Policy Issues in Higher Education

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Policy Issues in Higher Education

EPE 670-001 Policy Issues in Higher Education Wednesday, 4:00-6:30 p.m. Dickey Hall Room 323 Fall 2006

Instructor: Virginia Davis Nordin 143D Taylor Education Building 859/257-2330 FAX: 859/257-4243 e-mail:[email protected]

Class Descriptions: Proposing Change in Student Services This fall the students in this seminar will do a joint policy paper based on Eugene Bardach’s book on how to write a policy paper. The subject will be: How should student services be expanded or revised to take more responsibility for Student’s Balance between Work and School. (Part of the assignment will be to correctly define the issue)

Guest Lecturer, Dr. Dennis Jacobs, EPE graduate and former executive director of the Work Study College Consortium will give a lecture proposing a theory.

From Affirmative Action to Diversity; the Effect on the Kentucky Plan The Kentucky Plan for the integration of higher education in Kentucky is being revised to reflect the Supreme Court decision on the University of Michigan Admission Case. The Current Supreme Court will consider some issues regarding affirmative action in the public schools in this current term. Implications for Kentucky will be considered.

Guest lecturer, Sandra Moore, EPE PhD Candidate and Diversity Officer for EKU.

The American University in the Global Context Although the American Higher Education system is considered by many to be the best in the world (as least economically) Europe, Australia and other regions are gearing up to compete, and America’s competitiveness is hampered by the increasing Visa/travel restrictions imposed by 9/11. Although the registration of foreign students began climbing for the first time since then the numbers have not yet returned to pre-9/11 levels. Because of this, too many American students remain unaware of Global issues.

Guest lecturer on current SEVIS status: Alison Tabor, EPE PhD Candidate.

Student Panel on Global Education Systems

Class Sessions: Regular attendance at class meetings is essential.

Readings: Students are encouraged to keep a reading log during the term. The final reading log should be turned in on the final day of class. The Reading Log should include: (1) the name of the book or article, (2) the number of pages you read in it, (3) two or three critical or evaluative sentences giving your reactions to the work with some brief explanations, and (4) the source from which the book or article was obtained.

Required Texts:

Bardach, Eugene. A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press,2005

Laney, James T. The Education of the Heart, Emory University, 1994.

Rosovsky, Henry. The University: An Owner's Manual, W.W. Norton, 1990.

Stromquist, Nelly. Education in a Globalized World: The Connectivity of Economic Power, Technology and Knowledge. New York, NY. Rowan & Littlefield Publishers. 2002

Wheatley, Margaret J. Leadership and the New Science, Barrett-Koehler, 1999.

Course Dates:

August 23- Introduction Rosovsky, The University or Owners Manual

30- Students and Work Dr. Dennis Jacobs

September 6- Work Session on Bardach and Class project

13- Themes: Affirmative Action: From the beginning to the University of Michigan Case

20- Kentucky Plan Sandra Moore

27- Margarete Wheatly How is the University Organized? October 4- The American University in a Global Context Europe and the Bologna Process Corruption in Changing Societies: An Example of Georgia’s Higher Education System Readings: Stromquist, Nelly (2004) Education in a Globalized World Introduction, Ch. 1-3 Tomusk, Voldemar (2004) “Three Bolognas and a Pizza Pie: Notes on Institutionalization of European Higher Education System” Rostiashvili, Ketevan (2004) “Corruption in the System of Higher Education: the Pattern of Tbilisi State University

11- International Students in the US Higher Education System; SEVIS and what this means Doctoral Candidate Alison Tabor Readings: (2003) “What Foreign Students Fear: Homeland Security Measures and Closed Deportation Hearings” Greenburg, Daniel (2003) “US Screening System for Foreign Students Criticized”

18- Higher Education Systems. Internationalizing Kentucky University Student Panel Discussion Discussions on Bangladesh, China, India, Lithuanian, Malaysian Higher Education Readings: Chhooi, Pauline, et al (2006) “Internationalizing the University of Kentucky: a Global Community with a Global Presence” and other papers

25- (Midterm) Student presentations on International Systems of Higher Education due

November 1- Ethics

8- Harvard Medical School; Nader and Howard

15- Federal Commission on Higher Education Report

22 Thanksgiving Break

29- Final Paper

December 6- Final Group Paper Due Bibliography:

EPE 670 www.uky.edu/Libraries/Reserves

Altbach, Philip. University Reform:An International Perspective.(No. 10, 1980, AAHE-ERIC Research Reports).

Ashby, Eric.Any Person, Any Study.

Association of College and Research Libraries. Academic Libraries: Myths and Realities.

Astin, Alexander. Four Critical Years.

Balderston, Frederick.Managing Today's Universities.

Baldridge, J. Victor (ed.).Academic Governance.

Berman, Paul (ed.).Debating P.C.

Berube, Maurice R.The Urban University in America.

Bloland, Harland G. Associations in Action: The Washington, D.C. Higher Education Community. (No. 2, 198, ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports).

Bloom, Allan. The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students.

Bok, Derek. Universities and the Future of America.

Bowen, Howard R. and Jack H. Schuster. American Professors: A National Resource Imperiled.

Bowen, John. The Costs of Higher Education.

Bowen, Howard. Investment in Learning.

Bowles and DeCosta. Between Two Worlds: A Profile of Negro Higher Education.

Boyer, Ernest L. College: The Undergraduate Experience in America.(Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching).

Breneman, David W. and Susan C. Nelson, Financing Community College: An Economic Perspective.

Brubacher, John S. and Willis Rudy. Higher Education in Transition.

Brubacher, John S. Bases for Policy in Higher Education. Brubacher, John S. On the Philosophy of Higher Education.

Burn, Barbara.Higher Education in Nine Countries.

Carnegie Commission. Missions of the College Curriculum.

Carnegie Commission. From Isolation to Mainstream: Problems of the Colleges Founded for Negroes.

Carnegie Commission. The Campus and the City.

Carnegie Commission. Purpose and Performance in Higher Education.

Carnegie Council, Three Thousand Futures: The Next Twenty Years for Higher Education.

Carnegie Commission. New Students and New Places.

Carnegie Commission. The Governance of Higher Education.

Carnegie Commission. New Students and New Places.

Clark, Burton. The Distinctive College.

Clark, Burton R. The Higher Education System: Academic Organization in Cross-National Perspective.

Cohen, Arthur and Florence Brawer,The American Community College.

Cross, K. Patricia. Beyond the Open Door: New Students for Higher Education.

Cross, K. Patricia. Adults As Learners.

Cross, K. Patricia. Accent on Learning: Improving Instruction and Reshaping the Curriculum.

Darkenwald, Gordon, and Sharan B. Merriam. Adult Education: Foundations of Practice.

Davila, Evelyn M. Today's Urban University Students: Part 1 -Profile of a New Generation; Part II - A Case Study of Hunter College. Deegan, William L., Dale Tillery, and Assoc. Renewing the American Community College.

D'Souza, Dinesh. Illiberal Education.

Dunham, Alden.Colleges for the Forgotten Americans: A Profile of State Colleges and Regional Universities. Eldred, Marilou Denbo and Catherine Marienau. Adult Baccalaureate Problems. (No. 9, 1979 AAHE-ERIC Research Reports.

Feldman, Kenneth and Theodore Newcomb. The Impact of College on Students (Vol. One).

Feldman, Kenneth. College and Student.

Fleming, Jacqueline. Blacks in College.

Garibaldi, Antoine. Black Colleges and Universities.

Geiger, Roger L. To Advance Knowledge: The Growth of American Research Universities, 1900- 1940.

Geiger, Roger L. Private Sectors in Higher Education.

Grobman, Arnold B. Urban State Universities: An Unfinished National Agenda.

Hansen, Janet. Student Loans: Are They Overburdening A Generation. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1987.

Harcleroad, Fred and Allan W. Ostar. Colleges and Universities for Change: America's Comprehensive Public State Colleges and Universities AASCU, 1987.

Harcleroad, Fred. Accreditation: History, Process and Problems.(No. 6, 1980 AAHE-ERIC Research Reports).

Hauptman, Arthur.The College Tuition Spiral.

Henry, David. Challenges Past, Challenges Present.

Hines, Edward R. and Leif S. Hartmark. Politics of Higher Education. (No. 7, 1980, AAHE-ERIC Research Reports).

Hughes, Robert. The Culture of Complaint.

Jencks, Christopher and David Riesman.The Academic Revolution.

Johnstone, D. Bruce. Sharing the Costs of Higher Education: Student Financial Assistance in the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, and the United States. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1986.

Katchadourian, Herant A. and John Boli. Careerism and Intellectualism Among College Students.

Kerr, Clark. Higher Education Cannot Escape History. Kerr, Clark. The Uses of the University.

Kerr, Clark and Marian L. Gade. The Many Lives of Academic Presidents.

Levine, Arthur. When Dreams and Heroes Died: A Portrait of Today's College Student.

Littwin, Susan. The Postponed Generation: Why America's Grown-up Kids Are Growing Up Later.

Mann, Richard, et al. The College Classroom.

Metzger, Walter P. "Academic Freedom in Delocalized Academic Institutions," in Metzger, et al., Dimension of Academic Freedom.. Also reprinted in Philip G. Altback and Robert O. Berndahl, (eds.) Higher Education in American Society.

Millard, Richard. "Power of State Coordinating Agencies," in Paul Jedamus and Marvin Peterson, Improving Academic Management.

Millett, John. The Academic Community.

Millett, John. Conflict in Higher Education.

Monroe, Charles. Profiles of the Community College.

Moran, Barbara B. Academic Libraries: The Changing Knowledge Centers of Colleges and Universities. (No. 8, 1984 AAHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports)).

Mortimer, Kenneth P. and Michael L. Tierney. The Three "R's" of the Eighties: Reduction, Retrenchment, and Reallocation (No. 4, 1979, AAHE-ERIC Research Report).

Presidents Make A Difference. A report of The Commission on Strengthening Presidential Leadership (directed by Clark Kerr, 2nd edition).

Riesman, David. On Higher Education.

Rosovsky, Henry. The University: An Owner's Manual.

Rudolph, Frederick. The American College and University.

Sclesinger, Arthur, Jr. The Disuniting of America.

Smith, Page.Killing the Spirit: Higher Education in America.

Sowell, Thomas. Inside American Education.

Stark, Joan S., Malcolm A. Lowther, and Bonnie M.K. Hagerty. Responsive Professional Education: Balancing Outcomes and Opportunities. No. 3, 198 ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports.

Steeples, Douglas W. (ed.). Institutional Revival: Case Histories (New Directions for Higher Education, No. 54, June, 1986).

Sykes, Charles, Jr. Profscam.

Upcraft, M. Lee, John N. Gardner and Assoc. The Freshman Year Experience: Helping Students Survive and Succeed in College. Jossey-Bass, 1989.

Valley, John. Chapter in Samuel Gould and K. Patricia Cross (eds.), Explorations in Non- Traditional Study.

Van deGraaff, John H., et al. Academic Power: Patterns of Authority in Seven National Systems of Higher Education.

Veysey, Laurence. The Emergence of the American University.

Whitehead, Alfred North. The Aims of Education.

Willie, Charles V. Black College in America.

ASHE Readers on Higher Education (sponsored by the Association for the Study of Higher Education):

1985 ASHE Reader on Faculty and Faculty Issues in Higher Education

1984 ASHE Reader in Organization and Governance in Higher Education 1985 ASHE Reader on Academic Programs in Higher Education

1986 ASHE Reader on Finance in Higher Education

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