sweets dairy sweat transskl read_7 music_7 sports_7 clubs_7 volun_7 commu_7 tv_room tv_av alone_av study_av comp_av SLEEP 2-74. variable labels school 'School' version 'Survey Version' gender '1: You are… (gender)' grade '2: What grade are you in now?' age '3: How old are you?' race '4: How do you describe yourself?' language '5: What language does your family speak most of the time at home?' live_us '6: How long have you lived in the United States?' parents '7: Think of where you live most of the time. Which one of these best describes the people who you live with there who are most responsible for taking care of you?' edplans '8: How much education do you plan to complete in the future?' doct_12 '9a: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, have you done any of the following things: Seen a doctor or nurse (other than a school nurse)' dent_12 '9b: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, have you done any of the following things: Seen a dentist' fail_12 '10a: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You had one or more failing grades on a report card' drupr_12 '10b: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You had a problem with alcohol or drugs' famdr_12 '10c: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: A member of your family had an alcohol or drug problem' divor_12 '10d: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: There was a divorce or separation in your family' moved_12 '10e: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: Your family moved' ran_12 '10f: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You ran away from home' died_12 '10g: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: A family member or close friend died' gang_12 '10h: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You were a member of a gang' wor_heal '11a: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Physical health problems' wor_weig '11b: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Weight problems (too heavy or too thin)' wor_abus '11c: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Sexual abuse (another person touches or hurts your private parts or tells you to touch them on their private parts)' wor_fail '11d: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: School failure or poor grades' wor_f_dr '11e: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Drug or alcohol use in your family' wor_y_dr '11f: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Your own drug or alcohol use' wor_h_ft '11g: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Physical fights at home' wor_s_ft '11h: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Physical fights in school' wor_disc '11i: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Being treated differently because of your race or ethnicity' WOR_BUL '11j: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Being bullied by other students (teased, threatened, hit, kicked, or excluded)' wor_gang '11k: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you worry about the following problems: Gangs in your community' adu_skl '12: Is there at least one teacher or other adult in this school that you can talk to if you have a problem?' friends '13: How many close friends do you have?' hurtself '14a: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, which of these things have you done: You hurt yourself on purpose' consider '14b: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, which of these things have you done: You seriously thought about killing yourself' plan '14c: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, which of these things have you done: You made a plan about how you would kill yourself' attempt '14d: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, which of these things have you done: You actually tried to kill yourself' vio_12 '15a: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You witnessed violence in your family' f_hur_12 '15b: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You were beaten or physically hurt by someone in your family' o_hur_12 '15c: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You were beaten or physically hurt by someone NOT a family member' fite_skl '15d: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You were in a physical fight ON SCHOOL PROPERTY' fite_out '15e: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You were in a physical fight WHEN YOU WERE NOT ON SCHOOL PROPERTY' bulli_12 '16: During the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you bullied IN SCHOOL or ON THE WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL?' NOTHING '16a: Action last time bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I didn''t do anything' TRYSTOP '16b: Action last time bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I tried to get the person/people doing it to stop' TELTEA '16c: Action last time bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I told a teacher, counselor, or another adult at school' TELPAR '16d: Action last time bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I told my parent(s) or guardian(s)' TELFRI '16e: Action last time bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I talked to a friend(s) or other student(s) about it' SAW_BUL '17: During the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see someone else bullied IN SCHOOL or ON THE WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL?' TOOKPART '17a: Action last time you saw someone bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I took part in the bullying/harassing' JUSTSAW '17b: Action last time you saw someone bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I didn''t do anything - just saw it happen' INTERVENE '17c: Action last time you saw someone bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I tried to get the person/people doing it to stop' TOLDTEA '17d: Action last time you saw someone bullied IN or ON WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL during the PAST 12 MONTHS - I told a teacher, counselor, or another adult at school' bull_out '18: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, were you bullied WHEN YOU WERE NOT IN SCHOOL OR ON THE WAY TO/FROM SCHOOL?' BULL_ELEC '19: During the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you bullied ELECTRONICALLY? Include being bullied through e-mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, Web sites, or texting?' edu_reso '20: In school, have you received instruction on how to resolve disputes without fighting?' stayhome '21a: Number of days during the PAST 30 DAYS that you - Did not go to school because you felt you would be unsafe at school or on your way to or from school' weap_skl '21b: Number of days during the PAST 30 DAYS that you - Carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club on school property' weap_out '21c: Number of days during the PAST 30 DAYS that you - Carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club when you were NOT on school property' seatbelt '22: How often do you wear a seat belt when riding in a car?' helmet '23: When you rode a bicycle, skateboard, rollerblades or motorcycle during the PAST 12 MONTHS, how often did you wear a helmet?' cig_lif '24: Have you ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?' cigs_old '25: If you have ever smoked, how old were you when you smoked a whole cigarette for the first time?' cigs_30 '26: During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?' cig_day '27: During the past 30 days, on the days you smoked, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day?' cigs_get '28: If you smoked at all in the last 30 days, where did you usually get your cigarettes?' edu_tob '29: In school, have you received instruction on the risks involved with smoking and other tobacco use?' tob_talk '30: At home, have you ever talked with your parents or other adults in your family about the risks involved with smoking and other tobacco use?' alc_age '31: If you have tried alcohol, how old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol other than a few sips?' alc_30 '32: During the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?' alc5_30 '33: During the PAST 30 DAYS, did you ever have 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?' alc_get '34: If you drank alcohol in the last 30 days, how did you most often or usually get the alcohol?' alc_rid '35: During the LAST 30 DAYS, were you a passenger in a car with a driver who had been drinking alcohol?' pot_age '36: If you have tried marijuana (sometimes called grass, pot), how old were you when you tried it for the first time?' pot_30 '37: During the PAST 30 DAYS, how many times did you use marijuana?' glu_age '38: If you have ever tried sniffing or breathing in fumes from glue, paint, aerosols, or sprays to get high, how old were you when you first tried it?' glu_30 '39: During the PAST 30 DAYS, how many times have you sniffed glue, breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any paints or sprays to get high?' ster_lif '40: If you have ever used steroid pills or shots WITHOUT A DOCTOR''S PRESCRIPTION, how old were you when you first tried them?' ster_30 '41: During the PAST 30 DAYS, did you take steroid pills or shots WITHOUT A DOCTOR''S PRESCRIPTION?' cok_age '42: If you have ever tried cocaine (including powder, crack, or freebase), how old were you when you tried it for the first time?' cok_30 '43: During the PAST 30 DAYS, did you use any form of cocaine?' her_age '44: If you have ever used heroin (sometimes called smack, junk, China White), how old were you when you first tried it?' her_30 '45: During the PAST 30 DAYS, did you use heroin?' x_age '46: If you have ever used ecstasy (sometimes called E, X, MDMA), how old were you when you first tried it?' x_30 '47: During the PAST 30 DAYS, did you use ecstasy?' oxy_age '48: If you have ever used oxycontin (sometimes called OC, oxy) WITHOUT A DOCTOR''S PRESCRIPTION, how old were you when you first tried it?' oxy_30 '49: During the PAST 30 DAYS, did you use oxycontin WITHOUT A DOCTOR''S PRESCRIPTION?' oth_age '50: If you have ever used any other type of illegal drug such as LSD (acid), PCP, Ketamine (Special K), Rohypnol (Roofies), or GHB, how old were you when you first tried them?' other_30 '51: During the PAST 30 DAYS, did you use any other type of illegal drug such as LSD (acid), PCP, Ketamine (Special K), Rohypnol (Roofies), or GHB?' beforskl '52: During the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days did you attend class within one hour of using alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs?' edu_dru '53: In school, have you ever received instruction on the risks involved with drug use?' dru_talk '54: At home, have your ever talked with your parents or other adults in your family about the risks involved with drug use?' edu_pres '55: In school, have you received instruction in ways of handling peer pressure, including pressure to smoke, drink, or take drugs?' off_skl '56: During the past 12 months, has anyone offered, sold, or given you any illegal drug on school property?' cig_harm '57a: How much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per day?' alc_harm '57b: How much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they take one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, liquor) nearly every day?' pot_harm '57c: How much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they smoke marijuana regularly?' oth_harm '57d: How much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they use illegal drugs other than marijuana?' fr_smok '58a: How wrong do your CLOSE FRIENDS feel it would be for YOU to smoke cigarettes?' fr_alc '58b: How wrong do your CLOSE FRIENDS feel it would be for YOU to drink beer, wine, or hard liquor regularly?' fr_pot '58c: How wrong do your CLOSE FRIENDS feel it would be for YOU to smoke marijuana?' fr_oth '58d: How wrong do your CLOSE FRIENDS feel it would be for YOU to use illegal drugs other than marijuana?' pa_smok '59a: How wrong do your PARENTS feel it would be for YOU to smoke cigarettes?' pa_alc '59b: How wrong do your PARENTS feel it would be for YOU to drink beer, wine, or hard liquor regularly?' pa_pot '59c: How wrong do your PARENTS feel it would be for YOU to smoke marijuana?' pa_oth '59d: How wrong do your PARENTS feel it would be for YOU to use illegal drugs other than marijuana?' famsmok '60a: Is there anyone (other than you) living in your household who smokes cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe?' famalc '60b: Is there anyone (other than you) living in your household who you think drinks too much alcohol?' fampot '60c: Is there anyone (other than you) living in your household who smokes marijuana?' famoth '60d: Is there anyone (other than you) living in your household who uses illegal drugs other than marijuana?' hiv_skl '61: Have you ever been taught about AIDS or HIV infection in school?' hiv_par '62: Have you ever talked about AIDS/HIV infection with your parents or other adults in your family?' sex_talk '63: If you talked with your parents about sex during the LAST 12 MONTHS, how helpful were those conversations?' sex_had '64: Have you had sexual intercourse (made love, had sex, gone all the way)?' rude_12 '65a: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You had rude sexual comments directed at you' touch_12 '65b: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You were touched, pinched, grabbed or patted in a sexual way against your will' force_12 '65c: During the LAST 12 MONTHS, did these things happen to you: You were forced, tricked or pressured to have sex that you did not want by a boyfriend, girlfriend or some other person you know' edu_nutr '66: In school, have you ever received instruction on nutrition and fitness?' nutr_tlk '67: At home, have you ever talked with your parents or other adults in your family about nutrition and fitness?' EXER_60 '68: During the PAST 7 DAYS, on how many days were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day? (All time spent in any kind of physical activity that increased your heart rate and made you breathe hard some of the time.)' see_self '69: How do you describe your weight?' trying '70: Which of the following are you trying to do about your weight?' less_12 '71a: In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you do any of these things to help you lose weight: Eat less at meals' fast_12 '71b: In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you do any of these things to help you lose weight: Skip meals' diet_12 '71c: In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you do any of these things to help you lose weight: Try a diet' breakfst '72: On how many of the PAST 7 DAYS did you eat breakfast?' juice '73a: How many times yesterday did you drink 100% fruit juice (such as orange, apple, or grape juice)?' fruit '73b: How many times yesterday did you eat fruit?' veggies '73c: How many times yesterday did you eat green salad, raw vegetables, or cooked vegetables (do NOT count potatoes, french fries, or potato chips)?' soda '73d: How many times yesterday did you drink sweetened drinks like soda (Coke, Sprite, Pepsi), punch (Kool-Aid, fruit flavored drinks, Fruitopia), sports drinks (Gatorade, PowerAde)?' sweets '73e: How many times yesterday did you eat food like cookies, doughnuts, cakes, candy, french fries, potato/corn chips?' dairy '73f: How many times yesterday did you drink or eat dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt)?' sweat '74: On how many of the PAST 7 DAYS did you exercise or participate in physical activity for at least 20 minutes that made you sweat and breathe hard (such as basketball, soccer, running, swimming laps, fast bicycling, or fast dancing)?' transskl '75: On most days of the week, how do you get to school?' read_7 '76a: During the LAST 7 DAYS, did you do any of these things: Reading (not required for school)' music_7 '76b: During the LAST 7 DAYS, did you do any of these things: Participate in music, band, choir' sports_7 '76c: During the LAST 7 DAYS, did you do any of these things: Participate in sports teams (don''t count P.E. in school)' clubs_7 '76d: During the LAST 7 DAYS, did you do any of these things: Participate in other school groups or clubs' volun_7 '76e: During the LAST 7 DAYS, did you do any of these things: Volunteer in community service (in or out of school)' commu_7 '76f: During the LAST 7 DAYS, did you do any of these things: Participate in community based activities, after school programs, youth or church programs' tv_room '77: Is there a TV in the room where you usually sleep?' tv_av '78a: On an AVERAGE SCHOOL DAY, how many hours do you spend watching TV or videos?' alone_av '78b: On an AVERAGE SCHOOL DAY, how many hours do you spend at home with no adult there with you?' study_av '78c: On an AVERAGE SCHOOL DAY, how many hours do you spend doing homework or studying?' comp_av '78d: On an AVERAGE SCHOOL DAY, how many hours do you spend using the computer or playing video games when you are NOT in school?' SLEEP '79: On an AVERAGE SCHOOL NIGHT, how many hours of sleep do you get?'. value labels school 0 'Brown' 1 'East Somerville-Cummings' 2 'Healey' 3 'Kennedy' 4 'Argenziano (LP)' 5 'Next Wave' 6 'Winter Hill' 7 'West Somerville' 9 'Unknown' /gender 1 'Male' 2 'Female' /grade 1 '6th grade' 2 '7th grade' 3 '8th grade' /age 1 '10 years old' 2 '11 years old' 3 '12 years old' 4 '13 years old' 5 '14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /race 1 'Black' 2 'White' 3 'Hispanic or Latino' 4 'Asian/Pacific Islander' 5 'American Indian/Alaskan Native' 6 'Other' /language 1 'English' 2 'Spanish' 3 'Haitian Creole' 4 'Portuguese' 5 'Another language' /live_us 1 'I have always lived in the United States' 2 'Less than 1 year' 3 'Between 1-3 years' 4 'Between 4-6 years' 5 'More than 6 years, but not my whole life' /parents 1 'My mother and my father' 2 'My mother and a step-parent' 3 'My mother only' 4 'My father and a step-parent' 5 'My father only' 6 'Another relative (like a grandparent, aunt/uncle)' 7 'Foster parent(s)' 8 'Someone else not on this list' /edplans 1 'Some high school' 2 'Finish high school' 3 'Some college' 4 'Finish college' 5 'More than college' 6 'I don''t know' /doct_12 dent_12 fail_12 drupr_12 famdr_12 divor_12 moved_12 ran_12 died_12 gang_12 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /wor_heal wor_weig wor_abus wor_fail wor_f_dr wor_y_dr wor_h_ft wor_s_ft wor_disc WOR_BUL wor_gang 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /adu_skl 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /friends 1 'None' 2 '1 or 2' 3 '3 or 4' 4 '5 or more' /hurtself consider plan attempt 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /vio_12 f_hur_12 o_hur_12 fite_skl fite_out 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /bulli_12 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /NOTHING TRYSTOP TELTEA TELPAR TELFRI 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /SAW_BUL 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /TOOKPART JUSTSAW INTERVENE TOLDTEA 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /bull_out 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /BULL_ELEC 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /edu_reso 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /stayhome weap_skl weap_out 1 '0 days' 2 '1 day' 3 '2 or 3 days' 4 '4 or 5 days' 5 '6 or more days' /seatbelt 1 'Never' 2 'Rarely' 3 'Sometimes' 4 'Most of the time' 5 'Always' /helmet 1 'I didn''t ride any of those' 2 'Never wore a helmet' 3 'Rarely wore a helmet' 4 'Sometimes wore a helmet' 5 'Most of the time wore a helmet' 6 'Always wore a helmet' /cig_lif 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /cigs_old 1 'I have never smoked a whole cigarette' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /cigs_30 1 '0 days' 2 '1 or 2 days' 3 '3 to 5 days' 4 '6 to 9 days' 5 '10 to 19 days' 6 '20 to 29 days' 7 'All 30 days' /cig_day 1 'I did not smoke cigarettes during the past 30 days' 2 'Less than 1 cigarette per day' 3 '1 cigarette per day' 4 '2 to 5 cigarettes per day' 5 '6 to 10 cigarettes per day' 6 '11 to 20 cigarettes per day' 7 'More than 20 cigarettes per day' /cigs_get 1 'I did not smoke cigarettes in the past 30 days' 2 'I bought them in a store (convenience, gas station, etc.)' 3 'I bought them from a vending machine' 4 'I gave someone else money to buy them for me' 5 'I borrowed them from someone else' 6 'I stole them' 7 'I got them some other way' /edu_tob tob_talk 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /alc_age 1 'I have never had a drink of alcohol other than a few sips' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /alc_30 1 '0 days' 2 '1 or 2 days' 3 '3 to 5 days' 4 '6 to 9 days' 5 '10 to 19 days' 6 '20 to 29 days' 7 'All 30 days' /alc5_30 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /alc_get 1 'I did not drink alcohol in the last 30 days' 2 'I bought it from a liquor store' 3 'I bought it in a bar or restaurant' 4 'I took it from my parents/guardians without them knowing' 5 'My parents/guardians bought it for or gave it to me' 6 'An adult other than my parent/guardian bought/gave it to me' 7 'Someone less than 21 years old bought/gave it to me' /alc_rid 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /pot_30 glu_30 1 '0 times' 2 '1 to 2 times' 3 '3 to 9 times' 4 '10 to 19 times' 5 '20 to 39 times' 6 '40 or more times' /ster_30 cok_30 her_30 x_30 oxy_30 other_30 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /pot_age 1 'I have never tried marijuana' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /glu_age 1 'I have never sniffed or huffed fumes to get high' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /ster_lif 1 'I have never used steroids without a doctor''s prescription' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /cok_age 1 'I have never tried cocaine' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /her_age 1 'I have never used heroin' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /x_age 1 'I have never used ecstasy (E, X, MDMA)' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /oxy_age 1 'I have never used oxycontin without a doctor''s prescription' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /oth_age 1 'I have never used any other type of illegal drug' 2 '8 years old or younger' 3 '9 or 10 years old' 4 '11 or 12 years old' 5 '13 or 14 years old' 6 '15 years old or older' /beforskl 1 '0 days' 2 '1 day' 3 '2 to 5 days' 4 '6 to 9 days' 5 '10 or more days' /edu_dru dru_talk edu_pres off_skl 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /cig_harm alc_harm pot_harm oth_harm 1 'No Risk' 2 'Slight Risk' 3 'Moderate Risk' 4 'Great Risk' /fr_smok fr_alc fr_pot fr_oth pa_smok pa_alc pa_pot pa_oth 1 'Not Wrong at All' 2 'A Little Bit Wrong' 3 'Wrong' 4 'Very Wrong' /famsmok famalc fampot famoth 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /hiv_skl hiv_par 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /sex_talk 1 'We didn''t talk about sex during the last 12 months' 2 'Not at all helpful' 3 'Somewhat helpful' 4 'Very helpful' /sex_had 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /rude_12 touch_12 force_12 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /edu_nutr nutr_tlk 1 'Yes' 2 'No' 3 'I''m not sure' /EXER_60 0 '0 days' 1 '1 day' 2 '2 days' 3 '3 days' 4 '4 days' 5 '5 days' 6 '6 days' 7 'All 7 days' /see_self 1 'Very underweight' 2 'Slightly underweight' 3 'About the right weight' 4 'Slightly overweight' 5 'Very overweight' /trying 1 'Lose weight' 2 'Gain weight' 3 'Stay the same weight' 4 'I am not trying to do anything about my weight' /less_12 fast_12 diet_12 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /breakfst 0 '0 days' 1 '1 day' 2 '2 days' 3 '3 days' 4 '4 days' 5 '5 days' 6 '6 days' 7 'All 7 days' /juice fruit veggies soda sweets dairy 0 '0 times' 1 '1 time' 2 '2 times' 3 '3 times' 4 '4 times' 5 '5 times' /sweat 0 '0 days' 1 '1 day' 2 '2 days' 3 '3 days' 4 '4 days' 5 '5 days' 6 '6 days' 7 'All 7 days' /transskl 1 'Walk' 2 'Get a ride' 3 'Take a bus' 4 'Some other way' /read_7 music_7 sports_7 clubs_7 volun_7 commu_7 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /tv_room 1 'Yes' 2 'No' /tv_av alone_av study_av comp_av 1 'None' 2 'Less than 1 hour' 3 '1 hour' 4 '2 hours' 5 '3 hours' 6 '4 or more hours' /SLEEP 1 '4 hours or less' 2 '5 hours' 3 '6 hours' 4 '7 hours' 5 '8 hours' 6 '9 hours' 7 '10 or more hours'.

*Skip Fields. if (cig_lif eq 2) cigs_old eq 1. if (cig_lif eq 2) cigs_30 eq 1. if (cig_lif eq 2) cig_day eq 1. if (cig_lif eq 2) cigs_get eq 1. if (cigs_30 eq 1) cig_day eq 1. if (cigs_30 eq 1) cigs_get eq 1. if (alc_age eq 1) alc_30 eq 1. if (alc_age eq 1) alc5_30 eq 2. if (pot_age eq 1) pot_30 eq 1. if (glu_age eq 1) glu_30 eq 1. if (ster_lif eq 1) ster_30 eq 2. if (cok_age eq 1) cok_30 eq 2. if (her_age eq 1) her_30 eq 2. if (x_age eq 1) x_30 eq 2. if (oxy_age eq 1) oxy_30 eq 2. if (oth_age eq 1) other_30 eq 2. missing values school (9). do if (bulli_12 eq 2). recode NOTHING (1,2=SYSMIS). recode TRYSTOP (1,2=SYSMIS). recode TELTEA (1,2=SYSMIS). recode TELPAR (1,2=SYSMIS). recode TELFRI (1,2=SYSMIS). end if. do if (SAW_BUL eq 2). recode TOOKPART (1,2=SYSMIS). recode JUSTSAW (1,2=SYSMIS). recode INTERVENE (1,2=SYSMIS). recode TOLDTEA (1,2=SYSMIS). end if. compute year eq 2015. formats year (f4). variable labels year 'YEAR'.

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