An Exercise in Unix/Aleph Create a Template to Be Used in Cataloging

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An Exercise in Unix/Aleph Create a Template to Be Used in Cataloging

An Exercise in Unix/Aleph – Revise entries in pc_tab_exp_field.eng

Objectives: After this training, the students should be able to:  Navigate in Unix  View path_convert  Make a backup of the current file/table  Change the values in a table/file  Use UTIL menu

Find where table/file is located in UNIX directory

We want to change what values are displayed in the choices for the “Type:” field of the Patron’s Global record window in the CIRC module.

1. Use the “List of ALEPH Tables (by Library/Directory)” document to identify & determine where to find the correct table to define the expanded choices of values in the Local tab of the Patron’s record. [Hint: whenever you are clicking the right arrow button on a window in the GUI client, think of it as expanding the appropriate information into a drop-down menu. Thus exp is part of the table name. Also, we will use the CIRC section for this one.] 2. Log into the server and check to be sure this table is not in path_convert. First go to alephe/tab by using the following: >>cd $alephe_tab 3. View the path_convert table using the following: >>vi path_convert 4. Use the / (slash key) command and a text string to find the exu50 section by using the following: /exu50 5. Look for the pc_tab_exp_field.eng entry to see if this table is being converted to another path. [Hint: it may not be there.] 6. After closing the (:q) path_convert table, move to the correct directory by using the dt command at the prompt. >>dt 7. Use the ls command to see the list of files to be sure the file you need is there. >>ls *exp*

Copy the table/file and then revise the new file

8. Make a backup copy of the pc_tab_exp_field.eng table by using the following syntax: >>cp –p pc_tab_exp_field.eng (using today’s date & your initials) 9. Use the ls command to see the list of files to be your backup file is there. 10. Make changes in pc_tab_exp_field.eng as suggested below, using VI

0cf4614d6ad4bc628185c4c63c0039ad.doc Page 1 Revised 7/72002 >>vi pc_tab_exp_field.eng (the original file not the backup) 11. Since this is a very large table, you will need to find the correct section for revising. First connect to the CIRC module in the GUI Client. 12. Click the Single Library card Icon and enter the following patron ID: 5252. 13. Click the Local Information tab. 14. Highlight the EXU50 line and click the “update” button. 15. Click the right arrow next to the “Type:” field to find a unique test string. 16. Go back to the server and use the / command to search for the text. For example, use / Alums. 17. Now comes the tricky part! [Note: the order of the choices for this field is presented in the CIRC module in the order of the lines in the table.] 18. You can replace the text (of display value) in column 3. [Note: be sure to leave the L (for Latin character set) in column 2. Also be sure that the columns still line up correctly. If the values for column 4 have more than 2 characters, then it will wrap to the next line. Use only two digit numbers for this BOR-TYPE section of pc_tab_exp_field.eng.] 19. To add a new line, copy one of the existing lines (in the desired order) and change the values as needed. [Note: the values for column 4 must be unique with in each section like this BOR-TYPE section.] 20. Save file. 21. Go back to the GUI CIRC client. 22. Search for the patron 5252 again. 23. You will see that nothing has changed. 24. Go back to the server and use UTIL W /3/3 to re-start PC server. 25. Go back to the CIRC client. Close client and re-open. 26. Search for the patron 5252 again. 27. You should see your changes.

UNIX commands you will need: pwd print working directory ls listing ls –l long listing (includes permissions, owner, group, size, date) cd change directory mkdir make directory cp copies file cp –p copies file and retains date stamp and permissions of original file vi unix editor mv moves/renames a file su - switch user

ALEPH shortcuts you will need: dr data root dlib connects you to appropriate library & sets the correct environment for shortcuts NOTE: if you pwd after doing a dlib, you won’t be in new directory. You must do dr and then pwd will show that you are in the correct path util brings up the utilities menu

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