Guntupalli. Anilkumar
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G U N T U P A L L I . A N I L K U M A R
H P C . R E G N O : R A 6 1 2 7 4
P E R M A N E N T A D D R E S S : G . A N I L K U M A R , S / O A P P A R A O , D R / N O 6 - 1 0 5 A G O T T I P A D U ( P . O ) PRATTIPADU(M.D), GUNTUR(D.T) ANDHRA PRADESH,INDIA MOBILE- OFFICE HAND: 00919397893991 HOME : 00919490941350
PERSONAL PROFILE Name : Anil Kumar Sur Name : Guntupalli Date of birth : 27th July 1974. Father’s name : Appa Rao.G Nationality : Indian. Linguistic Abilities : English, ,Hindi, Telugu& Tamil Marital Status : Married. Passport No : H 1900873
PROFILE I am hard working and work well in a target oriented and busy environment. I have a pleasing outgoing personality and have an ability to convince my ideas. I have the self confidence to carry out the work entrusted to me loyally. Being a quick learner, I am sure that I’ll be proven as a good employee for your organization.
I am having the sufficient bank balance and I had attended IELTS also.
Course Institute/College/University Year of Passing Z.P.H.School,Pyaparru 1 Xth STD 1989 Andhra Pradesh ,India. V.S.R&NVRcollege, 2 XII STD 1990-92 Tenali,A.P,India B.Sc., Nagarjuna university ,Guntur 3 1992– 95 Computer Science A.P, India GRAMIT International school of medical Radiology and 4 imaging technology, 1995 – 98 Imaging Science Hyderabad, India. Technology DMIT Radiology and Tammineni paramedical 5 2003 – 05 Imaging Science Institute , Vijayawada, India. Technology
GRAMIT in Radiography and Imaging Sciences Technology
A three-year degree course in the field of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, which includes internship in advanced imaging modalities.
International school of Medical Imaging Technology,
(A Division of R.S Medical Imaging Technology)
Hyderabad, India. Clinical Internship in Radiology & Imaging Sciences.
TOTAL HOURS OF THE CURICULLUM First year 700 hrs Second year 1250 hrs Third year 1275 hrs Clinical internship 2100 hrs.
WORK EXPERIENCE Now I am doing for India’s First Tilting / vertical & Peripheral Joints MRI ( Esaote) application.
Employer (Present) : Esaote India( NS) Ltd, Hyderabad, India
Duration : 01-02-2007 to till date
Designation : MRI & Vascular Application Specialist.
Job Description
MRI Training to the MRI radiographers and explain to radiologist. Safety Precautions in view of Patient.
Safety Precautions in view of Machine.
How to get best quality of image with less time.
About MRI system keys, functions, operating, proper sequence (manipulation and creation) applying.
Position of patient, placing of coils, fast scanning techniques.
How make a good film formatting and windowing.
Explain to a would come customer about our system quality, list of sequences and technical details.
Making an academic film to show in radiological conference.
In free ( MRI work is not there ) time i will look after installations of Ultrasound and color Doppler application and installation
Machine used : XGY (China), Oper View 0.3T and 0.35T.
Esaote ( Italy), Ultrasound & Color Doppler’s
Of My lab series.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Employer : Global Medical Center, Vijayawada. Andhra Pradesh, India.)
Duration : 28-04-1998 to 31-01-2007.
Designation : Senior MRI/CT Radiographer.
Duties & Responsibilities: Responsible for all patient imaging procedures – reflection of the impact of ethics, safety and legal requirements on clinical practice .
Performing pre-examination safety checks with patients, relatives and staff to ensure MRI compatibility and patient safety.
. Ensuring the patient is free from any kind of metallic implants, which may be harmful to the patient or the equipment, in order to that get a brief history of the patient and to complete the check list form . Explain the patient about the nature of the examination and prepare the patient mentally and physically. . Responsible for performing MRI & CT as required by the staff physicians under the direction of radiologist . Perform a variety of CT and MRI imaging procedures using standard protocols; Obtain images, produces film records and backups from desk to storage media, and transfers from desk to work stations, and post processing of images in workstation using medical imaging software . Communicating with physicians, nurses and other members of the team concerning patient status and diagnosis . Using radiation protection accessories to all patients and minimize the radiationdose in CT. . Recognition of Image Artifacts and Rectification. . Documentation of procedures and patient data in appropriate records. . Doing scan in appropriate to the clinical correlation to the assessment of extent and characterization of the lesion. . Screen the patient have any kind of allergic reaction to the contrast media. If there is, prepare the patient. .
. Monitoring the patient after injecting contrast media and prepare the emergency drugs if any reaction occurs
. To maintain stock of the department.
. Universal precautions.
Procedures performed:
MRI Imaging Technique of Head, Spine, Extremities, Musculoskeletal Perform Angiograms (Renal, Carotids, Aorta, Intracranial, Peripheral) Special Procedures (MRCP with breath hold techniques, Fistulogram Study) Angiography like 2DTOF, 3DTOF, Triggered TOF sequences Special contrast studies for Sella, Liver, Prostate, Ovary, etc Advanced applications of software techniques like MPR, VR, MIP, Curved reformations.
Worked With: . GE 0.5T & Philips1.5T
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Advanced image production by selecting appropriate parameter. Spiral mode with high speed and high quality techniques by selecting appropriate pitch ratio. Cine mode for coronary angiogram, calcium scoring and perfusion studies. Adjustment of tube rotation time for high speed technique and artifact reductions. Artifact identification and compensation. Contrast media and precautionaries. CT angiograms like cerebral, carotid, pulmonary, thoracic, abdominal, renal, iliac and peripheral angiograms. Advanced applications like MIP, MPVR, MinIP, SD, VR and curved reformations. Worked With: Soma tom ARCT, Siemens
RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE: Performs All Plain X-Rays and Able To Process Films
FLUOROSCOPIC PROCEDURE: Barium Swallow Barium Meal Barium Enema Enteroclysis Micturating Cystourethrogram (MCU) Intravenous Urogram (IVU) Sialogram Sinogram Fistulogram Hysterosalphingogram (HSG) Worked With: Siemens, 500 mA Intensifier..
AREAS OF INTEREST Magnetic resonance imaging
Computed Tomography
PROFESSIONAL AFFLIATIONS Health professional council, UK (Reg No-RA61274)
Andhra Pradesh Paramedical Board, India. (Reg No : 0091/DMIT)
Member, Indian Association Of Radiology Technologist(IART),Chandigarh India.(L . M No-1349)
INTRESTS Reading and Teaching for knowledge sharing. Listening to music.
REFRENCES Dr.V.N.Vara Prasad,MD HOD Radiology, Global Multi specialty Hospital. Vijayawada.AP INDIA Mobile.N0- 00919440280444 [email protected] Dr.Ravindra kamble,MD,DM( Neuro radiologist) Xcellent Scans, Chennai India. Phone: 0091984004495
I, Guntupalli Anil Kumar hereby declare that the information presented above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: India.
Name:Guntupalli .Anil Kumar.