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History of Cinema s4

American Poetry, 1871-1900

Filmed from the holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, Brown University

Microfilmed on behalf of Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the Research Libraries Group

Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale American Poetry, 1871-1900

Unit 15: Reels 701-750

Filmed from the holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, Brown University

Microfilmed on behalf of Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the Research Libraries Group

Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale

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American Poetry, 1871-1900 from the Holding of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays at Brown University.…………………….…………. …………………vi Unit 15 (Reels 701-750)……………………………………………………………….… 1 American Poetry, 1871-1900 from the Holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays at Brown University The Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, which includes a strong Canadian literature list as well, is housed at Brown University’s John Hay Library in Providence, Rhode Island. It began in the mid-nineteenth century as the private collection of Albert Gorton Greene. Greene, a poet, lawyer, and judge, “collected poetry in a way unusual for his day,” reports the catalogue for the Special Collections at Brown: “instead of collecting only finely bound editions of the works of prominent poets, he attempted to collect every printed volume of American and Canadian poetry and plays.”1 Collecting American literature was unusual at the time, and collecting so broadly was certainly an eccentric practice. After his death in 1868, most of the American literature collection was purchased by Caleb Fiske Harris, an important collector of American poetry and plays, who continued to build the collection. Following Harris’s death in 1881, Senator Henry Bowen Anthony, a collector of Americana, bought the collection of about five thousand volumes and bequeathed it to Brown in 1884. The collection has continued to grow and today contains more than 250,000 titles.

The present Primary Source Microfilms edition of the John Hay Library’s microfilms of its holdings covers American poetry from 1871 to 1900.2 The selection of titles for microfilming was overseen by Rosemary Cullen, the senior scholarly resources librarian at the John Hay Library. Cullen states that the list of about 8,500 titles is as comprehensive as possible, and it is representative of the miscellaneous holdings of the collection from this period.

It is the nonselective collecting principle that makes the Harris Collection one of a kind, and the scholarly value of the archive today lies in its representation of little-known or unknown materials and figures, along with its holdings of well-known writers who continue to be regularly anthologized and taught. Thus, while it is certainly an important resource for textual scholars interested in variants of words, passages, and poems, in the “fluidity” of texts by major, canonical poets, the Harris Collection is an even more important resource for students and scholars of American social, cultural, and literary history, providing a wealth of materials for original research and analysis. Cullen reports that she regularly gets mail from scholars who have looked everywhere, with no success, to locate a text, and the Harris Collection will most likely have it. In her words, it is “the once famous, the never famous, the obscure” that the “Harris is really best known for,” and the value of this microform set, she adds, is that it makes available titles that are not likely to be available elsewhere.

1 Special Collections at Brown University: A History and Guide. Ed, Leslie T. Wendel. Providence, RI: Friends of the Library of Brown University, 1988, P. 93. 2 The present publication continues an earlier microfilm edition, American Poetry, 1609–1870, that was published in the 1970s.

vi The collection comprises not only books of poetry but ephemeral verses, such as pamphlets of poetry published as advertisements, that would not ordinarily have been preserved in libraries. The rapid proliferation of mass media of ephemeral publishing, serving diverse audiences and purposes, and the coincident impulse to collect such texts mark a late nineteenth-century moment, and it is the collecting of disposable ephemera that grants them their value for the present, because very few copies of such stuff survive or are publicly accessible.

Since the Harris Collection has preserved these texts without making editorial value judgments as to their literary merit, it has also preserved a material knowledge of books and publishing; as Anatole France wrote, “The only exact knowledge there is is the knowledge of the date of publication and the format of books.”3 Thus this microfilm publication is a useful resource not only for American cultural historians and students of literature but for scholars interested in the history of the publishing and circulation of texts in America. The microfilm edition gives images of the physical appearance of the volumes and indicates their dimensions with a centimeter ruler that shows the scale of the image, which would enable research on the changing packaging of books. And poetry volumes in the late nineteenth century not only came in different formats, but they often came with illustrations; a microfilm edition would document this “synaesthetic” cultural moment in American publishing that is likely indicative of a certain stage in the history of literacy.

Walter Benjamin, in his 1936 essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” describes the modern masses as “a collectivity in a state of distraction.”4 The Harris collection of American poetry, in the spirit of the distraction that is a symptom of the transition into modernity, documents the emergence of the masses and the publishing boom in poetry that accompanies it. Thus the collection, useful for scholars of book publishing and popular culture, also documents how what came to be the United States was in a state of “distraction” in a different sense as well. For in the late nineteenth century, the ongoing internal migration and foreign immigration rendered more difficult —and gave a different texture to—the general Western experience of modernization, urbanization, and industrialization.

The collection gives a sense of this peculiarly American version of late nineteenth- century “distraction.” There is a good deal of poetry published on the themes of urban versus rural life, on local events, and on regional experience—verse about the developing West, the various areas of the Midwest, and the South, as well as about specific states. Regional literature is a growing field of study, and, again, the “nonregional,” generic mediation of poetry would complicate the questions of that field of study in a productive way. There is also a lot of verse published in German, by native speakers, addressing other immigrant native speakers, as well as dialect ballads—which would be of interest for studies of dialect representation and even studies of the use of such dialect material by twentieth-century poets.

3 Quoted in Walter Benjamin, “Unpacking My Library.” In Illuminations. Ed. Hannah Arendt. Trans. Harry Zohn. New York: Shocken Books, 1978. P. 60. 4 In Illuminations, p. 239.

vii The archive holds many examples of poetry on domestic life, which would provide insights into daily life or quotidian experience. Occasional verses, such as graduation poems, poems commemorating marriage anniversaries, birthdays, and funerals, Easter and Christmas—the microfilm set has thirteen editions of Clement Moore’s 1823 poem “The Night Before Christmas”—are also of interest to American social and cultural historians. Sentimental love poems, pious verses on religious topics, verses on temperance and women’s suffrage, funerary verses, primers, alphabet rhymes, and songs and ballads for children are other areas of study that this archive would be useful for. Children’s verse, in particular, was a thriving genre at this time, and it is well represented. The collection also holds a lot of poetry on American history, patriotic poetry occasioned by the U.S. centennial, and poetry about the Civil War from both northern and southern perspectives, including memoirs and reminiscences about the experiences of specific regiments. Poetry about Native Americans—both eastern and western tribes—is also well represented. In general, the representations of American history and of race—of African Americans and Native Americans—in popular verse are topics that this archive makes available for study.

There are also little-known African American authors in the collection, as well as surprising items, such as an edition of Phillis Wheatley’s Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (1773), published by W. H. Lawrence and Company in 1887 in Denver, Colorado. This case brings up another area of interest—the history of the American publishing industry, which, while concentrated in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, was once far less centralized than it has become. As a counterforce against a modern distraction or “scattering,” many printers in many smaller cities and towns around the United States published verse of interest to the local community.

Finally, there is a huge number of examples of oral forms such as ballads, hymns, and songs that circulated in print in this period. These forms that rely on establishing multiple memory paths—of regular meter, vivid imagery, sound patterns such as rhyme schemes, alliterations, and repetitions of all sorts—also attest to the popularity of poetry as a genre. In the nineteenth century there was an oral culture of poetry, of memorization and recitation of poetry as a social activity, and a lot of the popular verse in the collection records, in print, that history of an oral culture in the process of gradually being printed out of social existence.

The availability of such archival materials makes for the infrastructure of literary research, and this microfilm edition is invaluable for scholars and students who do not have easy access to the Harris Collection, saving them precious travel time and funds. The project will open up areas of research on materials that are difficult to access and therefore in danger of being overlooked. And such material also forms an infrastructure for new kinds of communication between archival research in social and cultural history, textual scholarship, and literary criticism and theory.

For the archive would also be useful for scholars and critics who work on canonical figures—from both the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. It would enable work on

viii literary historicizing, so to speak, of major poets by invoking the context of the history relevant for literary production—what kinds of poetry were being published, circulated, and read and in what format. Each social activity has its different historical trajectory, and a poet’s response to his or her historical, social, political, and economic contexts is always mediated by the generic rules of the medium and a historically changing concept of what can be said and received as poetry at any given time. A poet like Emily Dickinson, for example, was in conversation with the popular culture and the sentimental discourses of her time, and an understanding of her work, including her radical formal innovations, would benefit from placing her in the context of the prevailing cultural discourses as they circulated in the convention-bound medium of poetry. How poetry negotiates between the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions that may determine certain aspects of literary production and generic imperatives is a crucial question: poetry will not reduce to its diverse determining contexts, but it needs to be placed in conversation with these contexts. And this archive would enable investigations of poetry in its multiple contexts, as well as help keep in view the essentially popular nature of poetry as an art form. Poetry was, in the late nineteenth century, a mass art: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has about 150 entries in this thirty-year time period; Oliver Wendell Holmes has about sixty; John Greenleaf Whittier has eighty-two entries. Edgar Allan Poe has sixty-one titles, in English and in French.

The archive would also be useful for work on canonical modern poets born in the last decades of the nineteenth century, for it brings up important questions. What kinds of verse were twentieth-century poets like Robert Frost and Edwin Arlington Robinson or modernist poets like T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, or Wallace Stevens exposed to? What was the popular poetic and literary cultural environment of their crucial formative years? How did the backdrop of popular poetry affect the development of an elitist modernist aesthetic and the inaccessibility of much of modern verse to a general audience?

Another fascinating line of work such an archive would enable is tracing the influence of major figures like Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman,5 Ralph Waldo Emerson, or Emily Dickinson through the verse published in the 1870–1900 period, to see how they were appropriated and to what extent they may have reached the modern poets indirectly, through a kind of popular-cultural mediation, as well as directly. To know what the modern poets read and in what format would enrich our conceptualization of the modernist turn. Dickinson, for example, was an important predecessor for Hart Crane, but he read the only available edition of Dickinson’s work—the collection “edited by two of her friends Mabel Loomis Todd and T. W. Higginson,” which went through many printings in the late nineteenth century. Thus the archive is a valuable resource not only for American social and cultural historians but for scholars and critics who work on canonical figures.

The archive presents the big picture—a view of poetry as a mass medium. Modernist poets, in their effort to fashion a different readership, lost both the popular readers of poetry and the notion of poetry as a popular art. The Harris Collection contains work by many poets I have never heard of—poets who are no longer in print or anthologized. Yet

5 Works by Walt Whitman are found in American Poetry, 1609–1870.

ix their books went through multiple editions by major commercial publishers. There was an audience for this material that enabled the emerging masses to see themselves as reflected in the medium of popular poetry and its sentimental depiction of emotional lives and subjective, private experiences. For the generic subject matter of lyric poetry becomes a desirable commodity at a certain point in history, when the status of the individual subject and of his or her “private” experiences comes into question, and the historical moment shapes the sentimental forms that the representations of subjective experience take.

Out of the mass medium of popular verse crystallize texts that survive, are reprinted, and continue to be anthologized. For a scholar interested in how that happens, in all that is involved in the process of selection and canonization, an archive such as this would again be a valuable resource. For example, the amazing number of women poets who had access to publication at this time is a phenomenon that raises the question of canonization. Numerous women poets, now unknown, had many books that went through multiple editions, published by major publishing houses. Who gets edited out? And why? This cannot be reduced to some kind of sexist conspiracy, since women were audible and there were also a lot of male poets who were very popular in their day but did not last. With such an archive it would be possible to trace, decade by decade, how a literary culture evolves by choosing the images of itself and the spokespeople it wants to preserve, the subjects it responds to, and the language or kinds of language use that it wants to keep hearing.

Mutlu Konuk Blasing Professor of English Brown University



The original microfilming of the manuscript collection took place at Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the research Libraries Group. Primary Source Microfilm duplicated the master negative microfilm, preserving the original arrangement of items. The Guide lists the files in the order in which they were filmed.

xi American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Massey, Susanna. Author: Mathews, F. Schuyler (Ferdinand Title: Verses for Christmas. / By S. Massey. ; Schuyler), 1854-1938 With illustrations by C.C. Schenck. Title: An Easter cross [microform] / by F. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Schuyler Mathews Co., 1885, c1884. Imprint: Boston : L. Prang & Co., c1886 Collation: 14 leaves : ill. ; 14 x 18 cm. Collation: [8] p. : ill (some col.) ; 13 x 15 cm Reel: 701 Position: 1 Reel: 701 Position: 7

Author: Massor, Hampden. Title: The Enchanted moccasins and other Title: Margaree / By Hampden Massor. legends of the American Indians. / Compiled Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., from original sources by Cornelius Mathews ; 1871, c1870. with illustrations. Collation: 44 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons .., Reel: 701 Position: 2 1878, c1877. Collation: 338, [6] p., [4] leaves of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. Title: Master Rose. Reel: 701 Position: 8 Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bro's, publishers, No. 30 Beekman Street, [186-] Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 20 cm. Author: Mathis, Juliete Estelle. Reel: 701 Position: 3 Title: Songs and sonnets Juliette Estelle Mathis. Imprint: San Francisco : C.A. Murdock & Co, 1899. Author: Matheson, G. M. Collation: 112 p. ; 19 cm. Title: Pigs in the pigskin / illustrated by L. Reel: 701 Position: 9 Espinasse ; verses by G.M. Matheson. Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton & Co., [1899?] Author: Matson, Albert. Collation: [23] p. : ill. ; 23 x 30 cm. Title: A glimpse of war, : anent the captain's Reel: 701 Position: 4 color-capture before Petersburg, Va., U.S.A., on July 19, 1864; (with appendix.) / By Albert Matson. Author: Siegvolk, Paul, 1820-1903. Imprint: San Diego, Cal[if.] : Press of Title: A few verses / by Paul Siegvolk .. Stenhouse & Co., 1898. Imprint: New-York : Printed at the De Vinne Collation: 72, [1] p. ; 18 cm. Press, 1896. Reel: 701 Position: 10 Collation: 108 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 701 Position: 5 Author: Matson, Anna. Title: The city that a cow kicked over Imprint: Chicago : Published by A.H. Author: Mathews, F. Schuyler (Ferdinand Andrews & Co. ..., [188-?] Schuyler), 1854-1938 Collation: [32] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Title: Ye ballade of olde Nantucket, 1746 / Reel: 701 Position: 11 pictured by F. Schuyler Mathews Imprint: Boston, U.S.A. : L. Prang & Co., c1892 Author: Matthew, Mary H. Collation: [12] p. : ill. col. ; 21 cm Title: Mother's souvenir, : composed in the 71st Reel: 701 Position: 6 year of her age. / By Mary H. Matthew. Imprint: San Francisco : Griffith & Sons, Publishers ..., 1887. Collation: [5]-76 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 701 Position: 12

1 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Matthews, Brander, 1852-1929. Author: Maxwell, Henry V. Title: Pen and ink; papers on subjects of more Title: Chilhowee : a legend of the Great Smoky or less importance. Brander Matthews. Mountains / by Henry V. Maxwell ; illustrated Imprint: New York, London, Longmans, from original drawings by Clara T. Gresham. Green, & co., 1888. Imprint: Knoxville, Tenn. : S.B. Newman & Collation: xiii-[xiv], 229 p. 20 cm. Co., Publishers, 1897, c1896. Reel: 702 Position: 1 Collation: [28] leaves, [24] leaves of plates : ill. ; 29 cm. Reel: 702 Position: 7 Author: Matthews, James Newton, 1852-1910 Title: Tempe Vale and other poems / by James Newton Matthews Author: Maxwell, Hu, 1860-1927. Imprint: Chicago : Charles H. Kerr & Title: Idyls of the Golden Shore Hu Maxwell. Company ..., 1888 Imprint: New York and ; New York : G.P. Collation: 200 p. ; 21 cm Putnam's Sons, 1889, c1887 ([New York]: The Reel: 702 Position: 2 Knickerbocker Press) Collation: viii, 233 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 703 Position: 1 Author: Matthews, Louise Lewin. Title: Voices from the wind / by Louise Lewin Matthews. Author: Maxwell, Thomas. Imprint: Buffalo, New York : Charles Wells Title: The King Bee's dream : a metrical Moulton, 1900, c1899. address delivered before the Druid City Literary Collation: 93 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 21 Club of the city of Tuskaloosa, Alabama, / by cm. Thomas Maxwell. May 12, 1875. Reel: 702 Position: 3 Imprint: Tuskaloosa [Ala.] : George A. Searcy and Company, 1875. Collation: 107 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Mattocks, Brewer, 1841-1924. Reel: 703 Position: 2 Title: The closing of the gates and the return of the trophies : an epic ballad of the Roman Republic / by Brewer Mattocks. Author: May, Caroline, b. ca. 1820. Imprint: St. Paul, Minn. : Wm. L. Title: Hymns on the Collects for every Sunday in Banning, Jr., 1888. the year. / By Caroline May .. Collation: [2], 6, 104 p. ; 24 cm. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Reel: 702 Position: 4 Company, c1872. Collation: iv, 156 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 703 Position: 3 Author: Mattocks, Brewer, 1841-1924. Title: Songs of help and inspiration, / by Brewer Mattocks. Author: May, Caroline, b. ca. 1820. Imprint: [St. Paul? Minn.] : American News Title: Lays of memory and affection ; The Company, 1889. seasons and the sea ; The Beatitudes etc. Collation: 88 p. ; 21 cm. Caroline May. Reel: 702 Position: 5 Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Company ..., c1888. Collation: viii, 281 p. ; 19 cm. Author: Mattison, Edgar S. Reel: 703 Position: 4 Title: White Wave, or. The last tryst on the Seneca, / by Edgar S. Mattison. ; With other poems. Author: May, Celeste Ball, 1850- Imprint: Coudersport, Pa. : Hamilton & Title: Sounds of the prairie / by Celeste May. Butterworth, 1875. Imprint: Topeka, Kansas : Geo. W. Crane & Collation: 52 p. ; 18 cm. Co., printers and binders, 1886. Reel: 702 Position: 6 Collation: 182 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 703 Position: 5

2 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: May, Curtis. Author: Mayer, Nathan. Title: Moly book of poems / by Curtis May. Title: A poem read by Surgeon Nathan Mayer, Imprint: New York & ; London : G. P. Putnam's October 11, 1894, at the dedication of a Sons, 1887 ([New York] : The Knickerbocker monument by the Sixteenth Connecticut where Press) they fought at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Collation: vi, 134 p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: Hartford, Conn. : Press of the Case, Reel: 704 Position: 1 Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1894. Collation: [15] leaves : ill., 1 port. ; 22 cm. Reel: 704 Position: 6 Author: May, Julia Harris, 1833-1912. Title: Songs from the woods of Maine Julia H. May. Author: Mayers, Charles G. (Charles George), Imprint: New York ; London : G.P. Putnam's b. 1826. Sons ..., 1894 (New York : The Knickerbocker Title: Mendota, the spirit of the lake. Major Press) Chas. G. Mayers. Collation: viii, 139 p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: Madison, Wis. : David Atwood, Reel: 704 Position: 2 printer, 1881. Collation: 26 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 704 Position: 7 Author: May, John W. (John Walker), 1828- 1899. Title: Inside the bar and other occasional Author: Mayers, Charles poems / by John W. May. G. (Charles George), b. 1826. Imprint: Portland, Me. : Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, Title: The songs of Taychobera, or, Romances of 1884. the four lakes Maj. Chas. G. Mayers. Collation: [4], vi, [4], 193 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Imprint: [Madison, Wis.]: David Atwood, Reel: 704 Position: 3 printer and stereotyper, 1889. Collation: 75 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 704 Position: 8 Author: Bartlett, D. W. (David W.), 1828-1912. Title: May Bartlett. memoriam. Imprint: Hartford : Press of the Case, Author: Maylin, Anne Walter, 1806-1889. Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1876. Title: Here a little and there a little sketches and Collation: 67 p. ; 18 cm. detached thoughts / by Anne W. Maylin. Reel: 704 Position: 4 Imprint: Philadelphia : Porter & Coates, 1890. Collation: 184 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 704 Position: 9 Author: Mayer, Nathan. Title: From age to age centennial poem, read at the centennary [sic] meeting of the Hartford Author: Maynard, Laurens, 1866-1917. County Medical Society, September 26, 1892 / Title: A book of twenty-four sonnets / by by Nathan Mayer. Laurens Maynard. Imprint: Hartford, Conn. : Press of the Case, Imprint: [Boston] : Printed for Frank B. Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1892. Chamberlain and published by him at 39 Oliver Collation: 6 p. ; 21 cm. Street Boston Massachusetts, 1894. Reel: 704 Position: 5 Collation: [30] leaves ; 18 cm. Reel: 704 Position: 10

Author: Mead, Edwin D. (Edwin Doak), 1849- 1937. Title: Thomas Wentworth Higginson / by Edwin D. Mead. Imprint: [Boston, Mass.? : s.n., 1900] Collation: 15, [1] p. ; 25 cm. Reel: 705 Position: 1

3 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Mead, Leon, 1861- Title: History of the Baptist Church in Medfield, Title: Sky rockets Leon Mead. Mass. : addresses and poem delivered on the Imprint: Boston : Published by the author, occasion of its centennial anniversary, August 1883. 18th, 1876. Collation: 99 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Boston : Press of George H. Ellis, Reel: 705 Position: 2 1877. Collation: 71 p. ; 24 cm. Reel: 705 Position: 7 Author: Meade, Mollie. Title: Wild flowers. Mollie Meade. A shut-in. Imprint: [United States? : s.n., 18--?] Author: Medini, F. Röena (Frances Röena), b. Collation: 12 p. ; 19 cm. 1856. Reel: 705 Position: 3 Title: Edalaine : a metrical romance. / By F. Roena Medini. Imprint: New York : G.W. Dillingham, Author: Meade, Wright G. Publisher, successor to G.W. Carleton & Co., Title: Idyls of a year, and other poems. / By 1892, c1891. Wright G. Meade .. Collation: 254 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Newburgh, N.Y. : Journal Printing Reel: 705 Position: 8 House and Book-bindery, c1895. Collation: 62, [2] p., [2] leaves of plates : 2 ill. ; 17 cm. Author: Medini, F. Röena (Frances Röena), b. Reel: 705 Position: 4 1856. Title: Love's hymnal : sonnets / by F. Roena Medini. Author: Means, Alexander, 1801-1883. Imprint: Cambridge, Mass. : F.R. Medini, 1896. Title: A cluster of poems, for the home and the Collation: [4], 45 leaves, [1] leaf of plates : 1 heart, : gathered by the athor at leisure hours. / port. ; 19 cm. By Rev. A. Means .. Reel: 705 Position: 9 Imprint: New York : E.J. Hale & Son, Publishers ..., 1878. Collation: 216 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 Author: Village Congregational Church cm. (Medway, Mass.) Reel: 705 Position: 5 Title: Fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the Village Congregational Church, Medway, Mass., Friday, September 7, 1888 Author: Mechanics' Institute (San Francisco, Imprint: Boston : Beacon Press ..., 1888. Calif.). Industrial Exhibition (16th : 1881) Collation: 101 p., [6] leaves of plates : 1 ill., 5 Title: Report of the Sixteenth Industrial ports. ; 24 cm. Exhibition of the Mechanics' Institute of the city Reel: 706 Position: 1 of San Francisco, at the Mechanics' Pavilion, from the 2nd day of August, to the 10th day of September, 1881. Author: Meeser, Speakman. Imprint: San Francisco : P. J. Thomas, Title: Sweet memories collection of fugitive printer ..., 1881. poems / by Speakman Meeser, Philadelphia, Collation: 146 p. ; 22 cm. December 31, 1889. Reel: 705 Position: 6 Imprint: Philadelphia : Oliver Braden & Co., Printers, [1889 or 1890] Collation: ix [i.e. xii], 216 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 17 cm. Reel: 706 Position: 2

4 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Meigs, James Aitken, 1829-1879. Title: Memorabilia / Joseph Jefferson, J.M. Title: Valedictory address to the graduating Barrie, George W. Cable, Bliss Carman. class of Jefferson Medical College, at the fifty- Imprint: Florence [Mass.] : The Bryant fourth annual commencement. in the Academy of Press, [1896] Music, March 12, 1879. / By J. Aitken Meigs .. Collation: [20] p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: Philadelphia : Collins, printer ..., 1879. Reel: 706 Position: 9 Collation: 20, 6 p. ; 24 cm. Reel: 706 Position: 3 Title: Memorial. Charles E. Morris. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by J.B. Title: Melancholy and its musings. Lippincott & Co., 1879. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed for the Collation: 56 p. ; 28 cm. author, 1881. Reel: 706 Position: 10 Collation: 219 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 706 Position: 4 Title: Memorial notices of Frederic Barden, Esq. : Born 1806. Died 1877. Author: Melby, Gustav. Imprint: Boston : Press of George H. Ellis, Title: Vildblomsten. samling vers / af Gustav 1877. Melby. Collation: 13 p. ; 24 cm. Imprint: Seattle, Washington : "Washington- Reel: 706 Position: 11 Posten"s Trykkeri, 1892. Collation: vii, [1], 150 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 706 Position: 5 Title: A Memorial of Caroline Haskell Ingersoll : with some notices of her family, and of her gifts to the city of Keene. And, A poem / by Author: Mellish, John H., b. 1824. Rev. Dr. George G. Ingersoll. Title: Historical address on the one hundred Imprint: Cambridge : John Wilson and Son, and fiftieth anniversary of the gathering of the University Press, 1894. Congregational Church, Kingston, N.H. 28, (17, Collation: 64 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 22 O.S.) 1875, / by Rev. J.H. Mellish, a former cm. pastor. ; To which is prefixed an account of the Reel: 706 Position: 12 exercises, by Rev. J. Chapman, the present pastor. And to which is added an appendix. Imprint: Providence : Printed at the Providence Title: A Memorial of Edward Rowland Sill : Press Company, 1876. who died February 27th, 1887. : Proceedings of Collation: 40 p. ; 23 cm. the memorial meeting held by his friends under Reel: 706 Position: 6 the auspices of the Berkeley Club, at Oakland, Cal., 14th April, 1887, together with extracts from his correspondence. Author: Melvin, Fannie Bosworth. Imprint: [Oakland? Calif.] : Published for Title: An Indian idyl. : Illustrated. / Fannie private circulation, [1887] Bosworth Melvin. Collation: 139 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 22 Imprint: [United States : s.n., 1898] cm. Collation: [12] leaves : ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 707 Position: 1 Reel: 706 Position: 7

Title: Memorial of Francis Gardner, LL. D. : Author: Hartley, S. R. (Sarah Rachell) late head-master of the Boston Latin School. Title: A preliminary discussion, a member of the Imprint: Boston : Printed for the Boston Latin Society of Lady Artists. School Association, 1876. Imprint: New York : S. R. Hartley, 1883. Collation: 52 p. ; 22 cm. Collation: 11 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 707 Position: 2 Reel: 706 Position: 8

5 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Title: Memorial of Israel Martin Bullock, : Title: Memorial services of Rev. Henry W. M.W. grand master of the Grand Lodge of Bellows, D.D. at the Channing Memorial Connecticut A.F. and A.M. ... / Church, Newport, R.I. / Memorial verses by Rev. Edited by the grand Charles T. Brooks. ; Sermon by Rev. M.K. secretary [Joseph K. Wheeler] Schermerhorn. February 5, 1882. Imprint: Hartford, Conn. : Joseph K. Wheeler, Imprint: Newport, R.I. : Davis & Pitman, 1880. printers, 1882. Collation: 77 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 21 Collation: 29 p. ; 24 cm. cm. Reel: 707 Position: 8 Reel: 707 Position: 3

Title: Memorial tribute to Ella J. Talcott, and Title: A memorial of Josiah Gilbert Holland : Lines read at the funeral of her brother, John C. discourses and tributes called forth by his death, Talcott. October 12, 1881. Imprint: New Britain, Conn. : [s.n.], Imprint: [United States] : Printed, not January, 1878. published, [1882?] Collation: 12 p. ; 24 cm. Collation: 96 p. ; 26 cm. Reel: 707 Position: 9 Reel: 707 Position: 4

Title: Memorials of the Rev. Charles W. Baird, Title: Memorial of Oscar Lovell Shafter, : being D.D. twenty-six years pastor of the Presbyterian words spoken at his burial by Rev. Dr. Stebbins, Church of Rye, New York : with a few selected a sermon preached on the following Sunday by sermons and sacred poems. Rev. L. Hamilton, a sketch of his life and Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. character, given before the Supreme Court of Putnam's Sons, 1888 ([New York] : The California, by Hon. John W. Dwinelle, and lines Knickerbocker Press) to his memory from the New York evening post. Collation: v, [1], 235 p., [2] leaves of plates : 1 Imprint: San Francisco : [s.n.], 1874. ill., 1 port. ; 23 cm. Collation: 24, [1] p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 707 Position: 10 Reel: 707 Position: 5

Author: Egle, William Henry, 1830-1901. Title: A Memorial of Rev. I.W. Cochran. : "A Title: Memoir of Beverly Waugh Egle.: 1861- man greatly beloved" 1882. Imprint: New York : Printed for private Imprint: Harrisburg, Pa. : Lane S. Hart, 1883. circulation, 1889. Collation: 44 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 23 Collation: [4], 187 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; cm. 18 cm. Reel: 708 Position: 1 Reel: 707 Position: 6

Author: O. M. Title: Memorial services at the funeral of Title: Mendacious madrigals and metrical Timothy F. Kenrick in Franklin, N.H. : on misfits / by O.M. ; edited and annotated by C.C. Wednesday, March 26, 1879. Burns Esq. Imprint: [Franklin? N.H. : s.n., 1879] Imprint: New York : The Standard Press, 1900. Collation: Collation: [6], 57 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 707 Position: 7 Reel: 708 Position: 2

6 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Menken, Adah Isaacs, 1835-1868. Author: Meredith, Gula. Title: Infelicia Adah Isaacs Menken. Title: A bunch of laurel / by Gula Meredith. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Imprint: Pottsville, Pa. : Beck, Rice & Co., 1873. 1890. Collation: 124 p., [2] leaves of plates : 1 Collation: viii, 167 p. ; 19 cm. facsim. ; 16 cm. Reel: 709 Position: 2 Reel: 708 Position: 3

Author: Meredith, Harriet R. Author: Menken, Adah Isaacs, 1835-1868. Title: Sketches, life thoughts, and incidents. / By Title: Infelicia. / By Adah Isaacs Menken. Harriet R. Meredith. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by J.B. Company, 1888. Lippincott & Co., 1881. Collation: [4], xiv, 7-126 p. : 1 facsim., 6 Collation: 179 p. ; 19 cm. ill. ; 22 cm. Reel: 709 Position: 3 Reel: 708 Position: 4

Author: Meredith, William John. Author: Chapman, John Abney, 1821-1906. Title: In the love of nature / by Will J. Meredith. Title: The walk, and other poems. / By J.A. Imprint: Seattle : Metropolitan Printing and Mercator. Bindig Co., 1900. Imprint: Newberry, S.C. : John A. Chapman, Collation: [v]-xi, [1], 54 p. ; 15 cm. 1875 (Charleston [S.C.] : Walker, Evans & Reel: 709 Position: 4 Cogswell, printers) Collation: 96 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 708 Position: 5 Author: Merrick, J. M. (John Mudge), 1838- 1879. Title: Nugae inutiles : (specimens of Author: Mercedes, Sister, b. 1846. translation.) / By J.M. Merrick, B. Sc. (Harv.) .. Title: Wild flowers from "The mountain-side". : Imprint: Boston : Henry L. Shepard & Poems and dreams. / By Mercedes. Co., (Successors to Shepard & Gill), 1874. Imprint: Philadelphia : Press of J.B. Collation: 133, [2] p. ; 21 cm. Lippincott & Co., 1885, c1884. Reel: 709 Position: 5 Collation: 260 p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 708 Position: 6 Author: Merrill, Stuart, 1863-1915. Title: Les fastes : (Thyrses - Sceptres - Torches) Author: Mercur, Anna Hubbard. Imprint: Paris : Chez Léon Vanier ..., 1891. Title: Cosmos and other poems / Anna Hubbard Collation: [2], 72, [4] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Mercur. port. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Buffalo, N.Y. : Peter Paul and Brother, Reel: 709 Position: 6 MDCCCIXIII [i.e. 1893] Collation: xi, [1], 215 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 col. ill. ; 21 cm. Author: Merrill, Stuart, 1863-1915. Reel: 708 Position: 7 Title: Petits poèmes d'automne / Stuart Merrill. Imprint: Paris : Léon Vanier, Libraire-Éditeur ..., 1895. Author: Meriden, Kate. Collation: [7], 102, [1] p. ; 19 cm. Title: Leaves from Hemlock Valley. : A Reel: 709 Position: 7 collection of poems and stories. / By Kate Meriden. Imprint: New York ; Published by James Miller ..., 1872, c1871. Collation: 104 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 709 Position: 1

7 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Merrill, Stuart, 1863-1915. Author: Merriman, Effie Woodward, 1857- Title: Les quatre saisons : poèmes / Stuart Title: Socials / by Effie W. Merriman, Author Merrill. of "Pards," "A queer family" and "The little Imprint: Paris : Société du Mercure de millers." Editor of The Housekeeper. France ..., 1900. Imprint: Chicago : Charles H. Sergel & Collation: 215, [1] p. ; 18 cm. Company, c1891. Reel: 709 Position: 8 Collation: 88, [1] p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 710 Position: 6

Author: Merrill, John Lenord, 1866-1949. Title: In which hearts lead : a book of rhymes / Author: Merriman, J. D. by John Lenord Merrill, Jr. Title: Hours improved : poems / by J.D. Imprint: New York : De Merle Company ..., Merriman. 1897. Imprint: Huntington, Ind. : Merriman Brothers, Collation: 152 p. ; 20 cm. 1891. Reel: 710 Position: 1 Collation: [9], 210 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 711 Position: 1

Author: W.J. Merrill & Company. Title: The household supplies. Author: Merritt, Christopher C. Imprint: [Providence, R.I. : W.J. Merrill & Co.], Title: Faneuil Hall, "The cradle of liberty." c1886. Imprint: [Boston : s.n.], 1895. Collation: [8] p. : ill. ; 12 cm. Collation: [4] p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 710 Position: 2 Reel: 711 Position: 2

Author: Merriman, Charles G. Author: La Grange, Magdalene I. Title: Crude thoughts in verse, and other poems. Title: Songs of the Helderberg : poems / by Imprint: New Haven : [s.n.], 1886. Magdalene I. La Grange. Collation: 226 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Albany, N.Y. : Boyd's Albany Printing Reel: 710 Position: 3 Co., 1893, c1892. Collation: [6], [15]-126p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 21 cm. Author: Merriman, Charles G. Reel: 711 Position: 3 Title: In memoriam. Laura W. Merriman : Died October 15th, 1880, aged 22 years. Imprint: New Haven : [s.n.], 1885. Author: Veale, E. Collation: 96 p. ; 18 cm. Title: Merry mice / stories by E. Veale, the fairy Reel: 710 Position: 4 tales authoress. ; Illustrations by Palmer Cox, author of The Brownies. Imprint: Philadelphia, Pa. : Hubbard Publishing Author: Merriman, Charles G. Co., 1896. Title: Past and present, the apostles of the year, Collation: [16] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. and other poems. / By Charles G. Merriman, Reel: 711 Position: 4 Author of "The legend of the sleeping giant," "Crude thoughts in verse," and other poems. Imprint: New Haven, Conn. : Published by Author: Mersereau, W. T. (William Tomkins) Henry H. Peck, 1888. Title: Vesper bells and other poems / by W.T. Collation: 395 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 Mersereau ; illustrated by Geo. R. Halm. cm. Imprint: New York : Privately printed, 1890. Reel: 710 Position: 5 Collation: [47] p. : ill. ; 31 cm. Reel: 711 Position: 5

8 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Mersereau, W. T. (William Tomkins) Author: Messenger, Lillian Rozell, 1843-1921. Title: The waif : tones and undertones / by Title: Threads of fate. / By Lillian Rozell William Tomkins Mersereau. Messenger. Imprint: New York : Published by The Waif Imprint: [Washington, D.C.] : Published by the Company ... c1899. author, c1873. Collation: [2], 49, [13] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Collation: 227 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 711 Position: 6 Reel: 711 Position: 11

Author: Merwine, Effie Kline. Author: Messenger, Lillian Rozell, 1843-1921 Title: Starlight Sterling and other stories, and Title: The vision of gold and other poems / by poems for boys and girls, / by Effie Kline Lillian Rozell Messenger Merwine. Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. Imprint: Columbus, Ohio : Press of Champlin Putnam's Sons, 1886 (New York : The Printing Co., 1898. Knickerbocker Press) Collation: 56 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 27 Collation: viii, 156 p. ; 20 cm cm. Reel: 712 Position: 1 Reel: 711 Position: 7

Author: Metcalfe, Ada E. Author: Messaros, Waldo. Title: L'ora quéta. : a volume of tales and Title: Some dainty poems / by Waldo Messaros ; ballads, / with illustrations by the author, Ada E. illustrations by Stephen J. Ferris, E.T. Snow, Metcalfe. and M.A. Campbell. Imprint: Chicago : L'Ora Quéta P. & J. Co., Imprint: Philadelphia : Rufus C. Hartranft, 1890. 1888, c1887. Collation: 407 p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 Collation: 93 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. cm. Reel: 712 Position: 2 Reel: 711 Position: 8

Author: Metchim, B. Author: Messenger, Lillian Rozell, 1843-1921. Title: Wild West poems. / Composed and Title: "In the heart of America." / By Lillian illustrated by B. Metchim. Rozell Messenger, Author of "Fragments from Imprint: [London? : s.n.], 1889 [i.e.1890?] an old inn," "Columbus," "The Southern Cross," Collation: [6], 84 p., [13] leaves of plates : etc., etc. ; Illustrated by Geo. Y. Coffin. ill. ; 25 cm. Imprint: Richmond : J.L. Hill Printing Reel: 712 Position: 3 Company, 1896. Collation: [15] leaves, [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. Author: Metchim, B. Reel: 711 Position: 9 Title: Wild West poems. / Composed and illustrated by B. Metchim. Imprint: London : T. Fisher Unwin ..., 1891. Author: Messenger, Lillian Rozell, 1843-1921. Collation: [8], 87, [5] p., [13] leaves of plates : Title: The Southern Cross and other poems / by ill. ; 21 cm. Lillian Rozell Messenger, author of "Threads of Reel: 712 Position: 4 fate," "Fragments from an old inn," "The vision of gold," etc. Imprint: Buffalo : Charles Wells Moulton, Author: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. 1891. Title: The wisest king that ever lived. Collation: 42 p. ; 22 cm. Imprint: New York : The Knapp Co., Lith., Reel: 711 Position: 10 c1896. Collation: [15] p. : ill. ; 14 cm. Reel: 712 Position: 5

9 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Title: The Story of the jolly bear. Author: Michener, Fannie L. (Frances Lavinia), Imprint: Baltimore, Md. : Published by A.C. 1866-1882. Meyer & Co., [ca. 1900] Title: The prose and poetical works of Fannie L. Collation: 32 p. : ill. ; 14 cm Michener. Reel: 712 Position: 6 Edition: Third edition. Imprint: Philadelphia : Press of J.B. Lippincott Company, c1884. Author: Meyer, George Homer, 1858-1926. Collation: 386 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 Title: Lamara and other poems / by George cm. Homer Meyer. Reel: 713 Position: 4 Imprint: San Francisco : A. Roman & Co., publishers & booksellers, 1878. Collation: 141 p. ; 17 cm. Author: University of Michigan. Library. Reel: 712 Position: 7 Title: Public exercises on the completion of the library building of the University of Michigan, December 12, 1883. Author: Michaelsen, F. L. H. Imprint: Ann Arbor : Published by the Title: Gedichte /von F.L.H. Michaelsen. University, 1884. Imprint: Milwaukee : Druck der "Germania" Collation: 47 p. : 1 plan ; 22 cm. Publishing Co., 1885. Reel: 713 Position: 5 Collation: [4], 128, p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 713 Position: 1 Author: Middleton, John Cavarly, 1834-1888. Title: In memoriam. Josiah Clark, LL.D., Author: Ells, M. principal of Williston Seminary 1849-1863. : Title: Descriptive guide book of the Watkins Obiit [sic] May 30, 1878. / Read before the Glen, (Located near Watkins--head of Seneca Alumni Association of the Seminary, June 29, Lake--Schuyler Co., N.Y.) and its romantic 1880, by the Rev. John Cavarly Middleton, D.D., surroundings. on the unveiling of a portrait of Dr. Clark, Edition: Sixth edition, corrected and revised by presented by the alumni to the trustees. A.J. Michener. Imprint: Worcester, Mass. : Press of Snow, Imprint: Philadelphia : Culbertson & Bache, Woodman & Co. ..., 1881. printers ..., 1879. Collation: 36 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 25 Collation: 44 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. cm. Reel: 713 Position: 2 Reel: 714 Position: 1

Author: Michener, Amanda Pyle. Author: Middleton, N. Russell (Nathaniel Title: Whisperings of the spirit / by Amanda Russell), 1810-1890. Pyle Michener, and My heart life by Annie E. Title: The allegory of Plato and other essays in Michener. prose and verse / by N. Russell Middleton, Imprint: Philadelphia : Press of J.B. Lippincott L.L.D. ; edited by his son, N.R. Middleton, Jr. Company, 1895. Imprint: Charleston, S.C. : Walker, Evans & Collation: 360 p., [4] leaves of plates : ill., 2 Cogswell Company, publishers ..., 1891. ports. ; 29 cm. Collation: [1], 67 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 713 Position: 3 Reel: 714 Position: 2

Author: Mifflin, J. Houston (John Houston), 1807-1888. Title: Lyrics / by J. Houston Mifflin. Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry T. Coates & Co., 1900. Collation: xi, [1], 74 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 714 Position: 3

10 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Mifflin, Lloyd, 1846-1921. Author: Mighels, Philip Verrill, 1869-1911. Title: At the gates of song : sonnets / by Lloyd Title: Little Jim, the carrier. Mifflin ; illustrated by Thos. Moran, N.A. Imprint: [New York : American Press Imprint: Boston, : Estes & Lauriat, 1897. Association, c1895] Collation: xix, [3], 100, [4], 101-162 p., [11] Collation: [8] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. leaves of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 715 Position: 2 Reel: 714 Position: 4

Author: Mighels, Philip Verrill, 1869-1911. Author: Mifflin, Lloyd, 1846-1921. Title: Out of a silver flute Philip Verrill Mighels. Title: Echoes of Greek idyls / by Lloyd Mifflin. Imprint: New York : J. Selwin Tait and Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, Sons ..., c1896. Mifflin and Company, 1899 (Cambridge : The Collation: [1], 81 leaves ; 19 cm. Riverside Press) Reel: 715 Position: 3 Collation: [9], 78, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 714 Position: 5 Author: Mighels, Philip Verrill, 1869-1911. Title: Tales of newspaper men. Author: Mifflin, Lloyd, 1846-1921. Imprint: [New York : American Press Title: The fields of dawn and later sonnets / by Association, c1896] Lloyd Mifflin. Collation: [8] p. ill. 22 cm. Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, Reel: 715 Position: 4 Mifflin and Company, 1900 (Cambridge : The Riverside Press) Collation: [1], x, 105, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Author: Miles, Ellen E. Reel: 714 Position: 6 Title: Memories of Alton Bay : a poem Mrs. E.E. Miles. Imprint: Boston : Advent Christian Publication Author: Mifflin, Lloyd, 1846-1921. Society ..., [187-?] Title: The slopes of Helicon and other poems Collation: 10 p. ; 16 cm. Lloyd Mifflin, author of "At the gates of song" ; Reel: 715 Position: 5 illustrated. Imprint: Boston : Estes and Lauriat, 1898. Collation: x, [4], 155 p., [11] leaves of plates : Author: Hankey, Kate (Katherine) ill., 1 port. ; 18 cm. Title: The old, old story. two parts. / with outline Reel: 714 Position: 7 illustrations by H.I.A. Miles. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Company..., [187-?] Author: Mifflin, Lloyd, 1846-1921. Collation: 40 p. : ill. ; 16 cm. Title: Ventures in verse. / By Victor Leon ; Reel: 715 Position: 6 illustrated with etchings by the author. Imprint: [Columbia, Pa.] : L. Mifflin, 1876. Collation: xiv, [2], 116 p., [12] leaves of plates : Author: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of ill. ; 26 cm. the United States. California Commandery. Reel: 714 Position: 8 Title: Twenty-first anniversary Mare Island excursion, May 3d, 1892. Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Headquarters Author: Mighels, Henry R. (Henry Rust), 1830- Commandery of the state of California. 1879. Imprint: San Francisco : The Commandery ..., Title: Sage brush leaves / by Henry R. Mighels. 1892. Imprint: San Francisco : Edward Bosqui & Co., Collation: [16] p. ; 21 cm. printers ..., 1879. Reel: 715 Position: 7 Collation: [16], [13]-335 p. ; 9 cm. Reel: 715 Position: 1

11 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Millard, David E. (David Edmund), Author: Miller, E. P. 1829- Title: Ringwood Manse : pastoral poem / by Title: Memoir of Rev. David Millard; selections E.P. Miller. from his writings. / By his son, David E. Millard. Imprint: Washington, D.C. : "School of Music" Imprint: Dayton, Ohio : Christian Publishing Print, 1887. Association, 1874. Collation: 63, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 19 Collation: 456 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. cm. Reel: 716 Position: 6 Reel: 716 Position: 1

Author: Miller, Emily Huntington, 1833-1913. Author: Miller, Abraham Perry, 1837- Title: From Avalon and other poems / by Emily Title: Consolation and other poems, / by Huntington Miller. Abraham Perry Miller. Imprint: Chicago : A.C. McClurg and Imprint: New York : Brentano Bros., 1886. Company, 1896. Collation: vi, [9]-122 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 75, [5] p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 716 Position: 2 Reel: 716 Position: 7 Call number: FH/B6/00716.2

Author: Miller, Emily Huntington, 1833-1913. Author: Miller, C. E. Title: The little maid / by Emily Huntington Title: Original poem / by C.E. Miller. ; Read at Miller. the meeting with Miss Mamie Isham, Friday Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton & evening, May 31, 1889. Co. ..., [between 1882 and 1889?] Imprint: [Bloomfield, Conn. : Clark & Smith, Collation: [12] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 15 cm. printers, 1889] Reel: 716 Position: 8 Collation: 8 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 716 Position: 3 Author: Miller, Emily Huntington, 1833-1913. Title: Songs from the nest Emily Huntington Author: Miller, C. Armand (Charles Armand), Miller, author of "For the beloved", "The little 1864-1917. maid" Title: Ad astra and other verses on sacred Imprint: Chicago : Kindergarten Literature themes / by C. Armand Miller, pastor of the Co., 1894. Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity Collation: 85 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 18 cm. in the city of New York. Reel: 717 Position: 1 Imprint: New York : Published at the request of the Luther League of the Church of the Holy Trinity, c1897. Author: Miller, Etta Wallace. Collation: 35, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Title: Songs of the soul / Etta Wallace Miller. Reel: 716 Position: 4 Imprint: Atlanta, Ga. : Byrd Printing Co., 1900. Collation: 80, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 facsim., 1 port, ; 17 cm. Author: Miller, Charles Thurber, 1830-1876. Reel: 717 Position: 2 Title: Settlement of Rhode Island. / By Chas. T. Miller ; illustrated by Walter F. Brown. Imprint: Providence, R.I. : [s.n.], 1874 (New Author: Miller, Freeman E. (Freeman Edwin), York : The Graphic Co. ...) 1864- Collation: [15] leaves : ill. ; 26 x 29 cm. Title: Oklahoma and other poems / by Freeman Reel: 716 Position: 5 E. Miller, A.M. .. Imprint: Buffalo : Charles Wells Moulton, 1895. Collation: 126, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 717 Position: 3

12 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Miller, Freeman E. (Freeman Edwin), Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. 1864- Title: The Danites : and other choice Title: Songs from the South-west country / by selections / from the writing of Joaquin Miller, Freeman E. Miller, A.M., author of "Oklahoma, "The poet of the Sierras." ; Edited by A.V.D. and other poems," etc. .. Honeyman. Imprint: New York : The Knickerbocker Imprint: New York : The American News Press, 1898. Company, 1878, c1877. Collation: xi, [1], 196 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: x, [2], 160 p. : 1 facsim. ; 20 cm. port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 718 Position: 2 Reel: 717 Position: 4

Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Author: Miller, Howard. Title: The Danites in the Sierras / by Joaquin Title: The student's dream and other poems. / By Miller, author of "Songs of Howard Miller. the Sierras," "Shadows of Shasta," etc. Imprint: Louisville [Ky.] : John P. Morton and Imprint: Chicago : Jansen, McClurg & Company, 1871. Company, 1881. Collation: 144 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: [2], 258, [4] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 717 Position: 5 Reel: 718 Position: 3

Author: Miller, Irving J. A., 1866- Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Fireside poems / By Irving J.A. Miller .. Title: '49: Forty-nine : a California drama in Imprint: Marshalltown, Io. : The Miller Brother four acts. / By Joaquin Miller. Publishing and Job Printing House, 1887. Imprint: San Francisco : The California Collation: 146 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 24 Publishing Company ..., 1882. cm. Collation: [2], 203 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 717 Position: 6 Reel: 718 Position: 4

Author: Miller, Joseph Dana, 1864-1939. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Verses from a vagrant muse / By Jose Title: In classic shades and other poems. / By Dana Miller. Joaquin Miller, author of "Songs of the Sierras," Imprint: Hartford, Conn. : Truman Joseph "Songs of the sun lands," "The ship in the Spencer, 1894, c1893. desert," "Songs of Italy," etc., etc. Collation: 120 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Chicago : Belford-Clarke Co, 1890. Reel: 717 Position: 7 Collation: [2], 154 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 718 Position: 5

Author: Miller, James O. Title: A picture of life: or, The Rainbow club : Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. In three phases. / By James O. Miller, (The Title: Memorie and rime Joaquin Miller, author Orange County farmer) of "Songs of the Sierras", "The Danites", etc. Imprint: Montgomery, ; Orange Co. : Published Imprint: New York : Funk & Wagnalls, by the Rainbow Club, 1878. publishers ..., 1884. Collation: 227 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: [2], 237, [1] p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 718 Position: 1 Reel: 719 Position: 1

Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Poems / by Joaquin Miller. Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1882, c1878. Collation: 1 v. (various pagings) : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 719 Position: 2

13 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Songs of the Sierras. / By Joaquin Miller. Title: The ship in the desert. / By Joaquin Imprint: Toronto : The Canadian News and Miller. Publishing Co., 1871. Imprint: London : Chapman and Hall ..., 1875. Collation: 200 [i.e. 208] p. ; 23 cm. Collation: viii, 140 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 721 Position: 3 Reel: 720 Position: 1

Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Songs of the Sierras. / By Joaquin Miller. Title: Songs of far-away lands. Joaquin Miller, Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1871. author of "Songs of the Sierras", etc. Collation: [12], 299 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, Reader, Reel: 721 Position: 4 and Dyer, 1878. Collation: viii, 301 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 720 Position: 2 Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Songs of the Sierras. / By Joaquin Miller. Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1872, 1871. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Collation: [8], 299, [5] p. ; 19 cm. Title: Songs of Italy. / By Joaquin Miller, author Reel: 722 Position: 1 of "Songs of the Sierras," etc. Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1878. Collation: 186 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Reel: 720 Position: 3 Title: Songs of the Sierras. / By Joaquin Miller. Edition: A new edition. Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, and Co., Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. 1872. Title: Songs of summer lands / by Joaquin Collation: [8], 299, [1], 32 p. ; 19 cm. Miller, author of "Songs of the Sierras and Reel: 722 Position: 2 sunlands," etc., etc. Imprint: Chicago : Morrill, Higgins & Co., 1892. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Collation: 254 p. : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Title: Songs of the Sierras. / By Joaquin Miller. Reel: 720 Position: 4 Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1875, c1871. Collation: [12], 299 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Reel: 722 Position: 3 Title: Songs of summer lands / by Joaquin Miller, author of "Songs of the Sierras and sunlands," etc., etc. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Imprint: Chicago : W.B. Conkey Company, Title: Songs of the Sierras and sunlands. / By publishers, c1893. Joaquin Miller, author of "Songs of far-away Collation: 254 p. : 1 port. ; 20 cm. lands," etc. Reel: 721 Position: 1 Edition: Revised edition. Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1878. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Collation: viii, 328 p. ; 19 cm. Title: Songs of the Mexican seas / by Joaquin Reel: 723 Position: 1 Miller, author of "Songs of the Sierras," "Songs of Italy," etc. Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1887. Collation: 132 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 721 Position: 2

14 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Author: Miller, Melvyn B., d. 1898. Title: Songs of the Sierras and sunlands / by Title: "The laurel wreath" (a memorial.) Joaquin Miller, author of "Songs of summer poems. / By the late Melvyn B. Miller. lands," "In classic shades," etc. Imprint: Baltimore : Pearre E. Crowl & Co., Imprint: Chicago : W.B. Conkey Company, pr[inter?]s, c1899. c1893. Collation: [2], 116, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: 309 p. : 1 port. ; 20 cm. port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 723 Position: 2 Reel: 724 Position: 4

Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Author: Miller, Marion Mills, 1864-1949. Title: Songs of the soul Joaquin Miller, author Title: Limericks on the learned professors who of "Songs of the Sierras", "Songs of the reviewed "The songs of Sappho" and "The Greek sundown seas", "Songs of Italy", "Shadows of idyls" / by Marion Mills Miller. Shasta", "Building the city beautiful", etc., etc. Imprint: New York : The Maxwelton Imprint: San Francisco : The Whitaker & Ray Company, [1927?] Company (Incorporated), 1896. Collation: [10] p. ; 23 cm. Collation: [2], 162, [2] p. : 1 port. : 20 cm. Reel: 724 Position: 5 Reel: 723 Position: 3

Author: Miller, Marion Mills, 1864-1949. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Parnassus by rail Marion Mills Miller, Title: Songs of the soul Joaquin Miller, author Lit. D. of "Songs of the Sierras", "Songs of the sundown Imprint: New York ; London : G.P. Putnam's seas", "Songs of Italy", "Shadows of Sons, 1891 (New York : The Knickerbocker Shasta", "Building the city beautiful", etc., etc. Press) Imprint: San Francisco : The Whitaker & Ray Collation: v, [1] 105 p. ; 17 cm. Company (Incorporated), 1896. Reel: 724 Position: 6 Collation: [2], 162 p. : 1 port. ; 22 cm. Reel: 723 Position: 4 Author: Miller, Mary M. (Mary Meader), 1828- 1879. Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Poems / Mary M. Miller ; with a memoir Title: Songs of the sun-lands. Joaquin Miller, of her life, by her sister, Lydia M. Chase. author of "Songs of the Sierras" Imprint: Columbus, Ohio : Wm. G. Hubbard, Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1873. author's publisher, 1885. Collation: 212, 4 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 92 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 Reel: 724 Position: 1 cm. Reel: 724 Position: 7

Author: Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. Title: Songs of the sun-lands. / By Joaquin Author: Baines, Minnie Willis, 1845- Miller, author of "Songs of the Sierras" Title: The pilgrim's vision : an allegory / by Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, Reader Minnie Willis Baines, author of "The silent and Dyer, 1873. land", "His cousin, the doctor", etc. Collation: [10], 243, [18] p. ; 23 cm. Imprint: Cincinnati : Cranston & Stowe ; New Reel: 724 Position: 2 York : Hunt & Eaton, 1891. Collation: 121 p., [4] leaves of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. Author: Miller, Lotta. Reel: 724 Position: 8 Title: Flowers from the kitchen garden poems / by Lotta Miller. Imprint: [Oil City, Pa. : Derrick Pub. Co., 1894] Collation: 48 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 724 Position: 3

15 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Baines, Minnie Willis, 1845- Author: Miller, E. P., Mrs., b. 1831. Title: The pilgrim's vision : an allegory / by Title: Mother Truth's melodies. : Common sense Minnie Willis Baines, author of "The silent for children : A kindergarten, / by Mrs. E.P. land," "His cousin, the doctor," etc. Miller, author of "A father's advice: a book for Imprint: Cincinnati : Cranston & Stowe ; New every boy," and "A mother's advice: a book for York : Hunt & Eaton, 1892, c1891. every girl"; 450 illustrations. Collation: 121 p., [4] leaves of plates : ill ; 19 Edition: New and enlarged edition. cm. Imprint: Chicago : Standard-Columbian Co. ; Reel: 725 Position: 1 St. Louis : Columbia Publishing ; Harrisburg : Pennsylvania Publishing Co., 1891. Collation: 352 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Author: Miller, E. P., Mrs., b. 1831. Reel: 726 Position: 1 Title: Mother Truth's melodies. : Common sense for children ; A kindergarten. / By Mrs. E.P. Miller, author of "A father's advice, a book for Author: Miller, E. P., Mrs., b. 1831. every boy," and "A mother's advice, a book for Title: Mother Truth's melodies. sense for every girl." ; with 300 illustrations. children : A kindergarten, / by Mrs. E.P. Miller, Imprint: New York : G.W. Carleton & Co., author of "A father's advice: a book for every publishers ; London : S. Low, Son & Co., 1879, boy," and "A mother's advice: a book for every c1878. girl". ; 450 illustrations. Collation: 215, [1] p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Edition: New and enlarged edition. Reel: 725 Position: 2 Imprint: Chicago : Cram Standard Book Co. ; Boston, Mass. : J.Q. Adams & Co., 1895. Collation: 352 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Author: Miller, E. P., Mrs., b. 1831. Reel: 726 Position: 2 Title: Mother Truth's melodies. : common sense for children : A kindergarten. / By Mrs. E.P. Miller, author of "A father's advice: a book for Author: Miller, Schuyler W. every boy," and " A mother's advice: a book for Title: A gallery of farmer girls / by Schuyler W. every girl." ; nearly 400 illustrations. Miller. Edition: New and enlarged edition. Imprint: Lincoln, Nebraska : The Kiote Imprint: Chicago : Fairbanks, Palmer & Co., Publishing Co., 1900. 1884, c1881. Collation: 52, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Collation: 296 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 726 Position: 3 Reel: 725 Position: 3

Author: Miller, William Jones, 1818-1886. Author: Miller, E. P., Mrs., b. 1831. Title: Notes concerning the Wampanoag tribe of Title: Mother Truth's melodies. : Common sense Indians, with some account of a rock picture on for children : A kindergarten. / By Mrs. E.P. the shore of Mount Hope Bay, in Bristol, R.I. / Miller, author of "A father's advice: a book for By William J. Miller. every boy," and "A mother's advice: a book for Imprint: Providence [R.I.] : Sidney S. Rider, every girl"; 450 illustrations. 1880. Edition: New and enlarged edition. Collation: [4], 148 p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: New York City : W.J. Holland, 1890, Reel: 726 Position: 4 c1889. Collation: 352 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 725 Position: 4 Author: Millington, Philip. Title: La mescolánza. / By Cénto. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed for the author by J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1877. Collation: 70 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 726 Position: 5

16 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Mills, Charles K. (Charles Karsner), Author: Mills, Joanna E. (Joanna Eames), 1823- 1845-1931. 1893. Title: The Schuylkill. : a centennial poem. / By Title: Remembrance of my mother, and some of M.K.C. my own poems. / by Joanna E. Mills. Imprint: Philadelphia : Jno. A. Haddock ..., Imprint: Boston : A. Williams and Company ..., 1876. 1881. Collation: 48 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 20 Collation: 94 p. ; 15 cm. cm. Reel: 727 Position: 6 Reel: 727 Position: 1

Author: Mills, Sallie. Author: Mills, Abbie. Title: Despair Mills. Title: Quiet hallelujahs Abbie Mills. Imprint: [United States : s.n., 18--] Imprint: Boston, Mass. : Published by Collation: 4 p. ; 17 cm. McDonald & Gill, Office of the Christian Reel: 727 Position: 7 Witness ..., c1886. Collation: 255 p., [1] leaf of plates : music, 1 port. ; 18 cm. Author: Mills, Sallie. Reel: 727 Position: 2 Title: A dream of dawn. / Sallie Mills. Imprint: [United States : s.n., 18--] Collation: 10 p. ; 16 cm. Author: Mills, Charles D. B. (Charles De Reel: 727 Position: 8 Berard), 1821-1900. Title: Pebbles, pearls and gems of the Orient. and arranged by Charles D. B. Mills. Author: Mitchell, James E. Imprint: Boston : George H. Ellis ..., 1882. Title: The story of Jack, the hermit of the White Collation: ix, [1], 238 p. ; 20 cm. Mountains / by James E. Mitchell. Reel: 727 Position: 3 Edition: Third edition. Imprint: Boston : Press of the Standard Publishing Co., 1895, c1891. Author: Mills, Harry Edward. Collation: 29 p. : 1 ill. ; 13 x 18 cm. Title: The sod house in heaven, and other Reel: 727 Position: 9 poems. Harry E. Mills. Imprint: Topeka, Kansas : Geo. W. Crane & Company, 1892. Author: Milne, Frances Margaret, 1846-1910. Collation: 109 p. ; 19 cm. Title: A cottage gray and other poems Frances Reel: 727 Position: 4 Margaret Milne, author of "For to-day" Imprint: Buffalo : Charles Wells Moulton, 1895. Author: Mills, Joanna E. (Joanna Eames), 1823- Collation: 79 p. ; 16 cm. 1893. Reel: 728 Position: 1 Title: Old and new and other poems. Joanna E. Mills. ; Printed for May 24th, 1893. Imprint: Boston : Columbian Printing Co., Author: Milne, Frances Margaret, 1846-1910. 1893. Title: For to-day : poems Frances Margaret Collation: 90, [8] p. ; 18 cm. Milne. Reel: 727 Position: 5 Imprint: Boston, Mass. : Arena Publishing Company ..., 1893. Collation: 6, 137 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 728 Position: 2

17 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Milne, John C. (John Cruikshank) Author: Waterbury High School (Conn.) Title: The first Raymond Excursion of 1882 to Title: First annual reunion of the Auld Lang California. Syne Fraternity, held at Waterbury, Conn., Imprint: Fall River, Mass. : Press of Almy & Friday evening, November 29th, 1872. : With the Milne, publishers of Daily and Weekly address by Rev. A.N. Lewis, of New Haven; the News, [1884] speech of Mr. Frederick E. Snow, of Yale Collation: 20 p. ; 16 cm. College; the poem by Mr. Solomon C. Minor, of Reel: 728 Position: 3 Yale College; the constitution and by laws of the Fraternity; names and P.O. address of it members, etc., etc. Author: Milne, John C. (John Cruikshank) Imprint: New Haven : Published by the Title: "The Massachusetts legislature of 1884. / Fraternity, 1873 (New Haven : Punderson, Lines written by John C. Milne, and read by him Crisand & Co., printers) near the close of the session on Monday, Collation: 33 p. ; 23 cm. June 2, 1884. Reel: 728 Position: 9 Imprint: Boston, Mass. : Wright & Potter Printing Co., State printers .... 1884. Collation: 20 p. ; 19 cm. Author: Minto, Charles. Reel: 728 Position: 4 Title: The Howes o' Buchan and far awa with other poems / by Charles Minto. Imprint: Montreal : Printed for the author, 1896. Author: Milne, John C. (John Cruikshank) Collation: vi, 173 p. ; 21 cm. Title: To the pupils of the State Primary School Reel: 728 Position: 10 at Monson. : May 18, 1885. Imprint: Fall River [Mass.] : News Print, [1885] Collation: [8] p. ; 15 cm. Author: Minto, John, 1822-1915. Reel: 728 Position: 5 Title: Rhymes of early life in Oregon and historical and biographical facts / by John Minto, a pioneer of 1844. Author: Milne, John C. (John Cruikshank) Imprint: Salem, Oregon : Statesman Publishing Title: To the pupils of the State Primary School Co., [1915?] at Monson : May 26, 1886. Collation: 32 p. : ill., 1 port. ; 23 cm. Imprint: [Fall River? Mass. : s.n., 1886] Reel: 728 Position: 11 Collation: [7] p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 728 Position: 6 Author: Minton, Henry, 1831-1895. Title: "Similia similibus curantur." / By Henry Author: Milroy, Elizabeth, 1954- Minton. ; Read at the banquet given to the N.Y. Title: A new version of an old story / by State Homoeopathic Medical Society by the Elizabeth Milroy. Homoeopathic Physicians of Kings County, at Imprint: New York (114 Fifth Avenue) : Brighton Hotel, Coney Island, Sept. 8, 1880. London ; Montreal : The Abbey Press, Imprint: Brooklyn : H.M. Gardner & Co., publishers, c1900. Printers ..., 1881. Collation: 31, [2] p. ; 16 cm. Collation: 8, [2] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 728 Position: 7 Reel: 728 Position: 12

Author: Minkler, Laura, 1848-1891. Author: Minton, John Henderson, Jr. Title: Songs in the night, / by Miss Laura Title: Pansies and violets : the poetic musings of Minkler. ; A memorial volume. a blind man / by John Henderson Minton, Jr. Imprint: Burlington, Iowa : Burdette Company, Edition: [2nd ed.] 1891. Imprint: Nashville, Tenn. : Fold & Browder Collation: 69 p. : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Print, 1900. Reel: 728 Position: 8 Collation: 48 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 728 Position: 13

18 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Moore, Bloomfield H., Mrs. (Clara Author: Mitchell, Charles G., 1868- Jessup), 1824-1899. Title: A peep behind the scenes, or, The dark Title: Miscellaneous poems ; Stories for side of an actor's life / by Charles G. Mitchell, children ; The warden's tale ; and Three eras in The reformed actor and showman. a life / C.J. Moore. Imprint: [Binghamton, N.Y. : s.n., 1896] Imprint: [Philadelphia] : Porter & Coates, 1875. Collation: 64 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: 288 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 729 Position: 7 Reel: 729 Position: 1 This is copy 2. See reel 66 , no 6 for copy 1 Author: Mitchell, James E. Title: Miss Rose. Title: The story of Jack, the [sic] hermit of the Imprint: New York : Edward Dunigan & White Mountains / by James E. Mitchell. Brother ..., [between 1844 and 1856?] Imprint: Boston : Blair Printing Co., 1891. Collation: [8] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Collation: [27] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 14 x Reel: 729 Position: 2 18 cm. Reel: 729 Position: 8

Title: Miss Tiny. Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop & Co., publishers, Author: Mitchell, James E c1877. Title: The story of Jack, the hermit of the White Collation: 30+ p. : ill. ; 60 cm. Mountains / by James E. Mitchell Reel: 729 Position: 3 Edition: Third edition Imprint: Boston : Press of the Standard Publishing Co., 1895, c1891 Author: Missouri Press Association. Collation: 29 p. : 1 ill. ; 13 x 18 cm Title: The thirteenth annual session of the Reel: 729 Position: 9 Missouri Press Association : held at Columbia, Missouri, May 27 and 28, 1879. / Compiled by M.B. Chapman, Sec'y. Author: Mitchell, James E. Imprint: Columbia, Mo. : Missouri Statesman Title: The story of Jack, the hermit of the White Book and Job Print, 1879. Mountains / by James E. Mitchell. Collation: 61 p. ; 23 cm. Edition: Sixth edition. Reel: 729 Position: 4 Imprint: Boston : Press of the Standard Publishing Co., 1900, c1891. Collation: [3]-29 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Author: Mitchel, Charles T. ill. ; 13 x 17 cm. Title: Down the outlet and other poems / by Reel: 729 Position: 10 Chas. T. Mitchel, Canandaigua, N.Y. Imprint: New York : Forest and Stream Publishing Co., 1900. Author: Mitchell, John Ames, 1845-1918. Collation: [2], 123 p. ; 17 cm. Title: The romance of the moon J.A. Mitchell. Reel: 729 Position: 5 Imprint: New York : Henry Holt and Company, 1886. Collation: [16] leaves ; 15 x 18 cm. Author: Mitchell, Charles Elliott, 1837-1911. Reel: 729 Position: 11 Title: Poems / Charles Elliott Mitchell. Imprint: [United States : s.n., between 1911 and 1919] Author: Mitchell, John, d. 1885. Collation: [26] p. ; 19 cm. Title: The poetical works Mitchell, M.D. Reel: 729 Position: 6 Imprint: Chicago : Shepard & Johnson, Printers, 1883. Collation: 240 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 729 Position: 12

19 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Mitchell, Laisdell. Author: Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829- Title: Niram : a dusky idyl Laisdell Mitchell .. 1914. Imprint: Philadelphia : Charles H. Title: The mother and other poems S. Weir Banes ..., 1895. Mitchell .. Collation: 75 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 20 Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, cm. Mifflin and Company, 1893 (Cambridge : The Reel: 730 Position: 1 Riverside Press) Collation: iv, 69 p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 730 Position: 6 Author: Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn, 1862-1935. Title: Poems / by Langdon Elwyn Mitchell, "John Philip Varley" Author: Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829- Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, 1914. Mifflin and Company, 1894 (Cambridge : The Title: The wager and other poems S. Weir Riverside Press) Mitchell .. Collation: vi, 118 p. ; 21 cm. Imprint: New York : The Century Co., 1900. Reel: 730 Position: 2 Collation: v, [3], 47 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 730 Position: 7

Author: Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829- 1914. Author: Mitchell, Thomas C. Title: The collected poems of S. Weir Mitchell .. Title: The poems of Thomas C. Mitchell. Imprint: New York : The Century Co., 1896. Edition: First edition. Collation: xi, [1], 353 p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: Wappingers Falls, N.Y. : Fred W. Reel: 730 Position: 3 Corson, The Chronicle, Printer, 1888. Collation: 60 p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 730 Position: 8 Author: Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829- 1914. Title: The cup of youth and other poems S. Weir Author: Mitchell, Will Ward. Mitchell .. Title: Jael. Will Ward Mitchell. Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, Imprint: Higginsville, Mo. : [W.W. Mitchell?], Mifflin and Company, 1889 (Cambridge : The 1898. Riverside Press) Collation: [133] p. ; 20 cm. Collation: [6], 76 p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 730 Position: 9 Reel: 730 Position: 4

Author: Enoch Morgan's Sons Co. Author: Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829- Title: The modern household fairy : a tale of 1914. Sapolio ... / presented by Enoch Morgan's Title: The hill of stones and other poems S. Weir Sons Co. Mitchell .. Imprint: New York : Enoch Morgan's Sons Co., Imprint: Boston ; New York : Houghton, [18--?] Mifflin and Company ..., 1883, c1882 Collation: [12] p. : col. ill. ; 13 cm. (Cambridge : The Riverside Press) Reel: 731 Position: 1 Collation: iv, 98 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 730 Position: 5 Author: Modern philosopher. Title: The poet's passion. : A poem. ; Music everywhere. : A song. ; Maxims to guide a youth. / By a modern philosopher. Imprint: [United States? : s.n., 18--?] Collation: 4 p. ; 24 cm. Reel: 731 Position: 2

20 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Title: A Modern tragedy / not written by Bacon. Author: Moneghan, James Charles. Imprint: [United States : s.n., 1888?] Title: Emmet, or, The hero of 1803. : A drama in Collation: 15 p. ; 20 cm. five acts, / by James Chas. Moneghan. Reel: 731 Position: 3 Imprint: Providence : A. Crawford Greene & Son, printers ..., 1879. Collation: 70, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Author: Moe, Adelaide T. Reel: 731 Position: 9 Title: The Old Fountain Inn, and other poems. Adelaide T. Moe. Author: Afton, Effie, 1829-1887. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Title: How a lady, having lost a sufficient 1875. income from government bonds, by misplaced Collation: 123 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 18 confidence, reduced to a little homestead whose cm. entire income is but $40.00 per annum, resolved Reel: 731 Position: 4 to hold it, incurring no debts and live within it. : How she has lived for three years, and sitll lives on half a dime a day. ; Added to which is, A Author: Moffat, James C. (James Clement), poem, which she has found time to write, 1811-1890. entitled "An Abundant entrance." Title: Alwyn romance of study. / By James C. Imprint: New York : John M. Davis, Moffat. typographer ..., 1880. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Collation: 32, 12 p. ; 23 cm. Company ..., c1875. Reel: 731 Position: 10 Collation: 179, [2] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 731 Position: 5 Author: Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936, Title: The Columbian ode / by Harriet Monroe ; Author: Mollan, Malcolm. designs by Will H. Bradley. Title: Poems. / By Malcolm Mollan. Imprint: Chicago : W. Irving Way & Co., 1893. Imprint: Bridgeport, Conn. : Malcolm Mollan, Collation: 23, [1] p. ; 17 cm. 1880, c1879. Reel: 731 Position: 11 Collation: 111 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 731 Position: 6 Author: Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936, Title: Valeria and other poems / by Harriet Monroe. Author: Monahan, Michael, 1865-1933. Imprint: Chicago : Printed for the author, 1891. Title: A fantasy of the Fuyck, and other conceits Collation: xxi, [1], 287, [1] p. ; 20 cm. of the colonial Low Dutch / by Michael Reel: 732 Position: 1 Monahan. Imprint: Albany, N.Y. : Fort Orange Press : Brandow Printing Company, 1892. Author: Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936, Collation: 135 p. ; 24 cm. Title: Valeria and other poems / by Harriet Reel: 731 Position: 7 Monroe. Imprint: Chicago : A.C. McClurg & Company, 1892. Author: Monahan, Michael, 1865-1933. Collation: xi, [1], 301 p. ; 19 cm. Title: Youth poem of soul and sense, and other Reel: 732 Position: 2 poems / by Michael Monahan. Imprint: Albany [N.Y.] : The Albany Publishing Company, 1895. Collation: 226 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 731 Position: 8

21 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Monroe, J. R. (Jasper R.) Author: Montgomery, Will R. Title: Dramas and miscellaneous poems. : Title: The fair one's paradise. : A poem. / By including Will Cobbett's vision, or, The Devil Will R. Montgomery. and Tom Paine; Argo and Irene; Malachi and Imprint: Chicago : Lakeside Publishing and Miranda; Fate of Fatah; etc. etc. / By Dr. J.R. Printing Company, 1874. Monroe. Collation: 129 p. ; 21 cm. Imprint: Chicago : Knight & Leonard, Printers, Reel: 733 Position: 5 1875. Collation: 190 p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 732 Position: 3 Author: Moody, Joel, 1834-1914. Title: The song of Kansas and other poems. / By Joel Moody. Author: Monroe, Lewis B., Mrs. Imprint: Topeka, Kansas : Geo. W. Crane & Title: Monroe's new primer / by Mrs. Lewis B. Co., 1890. Monroe. Collation: viii, 189, [3] p., [2] leaves of plates : Imprint: Philadelphia : Cowperthwait & ill., 1 port ; 21 cm. Co., c1882. Reel: 733 Position: 6 Collation: 80 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. Reel: 732 Position: 4 Author: Moon, G. Washington (George Washington), 1823-1909. Author: Monroe, Mary C. Title: Eden, the garden of God, and other Title: Souvenirs of Notre Dame : a collection of poems. / By G. Washington Moon, F.R.S.L., poems and dramas. / By Mrs. Mary C. Monroe. author of "The Dean's English"; "Elijah the Imprint: New York : The Catholic Publication prophet", a sacred epic; "The soul's comfort in Society, 1876. sorrow" .. Collation: 344 p. ; 20 cm. Edition: Third edition. Reel: 733 Position: 1 Imprint: London : Hatchards ..., 1873. Collation: viii, 162 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., facsim. ; 18 cm. Author: Monteverde, Frank L. Reel: 734 Position: 1 Title: Looking beyond : poems / by Frank L. Monteverde. Imprint: Buffalo : Charles Wells Moulton, Author: Agathe. 1893. Title: Moonlight on the Sierra Nevada. Collation: viii, [2], [9]-185 p., [1] leaf of Imprint: [United States : s.n., 1889] plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Collation: [4] leaves, [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; Reel: 733 Position: 2 19 x 26 cm. Reel: 734 Position: 2

Author: Montgomery, Carrie Judd. Title: Heart whisperings / by Carrie Judd Author: Moore, Ada J. Montgomery. Title: Under the pines. / By Ada J. Moore. Imprint: Beulah, Mills College P.O. [Oakland] Imprint: Milwaukee, Wis. : West & Co., 1875. Cal[if.]: Office of Triumphs of Faith, 1897. Collation: 205 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 73 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 734 Position: 3 Reel: 733 Position: 3

Author: Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore, 1875- Author: Montgomery, Carrie Judd. 1935. Title: Lilies from the vale of thought. / By Carrie Title: Violets and other tales / Alice Ruth F. Judd. Moore. Imprint: Buffalo : H.H. Otis ..., 1878. Imprint: [Boston] : Monthly Review, c1895. Collation: 109 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 176 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 733 Position: 4 Reel: 734 Position: 4

22 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Author: Moore, Charles Leonard, 1854ö Title: A visit from Santa Claus. Title: Atlas. / By Charles Leonard Moore. Imprint: [Scranton : The Morning Republican, Imprint: Philadelphia : John E. Potter and 1872 or 1873] Company, [188-?] Collation: [2], [1] 8 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. Collation: 56 p. ; 24 cm. Reel: 735 Position: 4 Reel: 734 Position: 5

Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Author: Moore, Charles Leonard, 1854- Title: Santa Claus, or, The night before Title: A book of day-dreams / by Charles Christmas. Leonard Moore. Imprint: New York : Wemple & Imprint: Philadelphia : Press of J.B. Lippincott Kronheim, c1879. Company, 1888. Collation: [4] leaves, [5] leaves of plates : Collation: [102] p. ; 19 cm. ill. (5 col.) ; 27 cm. Reel: 734 Position: 6 Reel: 735 Position: 5

Author: Moore, Charles Leonard, 1854- Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Title: A book of day-dreams / by Charles Title: The night before Christmas. / By Clement Leonard Moore. C. Moore. ; Illustrated by William T. Smedley, Edition: Second edition revised. Frederic B. Schell, Alfred Fredericks, and Imprint: New York : Henry Holt and Henry R. Poore. Company, 1892. Imprint: Philadelphia : Porter & Coates, c1883. Collation: [103] p. ; 19 cm. Collation: [23] leaves : ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 734 Position: 7 Reel: 735 Position: 6

Author: Moore, Charles Leonard, 1854- Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Title: Odes. / By Charles Leonard Moore. Title: The night before Christmas / by Clement Imprint: Philadelphia : Published for the C. Moore. : Illustrated by William T. Smedley, Author, 1896. Frederic B. Schell, Alfred Fredericks, and Collation: [2], 106 p. ; 20 cm. Henry R. Poore. Reel: 735 Position: 1 Imprint: Philadelphia ; Chicago ; Toronto : The John C. Winston Co., c1883. Collation: [22] leaves : ill. ; 20 cm. Author: Moore, Charles Leonard, 1854- Reel: 735 Position: 7 Title: Poems antique and modern / by Charles Leonard Moore. Imprint: Philadelphia : John E. Potter and Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Company, 1883. Title: A visit from Santa Claus / by Clement C. Collation: [2], 334 p. ; 21 cm. Moore ; illustrated by Virginia Gerson. Reel: 735 Position: 2 Imprint: New York : White, Stokes, & Allen, 1887, c1886. Collation: [24] p. : col. ill. ; 25 cm. Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Reel: 735 Position: 8 Title: Visit of St. Nicholas. Imprint: N.Y. [i.e. New York] : McLoughlin Bros., [1878?] Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863 Collation: [10] leaves : col. ill. ; 28 cm. Title: The night before Christmas, by Clement Reel: 735 Position: 3 C. Moore. Illus. By William T. Smedley, Frederic B. Schell, Alfred Fredericks, and Henry R. Poore. Imprint: Philadelphia, Porter & Coates [c1888] Collation: Reel: 735 Position: 9

23 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Author: Moore, Maude, 1849-1922. Title: The night before Christmas, or, A visit of Title: Songs of sunshine and shadow / by Maude St. Nicholas. Moore. Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bros., c1888. Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop & Company ..., Collation: [16] p. : col. ill. ; 31 cm. c1880. Reel: 735 Position: 10 Collation: 230, [3] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 736 Position: 4

Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Title: The night before Christmas, or, A visti of Author: Moore, Eugene. St. Nicholas. Title: Delilah : a tale of olden times, and Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bros., c1896. miscellaneous verses. / By Eugene Moore. Collation: [12] p. : col. ill. ; 31 cm. Imprint: Washington, D.C. : Press of Thomas Reel: 735 Position: 11 McGill & Co., 1888. Collation: [4], 174 p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 736 Position: 5 Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Title: The night before Christmas, or, A visit of St. Nicholas. Author: Moore James, M.D. Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bros., c1896. Title: The cardinal virtues. : A poem. / By James Collation: [12] p. : ill. (4 col.) ; 27 cm. Moore, M.D. .. Reel: 735 Position: 12 Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, printers ..., 1883. Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Reel: 736 Position: 6 Title: The night before Christmas / by Clement C. Moore ; illustrated by J.C. Chase. Imprint: New York : Brentano's ..., c1899. Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Collation: [19] leaves : ill. ; 20 cm. Title: The city of God and other poems. / By Reel: 735 Position: 13 James Moore, M.D. .. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott's Printing House, 1877. Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. Collation: 23 p. ; 18 cm. Title: The night before Christmas : a visit from Reel: 736 Position: 7 Santa Claus. Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bros., c1899. Collation: [12] p. : ill. (6 col.) ; 28 cm. Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Reel: 736 Position: 1 Title: Derry delivered. : A poem. / By James Moore, M.D. .. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, Author: Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-1863. printers ..., 1881. Title: The night before Christmas. Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Springfield, Mass. : McLoughlin Reel: 736 Position: 8 Bros, Inc., [190-?] Collation: [8] p. : ill. (4 col.) ; 30 cm. Reel: 736 Position: 2 Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Title: The first crusade. : A poem. / By James Moore, M.D. .. Author: Moore, David. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, Title: The poems of David Moore. printers ..., 1881. Edition: First edition. Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Wappingers Falls, N.Y. : Fred W. Reel: 736 Position: 9 Corson, The Chronicle Print., 1886. Collation: 100 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 736 Position: 3

24 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Title: Happiness. : A poem. / By James Title: Rosamond, and other poems. / By James Moore, M.D. .. Moore, M.D. .. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, printers ..., 1878. printers ..., 1882. Collation: 24 p. ; 20 cm. Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 736 Position: 10 Reel: 737 Position: 3

Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Title: Maria Foster; or, The parson's Title: Saint Paul, the great apostle to the daughter. : A tale. / By James Moore, M.D. Gentiles. : A poem. / By James Moore, M.D. .. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, & Scott, Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott's printers ..., 1881. Printing House ..., 1878. Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 22 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 736 Position: 11 Reel: 737 Position: 4

Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Title: Meditations on the divine attributes. : A Title: The shepherd of the Wissahickon, and poem. / By James Moore, M.D. .. other poems. / By James Moore, M.D. .. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, Imprint: Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1871, c1870. printers ..., 1879. Collation: 92 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: 23 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 737 Position: 5 Reel: 736 Position: 12

Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Title: The siege of Richmond : A poem. / By Title: The necklace. : Poems on various James Moore, M.D., .. subjects. / By James Moore, M.D. .. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, printers ..., 1882. printers ..., 1880. Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 24 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 737 Position: 6 Reel: 736 Position: 13

Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Title: The triumph of truth and other poems. / Title: Our Redeemer's kingdom. : A poem. / By By James Moore, M.D. .. James Moore, M.D. .. Imprint: Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1876. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott's Collation: 27 p., ; 17 cm. Printing House ..., 1877. Reel: 737 Position: 7 Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 737 Position: 1 Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Title: What is man? : A poem. / By James Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Moore, M.D. .. Title: Dr. Moore's poems. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, Imprint: [Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, printers ..., 1879. printers ..., 1880] Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 334 p. in various pagings ; 18 cm. Reel: 737 Position: 8 Reel: 737 Position: 2

25 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Moore, James, fl. 1858-1883. Author: Moore, Julia A., 1847-1920. Title: Willard Glazier, the cavalier. : And other Title: The sentimental song book. / By Julia A. poems. / By James Moore, M.D. .. Moore. Imprint: Philadelphia : Allen, Lane & Scott, Imprint: Grand Rapids, Mich. : C.M. Loomis printers ..., 1880. book and job printer, 1876. Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 54 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 15 Reel: 737 Position: 9 cm. Reel: 738 Position: 5

Author: Moore, J. Hampton (Joseph Hampton), 1864-1950. Author: Moore, Julia A., 1847-1920. Title: Fiveoclockiana and other poems : being a Title: The sentimental song book. / By Julia A. collection of original verses and songs prompted Moore. by current events, for the menus, souvenirs, and Imprint: Cleveland, O[hio] : J.F. Ryder, dinners of the Five O'clock Club of Philadelphia publisher, 1877, c1876. and now, at the suggestion of the executive Collation: 62 p. ; 16 cm. committee, published as a souvenir of the club's Reel: 738 Position: 6 fifteenth anniversary, March 26, 1898 / by J. Hampton Moore. Imprint: [Philadelphia : Dreka], c1898. Author: Moore, Julia A., 1847-1920. Collation: 128 p., [47] leaves of plates : ill., Title: The sentimental song book / by Julia A. ports. ; 22 cm. Moore. Reel: 738 Position: 1 Imprint: Grand Rapids, Mich. : C.M. Loomis, book and job printer, 1876 [i.e. 1893] Collation: 66, [2] p. : 1 port. ; 15 cm. Author: Moore, J. Hampton (Joseph Hampton), Reel: 738 Position: 7 1864-1950. Title: The oracle : souvenir of the Five O'clock Club of Philadelphia, thirteenth anniversary Author: Moore, L. Bruce (Lycurgus Bruce) dinner, Saturday, February 29, 1896. Title: The death of Falstaff and other poems, / Imprint: [Philadelphia : s.n., 1896] by L. Bruce Moore. Collation: [20] leaves : ill., ports. ; 20 cm. Imprint: Baltimore : Cushing & Company, Reel: 738 Position: 2 1897. Collation: 102 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 738 Position: 8 Author: Moore, Julia A., 1847-1920. Title: A few choice words to the public, with new and original, poems, / by Julia A. Moore ; Author: Moore, Louise Ivory. written by the author. Title: Diamonds in History and romance / by Imprint: Grand Rapids, Mich. : C.M. Loomis, Louise Ivory Moore. printer ..., 1878. Imprint: Chicago : The Schulte Publishing Collation: 55, [1] p. ; 15 cm. Company ..., c1897. Reel: 738 Position: 3 Collation: [24] leaves : ill., ports. ; 21 cm. Reel: 738 Position: 9

Author: Moore, Julia A., 1847-1920. Title: Original poems / by Julia A. Moore, "the Author: Moore, Mary Ann. sweet singer of Michigan." Title: Musings of a blind and partially Imprint: Boston : Alfred Bartlett ..., 1900. deaf girl. / By Mary Ann Moore. Collation: 130-160 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., port. ; 18 cm. 1873, 1872. Reel: 738 Position: 4 Collation: 144 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 738 Position: 10

26 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Moore, Martin V. Author: Moore, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), Title: The rhyme of the southern rivers. : With 1864- notes historical, traditional, geographical, Title: Elecampane and other poems. / By etymological, etc. : For the use of teachers, Thomas J. Moore, A.M. schools, and general readers. / By Martin V. Imprint: Cincinnati : Press of The Robert Moore .. Clarke Company, 1898. Imprint: Nashville, Tenn. : Publishing House Collation: xi, [1], 177 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 M.E. Church, South : Barbee & Smith, port. ; 19 cm. agents, c1897. Reel: 739 Position: 5 Collation: 107 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., 2 ports. ; 19 cm. Reel: 738 Position: 11 Author: Moore, Thomas, ca. 1800-ca. 1878. Title: Home poems. : Written at leisure moments / by Thomas Moore. Author: More, Paul Elmer, 1864-1937. Imprint: [New York : s.n.], 1875. Title: Helena and occasional poems / by Paul Collation: 64 p. ; 13 cm. Elmer More. Reel: 739 Position: 6 Imprint: New York ; London : G.P. Putnam's Sons ..., 1890 (New York : The Knickerbocker Press) Author: Moore, W. H. (William Haywood) Collation: iv, 78 p. ; 19 cm. Title: A collection of jewels / by W.H. Moore. Reel: 739 Position: 1 Imprint: Jackson, Tenn. : Published by the author, 1900. Collation: vi, 176 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Author: Moore, S. port. ; 18 cm. Title: Poems. / By S. Moore. Reel: 739 Position: 7 Imprint: Montreal : Published by John Lovell & Son ..., 1887. Collation: 315 p. ; 21 cm. Author: More, Paul Elmer, 1864-1937. Reel: 739 Position: 2 Title: The great refusal : being letters of a dreamer in Gotham / edited by Paul Elmer More. Author: Moore, Samuel C. Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, Title: Historical poems. / By Samuel C. Moore. Mifflin and Company, 1894 (Cambridge : The Imprint: Portland, Me. : Published for the Riverside Press) author by Dresser, McLellan and Company, Collation: 157 p. ; 18 cm. 1879. Reel: 740 Position: 1 Collation: 69 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 739 Position: 3 Author: Morehead, L. M. (Lavinia Murdoch), 1818-1900. Author: Moore, Stephen, 1835-1920. Title: Autumn leaves gathered for a Title: The journey / Stephen Moore. few friends. / by L.M. Morehead. Imprint: [Boston, Mass. : s.n., 18--] Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Collation: 15 p. ; 17 cm. Company ..., c1883. Reel: 739 Position: 4 Collation: vi, [2], 135 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 740 Position: 2

27 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Morehead, L. M. (Lavinia Murdoch), Author: Morgan, James Brainerd. 1818-1900. Title: Song-sermons, and other poems. / By Title: Christmas is coming, and other poems for James Brainerd Morgan. the "House mother" and her darlings / By Mrs. Imprint: Richmond, Va. : Whittet & L.M. Morehead. Shepperson, printers ..., 1892. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Collation: 109 p. : 1 port. ; 20 cm. 1871. Reel: 740 Position: 9 Collation: 47 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 740 Position: 3 Author: Morgan, John Edward. Title: Morning echoes / John Edward Morgan. Author: Morehouse, Carrie Warner. Imprint: [Clarks? Nebraska : s.n.], c1900. Title: The legend of Psyche and other verses / Collation: 104 p. : ill., ports. ; 18 x 19 cm. Carrie Warner Morehouse. Reel: 740 Position: 10 Edition: Holiday edition. Imprint: St. Johnsbury [Vermont] : Charles T. Walter, 1889, c1888. Author: Morgan, Mary. Collation: 98 p. ; 18 cm. Title: Poems and translations / by Mary Reel: 740 Position: 4 Morgan, (Gowan Lea.) Imprint: Montreal : J. Theo. Robinson, publisher, 1887. Author: Moreland, Josie. Collation: xi, [1], 195 p. ; 18 cm. Title: Poems of the late Miss Josie Moreland. Reel: 741 Position: 1 Imprint: San Francisco : H.S. Crocker & Co., stationers and printers ..., 1888. Collation: 94 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Morgan, Mary. Reel: 740 Position: 5 Title: Poems and translations / by Mary Morgan (Gowan Lea) Imprint: Boston : Cupples and Hurd, 1889. Author: Morgan, Carrie Blake. Collation: xi, [1], 195 p. ; 18 cm. Title: The path of gold. / by Carrie Blake Reel: 741 Position: 2 Morgan. Imprint: New Whatcom, Washington : Edson & Irish, 1900. Author: Enoch Morgan's Sons Co. Collation: 28 p. ; 23 cm. Title: An easy task for young students and older Reel: 740 Position: 6 workers. Imprint: [New York] : Enoch Morgan's Sons Co., [188-?] Author: Morgan, George G. W. Collation: [16] p. : ill. ; 9 x 14 cm. Title: Aspiration and realization. : A story in Reel: 741 Position: 3 verse for children, / by George G.W. Morgan. Imprint: San Francisco : Winterburn & Co., printers and electrotypers ..., 1874. Author: Enoch Morgan's Sons Co. Collation: [2], 18 p., [3] leaves of plates : Title: Sapoli-o-lic : selections from H.M.S. ill. ; 22 cm. Pinafore / presented by Enoch Morgans Sons Reel: 740 Position: 7 Co. Imprint: [New York] : Enoch Morgan's Sons, [1879?] Author: Morgan, George G. W. Collation: [16] p. : ill. ; 13 cm. Title: Poems, or, Metrical gossamer thoughts. / Reel: 741 Position: 4 By George G.W. Morgan. Edition: Second edition. Imprint: Boston : [s.n.], 1855. Collation: 144, [2], [145]-178, [1] p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 740 Position: 8

28 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Moriarty, Helen Louise. Author: Mighels, Philip Verrill, 1869-1911. Title: Idle rhymes / by Helen Louise Moriarty ; Title: Tales of newspaper men / [Philip Verrill with illustrations by F.C. Lind. Mighels] Imprint: Cincinnati : The Robert Clarke Imprint: [New London, Conn. : Morning Company Press, 1895. Telegraph, 1896] Collation: 54, [1] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Collation: 20 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm. Reel: 741 Position: 5 Reel: 741 Position: 11

Author: Morison, John Hopkins, 1808-1896. Author: Morrell, Charles B., 1859- Title: Discourse at the funeral of the Rev. Title: "Five dozen fancies" / by Charles B. Francis T. Washburn, junior pastor of the First Morrell, M.D. ; illustrated. Congregational Parish in Milton, January 2, Imprint: Cincinnati : Earhart & Richardson, 1874 : with remarks prefatory thereto, as printed printers, 1893. in the Monthly religious magazine for February, Collation: [4], 150 p., [4] leaves of plates : ill., 1 1874. / By John H. Morison, D.D., senior pastor port. ; 20 cm. of the parish. Reel: 741 Position: 12 Imprint: Boston : Leonard C. Bowles, 1874. Collation: 22 p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 741 Position: 6 Author: Morris, Florence Ada. Title: Destruction of the battleship Maine : an original poem / by Florence Ada Morris. Author: Morison, Nathaniel Holmes, 1815- Imprint: Epping, N.H. : [s.n.], 1898. 1890. Collation: [1], 20, [1] leaves : ill., ports. ; 19 cm. Title: The captive and other early rhymes / by Reel: 742 Position: 1 Nathaniel Holmes Morison. Imprint: Baltimore : Privately printed, 1888. Collation: 113 p. ; 19 cm. Author: Morris, George Pope, 1802-1864. Reel: 741 Position: 7 Title: Poems by George P. Morris. : With twelve steel illustrations. Edition: Fifth edition. Author: Morison, Nathaniel Holmes, 1815- Imprint: New York : James Miller, publisher ..., 1890. 1873, c1853. Title: 1889. : Sesqui-centennial poem. / By Collation: 365 p., [12] leaves of plates : ill., Nathaniel Holmes Morison, LL.D., Provost of ports. ; 20 cm. the Peabody Institute, Baltimore. Reel: 742 Position: 2 Imprint: [Peterborough, N.H. : s.n., 1889] Collation: 11 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 741 Position: 8 Author: Morris, Harrison S. (Harrison Smith), 1856-1948. Title: Madonna and other poems / written by Author: Bloss, Joseph Blossom. Harrison S. Morris. Title: The morning breath of June : A poem. / Imprint: Philadelphia and ; London : J.B. Illustrated by C.J. Taylor and E.J. Meeker. Lippincott Company, 1894. Imprint: New York : A. Newman Lockwood, Collation: 229, [2] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. 1884. Reel: 742 Position: 3 Collation: [60] p. : ill., facsim. ; 21 cm. Reel: 741 Position: 9 Author: Morris, Harrison S. (Harrison Smith), 1856-1948. Title: Morning glories : a volume of fugitive Title: The three Kings / By Harrison S. Morris. verse. Imprint: [United States : s.n.], 1899. Imprint: Brooklyn, N.Y. : Charles N. Andrews, Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. 1887, c1886. Reel: 742 Position: 4 Collation: xiv, 86 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 741 Position: 10

29 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Morris, Robert, 1818-1888. Title: Programme for tableau of Bonds in the Title: Masonic odes and poems / by Robert bank, 1st month 22nd, 1873. : Produced on 10th Morris .. anniversary of the wedding-day of Wistar & Imprint: Chicago : Printed by Knight & Mary Morris, 1873. Leonard, 1876, c1875. Imprint: Philadelphia: Lippincott's Press, 1873. Collation: [2], 145 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: [31] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 743 Position: 1 Reel: 744 Position: 4

Author: Morris, Robert, 1818-1888. Author: Morrison, J. Southmayd. Title: The poetry of Freemasonry / by Robert Title: Sparkin' on the fence : other smiles and Morris .. tears from Hoosierland, especially designed for Edition: Standard edition. recitations and readings / by J. Southmayd Imprint: Chicago : Published for the author, Morrison. 1884 (Chicago : Knight & Leonard, printers) Imprint: Minneapolis, Minn. : Distributed by Collation: 399 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 28 the author, c1900. cm. Collation: 96 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., 1 Reel: 743 Position: 2 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 744 Position: 5

Author: Morris, Robert, 1818-1888. Title: The poetry of Freemasonry / by Rob Author: Morrison, Mary Jane Whitney, 1832- Morris ... ; with portrait and an authentic 1904. biography written by his son Rob Morris. Title: Stories true and fancies new / by Mary Imprint: Chicago ; New York ; London ; Whitney Morrison (Jenny Wallis) ... ; illustrated Berlin ; Paris : The Werner Company, 1895. by L.J. Bridgman. Collation: xxiv, [2], 15-399 p., [1] leaf of Imprint: Boston : Dana Estes & Company, plates : 1 port. ; 27 cm. publishers, c1898. Reel: 744 Position: 1 Collation: 208, [7] p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Reel: 745 Position: 1

Author: Morris, Robert, 1818-1888. Title: Three hundred Masonic odes and poems / Author: Morrison, Sarah Parke, 1833-1916. by Rob Morris .. Title: A monody : to a father's memory / by Edition: [Fourth edition] Sarah P. Morrison. Imprint: New York : [Published] For the Imprint: Cambridge [Mass.] : Printed at the author [by] Masonic Publishing Company, 1875. Riverside Press, 1891. Collation: [2], 94 p. ; 24 cm. Collation: 48, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : music, 1 Reel: 744 Position: 2 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 745 Position: 2

Author: Morris, Robert T. (Robert Tuttle), 1857-1945. Author: Morrison, W. H. (William H.) Title: Hopkin's Pond and other sketches / by Title: A fool's paradise : a story of fashionable Robert T. Morris. life in Washington. Imprint: New York ; London : G.P. Putnam's Imprint: Washington, D.C. : William H. Sons, 1896 (New York : The Knickerbocker Morrison, 1884. Press) Collation: 37 p. ; 15 cm. Collation: viii, [2], 227 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Reel: 745 Position: 3 ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 744 Position: 3

30 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Title: The Old First Church, Morristown, New Author: Morton, Edwin, 1832-1900. Jersey, 1791-1891 Title: Verse (occasional) / E.M. Imprint: [Morristown, N.J.] : Published by the Imprint: Morges, Switzerland : Lavanchy, 1889. Organ Fund Society, 1894. Collation: [80] p. ; 21 cm. Collation: [8] leaves : 1 ill. ; 26 cm. Reel: 746 Position: 1 Reel: 745 Position: 4

Author: Morton, George. Author: Morse, Glenn Tilley, 1870-1950. Title: Didactic rhythmical dissertations on the Title: The first annual poem of the Shakespeare Book of heaven / by the Rev. george Morton .. Club / by Glenn Tilley Morse, read by him at the Imprint: New York : John B. Alden, first annual dinner, May 26, 1897. publisher, 1891, c1890. Imprint: [Cambridge, Mass.? : s.n., 1897] Collation: 291 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 Collation: [7] p. ; 18 cm. cm. Reel: 745 Position: 5 Reel: 746 Position: 2

Author: Morse, Horace Webster, 1810-1903. Author: Morton, Helen E. Title: Poems / by Rev. Horace Webster Morse. Title: The rhymes of Ruth Rayne / by Helen Imprint: Cambridge, Mass. : [s.n.], 1898. Morton. Collation: 137 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., 1 Imprint: Fredonia, N.Y. : W. McKinstry & Son, port. ; 18 cm. printers, [1881?] Reel: 745 Position: 6 Collation: 134 p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 746 Position: 3

Author: Morse, John M. (John Milton), 1830- 1916. Author: Morton, Hamilton. Title: Memories of childhood and other poems / Title: The America Cup : a nautical poem, by John M. Morse. descriptive of the five international races Imprint: New York : The Lafayette between the yacht Livonia, representing the Press, c1895. twelve yacht clubs of the Royal Yacht Squadron Collation: [10], 269 p., [11] leaves of plates : of England and the yachts Columbia and ill., port. ; 19 cm. Sappho, of the New York Yacht Club, for the Reel: 745 Position: 7 possession of the Challenge Cup won by the yacht America in the year 1851. Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1874. Author: Morse Brothers (Canton, Mass.) Collation: [4], 123 p., [10] leaves of plates : ill., Title: The rising sun : & who he shines upon. maps ; 24 cm. Imprint: New York : Lindner, Eddy & Reel: 746 Position: 4 Clauss, lith., [189-?] Collation: [12] p. : ill. ; 11 cm. Reel: 745 Position: 8 Author: Morton, Henry, 1836-1902. Title: "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" / President Henry Morton .. Author: Morton, Eliza Happy, 1855-1916. Imprint: New York : Bartlett & Company, Title: Still waters, or, Dreams of rest : a 1899. collection of sacred poems / by Eliza H. Morton. Collation: 18 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Imprint: Portland, Me. : Hoyt, Gogg & Reel: 746 Position: 5 Donham, 1881. Collation: 208 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 745 Position: 9

31 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Author: Morton, james H. Title: Chenodia, or, The classical Mother Title: Songs by night and by day / by Rev. James Goose. H. Morton. Imprint: Cambridge Mass. : Printed (not Imprint: Detroit : Published by E.B. Smith & published) : University Press, 1871. Co., 1875. Collation: 28 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: 123 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 747 Position: 5 Reel: 746 Position: 6

Title: Favorite rhymes from Mother Goose / by Author: Moses, John F. Maud Humphrey. Title: Hymns / composed by John F. Moses .. Imprint: New York : Frederick A. Stokes Imprint: Exeter, N.H. : Wingate & Dunton, Company, publishers, c1891. steam printers, 1876. Collation: [12] leaves : col. ill. ; 28 cm. Collation: 15 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 748 Position: 1 Reel: 746 Position: 7

Title: Goosey, goosey gander and other tales. Author: Mosher, Ada A. Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Title: From fallow fields / by Ada A. Mosher. Brothers, [188-?] Imprint: Baltimore : John Murphy & Co., 1897. Collation: [53]-68 p. : col. ill. ; 18 cm. Collation: vi, [2], 104 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 748 Position: 2 Reel: 746 Position: 8

Title: House that Jack built. Title: Story of the Bible in rhyme / by Jennie M. Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Brothers, Mosher. manufacturers, [1888-?] Imprint: Independence, Iowa : Independence Collation: [11] leaves : col. ill. ; 23 x 27 cm. Book Co., c1894. Reel: 748 Position: 3 Collation: 249 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 747 Position: 1 Title: House that Jack built. Imprint: [New York] : McLoughlin Bros., publishers, [188-?] Author: Moss, Jonathan W. Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm. Title: The poetical works of Jonathan W. Moss. Reel: 748 Position: 4 Imprint: Cameron, W. Va. : Jonathan W. Moss, 1886. Collation: 230 p., [51] leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 Title: Illustrated ditties of the olden time. cm. Imprint: Boston : Reprinted and published by Reel: 747 Position: 2 Richard G. Badger & Co., 1900. Collation: [32] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 748 Position: 5 Author: Mossell, N. F., Mrs., 1855- Title: The work of the Afro-American woman / by Mrs. N.F. Mossell. Title: The illustrated Mother Goose. Imprint: Philadelphia : Geo. S. Ferguson Imprint: Cin[cinnati], O. : Peter G. Company, 1894. Thompson, [190-?] Collation: 178, [4], [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: [11] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. port. ; 17 cm. Reel: 748 Position: 6 Reel: 747 Position: 3

Title: Jack Spratt. Title: The Mother book. Imprint: [New York] : McLoughlin Bros., Imprint: Boston : H.H. Carter & Karick, c1885. publishers, [188-?] Collation: [2], 26 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm. Reel: 747 Position: 4 Reel: 748 Position: 7

32 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Title: Jolly jingles from Mother Goose, Title: Mother Goose's melodies : containing all profusely illustrated. that have ever come to light of her memorable Imprint: Chicago : M.A. Donohue & writings, illustrated throughout with engravings Co., [188-?] from original designs. Collation: [62] p, [1] leaf of plates : ill., music, 1 Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & port. ; 26 cm. Co., 1879. Reel: 748 Position: 8 Collation: 96 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 748 Position: 14

Author: Clark Thread Company. Title: Little Bo-Peep and other jingles. Title: Mother Goose's melodies. Imprint: [Newark, N.J. : Clark Thread Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bros., Company, 188-?] publishers, [188-?] Collation: [8] p. : ill. ; 12 cm. Collation: 64 p. : ill. ; 14 cm. Reel: 748 Position: 9 Reel: 749 Position: 1

Title: Mother Goose in a new dress : "Curly Title: Mother Goose's nursery rhymes : a Locks" and other rhymes. collection of alphabets, rhymes, tales and Imprint: New-York : McLoughlin Brothers, jingles / with illustrations by c1882. Sir John Gilbert ... [et. al.] Collation: [16] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 27 cm. Imprint: Chicago, Ill. : Mercantile Publishing & Reel: 748 Position: 10 Advertising Co., 1892. Collation: 288 p. : ill., music ; 20 cm. Reel: 749 Position: 2 Title: Mother Goose in white : Mother Goose rhymes, with silhouette illustrations / by J.F. Goodridge .. Title: Mother Goose's pocket of pleasure : filled Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard Publishers ; with her original riddles, rhymes, chimes, New York : Charles T. Dillingham, 1879, c1878. jingles, and lullabies for the nursery and Collation: 102, [2] p. : ill. ; 16 x 19 cm. trundle-bed. Profusely illustrated. Reel: 748 Position: 11 Imprint: Boston : Locke & Bubier, 1875. Collation: 10, [2]-95, 112, [96], 120 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. Title: Mother Goose's chimes. Reel: 749 Position: 3 Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bros., [188-?] Collation: 68 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 17 cm. Reel: 748 Position: 12 Title: Mother Goose's quarto of nursery rhymes Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bros., publisher, [188-?] Title: Mother Goose's melodies, or, Songs for Collation: [48] p. : ill. ; 13 cm. the nursery / with illustrations in color by Reel: 749 Position: 4 Alfred Kappes. Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Osgood and Company, 1879, c1878 (Cambridge : The Title: Old Mother Hubbard's Star rhymes Riverside Press) Imprint: Cin't [i.e. Cincinnati, Ohio] : The Frey Collation: xix, 3, 186 p., 8 leaves of Ptg. Co., [189-?] plates : color ill., music ; 26 cm. Collation: 16 p. : col. ill. ; 14 cm. Reel: 748 Position: 13 Reel: 749 Position: 5

33 American Poetry Unit 15: Reels 701-750 Title: Old nurse's book of rhymes, jingles, and Title: The true Mother Goose. Songs for the ditties / as written by Mother Goose ; with thirty nusery, or, Mother Goose's melodies for original designs by Charles W. Bennett. children : The true text without addition or Imprint: Philadelphia : Davis, Porter & abridgment. / Notes and pictures Co., [188-?] by Blanche McManus. Collation: 30 p. : color ill. ; 17 cm. Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Lamson, Reel: 749 Position: 6 Wolffe and Company, 1896, c1895. Collation: x, 138 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Reel: 750 Position: 4 Title: The original Mother Goose melodies / with silhouette illustrations by J.F. Goodridge. Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard, publishers ; Title: The Wonderful adventures of Humpty New York : Charles T. Dillingham, 1878. Dumpty / illustrated by Thos. Nast. Collation: 104 p. : ill. ; 15 x 19 cm. Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bros. & Co., Reel: 749 Position: 7 publisher, [188-?] Collation: 2 v. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. Reel: 750 Position: 5 Title: The original Mother Goose melody : as issued by John Newbery, of London, circa 1760, Isaiah Thomas, of Worcester, Mass., circa 1785, Title: Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy and Munroe & Francis, of Boston, circa 1825. / tales : compiled from authoritative sources, with Reproduced in fac-simile, from the first two hundred and thirty-four illustrations. Worcester edition, with introductory notes by Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry Altemus William H. Whitmore ; to which are added the Company, c1896. fairy tales of Mother Goose, first collected by Collation: 254, [2], 9, [7] p., [4] leaves Perrault in 1696 reprinted from the original of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 17 cm. translation into English, by R. Samber in 1729. Reel: 750 Position: 6 Imprint: Boston : Damrell & Upham, The Old Corner Bookstore ; London : Griffith Farran & Co., limited, 1892. Title: Mother Goose's nursery rhymes / with 250 Collation: [2], 117 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., pictures by F. Opper. facsims., 1 port. ; 25 cm. Imprint: Philadelphia & ; London : J.B. Reel: 750 Position: 1 Lippincott Company, 1900, c1899. Collation: 320 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. (1 col.) ; 22 cm. Title: Rock-a-bye baby and other rhymes Reel: 750 Position: 7 Imprint: New York : McLoughlin Bro's., c1882. Collation: [8] p. : color ill. ; 25 cm. Reel: 750 Position: 2

Title: The story of the house that Jack built / Margaret Landers Randolph, illustrator .. Imprint: [Clinton, N.Y.] : Cedarine Mfg. Co., c1894. Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 750 Position: 3


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