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COMMISSION ON AGING January 28, 2014
Members present: Bonnie Olson, Frank Wozniak, Holly Konitzer, Lynnae Zahringer, Pam Anderson, Tom Grover, Dr. Tom Thomas
Members excused: Gladys Stezenski, Marianne Phalen, Rosetta Stern, Tom Brunner
Absent: John Ainsworth, Barbara Larson-Herber, Jamie Perez, Meg Tauchen
Location and Time: Fellman Center - 9:00 a.m. Lundmark Room, 607 E. Elizabeth St. Shawano, WI 54166
1. Group recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken by Chairman Frank Wozniak and noted that the open meeting notice was properly posted.
2. Approval of December 10, 2013 minutes. Bonnie Olson made a motion to approve the December 10, 2013 minutes. Tom Grover seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.
3. Public Comment. None.
4. Adoption of Agenda. Tom Grover made a motion to adopt today’s agenda, seconded by Dr. Tom Thomas. All aye, motion carried.
5. Deviation from the Agenda. Bonnie Olson made a motion to deviate from today’s agenda, if necessary. Tom Grover seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.
6. Benefit Specialist Report. Pam Anderson discussed the Homestead Clinics schedule for 2014. She has ten clinics scheduled for persons age 60 and over to attend. She noted that not as many people are attending the clinics as in the past. However, the clinics have been extremely helpful in identifying the homebound and helping them with other programs as well. Pam referenced “The Nutshell” – Wisconsin Benefit Specialists’ Benefit Check-up Guide, updated in January 2014 that helps identify benefit programs. Pam will be conducting an informative seminar on March 17, 2014 entitled “This is Your Lucky Day.” Some of the topics to be discussed are Help with Medicare and Prescription Costs, Senior Care and Medical Assistance. Pam made the committee aware of an energy assistance program for Veterans and handed out the flyer to those interested.
7. Nutrition. a. Nutrition Statistics. The Nutrition Statistics were distributed to all persons present and reviewed by Holly Konitzer. Comparing 2012 to 2013, home delivered meals are up for 2013, but congregate meals are down. At the next meeting, Holly will present numbers for all of 2013.
8. Transportation Report
a. Driver Escort Report. Holly Konitzer reported that for 2013, volunteer drivers logged 875 trips for a total of 37,947 miles and 1455 hours.
Holly reported that for 2013, 19,040 taxi tickets were sold and 17,433 taxi tickets were turned in.
b. Menominee Tribal Transit Report. Jamie Perez was not present at the meeting. Holly Konitzer reported that for 2013 the total number of Mini Bus rides taken was 3,766.
c. Title VI. Holly Konitzer reported that any programs or activities that receive federal transit funding must comply with Title VI. The two Aging Unit buses were partially purchased with federal 5310 funds. Title VI is a federal statute and provides that no person in the US, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Discussed were the requirements of the Title VI Plan. The Minority Representation Data Collection Form will be distributed at the next meeting due to the small attendance today.
9. Aging Unit Director Report. a. GWAAR Updates. Lynnae Zahringer highlighted GWAAR’s priorities for 2014-2015. b. Advocacy. Lynnae Zahringer distributed to all persons present a draft from DHS outlining strategies for strengthening Wisconsin’s dementia care system. Frank Wozniak stated he would be attending a meeting in Madison this week regarding dementia care.
Lynnae distributed a letter drafted by DSS Long Term Support Planning Committee and sent to MTM transportation services. This letter voiced numerous ongoing concerns and problems with MTM which have arisen regarding transporting the elderly and disabled for medical appointments. Copies of this letter were sent to Governor Scott Walker and State Representatives.
Lynnae read an engaging story about Abe Landsman, the oldest city of Madison employee who recently turned 100 and his take on living healthy and long.
10. District Representatives and AARP Reports.
Western: Nothing to report.
Eastern: Tom Brunner Tom Brunner was not present at meeting.
Central: Tom Grover Tom reported “everyone is cold and needs propane” in his district.
AARP: Marianne Phalen Marianne Phalen was not present at meeting. Holly Konitzer reported that twenty-one people attended the January card party. The next card party will be held on February 16th with a cost of $3.00.
Member at Large: Nothing to report.
City: Gladys Stezenski Gladys Stezenski was not present at meeting. Lynnae Zahringer reported there will be a new sign at the Senior Center.
11. Per Diem Approval. Tom Grover made a motion to approve today’s COA Meeting per diem payments. Dr. Tom Thomas seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.
12. 2014 Meeting Dates. The next Commission on Aging meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. at the Fellman Center.
13. Adjourn. Dr. Tom Thomas made a motion to adjourn this meeting, seconded by Tom Grover. All aye, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned.
______Bonnie Olson, Secretary Date Shawano County Commission on Aging