Agenda for Meeting with New Zealand Transport Authority

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Agenda for Meeting with New Zealand Transport Authority

Agenda for meeting with New Zealand Transport Authority at Melba Cafe Ellerslie

11.00am Wednesday the 5th November 2014

Present: Graeme O’Connell from NZTA and Bryan Johnson, Edgar Hensen, and Peter Hynes from the ERA.

Agenda Items

1. Penrose Motorway Interchange a) Slip roads both north and south onto motorway? Action required while land still available. b) Servicing industrial development in the Penrose area - opportunities for employment and economic growth under PAUP c) The Leon Leicester warehouse development will create greatly increased heavy traffic in the area d) The Gavin Street residential area needs heavy traffic alleviation - improved on ramps will help this alleviation

2. Penrose over-bridge - widening and replacement to raise the height of the bridge This replacement will provide a viable route for heavy traffic in the Penrose area. Refer to 1 d above. Is there the opportunity to have a southern on ramp at the Penrose over bridge if it is relocated when being replaced?

3. Ellerslie’s history of division as a result of the motorway? a) Ellerslie school and One Tree Hill College both located on the opposite side of the motorway from Ellerslie’s residential housing b) How to alleviate traffic movement through the Penrose interchange and the Robert Street over bridge? c) An underpass from Cawley Street to Sultan Street?

4. The Gavin Street to McNab Street pedestrian walkway a) Needs re-opening for access of pedestrians and cyclists to Penrose rail and the proposed Mission Bay to Onehunga cycleway

5. Sound barriers a) the ERA are looking to NZTA to provide sound barriers along the southern motorway from the rails ration north to Greenlane and from Walpole Street south to the Penrose interchange on the eastern side of the motorway?

6. Thanks to NZTA a) for the relocation and upgrade of the Ellerslie rail station

b) for the work proceeding on widening the motorway from Penrose to Greenlane

Minutes of the meeting with Graham O’Connell from NZTA Graham’s contact details are: Ddi 09 928 8723 and Mobile 021 964 975


Meeting Location - The Coffee Club Ellerslie - 11.00am 5th November 2014

Edgar Henson started the meeting by scoping the high level of employment from Newmar- ket to Penrose and the opportunity and challenge this presents to the Nation and NZTA and AT. a) Three opportunities , Penrose, Greenlane and Newmarket and they are all parallel b) Investment in roading needs to consider where the transport dollars will get the best return.

NZTA - what is it? Graham commented that NZTA is a small agency that has money to spend on traffic flows and transport and does most of its work in collaboration with other agencies. In some cas- es the other agencies initiate the projects and NZTA evaluates its level of involvement if the project meets its priorities.The upgrade of the Ellerslie Rail station was a collaborative project that offered a unique opportunity to widen the motorway with an ‘ancillary lane’ be- cause Kiwi-Rail were prepared to sell the land and this type of opportunity hardly ever hap- pens alongside a motorway. Normally NZTA would be involved in a long term land pur- chase scheme of expensive acquisitions to accomplish this typo of project.

NZTA has vehicles that get on and off the motorway and that’s their area. AT area much bigger player in this motorway system in terms of the feeder roads that produce the vehicle that feed onto the motorway. The Southern motorway system is at peak capacity in the stretch that affects Ellerslie and close to the highest volumes in NZ. Only Newmarket and spaghetti junction are higher traffic volumes. NZTA is working on three-laneing the motor- way at Manukau to Hill Road and down to Takanini. By 2017 the three lanes will be com- pleted from Manukau to Papakura and contracts to start this work are being let now.

The corridors and network operating plan for Ellerslie and its surrounds are the responsi- bility of Daniel Newcomb of AT. We should contact him for help in considering feeder is- sues at Penrose.

Sound Barriers Edgar outlined the need for sound barriers through Ellerslie from the rail station to Green- lane going north and from Walpole Street to the Penrose off ramp going south. Edgar stat- ed Ellerslie’s envy at the superb sound barriers in other parts of Auckland. Bryan men- tioned that the sound barriers should also be designed to reduce air pollution from the mo- torway as well. He suggested that they be curved to deliver the particles back on to the edge of he motorway for sweeping up on a regular basis. Edgar commented that he thought a lot of the air pollution was from rubber particles from tyres, but diesel is a factor too because the motorway starts an up hill incline at Ellerslie going north.

Resident Associations peter commented on the rise of resident associations because ratepayers are facing 30% rate increases over the last few years and they create a resource of community people who have local knowledge and they can contribute to the future palling of Auckland. For this reason we would like to create a channel for dialogue with NZTA. Cycleways Graham indicated that the Government has $100 million to spend on cycleways and this money is readily available and we should consider bidding for it.

Motorway Interchange at Penrose Graham commented that the Penrose interchange is massively undersized because the traffic volumes it now handles were never envisaged. NZTAS looked at the interchange two years ago but it had a $5million dollar limitation on the project and nothing it could do to improve the interchange would cost less than $5million.

We discussed slip lanes north and south and Graham stated that nothing was on the radar for either slip lanes. We discussed the bus lane from Church Street to Penrose and the dangerous situation that arrises when the Penrose interchange congestion causes a back log down the southern motorway both south and north. The southern back log is hampered by the bus lane and has to sit out on the motorway lanes waiting to exit.

We discussed the possibility of widening the Penrose Road over-bridge and creating an on ramp south. We described the impending heavy traffic loads from the Leon Leicester Warehouse development. We expressed concerns about Gavin Street as a residential street and the need to alleviate the use of this residential street from heavy traffic for safety reasons.

Edgar presented the opportunity for the re-opening of the McNab to Gavin Street under- pass and a park n ride on the gavin Street side to increase the use of the Penrose rail sta- tion.

Bryan and Edgar spoke about the opportunity to create another route over the motorway for residential traffic delivering children to One Tree Hill College and Ellerslie School and St Mary’s School. A suggestions was a light vehicle underpass from Cawley Street to Sul- tan Street. We asked Graham how much that was likely to cost?

Park n Ride at Ellerslie? The possibility of building parking over the motorway at Ellerslie was raised. The rapid rise in passenger use at Ellerslie station was quoted. This rise could continue if additional park- ing was available.

Tolls on the motorway? We asked who was responsible for the setting of tolls and the collection and use of the money. Graham said this was aCentral Government issue. We stated that we would tenta- tively support tolls if the money was used for park n ride facilities.

Central Isthmus rail loop - completion of the lop at Anne’s Creek Southdown? Edgar raised the issue of completing the rail loop at Southdown so Ellerslie people and Glenn Innes and Panmure and Sylvia Park and Greenlane and Newmarket residents and East Aucklanders' could take trains to and from these areas. This could help reduce traffic congestion on the Southern motorway for short trips around these suburbs. Graham stated that we should talk to the Operations Manager at AT for the Central and West areas. he was not sure the name of this person due to recent staff changes. Invitation to Meeting with AT on 17th November at 2pm Graham declined an invitation to meet with AT on the 17th November 2014 because he did not think it appropriate to attend at the ERA’s invitation.

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