Northampton CAP Meeting

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Northampton CAP Meeting



Northampton CAP Meeting

Date: Written By: 30th October 2012 Sue Taylor

Present: Jenny Wilson (Chair) Jeff-Scott Turner (Secretary) John Churchman Jenny Hamilton Bob Kent Dave Pearsall Maggie Kelly (NCHA) Sue Taylor (NCHA)

Apologies: Fadumo Ahmed (Vice Chair) Sophie Carr Mohamed Farouk Jane Kamau Natasha Mackenzie Karen Saunders

Action Welcome and Apologies

1. Adoption of minutes and Matters Arising - minutes from 25th Sept 2012 were adopted by the group as an accurate record.

Matters Arising:

1.1 Balfour Close – Make a case with Local Authority for double ST to work with yellow lines. Jeff Scott- Turner 1.2 Balfour Close – The group was pleased so many doors had Andrew been adjusted and asked what Estates plan is to finish the Kalmar/Tony remaining flat doors. Baker

1 1.3 Stylo Building – dripping water noise from guttering. Work is Tim Nabarro imminent. The CAP group asked for confirmation when work has been completed.

1.4 Willow House - signage for cameras – Heather Hart dealing. Heather Two signs requested in a more prominent position than existing Hart/Terry sign. The CAP asked for confirmation when new signs in place. Manktelow

1.5 Stylo Building – The general disabled space needs a sign to Andrew Kalmar make clear that it should be used by blue badge holders only.

1.6 (6.1 in 25th September minutes) Newsletters – previously Andrew Kalmar has agreed newsletters to be used, bi-monthly to quarterly depending on information/need. The CAP group asked to see recent newsletters. Andrew has been unable to progress the newsletter initiative due to other work priorities but will review in the New Year.

1.7 (6.2) Balfour Close – A request has been made for anti-climb Amanda paint to be applied to fencing (alongside the builders yard), Hounsell-Welch appropriate signage etc, to deter children climbing the fence. Can this be considered under the Estate Improvement budget?

1.8 (6.3) West Cotton Close – (Initially brought to the CAP Oct 2011). Car park signage to confirm Residents Only parking. The group appreciated from discussion with the Estates team at previous CAP meetings that these are not enforceable. However, they feel they DO act to discourage non-residents using spaces in the residents car park. The group now asks Amanda Estates to re-consider an Estate Improvements bid for signage. Hounsell-Welch

1.9 (6.4) The Pinnacle – the group asked for an update on the work resulting from the Service Inspection Team visit and report in autumn 2011, in particular the door entry system and other security measures. Andrew reported that work will start at the end of November for the fitting of the security door and associated electrical works.

2. Estate Improvements Update

Bid applications were considered:

(1) Willow House – Anti-climb paint and signs – vote in favour of Andrew Kalmar this bid. This work has now been completed.

(2) Lyttleton Rd – Replace wrought iron gates to no. 74 and 76. Andrew Kalmar The group requested further information: The group asked for more clarity on the bid as it was difficult to understand why the request was for a gate when there was a suggestion pedestrians were using a gap in the fence as a cut-through.

2 Longer Term Pending Bids: West Cotton Close - to convert part of the recently reconstructed bin store to a storage facility, put in hot water facilities, a secure door etc. Planning permission is being sought.

3. Local Action Plan (LAP)

The group agreed to implement a CAP recruitment campaign. ST and the CAP group Agreed 2 areas to be targeted during November:

 St Leonards (flats and houses) Event: Tues 20th Nov 3.30pm – 5.30pm. Super Sausage 2. Sue to liaise with Café Jenny Wilson, Jenny Hamilton, Bob Kent + Sue Taylor

 The Pinnacle Event – Tues 27th Nov 3pm – 5pm. The lobby area of the Pinnacle building Jenny Wilson, Jenny Hamilton, Bob Kent + Sue Taylor

4. Estate Issues

Estate Contacts – Some residents are not being contacted to ST to pass accompany the Estates Officer on the quarterly inspections. details to AK Details to be passed to Andrew Kalmar.

Jenny Hamilton has offered to be an Estate Contact at the Pinnacle.

5. Any Other Business

(i) Handover Procedure – Maggie presented this. No comments (ii) Gas & Solid Fuel Application Testing – no comments.

Members were given an extra week to consider the procedures and to feedback to Maggie if necessary. CAP Members

(iii) Pet Policy – The CAP gave feedback on this policy at the July meeting. Members expressed concern that their previous comments do not appear to have been taken into account. They asked how existing residents will be informed of changes to the policy that will affect them e.g. people visiting them not being able to bring pets along. To be referred to policy holder. Andrew Kalmar

(iv) Christmas get-together and election of Chair/Vice-Chair and members for the Main Group. A lunch for all CAP members and the Scrutiny Panel will be held on December 5th at the Julien Cahn Sports Pavilion, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG2 7JE.

3 Elections of Chair and Vice Chair person of this group will be decided on the same day. Two members of this CAP may be nominated to the Main CAP, which will also be decided on the day. Members who would like to be considered for these roles are asked to let Maggie know as soon as possible so CAP Members that information can be distributed. Those unable to attend the event may give their apologies and nominate a person from the list of candidates via email or telephone.

(vi) Training – CIH Certificate in Housing Practice, level 2 along with other TPAS courses were distributed.

(vii) In response to a request for an evening meeting, it was agreed that this should be considered for the meeting on March ST 5th 2013. Sue will check venue availability with the REC Centre.

(viii) For information – a hard copy of the NCHA Annual Report will be posted to CAP members in the near future.

(ix) CAP Member Welcome Pack – the RI Team are currently working on a pack of information for all CAP members. A list of CAP Members suggested contents was circulated. If anyone wants to comment on this list or provide different suggestions, please email any member of the Resident Involvement team.

(x) The group sent Fadumo Ahmed their good wishes as she is currently unwell.

Date and Venue of next meeting: Tuesday 29th January, The REC Centre, Towcester Rd, Far Cotton, Northampton. NN4 8LG.


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