Homicides of Adults in Connecticut, 1751-1770

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Homicides of Adults in Connecticut, 1751-1770

Homicides of Adults in Connecticut, 1751-1770 Class of death: Class of crime: Relationship: Motive: Intoxication?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days until death:

Suspect(s SUSPECT(s): VICTIM(s):

Cause of death:




Term of court:

Court proceedings: Legal records:


Other Legal records:


Genealogy: Suspect:

Ethnicity: Race: Gender: Age: Phys char: Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: Personal history:


Ethnicity: Race: Gender: Age: Phys char: Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: Personal history: 1752, June STAMFORD, FAI CT

Class: probable Crime: HOM Rela: UNK [NONDOM] Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death: [0]

HOM: unknown person m. unknown man

Weapon: stabbed in the throat with an edge tool

Circumstances: body of murdered man found

Inquest: y



Court proceedings: fled Source:

1) Fairfield Co. Superior Court Files, Pprs by Subject, 1711-1798: Inquests, Box 613, at CSL.

Return, June 10, 1752: summoned to view dead body of a man lying at Rocky Neck Point in Stanford, viewed the corps and heard the evidences and are of opinion "that the sd body was murdered by a Stab in the throte with an Edge tool."

To JP Jonathan Maltbie [Back of document]: to Super Ct in Frfld Aug 1752



Genealogy: Accused:

Ethnicity: Race: Gender: Age: Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: ___

Ethnicity: Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1753, July 12 Stonington, NL CT

Class: certain Crime: HOM\SUI Rela: MARiTAL WIFE by HUSB Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: early a.m. Days to death: 0

HOM: Sam Sawes m. his wife Mary Sawes and then hanged himself

Weapon: struck her with an ax, almost cutting off her head

Circumstances: it occurred "by the wigwam" in the monring "about Sun Two Hours High"

Inquest: y, murder-suicide verdict

Indictment? n


Court proceedings: Source:

1) New London Co. Superior Court Files, papers by Subject, Inquests , N-Z, Box 135, at CSL.

Summons: To constable of Stonington, "There being Two Persons, namely Sam Sawes an Indian Man and Mary Indian Woman now Lying Dead in sd Ston'n at Indain town By A Wigwam who are Supposed to be Murthered." Summon at my Dwelling house in sd town 12 able and discreet men....July 12, 1752, Simeon Minor, JP

Return, 7/12: ...enquire into manner of death of SS and Mary his wife Indians belonging to Stonington now lying Dead before us....find "that the sd SS This Morning about Sun Two Hours High with an ax worth 45/ murdered the sd Mary his wife in sd Ston'y by the wigwam by Striking her Several Blows with sd ax which Cut her head almost of from her Body by which Blows she Instantly Dyed" "and Further we make Presentment That the sd SS Imediately after he had Comitted sd Murther by Killing his Wife Hanged him Self on a Chestnut tree about Three Rods from the sd Wigwam ...with a Mattump worth 20/ By which Hanging he was Suffocated and Dyed Imed'y". Jurors: Israel Hewit, Benjamin and Walter Hewit, Nathan Carry, Andrew Frink, Elisha Avery, Wm Fanning, Jos Ayer, Matthew Barns, Oliver Grant Jr., Tho kople, Tho Hall



Genealogy: Accused: Sam Sawes

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m. Mary Children: Occupation: Town: Stonington Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Mary Sawes

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: f Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m. Sam Children: Occupation: Town: Stonington Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1753 [at sea] GOVT

Class: do not count Crime: HOM / at sea Rela: Motive: Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death:

HOM: James Haney m.






Court proceedings: the case was handled by the General Assembly

CHECK: same person? BURGLARY: James Henning, transient, at New Haven, 10/3/1767 at night, b&e shop of Michael Todd in New Haven & stole L. 30 cash & 1 piece of linen. pG. branded, ear off, 15 stripes, L. 8.1.6 costs. // New Haven Sup. Ct. special court, 10/27/1767: v. 19: back). Source:

Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut 11: 208-9. (c. 75 - 84:) many docs v. 5 (C&M, ser.

1): depositions of men on board & Q&A by Haney.



Genealogy: Accused: James Haney

Ethnicity: [Irish] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: ___

Ethnicity: Race: Gender: Age: Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1753, Dec. 1 Branford, NH CT

Class: certain Crime: HOM Rela: NONDOM Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death: 0

HOM: Nathaniel Ashbo (aided and abetted by Hannah) m. Mike Tomek

Weapon: struck, stabbed, and pierced the left side of MT's body with a knife. d. 12/1. inst.



Indictment? NA: yes, murder. "of his own meer malice fortho't w/f & made an assault on body" of MT "with a wicked intent to kill & murder - whereby" MT "was mortally wounded & thereof instantly died." Hannah: ignormus -- bnf for "aiding and assiting" NA in the murder of MT -- "discharged & set at liberty."

Term?: 2/1754t -- New Haven

Court proceedings: NA: pNG. fNG by jury. To pay costs: L __. Ex. gr. 3/5/1754. Source:

Sup. Ct., New Haven: 2/1754t: XI: 59



Genealogy: Accused 1: Nathaniel Ashbo

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Branford Birthplace: "Native of this Country" Religion: Organizations:

Accused 2: Hannah

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: f Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: [Branford] Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Mike Tomek

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Branford Birthplace: "Native of this Country" Religion: Organizations: 1754 NL CT

Class: possible Crime: HOM Rela: RELATIVE UNK by UNK Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death:

HOM: Moses Sesuch m. Jonathan Sesuch




Indictment? no. bnf, ignoramus, for murder.

Term?: 9/1754t: New London

Court proceedings: to pay costs: L 7.11 Source:

Conn. Sup. Ct. records, 9/1754t: New London



Genealogy: Accused: Moses Sesuch

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Jonathan Sesuch

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1756, Jan. 16 Farmington, HAR CT

Class: probable Crime: HOM Rela: [NONDOM] Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death: 11?

HOM: Akusk m. Jonathan Shawen

Weapon: assault, Akusk "fell upon Him struck him and Stampt on his head," so that the victim was much brused and wounded and his skull bone was cracked

Circumstances: at the house of Akusk in Farmington

Inquest: y, at Farmington, dated Jan. 27, 1756: find that on 1/16 Jonathan being at Akusk's house, Akusk there fell upon him, struck him [as above]... and "we find his skull bone was cracked..." which wounds were the cause of death

Indictment? ind. for murder.

Term?: 3/1756t: Hartford

Court proceedings: pNG. fNG by jury. to pay costs: L 13.8.10 Source:

1) Conn. Sup. Ct. records, 3/1756t: Hartford

2) Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut -- on sale of dft's real estate to pay court costs.

3) Hartford Co Superior Ct. Files, Inquests, c. 1711-1849, Box 100, at CLS.

Farmington, Jan. 27, 1756: JS now lies dead at house of Elijah Weamzey[?} in Farmgton, viewed body and examined evids bro't before us, find that on 1/16 Jona being at the house of Akusk Indian in sd Farmgton and "that the sd Akusk there fell upon Him Struk Him & Stampt on his head whereby the sd Jona was much Brused & wounded we allso Find that his Scull bone was Cracked & that the Blood was Settled in a Considerable quanty [sic] upon his Brains within the scull Bone, which wounds & Bruses Receved as Aforesd we Do Judge to be the Cause of the sd Jonathans Death" Jurors: Giles and Wm Hooker, Robt Poret, nehemiah Lewis, Ebenezer And[?], Jehiel Parmele, Stephen Dorchester, Tho Cowles, Elijah Porter, James and Hezi: Wadsworth, james Cowles Ret'd verdict to Joseph Hooker, JP



Genealogy: Accused: Akusk

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Farmington Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Jonathan Shawen

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: [adult] Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: [1757] NL CT

Class: possible Crime: HOM Rela: UNK [NONDOM] Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death:

HOM: Peter Tivommuss m. an unknown Indian




Indictment? bnf for murder: ignoramus

Term?: 3/1757t: Norwich

Court proceedings: to pay L 8.16.0 costs. Put to service to pay the costs. Source:

Conn. Sup. Ct. records, 3/1757t: Norwich



Genealogy: Accused: Peter Tivommus

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: ___

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: [m] Age: [adult] Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1757, Dec. Stratford, FAI CT P

FIX date: M last week

Class: certain Crime: HOM Rela: NONDOM SOLDIER by SOLDIER Motive: QUARREL Intox?: Day of week: M Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death: 0

HOM: Alexander Frazer (sergeant in the regular army) m. sergeant in the regular army

Weapon: hatchet, d. short while after



Indictment? yes, for murder.

Term?: 2/1758t: Fairfield

Court proceedings: pNG. fNG. Source:

Conn. Superior Court records 16: 385. Col. Simon Fraser was sworn in as an interpreter for the dft., "being duly scilld in ye Speech & Language of ye North Britons."


BG 1/2/1758: HOM in CT: Stratford, CT, last M, 2 sergeants in the Regulars "having some hot Words together, one gave the other such a mortal Blow with a Hatchet, that he died in a short Time after."


Genealogy: Accused: Alexander Frazer

Ethnicity: Scots Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: spoke Gaelic, not English Marital Status: Children: Occupation: sergeant in the regular British army in a company of grenadiers Town: Birthplace: b. Scotland Religion: Organizations:

Victim: unk. person

Ethnicity: Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: sergeant in the regular army Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: [1759] Stamford, FAI CT

Class: certain Crime: HOM Rela: NONDOM Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death:

HOM: Elijah Seely m. a soldier of the 48th regiment

Weapon: gun



Indictment? yes, for murder

Term?: 2/1759t: Fairfield

Court proceedings: pNG. fNG by jury. costs paid. Source:

Conn. Sup. Ct. records, 2/1759t: Fairfield



Genealogy: Accused: Elijah Seely

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: ___

Ethnicity: Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: soldier in the 48th regiment Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1759, Feb. 10 Simsbury, HAR CT P

Class: certain Crime: HOM Rela: RELATTIVE MOTHER by SON Motive: prob MENTAL ILLNESS Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death: 0

HOM: Roger Humphrey m. Thankful Humphrey (his mother)

Weapon: flintlock gun. Shot her with a lead bullet. Mortal wound, 3" long, 6" deep, on upper side of left breast & through her body. d. inst.

Circumstances: at the house of Benajah Humphrey


Indictment? yes, murder. "with Force and Arms made an Assault" on TH & did "feloniously traiterously wilfully & of his Malice forethoguht shoot and wound" TH. Mortal wound.

Term?: 6/1759t: Hartford.

Court proceedings: pNG. fNG by jury. [blank page thereafter]

NOTE: RH was probably found not guilty by reason of insanity Source:

Sup. Ct. -- Hartford, 6/1759t: 16: 319.

File: indictment only.


Boston Newsletter Feb, 10, 1759: wife of Benajah of Simsbury was shot and killed by her son Roger while "disordered in his head" [Source: Index to Obituaries in the Boston Newspapers, II, 553]



RH: son of Benajah and Thankful Humphrey of Simsbury

Source: Conn. Historial Society Collections, IX (Hartf, 1903), pp. 173-4: Roger Humphrey served from Mar. 28 to Aug. 9 1757 in the 3rd Company (Major Payson's Co.) of Col. Lyman's Regiment in the FR & Indian Wars campaign of 1757. Other Humphreys who served in same company were: Silvanus, served 3/28-11/29; Noah, the 2nd Lieutenant, served 2/23-10/23; Elisha Humphrey, served 8/9-11/11 Accused: Roger Humphrey

Ethnicity: [English] Race: m Gender: w Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Simsbury Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Thankful Humphrey

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: f Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m. to Benajah Children: yes, at least one son, Roger Occupation: Town: Simsbury Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1759, Apr. 9 Stafford, TOL P CT

Class: certain Crime: HOM / SUI Rela: MARITAL WIFE by HUSBAND Motive: DEPRESSION Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death: 0

HOM: Elisha Dyer m. Mary Dyer

Weapon: hom: // sui: hanged

Circumstances: at ED's house, where MD & ED both lay dead

Inquest: Same Jury of 12 men: April 9, 1759: We were summ'd about death of MD, now lying Dead befor us: having viewed MD and heard the Evids produced and considered the Circums. "we are all agreed that the sd MD was wilfuly and premedately murdered by her husband Elisha Dyer of sd Stafford without the assestance of any other person or persons whom so ever" // Same Jury of 12 men: 4/9/1759, Summ'd to dtermine death of ED: are all agreed he "Did wilfuly and premadately handeged himself without" assistance...... "



Court proceedings: Source:

Source: Hartford County Superior Court files, Inquests, Box 100, at CSL

Date of inquest: 4/9/1759 Coroner or j.p.: Town of inquest: Stafford Location of inquest:both Mary Dyer and Elisha Dyer lie dead at ED's house


BGAZ 5/7/1759 (M): dtl NH 4/28: HOM DOM WIFE / SUI in CT: Mr. Dyer of Stafford, CT, & his wife "had lived together some Years without having any Children, which seem'd to occasion some little Distaste between them. He was somewhat violent in his Temper, and frequently discovered a natural Moroseness of Disposition, which however, he kept under a tolerable Restraint; she had much of a Religious Turn, and ws recokon'd a Woman of remarkable Piety. They lived together reputably, and he as one of the Select men of the Town. He lately fellunder the Suspicion of having stolen some Hay from some of his Neighbours; several of them met at his House on Sunday evening, the 7th Instant, in order to clear up and accommodate the Affair. The Circumstances appear'd very suspicious againsthim, his Wife seem'd to join with the Rest in the Suspicion. He show'd a gloomy Displeasure, and utter'd some unkind Reflections upon her Barrenness -- in the Evening's Conversation, she said she had the Night before, had a very remarkable Dream; her Husband asked what it was? She replied, she had dreamed she was in Paradise, and had been greatly delighted there; well, said he, your Dream shall be verified before Morning. The Neighbours took no Notice of the Speech at that Time, but retired and left the Man and his Wife alone, there being no other Person in the House. The next Morning, one of the Neighbours having Business with Mr. Dyar, went to the House, and finding the Door shut, knock'd, but heard none sitrring.--He stay'd till late in the Forenoon, and the Doors continuing shut, he went again and after knocking, and hearing No body, open'd the Door and went in; when being frighted he run out and called his Neighbours, several of themw ent back with him into the House. They found the Man and his Wife both dead. She was lying in a Corner of the Room, murdered in a most cruel and shocking Manner: She seemed to have been beat to death with a Maul, supposed to have been made for the Purpose the Evening before; her Flesh especially about the Neck and head, appear'd beaten almost to a Jelly, her Skull broke all to Pieces, her Blood and Pieces of her Brain was despater'd upon the Wall all round the Room, and also upon the Ceiling, she seem'd to have been dragg'd all over the Room, and beaten even after she was dead; the Gold Beeds of her Necklace were beaten into the Flesh on her Neck, and one of the Drops of her Ear-Ring was buried a considerable Way under her Jaw. -- The Man after this horrid Fact, probably intended to have gone off: He took out a Sheet and some head Clothes, and laid on a Table near his his [sic] Wife, which seem'd as if he intended to have wrap'd her in the Sheet. The Print of his Bloody Hand appear'd on the Sheet, on the Clohtes he pack'd up, and several other Things in the Room; and it appears, that after the Fact, he went into Bed, where he likewise left his Print in Blood; and whether he could not bear the Horror of his own Conscience, or over slept himself, so as to despair of escaping, is uncertain, but he had fastened a Cord to the Ceiling near the Side of the Bed, in which he hang'd himself, one of his Legs being on the Bed, in a kneeling posture, the other off, and his Body leaning forward. His Scull was broke, and the Maul lying by him, so that it appear'd, before he bore upon the Cord to strangle himself, he broke his Scull with the Maul."


Genealogy: Accused: Elisha Dyer

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m. Mary Children: Occupation: Town: Stafford Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Mary Dyer

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: f Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m. Elisha Children: Occupation: Town: Stafford Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1760, Oct. 6 Norwich, NL CT P

Class: certain Crime: HOM Rela: NONDOM Motive: QUARREL after TRAINING Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: evening Days to death: 7 days

HOM: John Knight m. Ebenezer Rude, Jr.

Weapon: assaulted and struck several blows on the head &c and violently threw the victim down on the floor and stamped on Rude's "bowalls and vital parts of his Body" with leather shoes, so that Rude languished until 10/13 when he died of his wounds

Circumstances: location = Knight's dwelling house, Rude was invited in as he was returning from the General Muster. [According to the Special Verdict of the 3/1761 Superior Ct jury,] Rude was sitting on the bedside in Knight's house, returning a drawn sword into the Scabbord then in Knight's hand and Knight hindered Rude and Rude pushed the point of the sword toward Knight's body "without Speeking or Rishing up", upon which Knight immediately violently laid hold of Rude and assaulted him as in Indictment.

Inquest: ?

Indictment? Y, Def iwth malice forethought assaulted Rude (see under Weapon above)

Term?: March 1761 Superior Court at Norwich; Sept. 1761 term at New London; March 1763 term at Norwich

Court proceedings: At 3/1761 term: pNG, J ret'd a Special Verdict, detailing the circumstances as they saw them (see above), bench decided they needed "to advise". At 9/1761 term: ct ruled that by the facts and the Special Verdict, DEF is Guilty of Murder, Sentence: DEATH by hanging. AT March 1763 term: JK has petitioned the Oct. 1761 Gen. Assembly representing that many circumstances which probably would have been favourable for him were by Mistake committed on the Speical Verdict, praying for another Trial: new trial was granted by the May 1762 Gen. Ass. and commenced here. pNG, fNG of Murder but G of manslaughter. Sentence: to be whipt 39 lashes and stigmatized with an "M" and all good belonging to him at the commission of the crime be forfeit, and he be disenabled from sitting as a juror or witness, and pay costs. Source:

1) Superior Court Records, v. 17, pp. 103-104 (3/1761 term), pp. 151-52 (9/1761 term); v. 18, pp. 10-12 (3/1763 term)

2) Crimes and Misdemeanors (microfilm colln.), Ser. 1, vol. 5: docs. 161-174 [the following is a list; transcripts NEED TO BE DONE]

doc. 161: Petition of Knight to Gen. Assembly, from New Haven Goal: tells of his 3/1761 trial at the Superior Court where jury was unsure whether to give in a verdict of murder or manslaughter and both the King's Atty and the Prisoner's Council drafted special verdicts, both of which were unsatisfactory to the jurors [2 pages, very light, hard to read]

doc. 162: Deposition of Daniel Armstrong, Jr--about the fight

doc. 163: Deposition of Phinehas Knight, John's borhter: Rude was drunk, he rode away that night when they parted at 1 a.m.

doc. 165: Joint deposition of 5 Norwich men who were jurors at the March 1761 trial, with Q&A

doc. 167: Deposition

doc. 168: Deposition of George Maynard, Jr., of New London, one of the 3/1761 jurors, with Q&A

doc. 169: Deposition of another juror

doc. 170: Superior Court record

doc. 172: Jt. Deposition of 3 men on the Grand jury, claiming that 5 or 6 out of the 18 "were not for finding ye Bill willfull murder--but Manslauter." the King's Attorney was called and said since 12 were for such a bill (murder), then it was enough.

doc. 174: 2nd petition of Knight to Gen Ass., dated 5/19/1763, now imprisoned only for costs, in close confinement since Oct. 1760, thus 2 yrs and 7 mos. Previous trials took up the "little interest" he had and "all of his Friends are Exhausted and wearied out so that it is impossible for him to pay any part of sd Costs but must drag the remainder of his days useless to himself his Family and to Mankind confined in a Loathsome Goal; while his unhappy Family consisting of a wife & several small Children must Suffer with penury or be supported by the publicke..." Prays release from bound; hopes his imprisonment constitutes his just deserts and if your Honours favour him as he asks, he will be a useful member of Society. Signature Back: Negatived, both houses


BGAZ 4/11/1763 (M): HOM in CT: dtl New London, 4/1: last week, at Sup. Ct. for NL Co. at Norwich, second trial of John Knight of Norwich for murder of Ebenezer Rude, Jr. fG of mansl. He had received the sentence of death at his first trial in Norwich in Sept., 1761.


Genealogy: Accused: John Knight

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: y Marital Status: y Children: several Occupation: Town: Norwich Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Ebenezer Rude, Jr.

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Norwich Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1760, Dec. 19 Wallingford, NH P CT

Class: certain Crime: MANSL Rela: NONDOM THIRD PARTY who was INTERVENING by QUARRELER Motive: QUARREL Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: 11 p.m. Days to death: 16 hours (0 days)

HOM: Samuel Culver and Benjamin Culver m. Benajah Hall

Weapon: with an oak stick Hall was struck on the head so that his skull bone was broken and split open, a wound Hall died of in 16 hours .

Circumstances: at 11 in the evening. at a house.

Inquest: ?

Indictment? y, 1) against SAMUEL Culver, dated 2/25/1761: not having fear of God...., SC struck BN with oak stick [see Weapon, above]..., thus giving him a mortal wound, against the statute; 2) Bill charging BENJAMIN Culver with the murder was returned by the Grand Jury Ignoramus

Term?: Feb. 1761 Superior Court at New Haven; 2/1762 term

Court proceedings: Samuel Culver's prosecution: at 2/1761 term: pNG, put self on country, fNG, then the King's attorney suggested to the Court "the publick peace & Safety required sd Samuel Culver be further holden to answer touching sd Homicide" and exhibited a Bill charing him with the Crime of Manslaughter." SC was bound L500 to appear at 8/1761 Superior Ct at NHAV, Costs here = L23.9.0 (paid). At 8/1761 term: case was adjourned to Oct. term. At 10/1761 term: pleaded in Bar, King's Atty demurred: Court postponed ruling. At 2/1762 term: Culver's demurrer was based on being exposed to double jeopardy-- same man/same death at issue in both indictments, so that he "ought not to be again Charged or molested for the Death of" Hall; the bench ruled that the plea in bar was sufficent, thus the DEF was discharged, paying costs Benjamin Culver's case: After the GJ returned the bill Ignoramus, the King's Attorney motioned that a bill be brought against BC for manslaughter, and BC was bound (with Titus Cook as surety) to appear at the next Superior court. There are not further records about this prosecution, so that presumably it was dropped. Source:

1) Superior Court Record Book, v. 17, pp. 79-80 (2/1761 term); pp. 168-69 (2/1762 term)

Other details: At the 2/1761 term, Samuel Culver was bound in a L500 recognizance, with sureties Caleb Culver and Samuel Tyler, both of Wallingford


#299: CG, 12/27/1760: MANSL / HOM in CT: Wallingford, "a very unhappy Affair," last week. "A Quarrel having arisen between several Men, from some triffling beginning, Doct. Benajah Hall, a likely young Man, being at the House where the Quarrel was, and attempting to stop it, received from one of the Men, a Blow on the Side of his Head, with a Club, which so fractur'd his Scull, that he expired the next Day: The Man who is said to have given the Blow, is now in the County Goal."


Genealogy: Accused #1: Samuel Culver

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Wallingford Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Accused #2: Benjamin Culver

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Wallingford Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Dr. Benajah Hall

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult "young man" Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: physician Town: [Wallingford] Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: [1761] Wallingford, NH CT

Class: uncertain Crime: poss HOM MANSL Rela: MARITAL WIFE by HUSBAND Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death:

HOM: Charles Whittelsey m. Lucy (Hall) Whittlesey

Weapon: beat, abused, & one fatal incurable blow, after which she languished



Indictment? no


Court proceedings: none. A civil suit, however, in which the woman's father sues for custody of her personal estate. Source:

Ct. Crimes and Misd., ser. 1, 5: 215.

Petition of Samuel Hall, p.d. 9/26/1764: "clerk" of Cheshire parish in Wallingford, to General Assembly, 10/1764: upon his daughter's marriage, "for their Mutual benedfit and to render their marriage honourable & their Curcusmstances Easy and Comfortable," SH "furnished and advanced" L. 1805 old tenor of clothes valuable hhld. & other goods to his daughter, on the condition that CW would conduct himself as a good husband. LW a faithful wife until her death in 1762. But CW "proved an unkind Bitter Peevish wrathful Husband . . . , and was not only a great hindrance to her in her religious Concerns, but aimed to make her miserable, he many times beat & abused her, & finally by a Cruel Blow wch she received form him, she Languished incurable -- and wch Blow she Always to her dying hour persisted was fatal to her life." No children. Her estate now in hands of CW's administrators & is being claimed by CW's brothers & sisters. SH says that is unfair -- prays that the goods ought to be returned to him. [signed]

summons to the General Assembly: Samuel W. Chancy of Milford, Elisha Whittelsey of New Haven, Elihu Hall of Wallingford & his wife Lois, James Dana of Wallingford and his wife Katharine = siblings (SWC of Milford, executor).

216: Plea in Absentia of the respondents for abatement of the petition, to the Gen. Assembly, 10/1764: CW's misconduct is not an adequate ground for such a request. They are ready to prove he was a good husband & blame Lucy for any marital trouble. Both deceased: the petition, if entertained, would lead to a private examination "into their foibles & most private & concealed affairs wch ought in all Cases as far as possible to be concealed from the World," esp. after deceased. The pet. against the Rules of Propriety. Shocking nature of the request; ought to abate. Sillman & Johnson for the respondents.

216b & PR 12: 334: in both houses, the petition was abated, as the objections raised by the respondents were sufficient.




LH: daught. of Samuel Hall. m. 1751 to Charles Whittlesey of Wallingford. Accused: Charles Whittelsey

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m. Lucy Children: Occupation: Town: Wallingford Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Lucy (Hall) Whittlesey

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: f Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m. Charles Children: Occupation: Town: Wallingford Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1763, March Milford, NEW HAVEN P

Class: probable Crime: HOM Rela: NONDOM SLAVE by INDIAN Motive: QUARREL Intox?: prob. victim, at least Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death: 1

HOM: Frank (negro slave of Mr. Benjamin Peck of Milford) m. John Ruffoc (an Indian)

Weapon: fight, blows, d. next day





Court proceedings: jailed, escaped Source:


#417: CG 4/2/1763: HOM in CT: a few days ago, dispute arose between John Ruffoc, an Indian, and Frank (30, a negro fellow [belonging to Mr. Benjamin Peck of Milford]), both of Milford. "the Dispute was so great that they determined to finish it by Blows. In the Engagement, poor John, received so severe a Stroke from his Antagonest, that he died the next Day." The negro was jailed in New Haven, "but he has since made his Escape. Ruffoc was well known" by the inhabitants of New Haven "for his Noisiness, and great Love of strong Liquor." Ad. from Yale Bishop, jailer, for capture of Frank: "a tall, likely Fellow."


Genealogy: Accused: Frank

Ethnicity: Race: b Gender: m Age: 30 Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: slave of Mr. Benjamin Peck of Milford Town: Milford Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: John Ruffoc

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Milford Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1763, Aug. 27 Stonington, NL CT

Class: certain Crime: HOM Rela: NONDOM Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: evening Days to death: 1 day

HOM: Isaac, a "negro" slave, & Jonathan Nookee, an Indian man, m. David Job

Weapon: assault, threw victim on ground and beat him with fists, knees, and feet, wounding him on the left side, and left him on the ground in the rain

Circumstances: occurred in the evening of 8/27; victim died of the wounds on 8/28. Isaac was the slave of Joseph Minor, 2d, of Stonington; Nooker was "an Indian man of Stonington"

Inquest: ?

Indictment? y, separate indictments for Isaac and Nookee recounting the details under "Weapon" above, billa vera

Term?: Sept. 1763 Superior Court at New London

Court proceedings: Isaac: pNG, fNG of murder but fG of mansl. Sentence: to be whipt 30 lashes and burnt on hand with an "M", and pay costs. Nookee: pNG, fNG of crime charged against him, dismissed paying costs Source:

1) Superior Court Records, v. 18, pp. 115-118



Genealogy: Accused #1: Isaac

Ethnicity: Race: b Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: slave of Job Minor, 2d Town: Stonington Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Accused #2: Jonathan Nookee

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Stonington Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: David Job

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Stonington Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1765 prob NEW YORK P

Class: do not count Crime: HOM / prob. New York Rela: Motive: Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death:

HOM: ___ O'Neal m. an Indian man






Court proceedings: Source:


#474: CG 7/26/1765: HOM in CT? NY? dtl New Haven: "A party of Indians who were lately hunting near Dewberry, sent a messenger into that town to know on what terms they would be allow'd to trade with the inhabitants. Before he left the town he agreed with one O'Neal to assist him to carry his packages. Shortly after they departed, several circumstances occurred which occasioned a Suspicion that he had murder'd the Indian whom he agreed to assist, whereon he was secured, examined and charged of the murder by Col. Bailey, who carried him to different places marked with the signs of such a transaction. After several Equivocations, when he was brought to the place where the blood was spilt, he confessed his guilt. He then pretended the Indian killed his brother in the last war and when they lately walked together attempted to kill him also, which was prevented by destroying his adversary. O'Neal dragged the body into a river and hit the goods near the bank thereof, where they were both found according to his directions. They then sent for the Indian party, to whom it was proposed to send O'Neal to Albany or New York, that justice might be done, in order to prevent further mischief."


Genealogy: Accused 1: ___ O'Neal

Ethnicity: Race: Gender: Age: Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim 1: __

Ethnicity: Race: Gender: Age: Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1765, Dec. New Haven, NH P

Class: possible Crime: HOM Rela: RELATIVE MOTHER by SON Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death:

HOM: ___ Smith m. widow Smith

Weapon: wounds





Court proceedings: jailed Source:


CC, 12/30/1765: HOM in CT: last F se'nnight, in New Haven, the Widow Smith found in her house, lying on a fire, dead. On examining her body, several wounds were found, "by which it was determined that she had been murdered." her only son arrested on Suspicion of having been the Perpetrator of the horrid Fact." Jailed for trial. [BNL 1/16/1766]


Genealogy: Accused 1: ___ Smith

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: New Haven Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim 1: ___ Smith

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: f Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: widow Children: yes, at least one son Occupation: Town: New Haven Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1766, Jan.-Feb. Danbury, FAI CT

Class: possible Crime: HOM/MANSL Rela: [HHLD] Motive: seduction scheme Intox?: n Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: Days to death: several weeks [21]

HOM: Ralph, negro slave to Capt. Josiah Starr, m. Scipp, negro slave to Daniel Starr, with Nathaniel Bunnell as accessory

Weapon: poisons mixed into cider, given to Scipp as a drink several times throughout Jan. and Feb (and perhaps in Dec. 1765, too), of which the victim died on Feb. 3

Circumstances: According to the information presented against Bunnell, Ralph sought a potion that would secude women. [home v & a]

Inquest: ?

Indictment? y, separate indictments: Ralph for murdering Scipp by applying arsenic; Bunnell for the high-handed misdemeanor of counselling and supplying Ralph with drugs including arsenic and knowing his intention was to use them to secude "females"

Term?: Feb. 1766 Superior Court at Fairfield

Court proceedings: Prosecution against Ralph: pNG, jNG of murder but G of MANS, sentence: forfeit his goods and chattle, be whipt 40 lashes, branded on hand with "M", barred from sitting as juror or witness, pay costs of L36.8.9. Prosecution against Bunnell: NB pleaded in bar that Ralph was indicted and found not guilt of murder and therefore Bunnell ought to be discharged. King's Attorney demurred; Court found Bunnell's plea insufficient. Court gave in a judgment of guilt against Bunnell [evidently, he did not ask for a jury trial], sentence: be carried to the marketplace in this town and stand on the pillory for 1 hours on 3rd Tues. in April, and ditto in May, each time be whipped 15 stripes upon coming down from the pillory, and be bound L100 for good behavior Source:

1) Superior Court Records, sheets appended to Vol. 18, "439, 441"

Indictment against Ralph, slave to Capt. Josiah Starr: Ralph on 1/9/1766 at Danbury "dvised and contrived, not only to bring upon the Body of Scipp, a Negro Servt. & Slave to Daniel Starr...great Pain, Sickness & Deseases, but also to deprive him...of his Life", did on 1/9 procure certain deadly Poison called white arsenick, commonly called Ratsbane, and knowing it to be deadly Poison, he did of malice prepense mingle and compound it with Cyder which he gave Scipp to drink, which Impoisond Scipp who died Feb. 3

Indictment of Nathaniel Bunnell of Danbury: the information of William Samuel Johnson, the King's Attorney is that Ralph, servt of Josiah Starr, "wickedly & Maliciously Intending to exhibit and give to divers female Persons unknown Certain irritating poisonous Potions & Powders for Purpose of Exciting unlawful Lust thereby to bring & Subdue such females to his the said Ralphs will & thereby with them to Satisfie his abominable & Wicked Lusts did at Danbury...at divers days & Times in the Months" of Dec. and Jan. last apply to NB of Danbury and request his aid in his Designs. Bunnell told Ralph he was skilled in such potions and that he would furnish them and aid Ralph in his Designs, and so delivered to Ralph Divers "Drugs and Medicines" and on Jan. 8 at Danbury, Bunnell for 1/6 sold Ralph a large Quantity of Arsenic and directed Ralph to procure and use another Drug called Cantharides commonly called Spanish Flies...which Ralph procured; "by way of Experiment of the Effects" of these Drugs, Ralph mixed the arsenic with Cyder and on 1/9 gave it to Scipp. Scipp "immediately sickened & fell into great & excruciating Pains Sickness & Deseases & thereof Languished" and on the 3rd day died [sic?]. "And divers other Persons to whom sd Poison was given by sd Ralph thereby were afflicted with great Pain, Sickness & Distress", which actions of NB "are a highhanded Misdemeanour against the peace"



Genealogy: Accuse #1: Ralph

Ethnicity: Race: b Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: slave Town: Danbury Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Accused #2: Nathaniel Bunnell

Ethnicity: [English] Race: w Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: [apothecary?] Town: Danbury Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim: Scipp

Ethnicity: Race: b Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: slave Town: Danbury Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1768, Feb. 15 Litchfield, LIT P CT

Class: certain Crime: HOM Rela: NONDOM Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: 10 p.m. Days to death: 1 day

HOM: John Jacobs m. James Cocheror [Chockerer], alias Coquays

Weapon: was struck with an ax in the right temple at 10 in the evening, and died the next day (2/16) at 1 p.m.

Circumstances: see Hearn for story. JJ & wife were visiting a Native American settlement near Litchfield & lodged in the wigwam of JC & JC's wife. Quarrel led to the fatal blow: both wives were present & ran screaming from the wigwam. JJ said he did it because JC was a "damned Schatacook."

Inquest: y, dated 2/17/1768: inquired "in what manner James Cocheror alias J. Coquays, an Indian man now lying dead in Litchfield cam to his end. Jurors say he was at Litchfield at 10 in the evning of 2/15 in peace, and John Jacobs a transient Indian with malice Fore Thought struck him.. [see under Weapon above], therefore it was murder

Indictment? y, murder

Term?: Aug. 1768 Superior court at Litchfield

Court proceedings: pNG, jG, DEATH by hanging. Executed 11/2/1768. Source:


Ritz 6.04 (3)

1) Superior Court Records, v. 19, for Aug. 1768 Litchfield term

2) Litchfield Co. Superior court, Papers by Subject, Box 311, RG 3, at CSL (Alexis's notes)

Indictment, dated Feb. 16, 1768: "...That the sd. James was at said Litchfield about 10 of the clock in the Evening of the 15th day of February instant in the peace of God and the King And then and there John Jacobs a transient Indian feloniously and of his malice forethought an assault made upon the said James and Struck the sd. James with the head of an Ax upon his Right Temple and thereby gave the said James one mortal Wound of which the sd. James immediately languished and upon the 16th day of Feb. instant about one of the Clock in the afternoon the sd. James thereof dyed at sd. Litchfield[.] And so the sd. John feloniously killed and Murthered the sd. James against the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King his Crown and Dignity"

To Do: get transcription of SCR records and page #

Daniel Allen Hearn, Legal Executions in New England: A Comprehensive Reference, 1623- 1960 (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 1999), 150.


#19 CJNH, 2/26/1768 (F): 3:3 dtl NH: HOM in CT: "Last week an Indian was committed to Litchfield goal for killing one of his own nation, with an ax. We dont learn the particulars." [CC, 2/29/1768: an account sent to the Courant by the King's Atty. of Litchfield Co. On Tuesday, 2/16, John Jacobs, an Indian native of Farmington, jailed for murdering James Chokerer, aka James Choquays, a native of the Skatacook tribe in Kent. "John and his squaw being last Monday evening at James's wigwam in this town [Litchfield], where they had been several days on a visit, the neighbouring English were that evening, about ten o'clock, alarmed with the news that John had killed James; and going instantly to the wigwam, found James almost expiring: he attempted to speak, but the English could not understand him. He then lay speechless, and died the next day. The jury of inquest (among whom were several physicians and surgeons) having opened a contusion on his right temple, found his skull much fractur'd & drove in." Verdict: John murdered James "by maliciously giving him a mortal wound, with the head of an ax, on his right temple." "It can't with any certainty be determined what was the reason of John's giving this blow; he assigned no other particular cause to the English (upon their coming in ) than that James was a d---d Skatacook. There was no person at the wigwam when the affair happened but the two Indians and their respective squaws, who alarmed the neighbours, and give different accounts of the transactions."

#45 CJNH 8/26/1768: 4:2 dtl NH: HOM in CT: John Jacobs, an Indian confined in Litchfield jail for murder of another Indian, was tried last week & condemned by the Superior Court. To be hanged 11/2. [CC, 8/28] [MASS GAZ 8/25/1768]

#56 CJNH 11/11/1768 supplement: 2:2 dtl NH: HOM / EXEC in CT: John Jacobs hanged last W sennight. [CC, 11/7]

CC, 2/29/1768: HOM in CT: [[Is this the same as the John Jacobs case, or different? assume it is the same case.]] "We hear from Litchfield that last Monday, as two Indians, who had had a Dispute some Time before, accidentally met in the Street, when the dispute was immediately settled, by one of them striking the other such a violent Blow on his Head with a Hatchet as that he expired the next Morning. --- It is said a Squaw, (Wife to the unfortunate Indian) would have shared the same Fate with her Husband, had not two Gentlemen who behld the Scene, immediately interposed in her Behalf. -- The Murderer was, the same Night, taken up and confined in Litchfield Goal."



Source: History of Litchfield County, Connecticut, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers (Phila: J.W. Lewis & Co., 1881), pp. 142-3:

this and other Litchfield executions must have taken place on Gallows Lane in the town of Litchfield. Accused: John Jacobs

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m Children: Occupation: Town: "transient" / Farmington Birthplace: b. Farmington Religion: Organizations:

Victim: James Coquays

Ethnicity: Skatacook Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: m Children: Occupation: Town: Kent Birthplace: Religion: Organizations: 1770, May 10 New Haven, NH P CT

Class: certain Crime: HOM Rela: NONDOM Motive: UNK Intox?: Day of week: Holiday?: Time of day: 1pm Days to death: 74

HOM: Timothy Metaukus m. Joseph Charles

Weapon: stabbed in right thigh with knife, 2" long & 6" deep. d. 7/23.



Indictment? yes, murder, malice aforethought.

Term?: 8/1770t: New Haven

Court proceedings: pNG. fNG of murder, fG of mansl. L. 30 costs, 39 stripes, burnt on hand with M, goods forfeit.


Ct. Sup. Ct. 20: 111 Newspaper:

#145 CJNH 7/27/1770 (F): 4:3 dtl NH: HOM / MANSL in CT: last T, Tim Metaukus, an Indian, jailed in New Haven for murder of Joseph Charles, another Indian, who he stabbed in the thigh, about 2 months since, of which wound he died last M. [CJNH 8/31/1770: fG of manslaughter in the Superior Court.] [CJNH 9/7/1770: last W, whipped 39 lashes branded on right hand with letter M for Manslaughter.] BNL 8/2. BNL 9/27.


Genealogy: Accused 1: Timothy Metaukus

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: laborer Town: Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

Victim 1: Joseph Charles

Ethnicity: Race: Ind Gender: m Age: adult Literate: Marital Status: Children: Occupation: Town: Golden Hill, Fairfield Co. Birthplace: Religion: Organizations:

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