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Unit & Time Frame

Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Unit & Program of Studies Core Content 4.1 Student Learning Critical Resources Time Targets Vocabulary Frame (I Can…) Geography SS-5-G-U-1 SS-05-4.1.1  History Alive *** Weeks Students will understand that the use of Students will use I can use Geographic Chapter 1 1-2 geographic tools (e.g., maps, globes, charts, geographic tools (e.g., geographic tools tools, natural  http://www.k graphs) and mental maps help interpret maps, charts, graphs) to to identify natural resources, entuckyl information, understand and analyze identify natural resources and physical physical earns.co patterns, spatial data and geographic issues. and other physical characteristics. characteristics, m/link_li characteristics (e.g., major brary.ht SS-5-G-S-1 landforms, major bodies of ml Students will demonstrate an understanding water, weather, climate,  Adventures in of patterns on the Earth’s surface, using a roads, bridges) and analyze Time and Place variety of geographic tools (e.g., maps, patterns of movement and United globes, charts, graphs): settlement in the United Streaming a) locate, in absolute or relative States. Videos- terms, major landforms and bodies of DOK 3 Geography water in the United States Basics: Globes, b) locate and explain patterns SS-05-4.1.2 Maps, and on Earth’s surface (e.g., how different Students will use I can use Absolute Graphs, KET: factors such as rivers, mountains and geographic tools to locate geographic tools location, Kentucky plains impact where human activities and describe major to identify equator, Geoquest: are located) landforms, bodies of water, absolute location. prime Natural Gifts, places and objects in the meridian, American United States by their longitude, Geography absolute location. latitude, Close-ups: DOK 2 relative Maps, Regions, location Resources, and SS-05-4.1.3 Climate Students will describe how I can tell why Human Flipcharts- different factors (e.g. rivers, people chose to activities GLOBAL mountains) influence where settle in different KNOWLEDGE- human activities were/are areas. WHERE IN located in the United States THE WORLD AM I?,

1 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

SS-05-4.1.4 Introduction to Students explain how factors I can explain how Natural Maps, Maps in one location can impact changes in the disasters and Globes, other locations (e.g., natural environment can Maps-Globe disasters, building dams). affect a location. Skills=

Picture books Task Rotations Native SS-5-CS-U-3 SS-05-2.3.1  American Students will understand that interactions Students will describe I can describe Interactions,  History Alive Studies among individuals and groups assume various various forms of why different compromise, Chapters 2-3 *** Weeks forms (e.g., compromise, cooperation, conflict, interactions (compromise, Native American cooperation,  Adventures in competition) and are influenced by culture. 3-5 cooperation, conflict) that groups had conflict, Time & Place SS-5-CS-S-3 occurred between diverse interactions with diverse  United Students will describe conflicts that occurred groups (e.g., Native each other. groups, Streaming among and between diverse groups (e.g., Native Americans, European culture Videos Americans and the early Explorers, Native Explorers, English I can give PowerPoint’s Americans and the Colonists, the British colonists, British examples of Picture books Government and the English Colonists, Native Parliament) in the history of conflicts between Task Rotations Americans and the U.S. Government) during the the United States. cultural groups.  Flipchart-from settlement of the United States; explain the DOK 2 Promethean causes of these conflicts and the outcomes. Planet-Native SS-5-CS-U-5 SS-05-2.3.2 Americans and Students will understand that an understanding Students will give examples I can give Conflict the Last Battle and appreciation of the diverse complexity of of conflicts between examples of resolution  Brainpop cultures is essential to interact effectively and individuals or groups and conflict resolution work cooperatively with the many diverse ethnic describe appropriate strategies used by and cultural groups of today. conflict resolution the Native strategies (e.g., Americans. SS-5-CS-S-4 compromise, cooperation, Students will describe causes of conflicts between communication). individuals and/or groups today and give examples of how to resolve them peacefully. DOK 2

2 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Native SS-5-G-U-2 SS-05-4.3.1 American Students will understand that patterns Students will explain I can explain why Human Studies, emerge as humans move, settle and interact patterns of human Native Americans settlement continued on Earth’s surface and can be identified by settlement in the early migrated and *** Weeks examining the location of physical and development of the United settled in different 3-5 human characteristics, how they are States and explain how regions of the arranged and why they are in particular these patterns were U.S. locations. Economic, political, cultural and influenced by physical social processes interact to shape patterns of characteristics (e.g., human populations, interdependence, climate, landforms, bodies cooperation and conflict. of water). DOK 2 SS-5-G-S-2 Students will investigate regions on the Earth’s surface and analyze information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): a) explain how places and regions in the U.S. are defined by their human characteristics (e.g., language, settlement patterns, religious beliefs) and physical characteristics (e.g., climate, landforms, bodies of water) b) locate and describe patterns of human settlement and explain how these patterns were influenced by the physical characteristics (e.g., climate, landforms, bodies of water) of places and regions in the United States.

3 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Native SS-5-G-U-4 SS-05-4.3.2 American Students will understand that people depend Students will describe how I can describe Technology Studies, on, adapt to, and/or modify the environment advances in technology how the Native continued to meet basic needs. Human actions (e.g., dams, reservoirs, Americans *** Weeks modified the physical environment and in roads, irrigation) allow modified the 3-5 turn, the physical environment limited and/or people to settle in places environment to promoted human activities in the settlement previously inaccessible in meet their needs. of the United States. the United States. DOK 2 SS-5-G-S-2 Students will investigate regions on the Earth’s surface and analyze information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): c) investigate how advances in technology (e.g., dams, roads, air conditioning, irrigation) over time have allowed people to settle in places previously inaccessible in the United States. SS-5-G-S-3 Students will investigate how humans modify the physical environment: a) describe how people modified the physical environment (e.g., dams, roads, bridges) to meet their needs during the early settlement of the United States b) analyze how the physical environment (e.g., mountains as barriers or protection, rivers as barriers or transportation) promoted and restricted human activities during the early settlement of the United States c) explain how different perspectives of individuals and groups impact decisions about the use of land (e.g., farming, industrial, residential, recreational) in the United States.

4 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Exploration SS-5-CS-U-1 SS-05-2.1.1  History Alive *** Weeks Students will understand that culture is a Students will identify early I can identify early Age of Chapters 4-5 6-8 system of beliefs, knowledge, institutions, cultures (e.g., English, cultures that Exploration,  Adventures customs/traditions, languages and skills Spanish, French, West explored the U.S. cultural in Time & Place shared by a group of people. Through a African) in the United elements  United society’s culture, individuals learn the States and analyze their I can analyze Streaming relationships, structures, patterns and similarities and differences. similarities and Videos processes to be members of the society. DOK 2 differences of  Powerpoints early cultures.  Picture books SS-5-CS-S-1 SS-05-2.2.1  Task Students will demonstrate an understanding Students will describe social I can explain the Social Rotations of culture and cultural elements (e.g., beliefs, institutions (government, three main reasons institutions  Promethean traditions, languages, skills, literature, the economy, education, religion, for exploration. Planet Flipchart- arts) family) in the United States Celebrate of diverse groups: investigate factors that and explain their role in the Cultures promoted cultural diversity in the history of growth and development of  Brainpop the United States. the nation.

SS-5-CS-U-3 SS-05-2.3.1 Students will understand that interactions Students will describe I can give ** Review among individuals and groups assume various forms of examples of previously various forms (e.g., compromise, interactions (compromise, interactions taught cooperation, conflict, competition) and are cooperation, conflict) that between Native vocabulary influenced by culture. occurred between diverse Am. and early Interactions, groups (e.g., Native explorers. compromise, SS-5-CS-S-3 Americans, European cooperation, Students will describe conflicts that occurred Explorers, English I can give conflict, among and between diverse groups (e.g., colonists, British examples of diverse Native Americans and the early Explorers, Parliament) in the history of conflict resolution groups, Native Americans and the Colonists, the the Unites States. strategies used culture British Government and the English DOK2 between the Colonists, Native Americans and the U.S. Native Am. and Government) during the settlement of the early explorers. United States; explain the causes of these conflicts and the outcomes.

5 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Exploration, SS-5-CS-U-5 SS-05-2.3.2 continued Students will understand that an Students will give examples I can give ** Review *** Weeks understanding and appreciation of the of conflicts between examples of previously 6-8 diverse complexity of cultures is essential to individuals or groups and interactions taught interact effectively and work cooperatively describe appropriate between Native vocabulary: with the many diverse ethnic and cultural conflict resolution Am. and early Conflict groups of today. strategies (e.g., explorers. resolution compromise, cooperation, SS-5-CS-S-4 communication). I can give Students will describe causes of conflicts DOK 2 examples of between individuals and/or groups today and conflict resolution give examples of how to resolve them strategies used peacefully. between the Native Am. and early explorers.

Colonization SS-5-HP-U-2 SS-05-5.2.2  History Alive and Students will understand that the history of Students will explain I can explain why Freedom, Chapters 6-9 Settlement the United States can be analyzed by reasons (e.g., freedoms, colonists came to opportunities,  Adventures in *** Weeks examining significant eras (Colonization and opportunities, fleeing America. Time & Place 9-12 Settlement, Revolution and a New Nation, negative situations) United Streaming Expansion and Conflict, Industrialization and immigrants came to Videos Immigration and the Twentieth Century) to America long ago Powerpoints develop a chronological understanding and (Colonization and Picture books recognize cause and effect relationships and Settlement, Task Rotations multiple causation, tying past to present. Industrialization and Promethean Immigration, Twentieth Planet Flipchart- Century to Present) and Jamestown compare with why Review, Native immigrants come to Americans-Eastern America today. Woodland Indians, DOK 2 Savings & Investing, Unlimited Resources, Natural Resources Review

6 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

SS-5-G-U-2 SS-05-4.3.1 Brainpop Colonization Students will understand that patterns Students will explain I can explain how Physical Schoolhouse Rock and emerge as humans move, settle and interact patterns of human physical environment Settlement , on Earth’s surface and can be identified by settlement in the early characteristics continued *** Weeks examining the location of physical and development of the United influenced where 9-12 human characteristics, how they are States and explain how colonists settled. arranged and why they are in particular these patterns were locations. Economic, political, cultural and influenced by physical social processes interact to shape patterns of characteristics (e.g., human populations, interdependence, climate, landforms, bodies cooperation and conflict. of water). DOK 2

SS-5-G-U-4 SS-05-4.3.2 Students will understand that people depend Students will describe how I can describe ** Review on, adapt to, and/or modify the environment advances in technology how the Colonists previously to meet basic needs. Human actions (e.g., dams, reservoirs, modified the taught modified the physical environment and in roads, irrigation) allow environment to vocabulary: turn, the physical environment limited and/or people to settle in places meet their needs. Technology promoted human activities in the settlement previously inaccessible in of the United States the United States. DOK 2

SS-5-G-S-2 SS-05-4.4.1 Students will investigate regions on the Students will explain and I can explain why Adapt, modify Earth’s surface and analyze information from give examples of how the colonists print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, people adapted to/modified modified the informational passages/texts, interviews, the physical environment physical digital and environmental): (e.g., natural resources, environment to d) investigate how advances in physical geography, natural meet their needs. technology (e.g., dams, roads, air disasters) to meet their conditioning, irrigation) over time have needs during the history of allowed people to settle in places the U.S. (Colonization, previously inaccessible in the United Expansion) and analyze the States impact on their environment. DOK 3

7 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

SS-5-CS-U-3 SS-05-2.3.1 Colonization Students will understand that interactions Students will describe I can give Cooperation, and among individuals and groups assume various forms of examples of conflict Settlement, various forms (e.g., compromise, interactions (compromise, interactions resolution continued *** Weeks cooperation, conflict, competition) and are cooperation, conflict) that between Native 9-12 influenced by culture. occurred between diverse Americans and groups (e.g., Native Colonist. Americans, European Explorers, English colonists, British Parliament) in the history of the United States. DOK 2

SS-5-G-S-3 SS-05-4.4.2 Students will investigate how humans modify Students will describe how I can describe the physical environment: the physical environment how the physical c) describe how people modified (e.g., mountains as barriers environment the physical environment (e.g., dams, for protection, rivers as helped and hurt roads, bridges) to meet their needs barriers of transportation) human activities during the early settlement of the both promoted and during United States restricted human activities Colonization. d) analyze how the physical during the early settlement environment (e.g., mountains as of the U.S. (Colonization, barriers or protection, rivers as Expansion). barriers or transportation) promoted DOK2 and restricted human activities during the early settlement of the United States explain how different perspectives of individuals and groups impact decisions about the use of land (e.g., farming, industrial, residential, recreational) in the United States

8 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

SS-5-G-U-3 SS-05-4.4.3 Colonization Students will understand that regions help us Students will describe how I can describe how and to see Earth as an integrated system of individuals/groups may have Native Americans Perspective Settlement, places and features organized by such different perspectives about and Colonists had continued *** Weeks principles as landform types, political units, the use of land (e.g., farming, different views 9-12 economic patterns and cultural groups. industrial, residential, about the use of recreational). the land. SS-5-G-S-2 Students will investigate regions on the Earth’s surface and analyze information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): explain how places and regions in the U.S. are defined by their human characteristics (e.g., language, settlement patterns, religious beliefs) and physical characteristics (e.g., climate, landforms, bodies of water)

SS-5-E-U-5 SS-05-3.4.1 Students will understand that production, Students will describe I can identify an distribution and consumption of goods and production, distribution example of a good Production, services have changed over time in the and consumption of goods and service distributions, United States. and services in the history during consumption, of the U.S. (Colonization, Colonization. good and SS-5-E-S-4 Industrialization, Twentieth services Students will use a variety of sources: Century to Present). I can describe a) investigate and trace (e.g., write, DOK 3 production and draw, chart, timeline) change over time in distribution of the production, distribution and goods and consumption of goods and services in the United States services. research specialization in the United States; explain how specialization promotes trade between individuals, groups and businesses in the United States and world; describe the impact of specialization on the production of goods in the United States

9 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

SS-5-G-S-2 SS-05-3.4.2 Students will investigate regions on the Students will describe how I can describe Specialization, Colonization Earth’s surface and analyze information from new knowledge, how Productivity and print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, technology/tools and specialization Settlement continued informational passages/texts, interviews, specialization promotes *** Weeks digital and environmental): increase/increased productivity. 9-12 c) explain how places and regions in the productivity in the U.S. U.S. are defined by their human (Colonization, characteristics (e.g., language, Industrialization, Twentieth settlement patterns, religious beliefs) Century to Present). and physical characteristics (e.g., DOK 3 climate, landforms, bodies of water) locate and describe patterns of human settlement and explain how these patterns were influenced by the physical characteristics (e.g., climate, landforms, bodies of water) of places and regions in the United States

SS-5-E-U-1 SS-05-3.1.1 Students will understand that the basic Students will describe I can explain the Scarcity, economic problem confronting individuals, scarcity and explain how problems scarcity economic groups and businesses in the United States scarcity required people in caused during choices, today is scarcity: as a result of scarcity, different periods in the U.S. Colonization. opportunity economic choices and decisions must be (Colonization, Expansion, cost, made. Twentieth Century to resources: Present) to make economic human, SS-5-E-S-1 choices (e.g., use of natural, Students will demonstrate an understanding productive resources- limited, using information from print and non-print natural, human, capital) and capital sources (e.g., documents, informational incur opportunity costs. passages/texts, interviews, digital and DOK 2 environmental) of the connection between resources, limited productive resources and scarcity:

10 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

a) investigate different kinds of resources (e.g., natural, human, capital) Colonization b) explain how individuals and groups in and the United States make economic Settlement continued decisions based upon limited productive *** Weeks resources (natural, human, capital) and 9-12 give examples of how these decisions create interdependence between individuals, groups and businesses

SS-5-E-S-2 Students will demonstrate an understanding of how people deal with scarcity; explain the roles banks play in helping people deal with scarcity (e.g., loan money, save money, lines of credit, interest-bearing accounts)

SS-5-CS-U-2 SS-05-2.2.1 Students will understand that cultures Students will describe social I can describe the Social develop social institutions (e.g., government, institutions (government, role of social institutions, economy, education, religion, family) to economy, education, religion, institutions during Colonization structure society, influence behavior and family) in the United States Colonization. respond to human needs. and explain their role in the growth and development of SS-5-CS-S-2 the nation. Students will examine social institutions (e.g., family, religion, education, government, economy) in the United States and explain their functions

11 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

SS-5-E-U-4 SS-05-3.3.1 Students will understand that markets enable Students will give examples I can compare a Markets Colonization buyers and sellers to exchange goods and of markets in different market in and services. periods of U.S. History colonization to Settlement continued (Colonization, Expansion, today’s market. *** Weeks SS-5-E-S-3 Industrialization, Twentieth 9-12 Students will demonstrate an understanding Century to Present) and of markets: explain similarities and a. explain how goods and services differences. are/were exchanged investigate and give DOK 2 examples of markets; explain how markets have changed over time during the history of the United States

SS-5-HP-U-2 SS-05-5.2.2 Students will understand that the history of Students will explain I can compare Immigrant, the United States can be analyzed by reasons (e.g., freedoms, immigration today immigration examining significant eras (Colonization and opportunities, fleeing to reasons for Settlement, Revolution and a New Nation, negative situations) colonization. Expansion and Conflict, Industrialization and immigrants came to Immigration and the Twentieth Century) to America long ago develop a chronological understanding and (Colonization and recognize cause and effect relationships and Settlement, multiple causation, tying past to present. Industrialization and Immigration, Twentieth Century to Present) and compare with why immigrants come to America today. DOK 2

12 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

SS-5-CS-U-5 SS-05-2.3.2 Colonization Students will understand that an Students will give examples I can give ** Review and understanding and appreciation of the of conflicts between examples of vocabulary: Settlement diverse complexity of cultures is essential to individuals or groups and interactions conflict continued *** Weeks interact effectively and work cooperatively describe appropriate between Native resolution 9-12 with the many diverse ethnic and cultural conflict resolution Am. and groups of today. strategies (e.g., Colonists. compromise, cooperation, SS-5-CS-S-3 communication). I can give Students will describe conflicts that occurred DOK 2 examples of among and between diverse groups (e.g., conflict resolution Native Americans and the early Explorers, strategies used Native Americans and the Colonists, the between the British Government and the English Native Am. and Colonists, Native Americans and the U.S. Colonists. Government) during the settlement of the United States; explain the causes of these conflicts and the outcomes.

SS-5-CS-S-4 Students will describe causes of conflicts between individuals and/or groups today and give examples of how to resolve them peacefully.

13 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Colonization SS-5-HP-S-1 SS-05-5.2.4 and Students will demonstrate an understanding of Students will describe I can describe Era and Settlement the interpretative nature of history using a variety significant historical events important events periods continued of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources): in each of the broad that occurred (historical), *** Weeks a) investigate and chronologically describe historical periods and eras during events, 9-12 major events in United States history (e.g., using timelines, charts, fictional and report in U.S. history Colonization. cause/effect, writing, role playing) (Colonization and relationships b) explain and draw inferences about the Settlement, Revolution and I can explain the importance of major events in United a New Nation, Expansion causes of States history and Conflict, Colonization and c) examine cause and effect relationships in Industrialization and Settlement. the history of the United States; identify Immigration, Twentieth examples of multiple causes of major Century to Present) and I can explain the historical events. explain cause and effect effects SS-5-HP-S-2 relationships. Colonization and Students will use information from print and non- DOK 3 Settlement had on print sources (e.g., documents, informational the U.S. passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): a) examine factual and fictional accounts of significant historical events and people in United States history b) explore change over time (e.g., transportation, communication, education, technology, lifestyles and conditions) in the United States d) investigate the events surrounding patriotic symbols, songs, landmarks (e.g., American flag, Statue of Liberty, the Star- Spangled Banner), and selected readings (e.g., Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech: I Have a Dream), and explain their historical significance

SS-5-HP-S-3 Students will investigate patterns across in U.S. history (e.g., major events/conflicts/culture; compare with major events/conflicts/culture to the present)

14 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Revolution SS-5-CS-U-2 SS-05-2.2.1 History Alive and a New Students will understand that cultures Students will describe I can describe the ** Review Chapters 10-13 Nation develop social institutions (e.g., government, social institutions role of social previously Adventures in *** Weeks economy, education, religion, family) to (government, institutions during taught Time & Place 13-15 structure society, influence behavior and economy, education, the Revolution. vocabulary: United Streaming respond to human needs. religion, family) in the Social Videos United States and institutions Powerpoints SS-5-CS-S-2 explain their role in Picture books Students will examine social institutions (e.g., the growth and Task Rotations family, religion, education, government, development of the economy) in the United States and explain nation. their functions

SS-5-CS-U-3 Students will understand that interactions I can give ** Review among individuals and groups assume examples of previously various forms (e.g., compromise, SS-05-2.3.1 interactions taught cooperation, conflict, competition) and are Students will describe between vocabulary: influenced by culture. various forms of Colonists and Interactions, interactions (compromise, British compromise, SS-5-CS-S-3 cooperation, conflict) that Parliament. cooperation, Students will describe conflicts that occurred occurred between diverse conflict, among and between diverse groups (e.g., groups (e.g., Native diverse Native Americans and the early Explorers, Americans, European groups, Native Americans and the Colonists, the Explorers, English culture British Government and the English colonists, British Colonists, Native Americans and the U.S. Parliament) in the history of Government) during the settlement of the the United States. United States; explain the causes of these DOK 2 conflicts and the outcomes

15 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Revolution SS-5-CS-U-5 and a New Students will understand that an I can give ** Review Nation understanding and appreciation of the examples of previously continued diverse complexity of cultures is essential to SS-05-2.3.2 conflicts between taught *** Weeks interact effectively and work cooperatively Students will give examples Colonists and vocabulary: 13-15 with the many diverse ethnic and cultural of conflicts between British Conflict groups of today. individuals or groups and Parliament. resolution describe appropriate SS-5-CS-S-4 conflict resolution I can give Students will describe causes of conflicts strategies (e.g., examples of between individuals and/or groups today and compromise, cooperation, conflict resolution give examples of how to resolve them communication). strategies used peacefully DOK 2 between Colonists and British Parliament. SS-5-HP-U-2 Students will understand that the history of I can describe ** Review the United States can be analyzed by important events previously examining significant eras (Colonization and SS-05-5.2.4 that occurred taught Settlement, Revolution and a New Nation, Students will describe during the vocabulary: Expansion and Conflict, Industrialization and significant historical events Revolution. Era and Immigration and the Twentieth Century) to in each of the broad periods develop a chronological understanding and historical periods and eras I can explain the (historical), recognize cause and effect relationships and in U.S. history causes of the events, multiple causation, tying past to present. (Colonization and Revolution. cause/effect, Settlement, Revolution and relationships SS-5-HP-S-1 a New Nation, Expansion I can explain the Students will demonstrate an understanding and Conflict, effects the of the interpretative nature of history using a Industrialization and Revolution had on variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary Immigration, Twentieth the U.S. sources): Century to Present) and d) investigate and chronologically explain cause and effect describe major events in United States relationships. history (e.g., using timelines, charts, DOK 3 fictional and report writing, role playing) e) explain and draw inferences about the

16 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Revolution importance of major events in United and a New States history Nation f) examine cause and effect relationships continued in the history of the United States; *** Weeks identify examples of multiple causes of 13-15 major historical events

SS-5-HP-S-2 Students will use information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): c) examine factual and fictional accounts of significant historical events and people in United States history d) explore change over time (e.g., transportation, communication, education, technology, lifestyles and conditions) in the United States e) investigate the events surrounding patriotic symbols, songs, landmarks (e.g., American flag, Statue of Liberty, the Star-Spangled Banner), and selected readings (e.g., Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech: I Have a Dream), and explain their historical significance

SS-5-HP-S-3 Students will investigate patterns across in U.S. history (e.g., major events/conflicts/culture; compare with major events/conflicts/culture to the present).

17 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Economics SS-5-E-U-1 SS-05-3.1.1 ** Weeks Students will understand that the basic Students will describe I can describe the Supply and 16-18 economic problem confronting individuals, scarcity and explain how cause and effect demand, groups and businesses in the United States scarcity required people in of scarcity. production, today is scarcity: as a result of scarcity, different periods in the U.S. consumption, economic choices and decisions must be (Colonization, Expansion, I can explain and distribution, made. Twentieth Century to give examples of scarcity, Present) to make economic opportunity costs. opportunity SS-5-E-U-2 choices (e.g., use of cost Students will understand that a variety of productive resources- fundamental economic concepts (e.g., supply natural, human, capital) and and demand, opportunity cost) impact incur opportunity costs. individuals, groups and businesses in the DOK 2 United States today.

SS-5-E-S-1 Students will demonstrate an understanding using information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental) of the connection between resources, limited productive resources and scarcity: c. investigate different kinds of resources (e.g., natural, human, capital) explain how individuals and groups in the United States make economic decisions based upon limited productive resources (natural, human, capital) and give examples of how these decisions create interdependence between individuals, groups and businesses.

18 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Economics, SS-5-E-S-2 continued Students will demonstrate an understanding ** Weeks of how people deal with scarcity; explain the 16-18 roles banks play in helping people deal with scarcity (e.g., loan money, save money, lines of credit, interest-bearing accounts).

SS-5-E-U-4 SS-05-3.3.1 Students will understand that markets enable Students will give examples I can give ** Review buyers and sellers to exchange goods and of markets in different examples of previously services. periods of U.S. History markets. taught (Colonization, Expansion, vocabulary: SS-5-E-S-3 Industrialization, Twentieth markets Students will demonstrate an understanding Century to Present) and of markets: explain similarities and a. explain how goods and services differences. are/were exchanged investigate and give DOK 2 examples of markets; explain how markets have changed over time during SS-05-3.3.2 I can explain how Competition the history of the United States Students will explain how competition competition among buyers influences the price and sellers influences the of goods and price of goods and services services. in our state, nation and world.

SS-5-E-U-5 SS SS-05-3.4.1 Students will understand that production, Students will describe I can describe ** Review distribution and consumption of goods and production, distribution production previously services have changed over time in the and consumption of goods distribution and taught United States. and services in the history consumption of vocabulary: of the U.S. (Colonization, goods and production, Industrialization, Twentieth services. distribution, Century to Present). consumption DOK 3

19 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Economics, SS-5-E-S-4 SS-05-3.4.2 continued Students will use a variety of sources: Students will describe how I can describe ** Review ** Weeks b. investigate and trace (e.g., write, draw, new knowledge, ways to increase previously 16-18 chart, timeline) change over time in the technology/tools and productivity in the taught production, distribution and consumption specialization United States. vocabulary: of goods and services in the United increase/increased Specialization, States productivity in the U.S. Productivity research specialization in the United States; (Colonization, explain how specialization promotes trade Industrialization, Twentieth between individuals, groups and businesses Century to Present). in the United States and world; describe the DOK 3 impact of specialization on the production of goods in the United States.

SS-5-E-U-6 SS-05-3.4.3 Students will understand that individuals, Students will define I can define interdependence groups and businesses in the United States interdependence and give interdependence. demonstrate interdependence as they make examples of how people in economic decisions about the use of our communities, states, I can give resources (e.g., natural, human, capital) in nation and world depend on examples of how the production, distribution, and consumption each other for goods and people depend on of goods and services. services. each other.

SS-5-E-S-1 Students will demonstrate an understanding using information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental) of the connection between resources, limited productive resources and scarcity: explain how individuals and groups in the United States make economic decisions based upon limited productive resources (natural, human, capital) and give examples of how these decisions create interdependence between individuals, groups and businesses

20 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Government SS-5-GC-U-1 SS-05-1.1.1  History Alive & Civics Students will understand that people who Students will describe the I can describe Preamble, Chapters 14-15 *** Weeks envisioned an independent country and new basic purposes of the U.S. what the U.S.  Adventures in 18-20 purposes for the government developed the Government as defined in Preamble means Constitution, Time & Place government of the United States from a the Preamble to the U.S. … domestic  United colonial base of representative democracy. Constitution (to establish * to establish tranquility, Streaming justice, to ensure domestic justice common Videos SS-5-GC-U-2 tranquility, to provide for the * to ensure defense,  Powerpoints Students will understand that the United common defense, to domestic general  Picture States Government was formed to establish promote the general welfare, tranquility welfare, books order, provide security and accomplish to secure the blessings of * to provide for blessings of  Task common goals. liberty); give examples of the common liberty, U.S. Rotations services the U.S. defense government  Promethean Government provides (e.g., * to promote the services, Planet armed forces, interstate general welfare armed forces, Flipchart- highways, national parks) * to secure the citizens, Laws, and analyze the importance blessings of interstate Branches of of these services to citizens liberty. highways, Government, today. national Understanding DOK3 I can give parks Government examples of (activates), services the Government government Vocabulary, provides. Challenges Faced by a I can analyze the New Nation, importance of U.S. services to Constitution citizens. Review  Schoolhous e Rock  Center for Civic Education (2003) We The People,

21 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Government SS-5-GC-S-1 SS-05-1.1.2 & Civics, Students will demonstrate an understanding Students will explain and I can give Democratic continued of government, using information from print give examples of how examples of how government, *** Weeks and non-print sources (e.g., documents, democratic a democratic function, 18-20 informational passages/texts, interviews, governments government making, digital and environmental): function (by making, works. enacting, and a.) investigate the basic functions of the enacting and enforcing United States Government, as defined in enforcing laws) to laws, the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, promote the (e.g., establish justice, ensure domestic “common good” common tranquility, provide for the common (e.g., public smoking good defense, promote the general welfare, ban, speed limits, secure the blessings of liberty) and seat belt explain their significance today requirements). explain how democratic governments work to DOK 3 promote the “common good” (e.g., making, enacting, enforcing laws that protect rights and property of all citizens)

SS-5-GC-U-3 Students will understand that the fundamental values and principles (e.g., I can explain the Principles of liberty, justice, individual human dignity) of SS-05-1.3.1 importance of … democracy, American democracy are expressed in Students will explain the * the Declaration justice, historical documents (e.g., the Declaration of basic principles of of Independence equality, Independence, the Constitution of the democracy (e.g., justice, * the U.S. responsibility, United States, including the Preamble and equality, responsibility, Constitution freedom, the Bill of Rights). freedom) found in * the Bill of historical significant U.S. historical Rights documents, SS-5-GC-S-3 documents (Declaration of Declaration Students will analyze information from print and Independence, U. S. I can analyze why of non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational Constitution, Bill of Rights) these documents Independenc passages/texts, interviews, digital and and analyze why they are are important to e, U.S. environmental) to describe fundamental values important to citizens today. citizens today. Constitution, and principles of American democracy (e.g., liberty, justice) found in the Declaration of DOK 3 Bill of Rights Independence and the U.S. Constitution; explain their significance today.

22 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Government SS-5-GC-U-4 & Civics, Students will understand that the Constitution continued of the United States establishes a I can identify the 3 Executive, *** Weeks government of limited powers that are shared SS-05-1.2.1 branches of enforce, 18-20 among different levels and branches. Students will identify the government. Legislative, three branches of the U.S. Judicial, SS-5-GC-S-2 Government, explain the I can explain the interpret, Students will describe the basic duties of the basic duties of each branch duties of the … national, three branches of government (executive, (executive-enforce the * executive federal, legislative, judicial); explain why the framers of laws, legislative-make the * legislative President, the U.S. Constitution felt it was important to laws, judicial- interpret the * judicial Vice- establish a government with limited powers laws) and identify important branches President, that are shared among different branches and national/federal congress, different levels (e.g., local, state, federal). offices/leaders, (President, I can identify House, Vice-President, Congress, important Senate, U.S. House, Senate, U.S. members of the… Senators, Senators, U.S. * executive U.S. Representatives, U.S. * legislative Representatives, Supreme Court, judges) * judicial U.S. associated with each branches Supreme branch. Court, DOK 2 Judges

I can explain why Framers of the construction the SS-05-1.2.2 has shared Constitution, Students will explain why powers across … government the framers of the * local powers, Constitution felt it was * state levels of important to * federal government- establish a Local, state, government where federal, powers are shared across different levels (local, state, national/federal) and branches (executive,

23 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Government SS-5-GC-U-5 legislative, judicial). & Civics, Students will understand that as members of DOK 2 I can explain why Rights, continued a democratic society, all citizens of the the constitution responsibilitie *** Weeks United States have certain rights and has shared s, citizens, 18-20 responsibilities, including civic participation. powers across the civic 3 branches of engagement, SS-5-GC-S-4 SS-05-1.3.2 government. democratic Students will investigate the rights and Students will describe society responsibilities of U.S. citizens: specific rights and I can explain why o describe and give examples of responsibilities individuals civil participation specific rights guaranteed to all U.S. have as citizens of the is important to a citizens in the Bill of Rights (e.g., United States (e.g., voting democracy. freedom of religion, freedom of in national elections) and speech, freedom of press) and explain why civic explain why they are important today engagement is necessary describe some of the responsibilities U.S. to preserve a democratic citizens have in order for democratic society. governments to function effectively (e.g. DOK 3 voting, community service, paying taxes) and find examples of civic participation in current events/news (e.g., television, radio, articles, Internet) Westward SS-5-E-U-1 SS-05-3.1.1  History Alive Expansion Students will understand that the basic Students will describe I can explain the ** Review Chapters 16-17 ***Weeks economic problem confronting individuals, scarcity and explain how problems scarcity previously  Adventures 21-24 groups and businesses in the United States scarcity required people in caused during the taught in Time & Place today is scarcity: as a result of scarcity, different periods in the U.S. Westward vocabulary:  United economic choices and decisions must be (Colonization, Expansion, Expansion. Supply and Streaming made. Twentieth Century to demand, Videos Present) to make economic production,  Powerpoints SS-5-E-S-2 choices (e.g., use of consumption,  Picture Students will demonstrate an understanding productive resources- distribution, books of how people deal with scarcity; explain the natural, human, capital) and scarcity,  Task roles banks play in helping people deal with incur opportunity costs. opportunity Rotations scarcity (e.g., loan money, save money, lines DOK 2 cost  Promethean of credit, interest-bearing accounts). Planet Flipchart- Urban Growth

24 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Westward SS-5-E-U-3 SS-05-3.2.1 and Westward Expansion, Students will understand that economic Students will explain how I can explain how Profits, Expansion, 1959- continued institutions are created to help individuals, profits motivated profits motivate expansion, 2000 U. S. ***Weeks groups and businesses accomplish common individuals/businesses in the individuals/busines producing, History, Post War America, 21-24 goals. U.S. (Expansion, ses. risks, Landforms, Industrialization) to take risks entrepreneur Forces-Land, in producing goods and Cause and Effect services. with U.S. History

SS-5-G-U-2 SS-05-4.3.1 Students will understand that patterns Students will explain I can explain why ** Review emerge as humans move, settle and interact patterns of human people migrated previously on Earth’s surface and can be identified by settlement in the early and settled in taught examining the location of physical and development of the United different regions vocabulary: human characteristics, how they are States and explain how of the U.S. Human arranged and why they are in particular these patterns were settlement locations. Economic, political, cultural and influenced by physical I can explain how social processes interact to shape patterns of characteristics (e.g., physical human populations, interdependence, climate, landforms, bodies characteristics cooperation and conflict. of water). effected where DOK 2 people settled.

SS-5-G-S-2 05-4.4.2 Students will investigate regions on the Students will describe how I can describe ** Review Earth’s surface and analyze information from the physical environment how the physical previously print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, (e.g., mountains as barriers environment taught informational passages/texts, interviews, for protection, rivers as helped and hurt vocabulary: digital and environmental): explain how barriers of transportation) human activities Physical places and regions in the U.S. are defined by both promoted and during the environment their human characteristics (e.g., language, restricted human activities Westward settlement patterns, religious beliefs) and during the early settlement Expansion. physical characteristics (e.g., climate, of the U.S. (Colonization, landforms, bodies of water) Expansion). DOK 2

25 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Westward SS-5-G-U-4 SS-05-4.3.2 Expansion, Students will understand that people depend Students will describe how I can describe ** Review continued on, adapt to, and/or modify the environment advances in technology how technology previously ***Weeks to meet basic needs. Human actions (e.g., dams, reservoirs, allowed people to taught 21-24 modified the physical environment and in roads, irrigation) allow settle where they vocabulary: turn, the physical environment limited and/or people to settle in places couldn’t before. technology promoted human activities in the settlement previously inaccessible in of the United States. the United States. DOK 2

SS-5-G-S-3 SS-05-4.4.1 Students will investigate how humans modify Students will explain and I can explain why ** Review the physical environment: give examples of how people during the previously e.) describe how people modified the people adapted to/modified Westward taught physical environment (e.g., dams, roads, the physical environment Expansion vocabulary: bridges) to meet their needs during the (e.g., natural resources, modified the Adapt, modify early settlement of the United States physical geography, natural physical f.) analyze how the physical environment disasters) to meet their environment to (e.g., mountains as barriers or protection, needs during the history of meet their needs. rivers as barriers or transportation) the U.S. (Colonization, promoted and restricted human activities Expansion) and analyze the I can analyze how during the early settlement of the United impact on their people changed States environment. their environment. explain how different perspectives of DOK 3 individuals and groups impact decisions about the use of land (e.g., farming, industrial, residential, recreational) in the United States.

SS-5-G-U-3 SS-05-4.4.3 Students will understand that regions help us Students will describe how I can describe how ** Review to see Earth as an integrated system of individuals/groups may have Native Americans previously places and features organized by such different perspectives about and pioneers had taught principles as landform types, political units, the use of land (e.g., farming, different views vocabulary: economic patterns and cultural groups. industrial, residential, about the use of Perspective recreational). the land.

26 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Westward SS-5-G-S-2 Expansion, Students will investigate regions on the continued Earth’s surface and analyze information from ***Weeks print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, 21-24 informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): explain how places and regions in the U.S. are defined by their human characteristics (e.g., language, settlement patterns, religious beliefs) and physical characteristics (e.g., climate, landforms, bodies of water)

SS-5-HP-U-2 SS-05-5.2.4 Students will understand that the history of Students will describe I can describe ** Review the United States can be analyzed by significant historical events important events previously examining significant eras (Colonization and in each of the broad that occurred taught Settlement, Revolution and a New Nation, historical periods and eras during the vocabulary: Expansion and Conflict, Industrialization and in U.S. history Westward Era and Immigration and the Twentieth Century) to (Colonization and Expansion. periods develop a chronological understanding and Settlement, Revolution and (historical), recognize cause and effect relationships and a New nation, Expansion I can explain the events, multiple causation, tying past to present. and Conflict, causes of the cause/effect, Industrialization and Expansion. relationships SS-5-HP-S-1 Immigration, twentieth Students will demonstrate an understanding Century to Present) and I can explain the of the interpretative nature of history using a explain cause and effect effects the variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary relationships. Westward sources): DOK 3 Expansion had on g.) investigate and chronologically describe the U.S. major events in United States history (e.g., using timelines, charts, fictional and report writing, role playing) h) explain and draw inferences about the importance of major events in United States history i.) examine cause and effect relationships Westward in the history of the United States; identify

27 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Expansion, examples of multiple causes of major continued historical events ***Weeks 21-24 SS-5-HP-S-2 Students will use information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): e.) examine factual and fictional accounts of significant historical events and people in United States history f.) explore change over time (e.g., transportation, communication, education, technology, lifestyles and conditions) in the United States g.) investigate the events surrounding patriotic symbols, songs, landmarks (e.g., American flag, Statue of Liberty, the Star-Spangled Banner), and selected readings (e.g., Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech: I Have a Dream), and explain their historical significance

SS-5-HP-S-3 Students will investigate patterns across in U.S. history (e.g., major events/conflicts/culture; compare with major events/conflicts/culture to the present)

28 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Civil War SS-5-CS-U-3 SS-05-2.3.1 ** Review  History Alive *** Weeks Students will understand that interactions Students will describe I can give previously Chapters 16-17 25-26 among individuals and groups assume various forms of examples of taught  Adventures various forms (e.g., compromise, interactions (compromise, conflict between vocabulary: in Time & Place cooperation, conflict, competition) and are cooperation, conflict) that the Union and the Interactions,  United influenced by culture. occurred between diverse Confederacy. compromise, Streaming groups (e.g., Native cooperation, Videos Americans, European conflict,  Powerpoints SS-5-CS-S-3 Explorers, English diverse  Picture Students will describe conflicts that occurred colonists, British groups, books among and between diverse groups (e.g., Parliament) in the history of culture  Task Native Americans and the early Explorers, the United States. Rotations Native Americans and the Colonists, the DOK 2  Promethean British Government and the English Planet Colonists, Native Americans and the U.S. Flipchart-Urban Government) during the settlement of the Growth and United States; explain the causes of these Westward conflicts and the outcomes. Expansion, 1959-2000 U. SS-5-CS-U-5 SS-05-2.3.2 S. History, Post Students will understand that an Students will give examples I can give ** Review War America, understanding and appreciation of the of conflicts between examples of previously Landforms, diverse complexity of cultures is essential to individuals or groups today conflict resolution taught Forces-Land, interact effectively and work cooperatively and describe appropriate strategies vocabulary: Cause and with the many diverse ethnic and cultural conflict resolution between the Conflict Effect with U.S. groups of today. strategies (e.g., Union and resolution History compromise, cooperation, Confederacy. SS-5-CS-S-4 communication) to use. Students will describe causes of conflicts DOK 2 between individuals and/or groups today and give examples of how to resolve them peacefully.

29 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Industriali- SS-5-E-U-2 SS-05-3.2.1  History Alive zation & Students will understand that a variety of Students will explain how I can explain how ** Review Chapter 20 Immigration fundamental economic concepts (e.g., supply profits motivated profits motivated previously  Adventures in *** Weeks and demand, opportunity cost) impact individuals/businesses in the individuals/busines taught Time & Place 27-29 individuals, groups and businesses in the U.S. (Expansion, ses during the vocabulary:  United United States today. Industrialization) to take risks Industrial period. Profits, Streaming in producing goods and expansion, Videos SS-5-E-S-1 services. producing,  Powerpoints Students will demonstrate an understanding risks,  Picture books using information from print and non-print entrepreneur  Task Rotations sources (e.g., documents, informational and new  Promethean passages/texts, interviews, digital and vocabulary: Planet environmental) of the connection between Industrialization Flipchart- resources, limited productive resources and Industrializatio scarcity: n, Immigration, a.) investigate different kinds of resources Industrial (e.g., natural, human, capital) Revolution & explain how individuals and groups in the Immigration United States make economic decisions based upon limited productive resources (natural, human, capital) and give examples of how these decisions create interdependence between individuals, groups and businesses.

SS-5-E-U-4 SS-05-3.3.1 Students will understand that markets enable Students will give examples I can compare a ** Review buyers and sellers to exchange goods and of markets in different market in the previously services. periods of U.S. History North to a market taught (Colonization, Expansion, in the South. vocabulary: SS-5-E-S-3 Industrialization, Twentieth markets Students will demonstrate an understanding of Century to Present) and markets: explain similarities and a.) explain how goods and services are/were differences. exchanged investigate and give examples of DOK 2 markets; explain how markets have changed over time during the history of the United States.

30 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Industriali- SS-5-E-U-5 SS-05-3.4.1 zation & Students will understand that production, Students will describe I can identify an ** Review Immigration distribution and consumption of goods and production, distribution example of an previously continued services have changed over time in the and consumption of goods important good taught *** Weeks United States. and services in the history and service vocabulary: 27-29 of the U.S. (Colonization, during the production, Industrialization, Twentieth Industrialization distribution, Century to Present). period. consumption DOK 3 and new vocabulary: assembly line SS-5-E-S-4 SS-05-3.4.2 Students will use a variety of sources: Students will describe how I can describe ** Review c.) investigate and trace (e.g., write, draw, new knowledge, how previously chart, timeline) change over time in the technology/tools and specialization taught production, distribution and consumption specialization promotes vocabulary: of goods and services in the United increase/increased productivity Specialization, States productivity in the U.S. during the Productivity research specialization in the United States; (Colonization, Industrialization explain how specialization promotes trade Industrialization, Twentieth period. between individuals, groups and businesses Century to Present). in the United States and world; describe the DOK 3 impact of specialization on the production of goods in the United States.

SS-5-G-U-3 SS-05-4.4.3 Students will understand that regions help us Students will describe how I can ** Review to see Earth as an integrated system of individuals/groups may have compare/contrast previously places and features organized by such different perspectives about advantages/disadv taught principles as landform types, political units, the use of land (e.g., farming, antages of farming vocabulary: economic patterns and cultural groups. industrial, residential, to industrialization. Specialization, recreational). Productivity SS-5-G-S-2 Students will investigate regions on the Earth’s surface and analyze information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews,

31 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Industriali- digital and environmental): zation & explain how places and regions in the U.S. Immigration are defined by their human characteristics continued (e.g., language, settlement patterns, religious *** Weeks beliefs) and physical characteristics (e.g., 27-29 climate, landforms, bodies of water).

SS-5-HP-S-1 SS-05-5.2.3 Students will demonstrate an understanding Students will compare I can compare of the interpretative nature of history using a change over time changes in Review variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary (Colonization, transportation previously sources): Industrialization, Twentieth between taught j.) investigate and chronologically describe Century to Present) in Colonization and vocabulary: major events in United States history (e.g., communication, Industrialization Colonization, using timelines, charts, fictional and report technology, transportation periods. Industrialization writing, role playing) and education. k.) explain and draw inferences about the DOK 3 importance of major events in United States history l.) examine cause and effect relationships in the history of the United States; identify examples of multiple causes of major historical events

32 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

Industriali- SS-5-HP-S-2 SS-05-5.2.4 zation & Students will use information from print and Students will describe I can describe ** Review Immigration non-print sources (e.g., documents, significant historical events important events previously continued informational passages/texts, interviews, in each of the broad that occurred taught *** Weeks digital and environmental): historical periods and eras during the vocabulary: 27-29 a.) examine factual and fictional in U.S. history Industrialization Era and accounts of significant historical events (Colonization and period. periods and people in United States history Settlement, Revolution and (historical), b.) explore change over time (e.g., a New Nation, Expansion I can explain the events, transportation, communication, and Conflict, causes of the cause/effect, education, technology, lifestyles and Industrialization and Industrialization relationships conditions) in the United States. Immigration, Twentieth period. Century to Present) and SS-5-HP-S-3 explain cause and effect I can explain the Students will investigate patterns across in relationships. effects the U.S. history (e.g., major DOK 3 Industrialization events/conflicts/culture; compare with major period had on the events/conflicts/culture to the present). U.S. Kentucky Revisit Core Content Revisit I Can (see 4th Core History Bullets from Kentucky statements from Content) ** Weeks History 4th grade. Kentucky History 30 - 31 4th grade 20 th SS-5-E-U-2 SS-05-3.1.1 I can explain the ** Review Promethean Planet Century to Students will understand that a variety of Students will describe problems scarcity previously Flipchart-Conflict & Present fundamental economic concepts (e.g., supply scarcity and explain how caused during the taught Prosperity **Weeks and demand, opportunity cost) impact scarcity required people in 20th Century. vocabulary: 32-35 individuals, groups and businesses in the different periods in the U.S. Supply and United States today. (Colonization, Expansion, I can apply what I demand, Twentieth Century to have learned production, SS-5-E-S-1 Present) to make economic about scarcity consumption, Students will demonstrate an understanding choices (e.g., use of and opportunity distribution, using information from print and non-print productive resources- to the different scarcity, sources (e.g., documents, informational natural, human, capital) and periods in U.S. opportunity passages/texts, interviews, digital and incur opportunity costs. history. cost environmental) of the connection between DOK 2 resources, limited productive resources and scarcity:

33 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

20 th a.) investigate different kinds of resources Century to (e.g., natural, human, capital) Present, explain how individuals and groups in the continued United States make economic decisions **Weeks based upon limited productive resources 32-35 (natural, human, capital) and give examples of how these decisions create interdependence between individuals, groups and businesses.

SS-5-E-U-4 SS-05-3.3.1 Students will understand that markets enable Students will give examples I can explain ** Review buyers and sellers to exchange goods and of markets in different similarities and previously services. periods of U.S. History differences of taught (Colonization, Expansion, markets over vocabulary: Industrialization, Twentieth time. markets Century to Present) and explain similarities and differences. DOK 2

SS-5-E-S-3 SS-05-3.3.2 Students will demonstrate an understanding Students will explain how of markets: competition among buyers I can explain ** Review a. ) explain how goods and services and sellers influences the competition among previously are/were exchanged investigate and give price of goods and services buyers and sellers. taught examples of markets; explain how in our state, nation and world. vocabulary: markets have changed over time during Competition the history of the United States.

34 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

20 th SS-5-E-U-5 SS-05-3.4.1 Century to Students will understand that production, Students will describe I can describe Competition, Present, distribution and consumption of goods and production, distribution production, buyers, continued services have changed over time in the and consumption of goods distribution and sellers, state, *** Weeks United States. and services in the history consumption of nation, world 31-35 of the U.S. (Colonization, goods over time. Industrialization, Twentieth Century to Present). DOK 3

SS-5-E-S-4 SS-05-3.4.2 Students will use a variety of sources: Students will describe how I can describe ** Review b.) investigate and trace (e.g., write, draw, new knowledge, how previously chart, timeline) change over time in the technology/tools and technology/tools taught production, distribution and consumption specialization increased vocabulary: of goods and services in the United increase/increased productivity over Specialization, States productivity in the U.S. time. Productivity research specialization in the United States; (Colonization, explain how specialization promotes trade Industrialization, Twentieth between individuals, groups and businesses Century to Present). in the United States and world; describe the DOK 3 impact of specialization on the production of goods in the United States. SS-05-3.4.3 SS-5-E-U-6 Students will define I can define ** Review Students will understand that individuals, interdependence and give interdependence. previously groups and businesses in the United States examples of how people in taught demonstrate interdependence as they make our communities, states, vocabulary: economic decisions about the use of nation and world depend on Specialization, resources (e.g., natural, human, capital) in each other for goods and Productivity the production, distribution, and consumption services. and new of goods and services. vocabulary: interdependence SS-5-E-S-1 Students will demonstrate an understanding using information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational

35 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

20 th passages/texts, interviews, digital and Century to environmental) of the connection between Present, resources, limited productive resources and continued scarcity: ** Weeks explain how individuals and groups in the 31-35 United States make economic decisions based upon limited productive resources (natural, human, capital) and give examples of how these decisions create interdependence between individuals, groups and businesses. SS-05-4.3.2 SS-5-G-U-4 Students will describe how I can describe ** Review Students will understand that people depend advances in technology how technology previously on, adapt to, and/or modify the environment (e.g., dams, reservoirs, allowed people to taught to meet basic needs. Human actions roads, irrigation) allow settle in different vocabulary: modified the physical environment and in people to settle in places areas over time. technology turn, the physical environment limited and/or previously inaccessible in promoted human activities in the settlement the United States. of the United States. DOK 2

SS-5-G-S-2 Students will investigate regions on the Earth’s surface and analyze information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): f) investigate how advances in technology (e.g., dams, roads, air conditioning, irrigation) over time have allowed people to settle in places previously inaccessible in the United States

36 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

20 th Century to SS-5-G-S-3 Present, Students will investigate how humans modify continued the physical environment: ** Weeks e) describe how people modified 31-35 the physical environment (e.g., dams, roads, bridges) to meet their needs during the early settlement of the United States f) analyze how the physical environment (e.g., mountains as barriers or protection, rivers as barriers or transportation) promoted and restricted human activities during the early settlement of the United States explain how different perspectives of individuals and groups impact decisions about the use of land (e.g., farming, industrial, residential, recreational) in the United States.

SS-05-4.4.3 SS-5-G-U-3 Students will describe how I can describe ** Review Students will understand that regions help us individuals/groups may have how previously to see Earth as an integrated system of different perspectives about individuals/group taught places and features organized by such the use of land (e.g., farming, s have different vocabulary: principles as landform types, political units, industrial, residential, views about the Specialization, economic patterns and cultural groups. recreational). use of land, over Productivity time. SS-5-G-S-2 Students will investigate regions on the Earth’s surface and analyze information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental): explain how places and regions in the U.S. are defined by their human characteristics (e.g., language, settlement patterns, religious beliefs) and physical characteristics (e.g., climate, landforms, bodies of

37 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

20 th water). SS-05-5.2.2 Century to SS-5-HP-U-2 Students will explain I can explain ** Review Present, Students will understand that the history of reasons (e.g., freedoms, reasons previously continued the United States can be analyzed by opportunities, fleeing immigrants came taught ** Weeks examining significant eras (Colonization and negative situations) to America from vocabulary: 31-35 Settlement, Revolution and a New Nation, immigrants came to Colonization to Colonization Expansion and Conflict, Industrialization and America long ago the 20th Century. Immigration and the Twentieth Century) to (Colonization and develop a chronological understanding and Settlement, recognize cause and effect relationships and Industrialization and multiple causation, tying past to present. Immigration, Twentieth Century to Present) and compare with why immigrants come to America today. DOK 2

SS-05-5.2.3 SS-5-HP-S-1 Students will compare I can compare ** Review Students will demonstrate an understanding change over time change in previously of the interpretative nature of history using a (Colonization, communication, taught variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary Industrialization, Twentieth transportation vocabulary: sources): Century to Present) in and education Colonization g) investigate and chronologically communication, over time. describe major events in United States technology, transportation history (e.g., using timelines, charts, and education. fictional and report writing, role playing) DOK 3 h) explain and draw inferences about the importance of major events in United States history i) examine cause and effect relationships in the history of the United States; identify examples of multiple causes of major historical events

38 June 2009 Warren County Public Schools 5th Grade Social Studies

20 th SS-5-HP-S-2 SS-05-5.2.4 Century to Students will use information from print and Students will describe I can describe ** Review Present, non-print sources (e.g., documents, significant historical events significant previously continued informational passages/texts, interviews, in each of the broad historical events taught ** Weeks digital and environmental): historical periods and eras from Colonization vocabulary: 31-35 e) examine factual and fictional in U.S. history to the 20th Era and accounts of significant historical (Colonization and Century. periods events and people in United States Settlement, Revolution and (historical), history a New Nation, Expansion events, f) explore change over time (e.g., and Conflict, cause/effect, transportation, communication, Industrialization and relationships education, technology, lifestyles and Immigration, Twentieth conditions) in the United States Century to Present) and f) investigate the events explain cause and effect surrounding patriotic symbols, relationships. songs, landmarks (e.g., DOK 3 American flag, Statue of Liberty, the Star-Spangled Banner), and selected readings (e.g., Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech: I Have a Dream), and explain their historical significance

SS-5-HP-S-3 Students will investigate patterns across in U.S. history (e.g., major events/conflicts/culture; compare with major events/conflicts/culture to the present).

39 June 2009

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