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Bachelor of Physiotherapy III (Third) Year Annual Examination 2012-13

Course Code: BPT306 Paper ID: 0113135

Clinical Orthopaedics

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt the questions as per instructions Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Choose the correct alternative: (1x10=10) A) Which of the following scaphoid fracture is most prone to develop a vascular necrosis: i) Fracture of waist of scaphoid ii) Fracture of tubercle iii) Fracture of distal pole iv) All of above v) None of above B) Which of the following is not true about posterior dislocation of shoulder: i) Recurrent dislocation can develop ii) Reduction can be unstable iii) Patients with unreduced dislocation can have good function iv) Clinical diagnosis is easy v) Axillary nerve injury is uncommon C) Malunited colles' fracture produces which of the following deformity: i) Garden spade deformity ii) Dinner fork deformity v) Fracture is common in middle third iii) Madelung deformity) J)Which of the following is true about monteggia fracture: iv) Swan neck deformity i) It is usually associated with posterior interosseous v) Boutonniere deformity nerve paralysis D) In ankle sprain, the commonest ligament torn is: ii) It can be usually treated conservatively in adults i) Tibio-talar ligament iii) It is not an injury of children ii) Deltoid ligament iv) It is a combination of fracture of radius with distal iii) Posterior talo-fibular ligament radio-ulnar joint dislocation iv) Calcaneo fibular ligament v) It is a combination of fractures of proximal ulna with v) Anterior talo-fibular ligament dislocation E) Which is the strongest ligament: i) Ilio-femoral ligament ii) Ischio-femoral ligament 2. Write short notes on any six of the following (limit your iii) Pubo-femoral ligament answer in 50 words). (6x5=30) iv) Transverse acetabular ligament a) Erb’s palsy v) Ligamentum teres b) Post polio residual paralysis F) Before surgery, forcible correction of severe scoliosis curve c) Rheumatoid hand can be achieved by: d) Volkman’s ischemic contracture i) Halter traction ii) Halo-pelvic traction e) Cauda equina syndrome iii) Turnbuckle cast iv) Riser jacket f) Foot drop v) Cotrel cast g) Green stick fracture G) Bumper fracture is the name given to: h) Pott’s spine i) Fracture of tibia and fibula i) Trophic ulcer ii) Fracture of lateral tibia! Condyle iii) Fracture of patella 3. Attempt any two of the following. (2 x 15 = 30) iv) Fracture of lateral femoral condyle a) Write briefly about anterior shoulder dislocation, its v) Fracture of tibial spine clinical manifestations, management and complications. H) Which of the following is not applicable to scaphoid fracture: i) Mechanism of injury is fall on outstretched hand b) Classify scoliosis. Describe idiopathic scoliosis in ii) It is common in adults than elderly persons detail. iii) Often non union develops iv) Fracture at waist is commonest c) Discuss in detail the levels of amputation and its v) Avascular necrosis is rare causes. Give a brief outline on the pre-op, post- op and I) Regarding fracture of clavicle which of the following prosthetic management. statement is incorrect: i) Fracture is commonest in medial third ii) Non union is rare iii) Most cases can be treated conservatively iv) Fracture usually occurs due to indirect injury

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